Cross-Server Identical/Similar Characters?




My only character like this is the one I share a name wit - Rajani Isa.

Exists on both Virtue and Justice as an elf, as parallel versions of the same person. In one, he's a magic scrapper, the other a tech defender that pretends to use magic cause, really, and elf with no magic?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I have 6 versions of Justice Blues at the moment, one a villain, one with a different name (Actually, that last one is the very first character I created, but the group I was playing with decided to go to Virtue and he was left behind. But the bio and backstory were all created for him originally.) All of them have the same motivations (even the villain) but they all have different ways of expressing it. He is an armor wearer (tech origin), so the different powersets are easy to explain, except for the one that was caught in an explosion and gained his WP/SS powers that way (science origin). And the villain used his genius to create his robot minions and traps.

I have another character (JB's sister) that exists on different servers, but the names are all different along with the powers, since sometimes she dies in the first Rikti invasion, sometimes she doesn't, etc.

Part of the fun of the characters is taking the same basic happenings and changing one or two things to see how they play differently. When Going Rogue hits, I am looking forward to fitting my two character stories onto that alternate dimension and seeing how they play out. And the villain JB may find out that his little sister got better after the Rikti killed her and is now a hero in Paragon, so he will work his way around to joining her side. Or maybe not.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Burnt Matchstick is on every server except freedom. All a different AT, different yet similar costume, different origin with matching bio, and all fire/fire (or thermal). I've done a few remakes of a character on a different server for whatever reason, but the original is pretty much just sitting there until I get full enough to have to delete them.



I have a Mouse Police on every server except Champion, I think. They aren't alike though, but many are scrappers.

I've also used the name Shinobu in various incarnations, although the characters aren't really similar other than the fact that a lot of my characters often have a similar look and similar costumes. I've never deliberately created clones of a character, although with two accounts I probably should make twins at some point. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I have several of the same name. A couple I've played more that just through the tutorial and have several levels on. One I'm about to hit 50 on the second server for that character.

My builds are generally the same with a few minor changes. I think one I tried with a different secondary.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I have a Mouse Police on every server except Champion, I think. They aren't alike though, but many are scrappers.
i'm like this with a few names. All the versions on different servers tend to have a unifying theme, or even very similar costumes, but none duplicate the others exactly. They're more like alternate takes on the same basic character concept.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Cross I've remade my name sake into different powersets, multiple times...depending on where her story went.

BrandX, Brand-X, Brand.X, Brand - X, I may have also used BrandX. But now I just usually rename a previous version and go with BrandX or Brand-X.

Currently she's back to her original DB/WP self, and have to respec her again, this time to get rid of Fire Blast, as she can't use that anymore.

I've also have my Butterfly-Girl as two seperate ATs on the same server, as he just didn't feel right as a BS/WP...but I got him up to a pretty decent level before I said "I really need to fix this somehow, it feels off" he's rerolled as a Dark/Sonic, and the powers fit him much better.

I'll probably just rename the BS/WP when I come up with a concept for it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I have Ray Gunn on two servers. On Virtue, he's a tech blaster who bought a small old movie serial franchise to get his hero persona. On Freedom, he became a Peacebringer, and skipped the tech but still bought a small old movie serial franchise to get his hero persona.

Together, they fight crime!



Nightshade Legree exists on all servers, because she's my main and I keep meaning to level up the character again to see if it's any easier now that I know what I'm doing.

As a thugs/ MM she already has pistols, so one of them will probably get rerolled as a Dual Pistols Corruptor when GR comes out.



Aggelakis exists on every NA server, and has Empathy or Trick Arrow or Archery as one of the powersets on each one. The original on Justice is an emp/arch defender. I also have Aggelakis II (emp/dark) and Aggelakis III (ill/emp) on Justice. Most of the other-server Agges are defenders. There are a couple controllers. I just really like those three powersets.

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City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
Nightshade Legree exists on all servers, because she's my main and I keep meaning to level up the character again to see if it's any easier now that I know what I'm doing.

As a thugs/ MM she already has pistols, so one of them will probably get rerolled as a Dual Pistols Corruptor when GR comes out.
Are all of your server versions of Nightshade Legree with the same powersets? Again, just curious.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
I have Ray Gunn on two servers. On Virtue, he's a tech blaster who bought a small old movie serial franchise to get his hero persona. On Freedom, he became a Peacebringer, and skipped the tech but still bought a small old movie serial franchise to get his hero persona.

Together, they fight crime!
Does Ray Gunn on both servers have the same powersets? I'm kinda making a tally to give me an idea of the average forum-goers take on this. Thanks!



I did have several different versions of my main on Virtue, all of which were wildly different powersets representing different uses of the same powers (you can explain a lot of powersets as some combination of air/water control, just being a good fighter, and manipulation of raw chaos.) This was largely because I was tied up enough in RP at that time that I just didn't want to abandon the character for a new one. After about a year, I got over it, and I haven't done any repeats since.

