Let us solo TFs




Simple concept. If you raise your difficulty to the right number of heroes/villains, you can access a TF. A simple request that would allow a solo player or a smaller group of players with the proper difficulty to play a mission.

Its frustrating. I have a several toons on servers that are dead about 80% of the time. I've logged on during weekday hours between 5-pm and 9 pm and found less than thirty people total logged onto the faction my character is playing in all level ranges. I'm about to be forced to transfer chracters to freedom simply because I cannot find groups outside of a day or two which a pre-arranged TF is run, and I cannot find six people willing to sit there while I run higher content. I've been trying to get merits for a few recipes for one toon on protector, and I'm forced to rerun low level Oroborous arcs because there are no teams to be had, anywhere.

The devs have already set up diminishing returns to prevent task force farming, would it be that bad if a solo character, or a duo or trio of close friends can run a mission themselves, without having to pad? We eliminated padding in normal missions, why not do it for task forces and strike forces?

The fact is, that this game does not have sufficient population to allow everyone on every server access to the content specifically designated as what you should be running. I do not like being locked out of PVE, and its frustrating because I have not seen a single strike force run in the month I've been back on villain side. Not one. There was one ITF call which I was rejected from because I was in the late 30s and most everyone else was higher.

I just want to be able to access content. This is especially true villainside where the characters are more solo friendly, and so there is less active teaming going on anyway. I'd love to experience some of the higher level content and strike forces, and as yet I've simply not had the opportunity.

Please change it.



A Task Force implies more than 1. /unsigned, no, and all that jazz. If you want to play them on "dead" servers, join the global channels for the servers. They aren't actually dead.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



I, uh... don't think they're going to go for that. The "Force" in the name rather implies that they're designed to be run by groups on the conceptual level; what you're asking is basically for TFs to be scrapped altogether and replaced with story arcs that have the same flavor text, and I just don't see the designers going for that. Certainly not and leave the existing reward structure in place.



It's been asked for. Repeatedly. All reasons against allowing it are irrational, stupid, moronic, idiotic, dumb, ridiculous, asinine, illogical and pointless. Some of the devs appear to be against it regardless of that fact.

So, yea, I'd like it as well. Ain't gonna happen.

EDIT: As with other things in the game, (offline sg invites, account storage, etc) it's better for them to force the asocial to buy a second account.

The work around, for those that don't know, is to have the minimum number team up long enough to start the TF/SF in question. Then have all but 1 quit. The last teammate logs off without quitting the TF. Then you can solo it.

It's an annoyance. One that shouldn't exist. But it is what it is.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It's been asked for. Repeatedly. All reasons against allowing it are irrational, stupid, moronic, idiotic, dumb, ridiculous, asinine, illogical and pointless.
Don't hold anything back, Bubba. Tell us how you REALLY feel!

It's team content, plain and simple. If you wanna do something impressive and show-offy and keep all the rewards for yourself, go solo the Ritki mothership or Hamidon. Nothing's stoppin ya.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Team content that only needs a team to START it, not DO it.

It's nothing but a completely arbitrary annoyance and a waste of time for those of us that enjoy soloing such things.

Be well, people of CoH.



I don't want to run one solo but I'd like to run some of them with the usual 3-4 people I run around with and TF's only requiring 4 people are fairly rare. I'm all for removing the minimums and making them suggestions instead: "I really recommend a team of 8 and you only have 4. Are you sure you want to undertake this task" or something.



Short version.


Long Version.

Hell No.

What part of Team Content just is not understood these days?



Some tf needs the team to simultaneously click a few glowies. This needs to be changed if tfs can be done by one person. Since a solo tf is equivalent to a story arc, will the reward of a solo tf be reduced to that of a story arc?

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
As with other things in the game, (offline sg invites, account storage, etc) it's better for them to force the asocial to buy a second account.

The work around, for those that don't know, is to have the minimum number team up long enough to start the TF/SF in question. Then have all but 1 quit. The last teammate logs off without quitting the TF. Then you can solo it.

It's an annoyance. One that shouldn't exist. But it is what it is.
In my opinion, this trick shouldn't be allowed. Just that there is no way the dev can tell whether you are solo-ing a tf, or all your teammates have actually dc-ed. That's why this trick still works to this day.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Team content that only needs a team to START it, not DO it.
I believe not every character can solo tf. So, what you said is not universally true.

