Let us solo TFs





All TFs wouldn't get my vote. The STF, LRSF, 5th TF/SF, ITF and Lady Grey (and Faathim) should pretty much remain where they are (maybe drop to 6 for Lady Grey).

One of the great things about redside (IMHO) is that all the original SFs needed just 4 to start.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It's you that, once again, fails to understand.
My sentiments exactly, and it's getting very old. +1 rep for you

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
In other words, the only content in this game that is Actually "team content" is that which is Mechanically Impossible to solo.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
The whole "team content" thing is a crock of **** and nothing more. Always has been, always will be.
Amen, brother. I think solo'ing SF's is a hoot, but getting fillers to start one is annoying.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Until they do so, those stating that they have minimum team sizes because they are team content are speaking from their posteriors and nothing else.
Seems to happen a lot in the "Suggestions and Ideas" forum. Replies from fellow players to fellow players such as...

"The devs have better things to do."

"The devs would never allow that."

... are getting really old. I can understand not agreeing with a player-generated suggestion or idea, but trying to speak on behalf of the devs...

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
In fact, giving us a no-merit run that allows us to invite people mid-way through would actually make the things a significantly lesser hassle.
that'd be fine by me. sounds kinda cool actually.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I, uh... don't think they're going to go for that. The "Force" in the name rather implies that they're designed to be run by groups on the conceptual level...
Well, the Mender Silos Task Force can be started and completed by One Person, so this ain't no hard and fast rule.



Anyone who says you need more then one person to be a "force" obviously hasn't played a scrapper correctly.

There isn't any logical reason to not allow anyone to solo TFs. You can't say that it will discourage teaming, it will decrease times for averaged runs, etc... Because none of you have the data to support any of those claims. They're all assumptions.

So if you can show me that allowing players to set their missions for 8 equivalent players has decreased the number of teams since I16's inception then I will eat crow, but until then you have no leg to stand on.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



And if ANYONE thinks that someone soloing a TF is going to get through it faster than a team will... I've got some bridges for sale.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
And if ANYONE thinks that someone soloing a TF is going to get through it faster than a team will... I've got some bridges for sale.
Well, they will spend less time forming the team, waiting for seperate AFKs/Training breaks/ Vendor Visits/ etc. between missions and arguing amongst themselves, so they would be faster than some of the PuGs I've been on.



Bubba, the flaw in your argument is basically "If there's no simu-glowies in team content, it shouldn't be considered team content". What do you want the devs to do, add an arbitrary 8-click glowie puzzle at the end of the STF/LRSF?

You want something that's IMPOSSIBLE for YOU alone before being forced to team. But the game isn't balanced around YOU. Imagine if the TFs didn't have player limits: Jonny Newbian comes along and sees Statesman, and talks to him. How far do you think he'll get before rampaging onto the forums crying about how "That statesjerk's mission arc is too hard!" and we all have to tell him that it's designed for 8 people?

Now imagine this happening Every. Single. Week. Multiple times, even.

Also, let's play the slippery slope game: Let's say the devs DO allow you to solo a TF. Eventually, the hardcore players are going to want badges to show off their awesomeness. What if the devs granted them that? What about all the other badgers who don't have the capacity to solo AVs? Mind you, the game and rewards system are balanced around SOs (except the invention badges, heh), and I don't see too many "AV killer" builds working without IOs, making badges for soloing TFs unfair.

Any content that lets one person do it should be playable by a solo, SO'd Empath defender who only takes half their attacks. I realize that sounds sad, but it's how you make a game like this work for the most number of people.

Yeah, you could have the contacts say "You might want to bring X# of friends", but does anyone ever actually pay attention to that? I know I don't.

