Honestly, we need this - Instant PuGs

Adeon Hawkwood



Instant PuG at a touch of a button

The new find a group system in WoW seems pretty awesome:

* Cross realm (or in our case, cross server)
* Allows you to choose a role (in their case - healer/tank/dps; in ours - aggro control/damage/support/debuff)
* Join as a group or solo (possibly allow groups to advertise available spots and have the computer fill with LFG players)
* Bonuses for teaming (in their case, you get an animated pet; in ours - maybe reward merits?)
* Looking for raid (in their case, dungeons; in ours - TFs)
* Smart matching

I honestly think that many (not all) CoH players overthink things when forming teams and a system that streamlines and make getting to groups faster would be an excellent addition.

I'd love to see a City of Hero-ized version of this



Cant hurt to have this feature at least. Some are just terrible in forming teams. Or annoying asking all over the place for one.

To have it aside the normal way of making teams would be ok. Not instead!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



a couple things...

I'm not sure that cross server would be possible.
And we already get bonuses for teaming. It's called higher XP and more drops.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



not to be a jerk.

Okay, I am with this... but... you seriously think WoW came up with this? BZZZT WRONG!!!

Planetside had a cross-continent auto-join team feature for, well, couple of years now. In the Planetside system you could setup spots asking for a Medic, an Engy, a Pilot, a Combat Engy, and Advanced-Med, a specific vehicle driver, and so on. You could also state what the purpose of the team was for. Dropping Gens, taking towers, CC holds, Courtyard holds, and so on.

At the time of it's inception, the Planetside LFT system was possibly one of the best aggregate Looking for Team systems implemented in any MMO. Unfortunately, many of the teaming improvements came after the dev team had successfully chased off the majority of the player base.



This feature looked awesome to me as well. However, some past experiences with a similar system in WoW kind of makes me hesitant about wanting to see this in CoX. When Blizzard added cross-server battlegrounds, it abolished all sense of server community from the BGs. It went from friendly server rivalry and camaraderie to an endless stream of different faces. Now, maybe it won't have such an impact in CoX due to its smaller playerbase, but I think I'd rather take it slow and start off with an improved LFG/LFM interface first.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
...Okay, I am with this... but... you seriously think WoW came up with this? BZZZT WRONG!!!
Looking at what the OP said there was no indication he said, hey look what WoW made up out of thin air and no one else has it.

He just said it is a new feature they added and it would be cool here. Maybe he did no play Planetside before.

I like this idea, it is like a beginners guide for pugging or if you want to be lazy sometime :P



On paper this is a great feature. In practice, every time I used it in WoW, I wound up getting onto a team that had no clue what they were doing or were looking for someone to complete their quests or were farmers.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
not to be a jerk.

Okay, I am with this... but... you seriously think WoW came up with this? BZZZT WRONG!!!

Planetside had a cross-continent auto-join team feature for, well, couple of years now. In the Planetside system you could setup spots asking for a Medic, an Engy, a Pilot, a Combat Engy, and Advanced-Med, a specific vehicle driver, and so on. You could also state what the purpose of the team was for. Dropping Gens, taking towers, CC holds, Courtyard holds, and so on.

At the time of it's inception, the Planetside LFT system was possibly one of the best aggregate Looking for Team systems implemented in any MMO. Unfortunately, many of the teaming improvements came after the dev team had successfully chased off the majority of the player base.
I really don't care whether or not it was innovated by WoW or Planetside, etc. Not the point.



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
To have it aside the normal way of making teams would be ok. Not instead!
I'd agree with this. As an addition to...

I'm looking at this from a small population server perspective, though I do mostly play on one of the bigger ones. I think it could be a neat way to balance the difference between servers where populations are smaller (and hence teaming opportunities more scarce) and larger ones (where maybe the feature won't be needed at all).



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Sounds like a computer aided blind invite system. No thanks
Yes it is...though it's simplifying it. However, I've been in many situations where I've seen four-five players all around the same level range say "x AT lft" all within 30 seconds of each other.

While I think the teaming interface is CoX is relatively good, I'm open to see improvements/additions. Clearly, it isn't perfect.



Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
On paper this is a great feature. In practice, every time I used it in WoW, I wound up getting onto a team that had no clue what they were doing or were looking for someone to complete their quests or were farmers.
That is good to know. It adds balance to what I'm about to add.

On the flipside, my best friend told me he's enjoying the cross-realm instant pick up group arrangement. I was unconvinced, as I've heard legendary tales about horrible WoW pugs. In fact, pugging there was so bad, I could not convince several serious game players to try CoH because they heard we pug all the time. They only had their reference viewpoint to work with.

Anyway, my friend has told me not only does he enjoy the new experience, he's made several solid in-game friends from it. When he explained the cross-realm stuff, I immediately thought of our community. It would allow "quieter" servers, while still granting those on the "quiet" server the opportunity to team with more people. Shoot, I may revive my toons on the less populated servers if our dev team can figure out how to do this.

Not sure what this would mean for mothership raids though...



Yeah, it looks all glittery and stuff, but you do realize a similar thing could be facilitated with a simple serverwide channel? Or, for cross-server functionality, a global with no member limit?



