Level 50 disenchanted - turbo levelling

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Hm, I just tried a new hero the "normal" way, and leveling progress at the low levels was very fine when I did missions and stopped the purse snatching on the way. Only downside being it took me several hours to 7 that way, (which is fine! but) of course is a VERY strong incentive to do the sewers instead once you get an invite to them and learn how fast that is. (Sure, I like the content and getting the contacts, but they are not needed later in the game, and for those that only want to play and advance, sewers is king.)
I guess on my last non-sewer low level I had quite a lot of ToTing and event stuff included which probably is sort of is powerleveling too compared to the running you have to do for normal missions.

So maybe it was just higher the really high levels that changed, for I really recall how I sat on 48.5 like forever on some char until I dug him out again recently, or it was a glitch with patrol XP to 50 and beyond, or whatever it was got fixed by now. I dont have so many near-50s left to test it.

But I am not ashamed to be concerned about ill-effects too fast leveling.
Maybe stuff like TFs that provides a steady stream of prey should give a little less xp (and slightly more inf instead) so you can do them without it shooting your level through the ceiling and dont have to feel so dumb if you do other stuff instead?
Or running around and not fighting could give small amounts of patrol xp?
*shall get to bed before he posts more insane stuff*



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
So maybe it was just higher the really high levels that changed, for I really recall how I sat on 48.5 like forever on some char until I dug him out again recently, or it was a glitch with patrol XP to 50 and beyond, or whatever it was got fixed by now. I dont have so many near-50s left to test it.
The high levels have been adjusted once, I believe, and that was just to smooth things over 35 and up so you don't run out of missions all the time. The lower levels have been smoothed over several times, but all that's resulted in is creating a VERY sharp cutoff at around level 20 where levels suddenly start taking forever. But, yeah, the high-end game used to suck for levelling in, but between reduced debt, patrol experience which means a LOT when you don't blow through it in 20 minutes and a decent experience gain speed, the old horrible grind is gone. But, really, the mad levelling is only in the low levels.

But I am not ashamed to be concerned about ill-effects too fast leveling.
Maybe stuff like TFs that provides a steady stream of prey should give a little less xp (and slightly more inf instead) so you can do them without it shooting your level through the ceiling and dont have to feel so dumb if you do other stuff instead?[/QUOTE]

I've always thought TFs and just large teams give far too much experience for the difficulty they present, but I dare not suggest anything on the subject because I know how that would turn out. Suffice it to say you can get on a TF or two if you want to fast-tack a few levels.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Another way to level slower is to form a leveling pact with someone who doesn't play that character.

That may sound silly, but as someone with 2 accounts I've done this several times over, where I pair up characters from each account but only play one of them. It certainly slows down the leveling speed.

I've no doubt you could find friends willing to create a character and pact with you, and not play that character until you'd both hit 50.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



But I am not ashamed to be concerned about ill-effects too fast leveling.

Maybe stuff like TFs that provides a steady stream of prey should give a little less xp (and slightly more inf instead) so you can do them without it shooting your level through the ceiling and dont have to feel so dumb if you do other stuff instead?
Again, sole control over XP gain has been given to the users ALREADY. If you want to slow down, turn off XP for a bit. As such, no adjustment (see NERF) of taskforces is necessary. In fact, any taskforce that includes Freakshow is already nerfed.

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One of my friends started a villain group called "The Crazy Eights". All missions must be run on x8. From level 1.

The thought makes me cringe. But I may try it out!

www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Again, sole control over XP gain has been given to the users ALREADY. If you want to slow down, turn off XP for a bit.
You dont need speed limits on roads either. Sole control over speed has been given to the drivers already. If you want to slow down, just step off the gas.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
You dont need speed limits on roads either. Sole control over speed has been given to the drivers already. If you want to slow down, just step off the gas.
That is the most specious comparison anybody's ever made on this board. Which is impressive, since this is the official board of specious comparisons.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
then what are you crying about?

if anyone wants to level slower, they know where the brake is.
I'm one of those 8-hour mamas that likes to take my time. And I do in fact do just that. If I'm close to outleveling a content window on a character that I am really enjoying or know there is specific badge content or inventions work or whatever I might want to do, I totally turn XP off. And I often do it before invasions or other event play simply because some of that stuff, like monster hunting, can zip you along.

