So, when do we actually get new Costumes?

Adeon Hawkwood



I've been noticing a trend here.

We haven't received a single new costume outside of a booster pack in what... A year? Two years?

I suppose you could count the Halos and the Pumpkinhead, but thats about it. Every other costume has been put out in Booster packs, ever since they were first launched.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with booster packs, but it leaves a pretty bitter taste in the mouth when EVERY single costume is put through them.



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
I've been noticing a trend here.

We haven't received a single new costume outside of a booster pack in what... A year? Two years?

I suppose you could count the Halos and the Pumpkinhead, but thats about it. Every other costume has been put out in Booster packs, ever since they were first launched.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with booster packs, but it leaves a pretty bitter taste in the mouth when EVERY single costume is put through them.
Artic, vines for a start


Edit: Some new faces as well i might add Also new hair styles were launched AFTER the first booster iirc

Edit 2: That one my main character uses atm but for the love of me i cant name

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Also, Ulterior.

Thats the one i was thinking of thanks!

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Artic, vines for a start


Edit: Some new faces as well i might add Also new hair styles were launched AFTER the first booster iirc

Edit 2: That one my main character uses atm but for the love of me i cant name
Regardless, those costumes were all over a year ago.



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
Regardless, those costumes were all over a year ago.

issue 16 = new cossie pieces

Double bust ! hehe

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Don't forget Vandal!

Really, let me think of all the awesome costume bits we've gotten for free...


Tons of new hairstyles
Tons of new faces
Tons of new aura combinations
Flies Aura

I know I'm forgetting something, so I apologize.

Even those are a LOT of free costumes.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Don't forget Vandal!

Really, let me think of all the awesome costume bits we've gotten for free...


Tons of new hairstyles
Tons of new faces
Tons of new aura combinations
Flies Aura

I know I'm forgetting something, so I apologize.

Even those are a LOT of free costumes.

Those were all created well over a year ago.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
issue 16 = new cossie pieces

Double bust ! hehe
What costumes pieces? Powers? I would hardly call those costume pieces.



Q: So, when do we actually get new Costumes?

A: Soon™

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Ulterior, vines, and faces were in issue 15, and I would love to hear in what reality "June 29" is "over a year ago".

Waiting for the OP's clever response here.



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
What costumes pieces? Powers? I would hardly call those costume pieces.
Power Customization. Not exactly a costume piece, but I would contend that Power Customization offers more customizability options than all of the booster packs combined. I have a Sonic Attack/Ice Manipulation Blaster, and on one of her costume slots, no two of her powers are the same color. Although the Ice Manipulation powers are rather similar, that's because I like blue ice.

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Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
I've been noticing a trend here.

We haven't received a single new costume outside of a booster pack in what... A year? Two years?


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Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
What costumes pieces? Powers? I would hardly call those costume pieces.

Well there was two new patterns added in issue 16 . . . . .

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Ulterior, vines, and faces were in issue 15, and I would love to hear in what reality "June 29" is "over a year ago".
There were also all those new suit jackets and belts and other day job bits in issue 13 (December 2, 2008).

That was over two years ago, by the same highly specialized calendar.



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
I've been noticing a trend here.

We haven't received a single new costume outside of a booster pack in what... A year? Two years?

I suppose you could count the Halos and the Pumpkinhead, but thats about it. Every other costume has been put out in Booster packs, ever since they were first launched.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with booster packs, but it leaves a pretty bitter taste in the mouth when EVERY single costume is put through them.
If you're going for two years...
  • Issue 12 included the unlockable Roman costume bits just and weapons for completing the TF (and additional new weapons for beating it twice)
  • Issue 13 introduced a ton of costume parts for Day Jobs, including spiffy new jackets, ties, and shirts, that were free with the issue.
  • Issue 14 was all about the Architect and not much else
  • Issue 15 had the aforementioned Vines and Ulterior patterns
  • Issue 16 was all about Power Customization. No costumes, but craploads of things to do with Powers in the Tailor.
So no, I don't buy that we're paying for every new costume set with boosters, especially with Issue 12 and 13. There will still be free stuff and stuff that can be earned. For example, I suspect the Preatorian Clockwork pieces will be earnable in GR, just like the Roman stuff in I12.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Well there was two new patterns added in issue 16 . . . . .
Really? Musta missed those...

Originally Posted by Wonderslug View Post
There were also all those new suit jackets and belts and other day job bits in issue 13 (December 2, 2008).

That was over two years ago, by the same highly specialized calendar.
Oooh, yeah, good point. I love those pieces.

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I do consider auras, weapons, and power customization to be costuming. They certainly aren't powers.

While the MA didn't give us new costumes, they gave us the opportunity to dress up our own foes however we wanted with minimal unlocking opening up costume pieces that our own PCs don't have access to. Then, they gave us the ability to tint the foes.

It's only a tunnel vision attitude of narrowly defining costumes as bits of clothing or armor for our PCs that would make one think we've had no costume loving for two years.

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There does appear to be a trend with the bulk of new costumes being primarily in booster packs! That may just be a necessary revenue stream that NCSoft/Paragon Studios need to take. I'm ok with that so long as we get pack like the one made available yesterday.

I would; however, like to see more flat textures added on a regular basis. More complex mods can remain the perview of the booster packs.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
I would; however, like to see more flat textures added on a regular basis. More complex mods can remain the perview of the booster packs.

Yes please. Simple for free, complex for cash.



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Ulterior, vines, and faces were in issue 15, and I would love to hear in what reality "June 29" is "over a year ago".
I'm pretty sure that's the length of Mercury's orbit around the Sun.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Yes please. Simple for free, complex for cash.
Completely agree with the above.