Cross-Server Identical/Similar Characters?




Out of curiosity, how many of you have characters that are the same or about 95% similar that exist on servers other than your prime toon's character?

An example of this would be one of my favorites, Chrononaut. I created this character on Freedom blue side, and while creating him, thought, "hmmm...since he's a time/dimensional traveller as part of his storyline, I wonder what it would be like to have this similar toon on each server?". Thus, I created one on each server; same costume, same powers, same relative bio, however, due to others using the name Chrononaut already, I put either an "s" on the end of his name or a "." just to keep the flow going.

So how about it? Do you do this for any of your characters? Do you have the same toon on all servers, or only a couple? Is this idea out to lunch? Again, curiosity, not any form of judgement, fuels this question.



Although none are actually the same (different powersets), I have 2 versions of my valkyrie (BS/Shield Scrap, Axe/Shield Brute) and 5 versions of my monkeygirl (Energy/Energy/Force Blaster, Rad/Traps/Mace Corruptor, EM/WP/Mu Brute, SS/Elec/Mu Brute, Elec/Invuln Brute).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I really love the idea (particularly your take on it), but I get weird about repeat powersets. This even crosses archetype lines, which I know is a real disservice to myself since not all cross-archetype powersets were created equally.

Yesterday I nearly deleted my Kin/Psi defender because I have a Psi Blaster that I really enjoy.

I just can't get past the "been there, done that" vibe.



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
This even crosses archetype lines, which I know is a real disservice to myself since not all cross-archetype powersets were created equally.
Yep! Understand that one definately. I made a "Rogue Chrononaut" villain(before "Going Rogue" expansion was even mentioned), but couldn't find an applicable powerset to equate to the Grav/Kinetics I used on the heroside version of Chrononaut. I rarely even play Rogue Chrononaut because of that. I can't even remember what I chose for the Rogue Chrononaut powerset.



So far I'm stuck on Virtue so I haven't done more than create a few name holders on other servers... But the time will come when I use those names. When I do they will be the same characters as I have on Virtue.

While I'm not an altaholic I do like playing different powersets. So I have my 3 characters and I repeat them in different power sets with just slightly altered names... As I said in the bio thread (and which is relevent here too)

I have two versions of Daybreaker Alpha, two of Fenian and just one Caemgen but more will come... Rather than create alt after alt I have so far used the same characters with different power sets.

This works for Alpha since his powers come from his armor... Easy enough to have different suits with different powers.

It works for Fenian since her powers are magical in nature. She has a wide range of magical powers to draw from but it's easiest if she limits herself to a couple sets at a time for memorization and quickness

mayhap the reason Caemgen doesn't have a second toon yet is changing his powers doesn't work as easily... But I'm sure I'll think of something



I have Mr_Bandwagon on all the servers but when ever I try to play somewhere else it feels like I'm cheating on my SG/VG so I always go back home.

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



As I have posted before, Captain Sammy started as a INV/SS Tank. But that was pre-Issue1. Back in those days tank damage was awful and scrappers could cap at the same as tanks (pre-ED) it just took a little more slots. So I rerolled as a DM/Inv Scrapper which was as tough back then and more damage but when ED/GDN hit, he was scaled back some, but by that point I was not rerolling again. He is pretty hardy scrapp though.

I have rerolled him on another server or two as a INV/SS but never played it up any.



For the most part, my toons are all unique. I have a few with the same name on different servers, but none are exact copies of each other.

I've got Dr. Deuterium over on Protector who's a Rad/Rad Corruptor at lvl 34 or 35. I enjoyed playing him enough that I remade him as a Defender over on Guardian.

My Robots/Traps mastermind on Protector (who's already been rebuilt 3 other times with different secondaries) will be getting created again once Going Rogue comes out.

And a few others, but pretty much all of them are in the same pattern (recreating between blue and red sides). I don't think I've got any exact duplicates.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



I have a Tired Angel on both Defiant and Union. One is a Grav/Storm 'troller and the other is a Earth/Electric Dominator. Although they have different powersets (although both have powers effecting the nature etc) they are essentially the same character from different dimensions. They have their own cossies but the same body shape and shape face/features.