I guess the underlining reason for my objection is such: -I- wouldn't be able to solo most TFs (unless the AVs downgraded to EBs, though i doubt that'd fly). Don't get me wrong, I'm a reasonably competent player with IO'd-out 50s and such... but the majority of my characters' powersets and pool choices are not 100% conducive for this sort of thing, and that's honestly not fair. While complaints that we don't feel exactly like "Heroes" and "Villains" within the respective Cities theroef are valid, the title of the game ISN'T "City of Powergamers", and the devs opening up content that would embrace that sort of playstyle would only further divide the playerbase and force a lot of people who aren't up to snuff to quit. If you open up TFs to soloing, you have to nerf the crap out of them so that -anyone- could solo them... and then adjust the rewards accordingly. And that'd take away all the accomplishment and reason for trying to solo them in the first place.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I don't think there's any content that can't be done with at least 4 people
Cavern of Transcendence Trial. 8-person simul-click.




Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Bubba, the flaw in your argument is basically "If there's no simu-glowies in team content, it shouldn't be considered team content". What do you want the devs to do, add an arbitrary 8-click glowie puzzle at the end of the STF/LRSF?
Wrong. The hamidon is mechanically impossible for anyone to solo. It is team content.

No, I don't wish all TFs to suddenly sprout *min team req* # of glowies. I stated that I want the devs to either make TFs mechanically impossible to solo, or allow them to be started solo. As there are now MANY individuals soloing the majority of the existing TF/SFs, what was once considered team content has been proven to no longer be team content.

Stating that I've said something I haven't means that you have already failed to refute what I have stated. You continue to do so with most of this post.

You want something that's IMPOSSIBLE for YOU alone before being forced to team. But the game isn't balanced around YOU. Imagine if the TFs didn't have player limits: Jonny Newbian comes along and sees Statesman, and talks to him. How far do you think he'll get before rampaging onto the forums crying about how "That statesjerk's mission arc is too hard!" and we all have to tell him that it's designed for 8 people?
1: Many others have joined in with the same request. Therefore I am not speaking solely for myself. I am one in a large group asking for this change.

2: Anyone choosing not to read the descriptions of the TF/SFs has no one to blame but themselves.

Now imagine this happening Every. Single. Week. Multiple times, even.
In other words, absolutely nothing will change around here.

Also, let's play the slippery slope game: Let's say the devs DO allow you to solo a TF. Eventually, the hardcore players are going to want badges to show off their awesomeness. What if the devs granted them that? What about all the other badgers who don't have the capacity to solo AVs? Mind you, the game and rewards system are balanced around SOs (except the invention badges, heh), and I don't see too many "AV killer" builds working without IOs, making badges for soloing TFs unfair.
No badges. Problem solved. You get the existing badges. Players ask for things all the time that we don't get. This is probably another example of that. Sometimes we do get what we ask for, like claws for brutes and an enhanced difficulty system. This is why people ask for things.

Any content that lets one person do it should be playable by a solo, SO'd Empath defender who only takes half their attacks. I realize that sounds sad, but it's how you make a game like this work for the most number of people.
Yeah, you could have the contacts say "You might want to bring X# of friends", but does anyone ever actually pay attention to that? I know I don't.
Your fault for going into a situation ignorant. You accept the consequences for doing so.

I guess the underlining reason for my objection is such: -I- wouldn't be able to solo most TFs (unless the AVs downgraded to EBs, though i doubt that'd fly). Don't get me wrong, I'm a reasonably competent player with IO'd-out 50s and such... but the majority of my characters' powersets and pool choices are not 100% conducive for this sort of thing, and that's honestly not fair. While complaints that we don't feel exactly like "Heroes" and "Villains" within the respective Cities theroef are valid, the title of the game ISN'T "City of Powergamers", and the devs opening up content that would embrace that sort of playstyle would only further divide the playerbase and force a lot of people who aren't up to snuff to quit. If you open up TFs to soloing, you have to nerf the crap out of them so that -anyone- could solo them... and then adjust the rewards accordingly. And that'd take away all the accomplishment and reason for trying to solo them in the first place.
1: You choose not to utilize the tools available and spend the time getting those tools which would allow you to solo the content some of us are able to. I'm certainly not able to pull off half the crap I can with my main with the rest of my characters. That is my choice. I accept the limitations that I have placed on those characters with the powersets that I have chosen for them and with the time I have spent building them up.