In fact, with this approach I've noticed a strange whiplash style to my leveling since I've started doing it. Play till level *4.8 or *9.8, turn off xp, do a bunch of content focused solely on the content itself--not the mad xpees. Turn xp back on eventually, pop into the next tier, spend merits on a few rare recipe rolls (you get a lot of arc merits through this style of play ), feel like I'm leveling like mad for another 4.8 levels and then turn it back off.

Not a pace for everyone, but I'm finding I enjoy it quite a bit. And it makes me feel as close to newer alts as I am to my 1 year anniversary badge holders.

And with SSK, once you hit about level 15 or 20, you can still take a character in these rhythms on higher leveled, tougher adventures. Just be prepared to feel a little bit like a Robin to your friends Batman. As far as the innuendos, YMMV.



The ease of the game and the lack of a grind is what keeps me playing to be honest. If I want to just chill out and goof around for an hour while simultaneously making tangible progress on my toon I can, and that's the appeal of the game to me. Likewise, if I'm not burned out from work/family/etc and want to do something more hardcore, those settings are also available in the game. The flexibility, user-determined difficulty and speed of this game are what I love about it. If I wanted a long tedious grind MMO or an MMO that focused on lvl 50, 60, 104920 on one 'main toon' being the end goal I'd be there and not here. There's plenty of MMOs like that out there already and I see no reason for CoH to move that already crowded MMO direction.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
You dont need speed limits on roads either. Sole control over speed has been given to the drivers already. If you want to slow down, just step off the gas.
On difference.

A screwup during an incident of speeding may get someone hurt/killed.

A screwup during experience-denial? It gets you...inf...and *gasp!* PRESTIGE!


Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
You dont need speed limits on roads either. Sole control over speed has been given to the drivers already. If you want to slow down, just step off the gas.

You win the No Prize for lamest metaphor of the week!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
That is the most specious comparison anybody's ever made on this board. Which is impressive, since this is the official board of specious comparisons.
It is? When I say "Maybe you can level too fast." and am told "But you can slow down if you want!"
After telling again and again that I dont worry that I am leveling too fast. I am fine.
That I can slow down doesnt change anything about it being possible to level fast.

Why I think possible turbo-leveling can be harmful to the community is written above. Several times.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Why I think possible turbo-leveling can be harmful to the community is written above. Several times.
You're still missing the point where it no longer as epidemic for new players to be sucked into some kind of spontaneous powerlevelling (I've played numerous lowbies and I haven't had offers to be powerlevelled since I16). That, and the fact that not everyone believes level 50 should be some kind of mythical end of the game. For some people, myself among them, it is merely a new beginning, that of another character. And for some people still, it is a beginning of the post-end-game where they can grind for "phat lewt."

I see no problem with the levelling speed as presented.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Even Though I admit that i haven't read every line here in every post, in advance i apologize to those who this post does not apply. With that said.......

I think you all have pretty much missed the reason for not leveling too fast.

The entire reason that game makers DON'T make leveling too fast is because once you've gone though and conquered everything there is no reason to hang around.

At this time I think the evidence is quite clear. The Servers are virtually empty.

As time has passed over the last 5 years and "Farming" has become slicker faster and easier to do, the population has decreased correspondingly.

I am amazed that the developers and number crunchers haven't seen or perhaps correctly understood this trend.

The one item I believe that made this game have a long term attractiveness to it for many different folks is the ease with which "team play" is made. The game encouraged team work, the game made it easy to find the appropriate team members for YOUR team and there a high number of missions and prizes that were for geared team play.
On COH and COV there are/were a good variety of individuals who had different agendas in mind as they logged on to play, Such as getting to the next level or exploring a story Arc or doing a Hami raid and may other things. The one thing that was needed and enjoyed was accomplishing these on a team. As a matter of fact if you are a person who wants to level quickly, being on a team doing just about any thing is/was the fastest way to level.
Other than "Farming".

I believe that "Farming" was certainly a part of the game that would be/ Could be enjoyed. However I believe that farming should be (or should have been in this case) held in check. However at every turn the wrong choices were made. I understand that keeping a game of this size balanced is at best difficult.

I can only guess that the forum junkies had the ultimate influence over the Dev's. (The squeaky wheel got the grease but when the Motor ran out of oil and the engine seized up... no one noticed).