Sounds very interesting indeed. Biggest change would be that you meet inside the mission instead of outside. I would love it even more if it would also mean that you can team with NA and EU at the same team.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I honestly think that many (not all) CoH players overthink things when forming teams
If you're calibrating your auto-teaming system based on players' anticipated "function" within the team, you're still overthinking things. To put together a fun team in City of Heroes you need the following things:

1) More than one non-stupid player.

That's it. Anything beyond that is overcooking the soup.




Match-making sucks. Stop being a wallflower.

That said, for the wallflowers, it would probably be convenient, although I'd imagine the scenario would probably boil down to:
1) "This team doesn't have [x], retry."
2) "This team has too much of [x], retry."
3) "This team is too small, retry."
4) "This team is too large, retry."
5) "This team is fighting [z] mobs which are lame, retry."

And about a hundred other increasingly inane excuses.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



I've yet to try the system in WoW, but what I've heard from people who were is it's opening up whole new avenues for people to be annoying and potentially grief.

CoH would have to find some kind of penalty system similar to what WoW uses, but make it, you know, efffective, and I don't look forward to that aspect of it. Because you know whatever penalty they come up with will generate a lot of drama, and potentially bite a lot of people who inadvertantly disconnect in the rear.

CoH has talked in the past about coming up with a cross server system. I feel the queuing upgrade they put in the last issue is part of a precursor to that. I'll wait and see what comes of that before I put money on a hopped up team matcher like what WoW implemented.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



It's pretty easy to form a team in CoH but tools to make it easier never hurt (at the very least allow mt to filter the search so I can avoid seeing people already on teams). I see two primary problems with this. The first is that as LostHalo says in many cases this is City of Wallflowers. An automated matchmaking system would probably work ok for TFs where you have a preset objective but for anything else you need at least one person who is willing to say "we're going to go to X and do Y". I've seen many teams disintegrate due to people panic-quitting when the star gets dropped on them. With an auto-match system the chances of you ending up with this the moment your team forms are pretty high. You might be able to avert this with a "make me the leader" check box but for that to be useful you need one guy who'd happy being leader for every seven who aren't and my observation is that the ratio is significantly worse than that.

The second problem is getting people to actually use it. Relatively people use the LFG flags as it stands, will enough of them use this to make it useful?



The new LFG in WoW is awesome sauce on a stick. By far, my and my boyfriend's experience has been HUGELY weighted on the "you guys rock my socks!" side of things. And the fact that it's cross-server is just candy coating on the awesome sauce.

Boyfriend says 90% good rate, and the bad hasn't been jackasses so much as people bailing when they see which dungeon they're doing (if doing a random dungeon the game chooses for you - for instance, "Oculus" is pretty much always bailed on since it sucks). He hasn't done the "select specific dungeon" thing yet, so no comment on that one but the response would probably be pretty similar.

And you can always put your group back on LFG if one of your members bails, to fill the hole left. Even in the middle of a dungeon.

EDIT: ALSO!! Awesome news I totally forgot about, if you joined a random auto-PUG dungeon (unfortunately does not work if you select a specific dungeon), you can vote out a jackass. Everyone on the team can vote, and if a majority vote a group member out, he's gone. So jackassery is punishable.

EDIT2: Boyfriend has grouped with 44 random people. He can think of *one guy* who didn't say anything or pay attention to directions...but still finished the dungeon, he just blew getting an achievement (sort of a badge) for the group. That's all.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I would support this only on one condition:


It seems like something that could be used to grief people to a mass scale, but with the option, in the options menu, to specifically turn off the Hero-Finder, and NOT turn down normal team invites, I'd be far more supportive.



In WoW, it's not something that you can turn on and off. Well, I guess, sort of... it's a supplemental auto-PUG feature built onto the LFG feature that still exists.

You click the "dungeon findier" icon. You select your role [tank/dps/heal] (in City, this may not be necessary; in WoW, it's VERY necessary) and whether you're willing to lead. You select "random dungeon" or you select which dungeon you want to do specifically. This puts you in a queueueueueue. Eventually, you (or your group, if you are in a group) will be placed in a random group.

This is completely ON YOUR ACTIONS, so if you never touch the dungeon finder icon, you never auto-PUG.

ALSO WICKED COOL: If someone is on your ignore list (which works cross-server), you will NEVER group with them, which means if you're teaming, everyone's ignore list filters all the idiots out. Which makes using the ignore feature way, way better than normal.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Sounds interesting. Though I'd still put "Team looking for more" as a higher priority




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Sounds interesting. Though I'd still put "Team looking for more" as a higher priority
What makes players so much more involved in this game and its community than any other MMO are the CHannels. believe it or not, whether it be the RP Channel, TF channels, Badge, channel, etc. They all create a sense of community.

So, /unsigned.



I don't know if they still have it, but way back when DDO's lft system was superduper awesome. If you were looking for a team, you could bring up a list of the other people, much like CoH, but you could also bring up a list of teams that were looking for more, and could even invite yourself to their team, instead of having to go through the hassle of begging the leader to invite you. The team could even set it up so they could exclude people who didn't fit the criteria for what they were looking for. I think something like this would fit very nicely into CoH.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
What makes players so much more involved in this game and its community than any other MMO are the CHannels. believe it or not, whether it be the RP Channel, TF channels, Badge, channel, etc. They all create a sense of community.
What does any of that have to do with PuGing?