I also have a Tortured Angel, Hell's Angel Uriel and Tired Angel's Return all using the same body shape/facial features.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Zero. Each character I make is unique.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I only have one avatar, so cloning is the only way to meet everyone
When you get around to that, I'd like a copy.



Oh God no, I'd never be able to

I find it hard to roll a new character with a Power Set I've already used on a different one. For example, I can only use on character with Willpower or else it gets boring



Versions of the character? Sure.
Exact same character? Two, that I can think of. One as a 'continuation' of her story with another group, another a copy of my first 50 to see how that character does now that IOs are in the game (and with a few years of hindsight.)



I snagged 'Cemetery Dust' on all of the US servers. I haven't gotten around to leveling all of them (and probably never will) but the idea was that he was a MetaHero, with the power to jump between shards. That was supposed to be pretty much his only power, so a lot of the toons are things like MA/SR, WP/SS and things with a more 'natural' feel.



I've done this exactly twice and, in both cases, it was because I liked the original character and wanted them on my home server.

I made an energy/energy blaster named Dyno Joe but stopped playing on the server, so I remade him on Infinity with the same powers, bio and costume but different name. It was a short time after the April Fool post about 'visual sounds' so I named him Captain Freem.

The other one was a dark/dark scrapper named Endothermic. I remade him on Infinity as a dark/dark TANK named Endothermy with the same bio and costume.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
*snipped*One as a 'continuation' of her story with another group
Did you get to a point with that first character (did it get to level 50?) and then retcon on another server, or was it like a "i've taken this character's story as far as I can on the first server and will now join up on another server to finish the story", or is it something else? Seems intriguing....



I have a series of characters based on my main, Electrilux. The original is an elec/elec blaster on Triumph. I also have a WS named Little Lux on Triumph.

On Virtue, he decided to merge with a Kheldian and became the PB named Lux Eternae.

On Guardian, he started his hero career, but was defeated and captured by the Lost. He began his conversion to the Rikti, but was rescued by another hero and now fights crime as Luc'Trelix, BS (rikti sword)/WP scrapper.

On Infinity, he was killed when his Praetorian counterpart invaded, and once GR comes out, I'll be making an evil elec/elec blaster since none of the villain electricity options are as fun as blasting.

I'm sure I'll make other alternate versions of him as time goes by.

...I forgot what experience means.



While I have my "namesake" on all servers, each of those is a unique (and
unrelated) toon of various AT's and builds.

As far as identicals (or near identicals), I have a couple of those too...

One of them is a stalker I had on Guardian - when PvP there dried up, I
rebuilt him (identical powers, different costume look/name) on Freedom
rather than shell out $10 of real cash to transfer him.

I also have two very similar and like-named PB's on the same server. The
first was the basis of a guide I was writing at the time, and the copy was
one I used in an SG there (which I felt more comfortable changing). So
they started identically in look and powersets and gradually levelled
differently (I had some specific guide criteria that the first couldn't change).


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
So, do you have the same character on a couple more servers? several? all?? Do you have villain versions as well? Enquiring minds want to know!
I'm everywhere, but I don't do evil - so no Villains

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I play on both Freedom and Champion, and I treat them as alternate dimensions. A few of my characters have alternate-dimensional equivalents, same face and body scaling, but different costumes, different powersets and usually different names, because the Champion toons are the originals and the names are inevitably taken on Freedom.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Statesmonkey is everywhere!
When I realized no one else had made him up, I zipped around and slapped him on all the servers. The rules of superheroes insist that he must exist, so I had to provide.

Annnnd he's a Invuln/SS tank everywhere too.

Which is probably why he's mostly level 6 or so everywhere. The highest level Statesmonkey isn't yet out of his 20s, and it's sort of a shame. I keep meaning to play him more, and end up not doing so.

I found out pretty quick that while the idea of the same character on every shard is interesting in itself, I don't care to play the same powerset over and over. Hmmm. Maybe I need to go in and alter the animations and effects. That might make him more playable.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.