It is neither fair nor unfair. It is the way the game is designed. The devs have already given us the tools and the design that allows for these feats of solo silliness.

2: The devs would have to do no such thing. There are already EBs in this game that some powersets simply can NOT overcome solo. Their contacts DO inform them of the difficulty they might have. That's why it's so easy to invite other players to help out. Wow, a solution is already in place.

Inform the players up front what they're in for. If they choose to ignore that information and fail, it's their fault, not the devs.

Your fears of a further divided playerbase lack data to back them up.

EDIT: Yes, I understand the the tools are in place for me to solo whatever TF I want whenever I can find enough pads to start it and have one account available to log off instead of quit. However, I consider utilizing such a workaround/bug/exploit to be distasteful. Mostly because I don't like bothering others to pad. I will continue using those tools until a better solution is provided by the devs.

And I will continue /signing and posting my agreement whenever I see a thread pop up asking for the ability to start TFs/SFs solo. At least until this game's lead designer pops in and states, for the record, that it will never happen. If such a thing occurs, I will save the post as a favorite and simply point all newcomers asking for this feature to the statement in question.

Be well, people of CoH.



I want to see some none forced option but they gave us non forced PvP and people now claim they shouldn't be attacked in PvP zones if they aren't PvPers. I'm not sure what sort of illogical complaint no team requirement could lead to.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Bubba, the flaw in your argument is basically "If there's no simu-glowies in team content, it shouldn't be considered team content". What do you want the devs to do, add an arbitrary 8-click glowie puzzle at the end of the STF/LRSF?

You want something that's IMPOSSIBLE for YOU alone before being forced to team. But the game isn't balanced around YOU. Imagine if the TFs didn't have player limits: Jonny Newbian comes along and sees Statesman, and talks to him. How far do you think he'll get before rampaging onto the forums crying about how "That statesjerk's mission arc is too hard!" and we all have to tell him that it's designed for 8 people?

Now imagine this happening Every. Single. Week. Multiple times, even.

Also, let's play the slippery slope game: Let's say the devs DO allow you to solo a TF. Eventually, the hardcore players are going to want badges to show off their awesomeness. What if the devs granted them that? What about all the other badgers who don't have the capacity to solo AVs? Mind you, the game and rewards system are balanced around SOs (except the invention badges, heh), and I don't see too many "AV killer" builds working without IOs, making badges for soloing TFs unfair.

Any content that lets one person do it should be playable by a solo, SO'd Empath defender who only takes half their attacks. I realize that sounds sad, but it's how you make a game like this work for the most number of people.

Yeah, you could have the contacts say "You might want to bring X# of friends", but does anyone ever actually pay attention to that? I know I don't.

I guess the underlining reason for my objection is such: -I- wouldn't be able to solo most TFs (unless the AVs downgraded to EBs, though i doubt that'd fly). Don't get me wrong, I'm a reasonably competent player with IO'd-out 50s and such... but the majority of my characters' powersets and pool choices are not 100% conducive for this sort of thing, and that's honestly not fair. While complaints that we don't feel exactly like "Heroes" and "Villains" within the respective Cities theroef are valid, the title of the game ISN'T "City of Powergamers", and the devs opening up content that would embrace that sort of playstyle would only further divide the playerbase and force a lot of people who aren't up to snuff to quit. If you open up TFs to soloing, you have to nerf the crap out of them so that -anyone- could solo them... and then adjust the rewards accordingly. And that'd take away all the accomplishment and reason for trying to solo them in the first place.
All of what you said is 100% pure assumption, and guess what? People said the same exact thing about being able to have missions set at x8 and wouldn't you know, there are still teams forming.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Everyone also seems to be forgetting the fact that you can solo task forces and all you need are pads so I don't see what the big deal is. If you're dead set on soloing a task force, having to invite people to form a team so you can isn't going to encourage you to team with them. So again I say, no one has any fact based argument in order to properly refute this, no one has data mined that the new difficulty slider has caused a decline in teams, or has anyone shown the number of people who actually have soloed a task force.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Everyone also seems to be forgetting the fact that you can solo task forces and all you need are pads so I don't see what the big deal is. If you're dead set on soloing a task force, having to invite people to form a team so you can isn't going to encourage you to team with them. So again I say, no one has any fact based argument in order to properly refute this, no one has data mined that the new difficulty slider has caused a decline in teams, or has anyone shown the number of people who actually have soloed a task force.
Nobody is saying that you can't solo a TF now. A high-end IO build most certainly can. Some builds can do it without that many IOs. If you bring some Shivans along, it becomes even easier.

