Good character names are running out, huh?

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Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Okay, I'm having problems understanding this comment.

So, my choosing a name, which prevents anyone else from having that name, requires them to be more creative in finding a name for themselves, limits their creative process?

more creative = limiting creativity

Got it.

No, you limit THEIR creative process by enforcing YOUR creatiive process on them.

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
No, you limit THEIR creative process by enforcing YOUR creatiive process on them.
Wait... Red is restricting their creativity by suggesting ways in which they can arrive at names that aren't the same as someone else's?

I'm confused...

Looking at the Wiki article:

Creativity is a mental and social process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight. An alternative conception of creativeness (based on its etymology) is that it is simply the act of making something new.
So.... creativity requires NEW. How does wanting the same... already existing name that someone else thought of first involve newness?



This sounds like the old argument, "But I wanna be named THE Batman."

The comicbook character didnt have a orange belt his was black and yellow... and his name didnt have a period after it all the time, just when it was at the end of a sentence...


Did you know there are other words for Dark, other than DARK?

Main Entry: dark
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: lack of light
Synonyms: Cimmerian, aphotic, atramentous, black, blackish, caliginous, clouded, cloudy, crepuscular, darkened, dim, dingy, drab, dull, dun, dusk, dusky, faint, foggy, gloomy, grimy, ill-lighted, indistinct, inky, lightless, lurid, misty, murky, nebulous, obfuscous, obscure, opaque, overcast, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, rayless, shaded, shadowy, shady, somber, sooty, stygian, sunless, tenebrous, unlighted, unlit, vague

Did you know there are other words for Sentinel, besides Sentinel?

Main Entry: sentinel
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: sentry
Synonyms: guard, keeper, lookout, picket, protector, watchman/woman, watchperson

So your telling me that to become ingame... Dark Sentinel that

1) Dark Sentinel'
2) Dark Sentinel.
3) Dark Sentinel-
4) Dark-Sentinel
5) Dark.Sentinel
6) Dark'Sentinel
8) x Dark Sentinel
9) x Dark Sentinel x
10 dark sentinel
11) dark SENTINEL

1) Aphotic Watchman is taken?
2) Nebulous Lookout is taken?
3) Faint Protector is taken?
4) Shady Picket is taken?

You're saying all those combinations of all those words and symbols are taken and therefor you should just automatically get a name someone else chose, however long ago... on an account that has never been inactive and who has ALWAYS been subscribed to the game supporting it through ups and downs?

That is your opinion, amirite?

Well, I honestly think that's dumb. I have had over 100 characters at this point and I have never had a problem getting a name. On Virtue or Freedom.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Well my name is -Dark Sentinel, but you can call me -
I LOLed.



My whole argument to this name thingy is this....

If they ever decide to do a HUGE name purge and wipe out names on dead accounts 3 years or older....who does it really hurt? Surely not the ex-player who has not logged on since the first month of launch. IF they ever returned to the game, they should expect their names removed. The Devs should not worry about hurting the feelings of non-existing customers.Care for the loyal paying ones.

This would free up original and not so original names. Those that argue..."Thesaurus is your friend" are not really understanding the angle some are coming from. Yes there are variations of names, but sometimes a player wants to create a simple toon with a simple name. Others like myself have thought up superheroes dating back to their childhood and would simply like to have a shot at grabbing that not so original name they were given years ago. It is not a lack of is just a connection to a certain name.

Currently all of my toons do have what I think pretty original names and yes I do feel excited when I think up a pretty obscure, yet understandable name for a toon. However, for sentimental sake there are few heroes I would love to breath life into that a name purge may help allow that chance. Again....for those against a huge broad scale does this really affect you in a negative way?



It is not a lack of creativity..
Yes it is.

That being said, the devs stated the last time that there was a name purge... that it didn't end up purging MUCH. I don't think anyone here is against another name purge... but it probably won't do as much as you think it will.



Simply put there is no room for creativity in a binary system.

If you can only think of one name you are not creative.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Simply put there is no room for creativity in a binary system.

If you can only think of one name you are not creative.
So if you think of another name, and don't like that you were forced to?

This has nothing to do with only being able to think of one name, as I've proposed a mechanic that would make everyone think of at least two for each character, All I'm trying to convey right now is that this stubborn resistance to any change in the naming system does no good for anyone.
The problem is'nt
"I can't think of a name" It's
"I thought of a name, and then someone made me do something I did'nt want to"

This is'nt even about "common" or "Unoriginal" names. I can make up a word or name, and someone else could have got it three years ago under completely different circumstances, and now something I completely pulled out of nowhere is unavailable.

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
This is'nt even about "common" or "Unoriginal" names. I can make up a word or name, and someone else could have got it three years ago under completely different circumstances, and now something I completely pulled out of nowhere is unavailable.
Because it was already in use...hence unoriginal.

That's like the literal definition of unoriginal.



See that's where this conversation goes in circles. Stubborn, uncreative people that can't ADMIT that they are stubborn or uncreative. Seriously, if you guys could just ADMIT that you are stubborn and uncreative... then we can move forward and find ways to facilitate and ALLOW you to remain stubborn and uncreative.