With that statement I make this comment. The bread and butter of Coh and Cov was the average guy or gal who went to work and came home to spend some time having a little fun. They did not spend their time on the forums combing through thousands of posts or even really care. My bet is that more of those people had ongoing paying accounts than any other group. I believe that the Dev's felt that making the game "COOLER" would offset that farming disparity.

The Basic Psychology of the original success of COV and COV is Simple. The Comradery that develops while combating or conquering an enemy and the satisfaction and joy that occurs (as a team) is unequaled by any other form. Certainly the original "TEAM" that worked together to develop and deploy City if Hero's experienced the very type of satisfaction that the players of the game did that made it successful in the first place.

I personally know at least 10-12 people that were regulars on cov and coh who have stopped playing for the very lack of being able to make or join a team and go have fun.

I Never Had anyone Say to me .. ( I Quit playing because I couldn't power level my Character)

I personally enjoyed the idea of rounding up a bunch of baddies as a "tank" But not at the expense of conquering the game so fast that i was bored.

I am not sure that COH or COV will ever enjoy its previous success. I am certain however that the game will not flourish as long as the ability to make level 50 in a few days when ever one feels like it.

Last Comments: I have enjoyed every team and have enjoyed making missions in the Mission architect.
Unfortunately leveling has become so easy for the most part that folks will quit a team if they die even 1 time because they know they can level faster.

Cappy Out



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

I see no problem with the levelling speed as presented.
Even Though I have just replied and fear I will repeat my self. Samuel I can See that you joined in 2004. Certainly YOU can see the hugh reduction in players. Do you truly believe that this "Turbo power leveling" had no effect in the reduction of players? I submit to you that the more available and easier power leveling has become that the number of players has decreased.



Originally Posted by MPSCAPPY View Post
Even Though I have just replied and fear I will repeat my self. Samuel I can See that you joined in 2004. Certainly YOU can see the hugh reduction in players. Do you truly believe that this "Turbo power leveling" had no effect in the reduction of players? I submit to you that the more available and easier power leveling has become that the number of players has decreased.
Give me full detail and information where you got this assumption from. If you cannot do this, it is an opinion, and your just gnashing teeth. I have not seen a drop on population, people leave and come all the time in MMOs. I have no problem finding teams when I want them on Triumph, on of the smaller server pops.

So for people saying they cannot find a team they are not using all the tools they got. For the XP leveling speed, I level quickly cause my diffs are always "high". I rarely run on the lowest difficulty. It does not bother me how much I faceplant, or whatever, I am learning what my toons can do and I am having fun even if I am leveling quickly.

Then for the missing content, I always miss arcs and all that on the way to 50, I hand pick what arcs I wanna play and go from there, make a path that makes sense to my character. I always have oro to back me up if I want to play old arcs again. There is so many tools out there you can use to curve your xp, do old arcs, and everything else in game, you had to learn them, it was not just thrusted on you.

This is the same with the new guys that come in and play they MAY miss the content and level to fifty quicker than you want, but if they enjoyed the ride they will make more, try different stuff and find out what makes the game great. If they just hit the cap then quit, then they had no interest sticking around in general. It is simple as that.



Originally Posted by MPSCAPPY View Post
Even Though I have just replied and fear I will repeat my self. Samuel I can See that you joined in 2004. Certainly YOU can see the hugh reduction in players. Do you truly believe that this "Turbo power leveling" had no effect in the reduction of players? I submit to you that the more available and easier power leveling has become that the number of players has decreased.
No, I most certainly don't see a reduction of players from when I'm standing. I team just as much these days as I did back in the day. More so, in fact. It's quite possible I don't see the full picture, but as far as I can see, things are more or less how they've always been. I don't see as many people in the streets as back in 2004, granted, but then with everybody in instances, what's the point in just hanging out in the streets? A server filled with 1000 copies of me would still seem mostly empty streets, since I largely just travel through them.

And how do you extrapolate that levelling speed has a negative effect on the game. Most of what I've heard is from people complaining debt was too high and the game was a grind, or that the 1-20 game was horribly boring and they wanted to skip past it. Including this thread, I've seen fewer people complaining about levelling speed being too high than I have fingers on one hand. And I assure you, both my hands have five fingers. Even if the servers are drying up, which I cannot confirm or deny, it's just as likely caused by the alignment of the stars as it's caused by too high levelling speed.