My problem with it is that they SHOULD be team content. Now, BillZ brings up the point that if you're going to say that, that they should be mechanically impossible to solo. I'd honestly be okay with that. However, how do you go about doing that?

You can't do it by enforcing that so many people stay on the TF, because people do still run these over multiple play sessions, and if people log off one night, to find that they can't finish it the next, then you've got a problem. Even if you set a limit to the number of people still on a TF that didn't quit the TF, what limit do you set for the minimum number? 2? 3? At what point does the challenge at the end then start to matter more than minimum number?

And along those lines, instead of the team size requirement, do you just scale up the big bad guy at the end of the TF to accommodate high-end IO builds, and say that those builds shouldn't be able to solo those AVs?

If you do that, there are a couple of problems there. One is that the Devs specifically said that current content would not be rebalanced around IOs, and you'd be changing that design philosophy that I happen to think was a good one.

The second is that at what point do you scale the AV up to? Do you find people that have a 1 billion-influence build? A 2 billion one? 5? Do you, at some point, reach a place where the high-end IO build can defeat the AV better or faster than small teams can? Do you reach a point where even some teams can't compete with the IO'd build that you're balancing on? Is that a problem?

Do I think that some of the TF team-size requirements are well higher than they need to be? Yes. Do I think that getting rid of them outright is a good idea? Not really.

I also don't think it's a good idea to rebalance existing content around high-end IO builds that can solo AVs (without Shivans). Creating new content that challenges these players would be a good thing, but I think that there are other ways to do that.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Correct me if I'm wrong, but most people at this point asking for a solo-able Task Force wouldn't necessarily be in it simply for the rewards. Maybe the vanity rewards, like a badge, but I don't see most people asking for something like this wanting the exact same loot other people who form a team and run it are getting.

So, why not eliminate the rewards all together? The most you get is an SO of your choice at the end, just like any other difficult story arc. Or not even that, I don't care. The reason I'd want to solo a Task Force or Trial is for the story or the experience of fighting a new, challenging opponent. So while I would love to run Terra Volta, it wouldn't be for a respec. It'd be for the thrill of facing down multiple freakshow and struggling to keep the core safe.

I don't see how it would be hard to dumb down the difficulty of task forces to make a "solo" version, one that had little to no rewards short of finishing the story and collecting a solo version of the badge. If anything, let players see as they finish the solo arc what they would have got if they had done the team version instead. A little enticement for people to take the next step. Most people that are reward minded will, but those of us that are here purely for playing the game and enjoying it's stories will be satisfied.

The reason I support this is simply don't have time to run a Task Force or Trial, even on my weekends. With a family and a full time job, time is precious little. City of Heroes, till this day, still amazes me with zone design, story content and ease of playing. Adding a solo, reward-less version of the task force would simply be more content my higher levels could enjoy without having to sink a huge amount of time in one sitting for a story. And I don't mean I couldn't free up the amount of hours needed to run a task force, I could. But with life's interruptions... screaming kid, chores to be done, biological and what have you... I wouldn't want a bunch of other people waiting on me anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes just so I could complete a story. To me, it would be much easier to tackle it at my own pace - AFK when I need to inside a mission - and still get the full lore experience the game provides.

