Good character names are running out, huh?

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Generally the argument being made here is that people here are not creative because they create something that has a similar element to something someone else made.
Not similar, the SAME. We're not talking about someone else creating another regenerating mutant with claws... we're talking about people creating the EXACT SAME NAME that someone else already thought of. You can't try to claim to be creative when you want what someone else had first. It's as simple as that.



I can't call a character 'Doctor Fallout', because somebody thought of it before me.

I can't call a character 'Superman', because somebody thought of it before me.

Luckily, I am both creative and adaptive enough to come up with a different name. So I just deal with it. Without trying to cheapen the name somebody else came up with.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Not similar, the SAME. We're not talking about someone else creating another regenerating mutant with claws... we're talking about people creating the EXACT SAME NAME that someone else already thought of. You can't try to claim to be creative when you want what someone else had first. It's as simple as that.
Two players both could have come up with imaginative, iconic character names, but the one who registered the name first on a particular server gets to keep it. I think that process is fine, and it's similar to patenting inventions.

However, it doesn't make the second person who attempted to register the name some sort of dullard, since there's no way to find out if a name's already in use apart from using the "check name" feature.



Originally Posted by Godpants View Post
Two players both could have come up with imaginative, iconic character names, but the one who registered the name first on a particular server gets to keep it. I think that process is fine, and it's similar to patenting inventions.

However, it doesn't make the second person who attempted to register the name some sort of dullard, since there's no way to find out if a name's already in use apart from using the "check name" feature.
I can accept this of course. What I'm saying is that when you demand to have the same name or get in a huff because other people have taken "your names" and demand a way to still have that name even though someone else does.... when you give up... that's where I draw the line at "uncreative".

When people demand that the SYSTEM changes because they aren't creative to think of a new name or don't have the "stamina" to keep trying... that's when I have an issue.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Sam's Post was
"I got a name that I like, and people say they can't get the one's they like, HA!"
No, nothing of the sort, but it just shows me you only see what you want to see and ignore everything else. If you read my post and see it as rubbing it in your face, then you are beyond arguing with.

If you actually cared to read it, and I'm beginning to seriously doubt you ever did, it's more "I got a name that I like and so can you if you tried." but apparently that makes me some kind of elitist jerk. Do you really want me to play the bad guy here? Really?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I can accept this of course. What I'm saying is that when you demand to have the same name or get in a huff because other people have taken "your names" and demand a way to still have that name even though someone else does.... when you give up... that's where I draw the line at "uncreative".

When people demand that the SYSTEM changes because they aren't creative to think of a new name or don't have the "stamina" to keep trying... that's when I have an issue.
I was getting "In a huff" because anytime the subject comes up, the majority opinion is "You're just not creative enough" which leads to an annoying argument instead of an intelligent discussion.

I always change my characters, not just the names, but change the character to suit the new name, as I've said before. Does'nt mean I'm not allowed to be annoyed with the process, and it does'nt mean I'm less creative.

No, nothing of the sort, but it just shows me you only see what you want to see and ignore everything else. If you read my post and see it as rubbing it in your face, then you are beyond arguing with.
The general tone of your post was rather sarcastic, it was'nt you offering a friendly option for those having trouble naming their characters, of which there are many already. The title of it implies insult to people who find the names they want taken.
If you actually cared to read it, and I'm beginning to seriously doubt you ever did, it's more "I got a name that I like and so can you if you tried." but apparently that makes me some kind of elitist jerk. Do you really want me to play the bad guy here? Really?
Once again, the tone was'nt helpful or encouraging, it was just sarcastic.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



The hard link between name and design is a personal issue not a community one.



Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
I can't call a character 'Doctor Fallout', because somebody thought of it before me.

I can't call a character 'Superman', because somebody thought of it before me.

Luckily, I am both creative and adaptive enough to come up with a different name.
"Super Dr. Fallout Man"?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
The hard link between name and design is a personal issue not a community one.
I'm not going to listen to a woman with bunnies in her bra!

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
This sounds like the old argument, "But I wanna be named THE Batman."

The comicbook character didnt have a orange belt his was black and yellow... and his name didnt have a period after it all the time, just when it was at the end of a sentence...


Did you know there are other words for Dark, other than DARK?

Main Entry: dark
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: lack of light
Synonyms: Cimmerian, aphotic, atramentous, black, blackish, caliginous, clouded, cloudy, crepuscular, darkened, dim, dingy, drab, dull, dun, dusk, dusky, faint, foggy, gloomy, grimy, ill-lighted, indistinct, inky, lightless, lurid, misty, murky, nebulous, obfuscous, obscure, opaque, overcast, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, rayless, shaded, shadowy, shady, somber, sooty, stygian, sunless, tenebrous, unlighted, unlit, vague

Did you know there are other words for Sentinel, besides Sentinel?