I think Kel has been...
Storm/Elec Defender
Claws/SR Scrapper
Katana/Dark Scrapper
Ice/Rad Controller
Mind/Storm Controller

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I have two characters, my first 50s, that are duplicated on all servers.

They are only level 50 on Justice, and level 1s in Outbreak on all the others.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
I have two characters, my first 50s, that are duplicated on all servers.

They are only level 50 on Justice, and level 1s in Outbreak on all the others.

I see I'm not alone on this at all.

Bill Z Bubba exists on every server. He's level 50 on Pinnacle and level 1 everywhere else as nothing but a name grab. If I could do it on the servers across the pond, I would.

Be well, people of CoH.



While I've been experimenting with using the same base model (features, body type) for my alts, my main on Infinity, a martial arts scrapper called True Gentleman, has his inverted counterpart on Virtue, a ninja blade stalker dubbed The Unspeakable Cad.

They both share tastes in tailoring - top hat and formal wear - but the latter has a dueling scar and a waxed mustache. I've left room in their backstories for the possibility of their being mirror universe doppelgangers.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I see I'm not alone on this at all.

Bill Z Bubba exists on every server. He's level 50 on Pinnacle and level 1 everywhere else as nothing but a name grab. If I could do it on the servers across the pond, I would.
I've thought seriously about doing this with my main two toons, as I've already encountered a few people on Freedom who have made some sort of imitation of my main two characters' names. (lol)


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I've thought seriously about doing this with my main two toons, as I've already encountered a few people on Freedom who have made some sort of imitation of my main two characters' names. (lol)

So, yeah... After coming across this thread and making that comment, I decided to go ahead and "reserve" my main two character's names "AlienOne" and "VestigeOne"...

Both Virtue and Infinity servers already had someone with the name "AlienOne" on it...haha!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
Does Ray Gunn on both servers have the same powersets? I'm kinda making a tally to give me an idea of the average forum-goers take on this. Thanks!
No he doesn't actually.

Ray Gunn on Virtue Shard is a tech origin energy/energy blaster. Ray Gunn of Freedom Shard is the same man, but a peacebringer with, of course, the peacebringer power sets.



I have Scarlet Shocker on both servers I can use.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I have two characters -- originally, one on Pinnacle and one on Guardian, until I moved the one from Pinnacle to Guardian -- who have related backgrounds, and are both Robotics/Dark Masterminds. BRIGADYR (БРИГАДИР) was the prototype of a Soviet research program to create a robotic director for combat robots; the Soviet researchers accidentally created an AI, and after attempts to reprogram him failed, he was deactivated and carted off to long-term storage. KOMANDYR (КОМАНДИР) was the second prototype, which was testing out within the design parameters of the research program until someone accidentally loaded a dump of BRIGADYR's core program units, causing KOMANDYR to become sentient as well; the research program was canceled, with KOMANDYR being shut down and stuck into storage. The two wound up in the Rogue Isles by different routes.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Yes, in one case. On Triumph, I have a level-late-thirties character that probably SHOULD be generic'd and certainly would have been had NCSoft's lawyers been bothered by Square/Enix instead of Marvel, but I can't bring myself to delete him since I've had him so long (though I've made an agreement with myself that if he hits 50, I will screencap it, log out, and delete him on the spot). On Virtue, I have a character with the same build, inspired by the same character, but redone as a Mender - I'm pretty sure that one is safe, though, given that the devs themselves have slipped in a few NPCs that are also clearly inspired by other people's characters.

Actually, now that server transfers are free, I'm toying with the idea of transferring the higher-level character who shouldn't exist to Virtue and getting a rename token for him, transferring the entire identity of the lower-level character over to the higher-level character, and deleting the lower-level character...



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
... other than your prime toon's character?

So how about it? Do you do this for any of your characters? Do you have the same toon on all servers, or only a couple? Is this idea out to lunch? Again, curiosity, not any form of judgement, fuels this question.
Let's see. First off, what is considered a "prime toon"? I really don't know what that means. I really don't have a "main". I made 22 characters the first week I had a subscription.

I have a character that is on 7 servers (5 hero/2 villain), but they don't all have the same archetypes.

Another that is on 4 servers (2 hero/2villain) different power sets on her hero side, but same power sets on the villain side.

Another that is on 3 servers (2 hero/1 villain) Different power sets on hero side.

Another that is on 3 servers (3 heroes) different power sets - each sharing one common power set with the first one I made - one having a different primary and the other having a different secondary.

Another this is on 2 servers (2 heroes/1 villain - essentially one on both hero and villain side on the same server) I believe are different archetypes.

Another that is on 2 servers (1 hero/1 villain)

Another that is on 2 servers (2 villain) same archetype and power sets.

The one I did it the most with I just have so much fun playing the character as the character regardless of how I implement the power fx be cause different sets hold different parts of the way the character "operates" in my original concept that was created long before there was a City.



I've gone and gotten my main's name on most of the US servers(it was taken on 2 of them). They are not real copies though. Only the name and the starting look (with a few small variations in costume pieces) are the same.

Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes he get you, rips your head off, sucks out your eyes, pulls out your spleen, humps your leg and pees in your boots