On the other hand, I think the dev is not doing a very good job in making team content. Most team contents are aritifcially imposed, for example needing 6 people to start and clicking 4 glowies simultaneously.



I am against the proposal. Would it hurt me when people on 'dead' servers could solo a tf? It would give us more hard to get recipes and that is nice I guess.

It would hurt me if people went soloing and farming TF's on any server other then a 'dead' server at the slow hours. It would be harder for me to find teams or even Taskforces. I think there are lots of arcs available that you can solo but a TF should always be a group effort.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Short version.


Long Version.

Hell No.

What part of Team Content just is not understood these days?

Outside of Doc Quaterfield, and Faathim with their 4 simultaneous clickies. (And Hess with its 2).

Certain high levels ones (5th column, STF and LRSF have yet to be soloed to my knowledge)

These can and are being soloed, by people just jumping through a hoop to get enough to start it then quit.

Most really are no more team content than typical arcs

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
All reasons against allowing it are irrational, stupid, moronic, idiotic, dumb, ridiculous, asinine, illogical and pointless.
No offense Bill but the same can be said about all the reasons for asking for it.




I'd be willing to go with (Badge but no Merits) or (Merits but no Badge) in exchange for being able to enjoy this additional content. Especially if I could choose one, then the other by running it twice. Maybe I feel like being a Force of One.

In the meantime, I can run the existing allowed-to-solo content and whatever the "One Random Arc" button gives me at the AE.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Short version.


Long Version.

Hell No.

What part of Team Content just is not understood these days?
It's you that, once again, fails to understand.

Hamidon: Team Content
STF: There are scrappers soloing multiple AVs simultaneously in AE right now. If there is a character that CAN solo the STF, it then loses its "team content" designation. I have personally soloed all of the Phalanx TFs. For me, they are not "team content" regardless of what you or anyone else feels like arbitrarily calling them.

TFs with simultaneously click glowies: Team Content

In other words, the only content in this game that is Actually "team content" is that which is Mechanically Impossible to solo.

Anything else is just plain old content with an arbitrary label slapped on it.

Would this change make it harder for some people to get teams for TF/SFs? Doubtful. Those that want to solo these things do so now by wasting their time with pads. I even stop whatever I'm doing to pad for those wanting to solo them for no other reason but that I know how annoying it is to get one cranked up.

Is it likely that the devs chose not to allow this when we got the new difficulty slider simply because they didn't want to go through and deal with the simultaneous clicky missions? Sure.

Is it likely that we'll never get it because of that added work? Yup.

But people really need to quit pretending that there's good reasons for minimum team member size requirements.

The whole "team content" thing is a crock of **** and nothing more. Always has been, always will be.

If the devs wanted to give it meaning, they would do one of the following:

Cause TFs to fail immediately if the number of teammates drops below the arbitrarily set minimum number

or Make ALL TF/SFs Mechanically impossible to solo

Until they do so, those stating that they have minimum team sizes because they are team content are speaking from their posteriors and nothing else.

Be well, people of CoH.



I don't think it's unreasonable to at least reduce the minimum numbers to get the TF started. I don't think there's any content that can't be done with at least 4 people (STF, LRSF, Khan, Baracuda included) with the exception of raids (Hami, Mothership raid).

While maybe reducing the task force requirements down to 1 person may be too extreme, however I don't think it would a bad idea to reduce many of the taskforces minimun requirements down to lower numbers. Certainly TFs like Manticore doesn't require 7 characters.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I don't think it's unreasonable to at least reduce the minimum numbers to get the TF started. I don't think there's any content that can't be done with at least 4 people (STF, LRSF, Khan, Baracuda included) with the exception of raids (Hami, Mothership raid).

While maybe reducing the task force requirements down to 1 person may be too extreme, however I don't think it would a bad idea to reduce many of the taskforces minimun requirements down to lower numbers. Certainly TFs like Manticore doesn't require 7 characters.
this i agree with, the only tfs that prolly do require 8 poeple to do are STF and LRSF, ITF i think is 6 poeple min, but could prolly be done with 4 if everyone was purpled out. most all of the other tfs dont need more than 4 poeple minimum.



but just because a few specific toons can solo a TF, doesn't mean that everyone can. put the minimum numbers down to 1 and I'll then complain when my training enhancements only, team-oriented 2nd build, TA/Archery Defender can't solo anything for more than 3 minutes.