Main Entry: sentinel
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: sentry
Synonyms: guard, keeper, lookout, picket, protector, watchman/woman, watchperson

So your telling me that to become ingame... Dark Sentinel that

1) Dark Sentinel'
2) Dark Sentinel.
3) Dark Sentinel-
4) Dark-Sentinel
5) Dark.Sentinel
6) Dark'Sentinel
8) x Dark Sentinel
9) x Dark Sentinel x
10 dark sentinel
11) dark SENTINEL

1) Aphotic Watchman is taken?
2) Nebulous Lookout is taken?
3) Faint Protector is taken?
4) Shady Picket is taken?

You're saying all those combinations of all those words and symbols are taken and therefor you should just automatically get a name someone else chose, however long ago... on an account that has never been inactive and who has ALWAYS been subscribed to the game supporting it through ups and downs?

That is your opinion, amirite?

Well, I honestly think that's dumb. I have had over 100 characters at this point and I have never had a problem getting a name. On Virtue or Freedom.
If you think Faint Protector is a good replacement for Dark Sentinel then arguing this with you is pointless. Just because words are listed in a Thesarus doesn't mean that putting them together makes them mean the same thing.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
I'm not going to listen to a woman with bunnies in her bra!
I'd rather not cause the deletion of another thread.



Originally Posted by Mr_Zek View Post
If you think Faint Protector is a good replacement for Dark Sentinel then arguing this with you is pointless. Just because words are listed in a Thesarus doesn't mean that putting them together makes them mean the same thing.
Sometimes it's the same and sometimes it's not. It depends on how signifigant the name and it's particulars are to you.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Sometimes it's the same and sometimes it's not. It depends on how signifigant the name and it's particulars are to you.
Shadowed Sentinel sounds a lot better then Faint Protector anyways.



Originally Posted by Mr_Zek View Post
If you think Faint Protector is a good replacement for Dark Sentinel then arguing this with you is pointless. Just because words are listed in a Thesarus doesn't mean that putting them together makes them mean the same thing.
Isn't that what a Thesaurus is for, finding words that mean the same thing?

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I always get a chuckle when it turns into "proving" all the awesome names left by saying "I just got 'Carnelian Mealworm' and 'Bumplejack Velvetnose'!"
It's not so much "proving" as giving evidence for "you might be surprised at what's still out there."

I got "Macavity" and "Great Rumpuscat" on Triumph just last Sunday - and if the names of a couple reasonably-famous literary characters have sat untouched for so long, who knows what else hasn't been taken either? Sometimes you get lucky, though I do agree it's frustrating when you don't.



You know, on the other hand...

If you think you've come up with a unique name, you can always search for that name via Google. If you get back a lot of pages with that specific name, then you know that perhaps the name you just came up with isn't so unique afterall! And chances are, it's already taken.

EDIT: For example:



In fact, I think I want to make some Google searches for names of my own characters. Mind you, some of these characters I've had for a long time, so that kind of gave me the advantage of picking them up first. Haha!

Electric Fairy (Elec/Dev/Elec Blaster, my first hero!)
Cyborg Systre (Robots/Traps MM, my first villain!)
PowerBlade (Because "Power Blade" was already taken! WP/DB Tank)
Baalah (My first Warshade - OMG, I had no idea!)
La Chica Loca (Thugs/Poison MM)

A cool anecdote about "PowerBlade." And I'll note that all these are on Virtue! Some time ago, I ended up teaming with "Power Blade". This was a pick-up group. As I recall, a bit later we ended up picking up another hero named "Blade of Power." We all had a great big laugh.



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
It's not so much "proving" as giving evidence for "you might be surprised at what's still out there."
Agreed, I just made a spines/fire scrapper and named him Fever Spike a couple weeks ago. I thought for sure the name would be taken, and I was surprised.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
The general tone of your post was rather sarcastic, it was'nt you offering a friendly option for those having trouble naming their characters, of which there are many already. The title of it implies insult to people who find the names they want taken.
I wasn't offering friendly advice because I didn't post to offer advice, partly because people like you always turn around and throw it right back in my face, and partly because I didn't post to offer advice, but rather because I was happy I got a name when I was CONVINCED I would be completely unable to get a name without switching theme entirely. I'm sorry my happiness is such a sore spot in your eyes, but if you'd actually read my words rather than my tone, you might have seen that. Let me explain, just as a saving throw against being a total dick.

