Level 50 disenchanted - turbo levelling

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I recall level 50 was something to look forward to. Something big. Something to get to eventually at the end of most of some level 45+ story arcs and some TFs. Something one needs to work for, and feels accomplished when one achived it.

These days, level 50 seems to have become something that just happens. It took me one TF on minimum setting to get half the way from 49 to 50 and ding before it was over on one character. It took only very few hours of doing nothing particular but just hopping around and killing street stuff and ToT-ing a little from 49 to 50 on another.

Heck, 50 has become something that happens rather accidentally than on purpose anymore!

Is it just me or does the game feel a lot more pointless with the current leveling speed, outleveling most contacts before you could play one arc half way through, playing each TF once making you skip everything until 45 or so, and there hardly being much content at all anymore that you play through on your way to max level?

Yes, I know you can turn XP off now. But that' snot the default way to play nor should it be required for a decent experience of content.
Is that just me? Is that just at higher levels? Or is there anybody else that thinks this game feels a little too fast and 'easy to beat' for someone that doesnt have altitis and hasnt played every single bit of content already?



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
I recall level 50 was something to look forward to. Something big. Something to get to eventually at the end of most of some level 45+ story arcs and some TFs. Something one needs to work for, and feels accomplished when one achived it.


Yes, I know you can turn XP off now. But that' snot the default way to play nor should it be required for a decent experience of content.
Is that just me? Is that just at higher levels? Or is there anybody else that thinks this game feels a little too fast and 'easy to beat' for someone that doesnt have altitis and hasnt played every single bit of content already?
Hey, guess what. Not everybody wants to take as long as you to get to 50.

If you want it to take longer, you can turn off XP. But if they want it to take less time, they can't turn on more XP. And as soon as you start getting mad about the things other people are doing for themselves, you've gone down a road there can be no returning from.

We've all got dozens and dozens of character slots to work with now. Most of mine don't even have anything in 'em, let alone a level 50. And frankly, it's great that everybody doesn't have to do everything available at the level in order to get to the next one. Leaves more to do for next time.

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Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
too fast and 'easy to beat' for someone that doesnt have altitis
Well, there's your problem. The game's always been designed with the expectation that one single character shouldn't be able to do/see everything.

Anyway, having just reached level 50 a few weeks ago after nearly five years of duffing around, I can honestly say that I don't think it needed to take longer, but I am perhaps the wrong guy to have asked.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Yes, I know you can turn XP off now. But that' snot the default way to play nor should it be required for a decent experience of content.
That IS the point. You CAN turn off XP. You can do the content the next time with the next character. You CAN go back and do the content you missed with between Exemping and Ouro.

Maybe leveling is a little fast, I dont know. Does not feel like it to me. But I am glad I do not have to do EVERY 45+ arc plus a couple TF's to get the 50. Because then I would do those things on EVERY character I would be dropping my subs quicker as I burn out.

The nice thing is that I can lvl one character from 45-50 through ToTing.
Then the next one I can lvl that on repeated ITF's.
Then the next one I can lvl that on AV arcs.
Then the next one I can lvl that with Newspapers.
Then the next one I can lvl that in the Shard.

That is the beauty of the system.



Is levelling fast now? Yes. Does it make the game pointless? In this man's opinion no.

Why? Because I spent a year getting my first 50, that was an accomplishment. Four years later, I spent about 4 months getting my first 50 that wasn't my "main" character, and around the same time pushing my main villain to level 50. That also was an accomplishment.

For me, there's nothing left to "achieve" in this game. Does that mean that I'm done with the game? Hell no. What that means is that finally.... finally I can stop working towards a goal and just simply log in to have FUN.

Now I just play to play. If I level up fast, great. If I get tons of debt from dying over and over again? Great too. I honestly don't care anymore because I'm just having FUN.

Playing with new powers, playing with new costumes, playing with new character concepts.

The ease of making it to 50 in recent times has done one thing, for this man at least. It's changed me from a Mainalomaniac to an Altoholic.

As of this moment, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. But I sure am having fun!