I still get sad when I'm trying to do normal arcs solo (usually on Villains, unsurprisingly) and the contact says "you better bring some friends!" or worse, I don't get much of a warning, then turn a corner and find an EB staring at me. I usually just shuffle that one off to the side until I've levelled a few times then go back for the cheap win.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
this i agree with, the only tfs that prolly do require 8 poeple to do are STF and LRSF, ITF i think is 6 poeple min, but could prolly be done with 4 if everyone was purpled out. most all of the other tfs dont need more than 4 poeple minimum.
The ITF has already been soloed. One of those being a blaster. I was able to get all the way to the final Romulus fight but the autohit fluffy stopped me dead in my tracks. Since then, I've figured out how to deal with that but haven't gotten around to a second attempt.

Remember folks, if they did allow SF/TFs to be started solo, it wouldn't mean you have to solo them. If you don't think your character can handle -whatever-, you call in help. The requested change wouldn't alter that fact one bit.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm not bashing anyone that likes to solo TF/SF's. I just happen to like the idea that some content requires teams. If they were to add more team oriented content I wouldn't object to changing the TF requirements to allow people to solo them.

Replace the old TF's with new stuff that really does require team efforts.



Here's what I don't get:

If the fear is that people will solo TFs and never team for them, why not pull the merits for the solo run? That way, people will still form traditional TFs to grind for merits, and I can attempt them by myself for regular arc reward. On no reward whatsoever. Yeah, I'd take no reward at the end if I they responded to difficulty settings.

I'm with Bubba here. The reasons against this are ridiculous, and basically come down to "TEAM WIT MEH!" a lot of the time. The basic word "force" doesn't imply multiple people, not intrinsically, and "team content" doesn't have to mean forced teaming. People have been perfectly willing to team for everything in the past, and I don't see why TFs should be different.

In fact, giving us a no-merit run that allows us to invite people mid-way through would actually make the things a significantly lesser hassle.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Some time of days there's less than 30 people online, but still later time theres plenty even in smaller servers. I'm playing on really small server and still get enough players to play TF's. Sometimes it takes a time to start but usually only a few minutes to get full team.

Perhaps its good idea to make a few more small team (1-4 players perhaps) TF/SF's to low and high levels but I don't think theres any problems to play full team TF's. I suggest to search channels. Perhaps theres something similar like we have Defiant Events what is best channel of my server.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



I still support removing the TF/SF team size requirements.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I still support removing the TF/SF team size requirements.
I disagree. I'm not a fan of changing them because, while you can solo them if you want to now, and it really doesn't take that much work to get people to sign up just to start the TF and then quit it, it does tend to encourage teaming to do them. And that is the point of them, to be the really only team-based content that we have.

It's great that people can solo them, but to get rid of the factors that do encourage you to run them as a team just doesn't make any sense to me.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I disagree. I'm not a fan of changing them because, while you can solo them if you want to now, and it really doesn't take that much work to get people to sign up just to start the TF and then quit it, it does tend to encourage teaming to do them. And that is the point of them, to be the really only team-based content that we have.

It's great that people can solo them, but to get rid of the factors that do encourage you to run them as a team just doesn't make any sense to me.
That's an interesting point. I wonder how much of an effect this would be in practice. I know it wouldn't change my habits. I would almost always team, and occasionally I would solo one. For me it would simply remove the need to annoy others for starting them solo. I wonder how it would affect others.



So allowing people to solo TFs would kill teaming?

Just like allowing people to set their missions for eight people while solo would kill teaming? Funny how I still see plenty of people forming up mission teams... You'd still have plenty of people forming TF teams, because most people simply aren't interested or capable of soloing them.

You don't need seven people to complete a Manticore TF. You just don't. If they're not going to let us solo them, they should at least cut the minimum requirement for all TFs to four people. You simply don't need more than that.

Either way, they should be giving a full reward. Finishing a TF solo is harder than it is with a team, so people who can do it should be rewarded for doing so.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World