Furthermore, if you believe that once you've gotten to level 50, there is no further point in playing the game, then you show a profound lack of understanding of the point of the game, or indeed the design of MMOs in general. This game in particular emphasises replay value. You miss a lot of content on your way to 50 even if you don't hurry, the variety between characters is incredible and customization is very high. And indeed, even other MMOs are gradually speeding up their levelling speed. Levelling up in WoW, and indeed even gathering epic loot has been getting easier and easier all the time, yet I haven't seen their numbers wane. That really doesn't say whether levelling speed increases are good or bad, it merely says that the data we have is inconclusive.

So, again. I see no problem with the levelling speed of the game.

With that statement I make this comment. The bread and butter of Coh and Cov was the average guy or gal who went to work and came home to spend some time having a little fun. They did not spend their time on the forums combing through thousands of posts or even really care. My bet is that more of those people had ongoing paying accounts than any other group. I believe that the Dev's felt that making the game "COOLER" would offset that farming disparity.
Ugh... I think part of my brain died after reading this statement, and now my left hand is twitching. Thanks a lot!

The sheer ignorance of this paragraph is just baffling. Are you seriously, really seriously, suggesting that the developers actively and intentionally HELPED farming? That they sat down and said "Hmm... We could add more types of missions, but that would prevent people from farming, so let's let them make their own farms instead!" Seriously? This is... Look, they spent how many Issues patching up holes, slapping timers on farm missions, reducing experience, removing experience, altering content, introducing merits and overall busting their butts to keep people from farming and powerlevelling, and you say they were afraid of "offsetting" farming? That they actively created it? Are you even listening to yourself?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




1 . Your own statement about the streets being empty does NOT suggest that everyone is in a mission, this is because at any given time there will always be a proportional number of people both in missions and not in missions.

2. Yes the Severs are Clearly way below Any previous levels. (and have been Declining) If you don't see that then your are either lying or your head is so far buried in these forums and/or your own little world that you have become oblivious to the FACT! Or perhaps you just refuse to acknowledge it. You may wish to investigate the big shift of peoples that transferred their Characters to more populated servers because the once flourishing servers they were on had become barren. At Some Point even most of those die hard folks decided they were done.

3. Maybe you missed the piles of peoples lined up in Atlas trying to power level up when Mission Architect came out. Until pretty much everyone had there fill. Yes the Developers have augmented Farming for everyone to a point of self destruction. Heck Even the EXP is like quadrupled for M.A.. ( This is a real easy test to confirm, Kill an MA made boss in a an MA mission then go kill an equal boss from a regular mission.) and what the heck lets make it so there's an auto sk so now 6 or 7 people can be powered leveled now instead of 3. And lets put it in atlas so every level 1 can get walk right in. and by the way lets allow players to turn off exp so they can perma sk.
I'M sorry but for some reason the dev's gave in to the farming. I repeat, I certainly believe that farming is and can be an enjoyable part of the Game. But it is so far out of control there is no longer a good balance in the game. And THAT HAS had a major impact on the size of the and welfare of the "Community".

4. As you are a die hard COH player I can appreciate your own committed quest to go through each and every mission on the game with each and every build. You probably make teams and get on them just as quickly.
However, the point you seem to be missing is that there lots of folks who don't necessarily want to take on the burden of making and running 8 man teams. They just like to play. Even YOU would have to admit even in the best of times keeping a full 8 man team as team leader was a lot of work. In addition when there are so many fewer teams and players the tendency of teams and team leaders is to be far less friendly to those who are not as expert in playing the game as YOU. The Large Variety of peoples who use to be on made it easy to find a team that suited each individual.

5.The "COMMUNITY" was Largely made up of people who are NOT Like you.
If you look at the original post that YOU responded to, THAT WAS THE POINT!!

6. It sounds to me from your comments that everyone has to play and enjoy the game YOUR way or not at all.




Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Give me full detail and information where you got this assumption from. If you cannot do this, it is an opinion, and your just gnashing teeth. I have not seen a drop on population, people leave and come all the time in MMOs. I have no problem finding teams when I want them on Triumph, on of the smaller server pops.
This isn't some minor changed that anyone might have missed. Even Triumph for example use to go Yellow (Server Load) from time to time during "regular game play". Not any more... Not for a long time now.
You can not possibly have missed the drops in population. You just can't, there are far too many peoples that have left.