I was convinced that good, obvious names had long since run out. If you've participated in any of the recent threads that I have, you might have seen me claim that all the obvious names went on day one. Not last week, not last year, not "recently." On day one as soon as the door opened and people poured in to make their characters. That's the day when all the "Ultra Man" and "Flame Lass" and "Icegirl" names went. Poof, just like that. They have not been back since and they will never be back because, on the off chance they are freed, someone snatches them up pretty much on the spot, so you're never going to get an obvious name. Ever.

Or so I thought. However, having gotten a decent name without diverging from concept, that changed my mind. I no longer believe that all the good, obvious names are gone, because I now have proof that they are not. If I can find a name like this, anyone can find a name like this. Obviously, if someone has already found a name he can't use, then this discussion is completely inappropriate for that, because it's about FINDING names, not griping about names you can't change. If you can't change it, there's nothing to find. If you can't budge or yield or alternate a bit, then you have my condolences, but I was never talking to you to begin with. In fact, I wasn't talking to you at all. I was addressing my own belief that the obvious names were over, which you will see plain as daylight if you actually read my original post.

I never claimed anyone who can't find a name was uncreative, and rather than misquoting me on that, I would appreciate if you could find a direct, real quote that has me saying it or stop insisting I did. I never claimed it was easy, I never claimed it was always possible, I never claimed that it would work for anyone. In fact, if you'd read my original post, I never claimed my own name was actually any good. All I said was that I liked it, and I was confident there are still names left out there that other people will like. In fact, the only thing that original post said was "Look what I found! I'm happy with it! If you look, maybe you will be, too!"

And, forgive me for the harsh tone, but I'm getting a little tired of passive-aggressive people who can't see past their own noses reading every thread or post about how someone has found a good name or how good names can be found as some kind of hidden insult against their intelligence. And, yes, resorting to using "tone" as an argument is pretty dang low, because it's basically an impregnable argument. "That was your tone." "No it wasn't." "That's what it sounded like to me." Well, yeah, but it wasn't, and unless you can bring out a tuning fork to prove it, I will trust myself.

If you've ever found yourself not being able to use a name you wanted, I'm sorry. You have my honest condolences, because I've been in the same boat more than once. Nevertheless, do avoid inserting yourself as the victim every time the topic of character names comes about. It may not seem like it, but not a lot of people lie in wait for the perfect opportunity to call you uncreative. Most of us are just happy with the names we've gotten. Why does that bug you?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
I'm having a hard time understanding your logic here.

What I'm saying is:
If I eat a sandwhich, you can't have it, because I ate it. If I take a name, noone else can have it, because I took it and the game won't allow two people with the same name. My having the name, by the very nature of the system, prevents anyone else from having it.
Yes, we get that just fine.
Where we have a difference of OPINION, is that some of us think this is a good thing for the game, while you clearly think it is not.

That's our logic - we feel that having unique names is BETTER FOR THE GAME. Unfortunately, I can't see any way to gather evidence either for or against this opinion.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
There's an innate value to the uniqueness of the name.
Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
No, not really, not with people.A chair is a chair is a chair. But two Jonhs are not alike. A human is a human is a human, but two Johns will still not be the same.
You might as well stop right there.

Sailboat's OPINION is that the uniqueness of a name has inherent value.
Your OPINION is that it does not.

For either of you to try to 'correct' the other is just stupid.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
I was getting "In a huff" because anytime the subject comes up, the majority opinion is "You're just not creative enough" which leads to an annoying argument instead of an intelligent discussion.
Actually, based on my reading of the various threads, I think the majority opinion is that people prefer the system the way it is. I think most people don't care *WHY* someone can't get the name they want (resulting in forum posts). We (I put myself in this group) just want the system to stay the way it is because we think it's BETTER.

Not because we're greedy jerks.
Not because we enjoy that some people struggle to find names they like.
Not because we're contrary.
We honestly think this is the best way to handle character naming.

Also, and this should be BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, we're still playing the game and have just as much chance as anyone else of having our first choice unavailable the next time we make a character. We just feel this is an acceptable trade-off for the benefit of unique names.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



...I'm getting a little tired of passive-aggressive people who can't see past their own noses reading every thread...
Welcome to the Internet!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Welcome to the Internet!
You should have quoted a little more of that, since I can't recognise my own post the way you cropped it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You should have quoted a little more of that, since I can't recognise my own post the way you cropped it.
I don't like your tone. You sound aggressive to me, so that must mean you're an evil meany! This chip on my shoulder is proof enough of that!