I'll quit rambling... that's basically how I think - and why I would support - solo task forces should be handled.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Team content that only needs a team to START it, not DO it.
That is sadly pretty true from what I have seen.
I'd rather see it if TF content just wouldnt scale down (or only very little) when you have less than the intended number of players, yet allow you to start with less than the recommended teammates, like
Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
I don't want to run one solo but I'd like to run some of them with the usual 3-4 people I run around with and TF's only requiring 4 people are fairly rare. I'm all for removing the minimums and making them suggestions instead: "I really recommend a team of 8 and you only have 4. Are you sure you want to undertake this task" or something.
than being "so difficult a task that it needs a full team" means that you need 8 to start it, then 5 can leave again and the rest plays the downscaled TF. Or that all but one log off, that one starts the mission, and then everybody logs on again to rush through the mission that scaled down for one.

I know people sometimes have to log off, and it would be so cruel if its more difficult for the rest then. But it already is now when someone logs in the middle of a mission.
As a compromise to prevent people hopping on and off to make missions easier they might also only count someone as not there if the logged out BEFORE the previous mission ended. So those who still want to help with that trick at least wont get mission reward.

Can be done by less players than stated but becomes more difficult then? Great.
Suggested team size 6, minimum to start 4, but it wont scale down below 5? Fine with me.
Intended to be solo-able? No thanks.



BillZ has been correct in everything he said in this thread. There isn't a good reason why Task Forces can't be started solo.

I'm even in favor of keeping the mobs spawned for the minimum number of players when you solo a TF. For example, if you're able to solo the STF(haha), I believe it would be a good idea to keep the mobs set for a team of 8.



Sure, on two conditions:

1) All of the late (any that are available from 40-50, including Imperius) TF AVs get the same condition that allows Hamidon to kill PA.
2) All of the late (same definition) TF AVs are a minimum of 52 and all spawns are x8 regardless of any other setting to the contrary.

But then, these are just my axe to grind (and should apply to teams as well, of course). I suppose there's a third condition that there never be soloing badges.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Sure, on two conditions:

1) All of the late (any that are available from 40-50, including Imperius) TF AVs get the same condition that allows Hamidon to kill PA.
2) All of the late (same definition) TF AVs are a minimum of 52 and all spawns are x8 regardless of any other setting to the contrary.

But then, these are just my axe to grind (and should apply to teams as well, of course). I suppose there's a third condition that there never be soloing badges.
I'm good with all three.

And I'm pretty sure, unless it was removed again and I didn't notice it, that all TF/SFs never scale down below the level that spawns for the minimum team size.

I know that when I was soloing Maniticore's TF, the spawn sizes were a hell of a lot bigger than would normally spawn for a duo.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
And I'm pretty sure, unless it was removed again and I didn't notice it, that all TF/SFs never scale down below the level that spawns for the minimum team size.
It was removed. That was in place a an exploit quick fix and any TF scales to the number associated with the the TF (be they logged on or off).

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I'm all for this suggestion. It allows me to play the way I want to play, while at the same time not hurting anybody else.

Task Force teams will still form. It's that simple. A lot of people like teaming, and will continue to form teams. A lot of people won't be able to solo the Task Forces and will still team.

I don't see how this hurts anyone to be able to solo a TF. If you can't do it with one of your characters, either get better at the game, pick a build that can do it, or invest the influence to make your build better.

There is no logical reason not to allow this.

Besides, by allowing people easier access to soloing task forces, it will keep people that don't like teaming off your team and still allow them access to rewards. That is good for everybody.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
It was removed. That was in place a an exploit quick fix and any TF scales to the number associated with the the TF (be they logged on or off).
That's too bad. Now that you state it, I somewhat remember being annoyed at its removal.

EDIT: There is One logical reason for not making the change: It involves work. The percentage of the playerbase that solos TF/SFs is very small. The return on investment is also very small.

Doesn't mean I'll quit asking for it.

Be well, people of CoH.



I can buy the work argument as well. Obviously we have no idea how much work a change like that would require, but if it is any significant amount then I can understand the feature not being implemented. But much like you, I'll keep asking for it.



I guess I don't understand why some content in this game can't be directed towards Teams only?