We can't resolve a problem if people won't admit that they have a problem.

I'm a cold, un-empathetic ******-bag... but I ADMIT that I am... so now I can work on it from there. It's hard sometimes but you have to admit you have a problem before you can work on it!



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Because it was already in use...hence unoriginal.

That's like the literal definition of unoriginal.
So... wait, you're trying to say there's something wrong with two people having similar elements?
Every person who wants a taken name is'nt trying to copy the person who has it. In fact I'd wager the overwhelming majority have no idea WHO has the name or care in any capacity. The remaing mniority are most likely griefers. This is a very weird argument. Is it unoriginal in the sense that it already exists? well, yes, but so is everything else, "No new things under the sun and all that". I've been using the phrase "Non-unique" since the beginning. And yes, I'm VERY stubborn. Don't see how that makes me wrong.

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
So... wait, you're trying to say there's something wrong with two people having similar elements?
Every person who wants a taken name is'nt trying to copy the person who has it. In fact I'd wager the overwhelming majority have no idea WHO has the name or do care. THe remaing mniority or most likely griefers. This is a very weird argument. Is it unoriginal in the sense that it already exists? well, yes, but so is everything else. And yes, I'm VERY stubborn. Don't see how that makes me wrong.
Logic is not weird. If it's already in use it's not original. This means you can't claim you can't use your original creative name because it's in use. That type of fallacy should be embarrassingly obvious.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Logic is not weird. If it's already in use it's not original. This means you can't claim you can't use your original creative name because it's in use. That type of fallacy should be embarrassingly obvious.
I beleive I was still arguing the other point when you came in, which caused my confusion. It should be noted that I made a similar point here.

Again, there are technically no truly unique names, just unique people and characters. Names are a part of those characters and can be signifigant in different ways. Right now, anybody else who has X name is stopping me and anyone else from having X name. Does'nt make them unique, it just makes them first in a system that does'nt allow for two characters with the same name, despite all the Johns out there in real life.
It's one thing to say it's not an original name within the context of this game by the dictionary definition, which is as I see it not the argument being made. It's entirely different to say I'm not being creative if I have the same name.

The argument I'm seeing by the majority is
"You're copying me!"
which has absolutley nothing to do with anything, something I've been trying to say this whole time.

So I'm probably seeing you making the same argument of
"no, you just suck" which has no logic in it.

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I was commenting on your use of the word unoriginal. Putting it in quotey marks doesn't change the base meaning.

It's completely possible to try and do the same thing without the intent to copy.

But that doesn't change the fact it's not an original name.

But if only one name in and of itself will fit then you are uncreative and unoriginal.

Uncreative because of your binary state and unoriginal because [see above].



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I was commenting on your use of the word unoriginal. Putting it in quotey marks doesn't change the base meaning.
Yes, but the general context of the use of original in this thread has been as a synonym of creative, accurate or not, this compunded with posts like.

Creativity is a mental and social process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight. An alternative conception of creativeness (based on its etymology) is that it is simply the act of making something new.
So.... creativity requires NEW. How does wanting the same... already existing name that someone else thought of first involve newness?
Emphasis mine.

Generally the argument being made here is that people here are not creative because they create something that has a similar element to something someone else made. And that them being displeased about being forced to change their idea is just senseless whining because they are "Uncreative/Unoriginal" there are no original ideas, and very few original combinations of old ideas.
But if only one name in and of itself will fit then you are uncreative and unoriginal.

Uncreative because of your binary state and unoriginal because [see above].
So only ideas that have multiple interpretations are creative?

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Yes, but the general context of the use of original in this thread has been as a synonym of creative, accurate or not, this compunded with posts like.
Emphasis mine.

Generally the argument being made here is that people here are not creative because they create something that has a similar element to something someone else made. And that them being displeased about being forced to change their idea is just senseless whining because they are "Uncreative/Unoriginal" there are no original ideas, and very few original combinations of old ideas.

So only ideas that have multiple interpretations are creative?
[see above]



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
[see above]
So a person who creates a character who has chosen or is designed around one name is uncreative because they... created something? If they never created anything else, then sure, but if that particular character was put together very tightly, and maybe even all of their characters were, I don't see what's uncreative about that.

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
So a person who creates a character who has chosen or is designed around one name is vcreative because they... created something? IF they never created anything else, then sure, but if that particular was put together very tightly, I don't see what's uncreative about that.
If that name is only acceptable in one particular incarnation and the whole character has no value without it then yes.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
If that name is only acceptable in one particular incarnation and the whole character has no value without it then yes.
Well then I guess I just disagree with you there

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Well then I guess I just disagree with you there
You are free to be wrong ^_^.



It's my God- given right as a citizen of our beautiful city! so glad to see you sharing in it so eagerly! :P
Let's go get some American Cheeseburgers!

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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
It's my God- given right as a citizen of our beautiful city! so glad to see you sharing in it so eagerly! :P
Let's go get some American Cheeseburgers!
My glorious cleavage prevents me from being wrong.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
My glorious cleavage prevents me from being wrong.
*reaches in and pulls out a rabbit*
What's so glorious about that?

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