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Yes, I know you can turn XP off now.....

then what are you crying about?

if anyone wants to level slower, they know where the brake is.

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Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
I recall level 50 was something to look forward to.

Is it just me or does the game feel a lot more pointless with the current leveling speed...?
It's probably not just you, but it's definitely not that way for me. Most nights I have a tough decision to make. "What 50 do I want to play tonight?" Because they're all fun for me.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Stupid delayed double post for some reason.



having only one lvl 50 in 40 months of playing I don't think leveling happens too quickly

but then I don't have any interest in getting to 50.

the problem with a goal is that once you have reached it you are done. It always takes too long until you reach it, and then not enough time because you are done.



I dont want to level as slow as you.
They way you play sounds BORING AS HELL.

That is the bottom line.



To the OP,
I'm content with the current leveling speed.
But you're free to:
1) Use the existing options to slow down your own progress, such as turning off XP or diving into a death on purpose to burn off patrol XP or try to get debt.
2) Blame Patrol XP (and to a lesser extent, the XP curve adjustments) for this increased rate.

Speaking of Patrol XP, it seems odd that now someone with altitis actually levels faster than someone who sticks with a single character, they just ding across multiple characters over the course of a week, or even day. A single-character player will burn off thier Patrol XP and then level at the normal rate, where a player tha switches rapidly between multiple alts will burn through Patrol XP, then switch to another character, never running at normal XP rate for long.
But that's the way it is, and the Devs did leave an escape valve for those who choose to opt out.



Or is there anybody else that thinks this game feels a little too fast and 'easy to beat' for someone that doesnt have altitis and hasnt played every single bit of content already?
Yes, leveling is too fast, yes, the game is too easy, and no, the entrenched user base will never admit either even while they're wondering why the game isn't growing any more.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I like to use different strategies to level mine. You could have one who tries to do almost exclusively Task Forces, one who does arcs/regular missions, and one who does street sweeping. That's why there's so much content. You don't have to level your characters THE SAME WAY EVERY TIME!

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Yes, leveling is too fast, yes, the game is too easy, and no, the entrenched user base will never admit either even while they're wondering why the game isn't growing any more.
If you think it's too fast, the tools are there to slow it down.
If you think it's too easy, the tools are there to increase the difficulty.

The more flexibility players are given, the better.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Yes, leveling is too fast, yes, the game is too easy, and no, the entrenched user base will never admit either even while they're wondering why the game isn't growing any more.
I agree that it is to easy and to fast to hit 50. Personally I don't mind as I am to much an altaholic to level fast even now but to people who love the challenge of leveling and getting great goodies I can understand why they get bored easily with this game. However such persons could hit 50 in less then a month earlier when the xp curve was a lot steeper. Would they have stayed so much longer with the more challenging level curve that it really matters customer wise? I am not sure.



For me, the game isn't really about how fast I level. Leveling is nice, but unless there's some sort of content I need to get to RIGHT NOW, I don't spend that much time on it.

Besides, CoX is about more than just getting to level 50. Try Roleplaying. Become a mission architect. Start holding (or participating in) costume contests. Try to get all the accolade powers. Get a bunch of Blasters and try to walk to Peregrine Island. (Or a Bunch of Dominators and try to walk from Kalinda to Lord Recluse, visiting every Arbiter along the way.)

Make a ******** of IOs and start throwing them at people.

Try to do something crazy, like try to get the Portal Jockey badge at level 1. (It's possible!)

Just... don't focus on levels.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Yes, leveling is too fast, yes, the game is too easy, and no, the entrenched user base will never admit either even while they're wondering why the game isn't growing any more.
Venture, you've been predicting the imminent death of the game for, what, five years now? Is your plan just to stick around repeating the assertion until the laws of thermodynamics make it coincidentally true, then say Aha, I told you! just before the Sun winks out?



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Or is there anybody else that thinks this game feels a little too fast and 'easy to beat' for someone that doesnt have altitis and hasnt played every single bit of content already?
That might be the problem.
This game has never really been about getting to L50. Not "rush to the level cap to do raids" or anything like that.
It's been about the game on the way to L50. Replaying it on alts.
A lot of the stuff to do at L50 is fairly new, except Hamidon. Before, all a L50 had to do was pound on Hamidon and go run a costume contest, or else....roll an alt.
The Devs (apparently) wanted veteran players to mingle with the new players, acting as mentors and teammates.
That's the way I saw the SK system and Exemplaring.
That's the way I saw the blueside EATs. As getting buffs by being in teams, a new Kheld was encouraged to team with the lowbies around him, which could easily be utter newbies. And they could, possibly, learn from him as he shows them stuff.
Redside Epics (the SoAs) are also team-based, although rather than recieve buffs from the team, they are granted team-buffs as self-buffs in thier power selections.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Yes, leveling is too fast, yes, the game is too easy
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Far as I'm concerned, a game that's quick, easy and controllable is far superior to one that's hard, slow and random. I much prefer playing a game ten times over, as opposed to playing a game a really long time. When a long game is done, I'm glad it's over and I'm very unlikely to start it from the beginning. When a short game is over, I can't wait to play it again because I know I won't be busting my butt like a mad man each time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Been in CoH for 39 months; no 50s yet. No alts either, just lots and lots of mains.

For me, leveling happens when it happens. I have no interest in "beating" the game, just playing it. If they game itself isn't fun, there's really no point in playing.

I did manage to hit level 50 in LOTRO a while back -- but couldn't find the cap! Darn devs moved it to 60.



These days, level 50 seems to have become something that just happens.
It was always that way. Even the most casual player is guaranteed to get to 50 if they keep playing. There is no chance of failure, perma-death, etc.

and there hardly being much content at all anymore that you play through on your way to max level?
I think you need to look at this from a different angle. More and more content has been added. Therefore, it's impossible to do it all while you're 'on the way up'. Even if leveling speed had not been adjusted, you still couldn't do it all. This is a GOOD thing. Particularly since you can always 'go back' and do it later.

Is that just me? Is that just at higher levels? Or is there anybody else that thinks this game feels a little too fast and 'easy to beat' for someone that doesnt have altitis and hasnt played every single bit of content already?
Kind of. They've 'adjusted' the leveling rate so many times (always in the same direction); I think they've gotten a bit carried away.

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I suppose it's a point of view...some who play constantly can get a toon to 50 np.Others like myself who have jobs,lives,families,etc...well it takes us longer.

Some who play only one toon will get to 50 np...but,on the other hand some of us who have multiple toons...well it takes us longer.

Now if you combine some of those...example; a person who plays constantly on one toon....well they are going to get to 50 quicker.

If you want to take your time,try playing every contact/mish in your level range and proceed from there,that should take quite awhile.I have a lvl 2 brute that has almost every day job badge and he is 29 months old.

Its how you play the game that affects your perception of time.My suggestion make 5 different toons and play a different one every night.That should take awhile.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
then what are you crying about?

if anyone wants to level slower, they know where the brake is.
About potential new player (oversimplified a bit) : gets a team invite, does the sewers, is taken along on some speed-TFs, makes 50 -> didnt see anything of the game -> didnt learn how to play -> doesnt grasp or like or find some end game content -> finds game is lame -> leaves.

Or people that like the challenge. And find pretending its harder by truning XP off while it could be much easier and everybody else DOES have it easier is not a challenge.

Or people that find advancing a character more fun that having a 50 and/or get bored once they have a 50 of every character concept they ever came up with.

I'm worried about the game. Myself I can have altitis quite fine, and stick with SuperGroup buddies, and I already used no-XP quite some as well.
And this game may not be about leveling, but other games are, and a lot of newcomers might expect it to be and fail to see CoX's true beauty on their zip-through to 50.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
About potential new player (oversimplified a bit) : gets a team invite, does the sewers, is taken along on some speed-TFs, makes 50 -> didnt see anything of the game -> didnt learn how to play -> doesnt grasp or like or find some end game content -> finds game is lame -> leaves.
Well there's your problem.



Guess what?
The point is not 50.
Getting to 50 is not the end of the game.
Its what you do at 50 that matters.

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