You simply refuse to acknowledge the hugh drop in population.

I am Starting to believe that guys like you and Samuel are company hacks trying to tell everyone that "ALL IS GOOD" There just just doesn't seem to be any other explanation to your comments about the population on the servers NOT dropping.
This is just propaganda you guys are typing. Plain and simple.



Originally Posted by MPSCAPPY View Post
This isn't some minor changed that anyone might have missed. Even Triumph for example use to go Yellow (Server Load) from time to time during "regular game play". Not any more... Not for a long time now.
You can not possibly have missed the drops in population. You just can't, there are far too many peoples that have left.

You simply refuse to acknowledge the hugh drop in population.

I am Starting to believe that guys like you and Samuel are company hacks trying to tell everyone that "ALL IS GOOD" There just just doesn't seem to be any other explanation to your comments about the population on the servers NOT dropping.
This is just propaganda you guys are typing. Plain and simple.
First off, you should truly shut it now after your lude opinion. I have been on Triumph for close to 4 years on and off. I have only seen it "yellow" load a couple times. Guess what though, server load means jack. They have upgraded their servers several times so your point is moot.

I have noticed population dips and rises. From the information we got and what the devs have said everything is fine. Subs are up and this is a STABLE community. This has been brought up all the time for misinformed people and it is always shot down by common sense.

To prove this I asked you to show me proof of a declining population. I do mean hard facts on this and you only show opinion and gnashing teeth. So everything you been spraying sound like a broken record to the rest of us.

Finally please call me a spin doctor again, maybe if you keep saying that Paragon might start paying me for something stupid as your calling it. People give you sounds reason as your giving so if you want to have a conversation, bring facts to back up your lame claims.



Originally Posted by MPSCAPPY View Post
This isn't some minor changed that anyone might have missed. Even Triumph for example use to go Yellow (Server Load) from time to time during "regular game play". Not any more... Not for a long time now.
You can not possibly have missed the drops in population. You just can't, there are far too many peoples that have left.

You simply refuse to acknowledge the hugh drop in population.
If I may interject...

Of course, we will seldom if ever see yellow and red dots on servers like Triumph anymore. Green, Yellow and Red were a measure of percentage of capacity, and while population (judged by quarterly company reports) has been steady, server hardware was improved. With the improved servers (yeah, there have been problems from time to time, like when Sharkhead was unsteady as heck on Virtue, etc.) handling the same raw number of players, it would do so at a much lower percentage of maximum capacity.

Since August of 2004, I have seen a few declines in apparent activity.
*When debt was reduced in missions and mission completion bonuses were raised, I saw a huge decrease in street-sweeping.
*When I-5 and I-6 nerfed the heck out of certain powersets, I saw a decrease in PL beggars in P.I.
*When I-9 introduced IO's as something for L50's to blow thier nest eggs on (and to farm/grind for), I saw a decrease in people standing around AP running Costume Contests.
*When the RMT'ers were bugging us and even more when the /hide feature became granulated, I saw a decrease in the number of players available on /search.
*When the AE farms were introduced, I saw a decrease in the amount of players spamming in P.I. for "PL meh!"
*When the AE farms were nerfed, I saw a decrease in the amount of players spamming in AP for "PL meh!"
I predict that in about a month, I will see a decrease in the amount of players not in Pocket D.

My point? You only see a decrease in population in this game when you only look in one spot.

I am not employed by the company, nor do I believe that any of the posters in this thread are either. (Unless I missed a red-name, since I skimmed through it a bit.) So feel free to skip terms like "Company Hack".



Originally Posted by MPSCAPPY View Post
You simply refuse to acknowledge the hugh drop in population.

Where did Hugh go?
What did you do to him?


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by MPSCAPPY View Post
At this time I think the evidence is quite clear. The Servers are virtually empty.
Ah, I see we have another "OMG! Teh servers R dead!" post. Typically, like all the others before it is filled with much speculation, opinion, doomcrying and very little truth.



BBQ_Pork makes a potentially valid point in server capacity. This would assume that the capacity has been upgraded.

However, I don't point to an anecdotal single event This has been an ongoing trend, nor do I believe that the "Company" is going to tell everyone that they are loosing players. Supposing that you believe you have legitimate information. They are in business to make money.

Again this is not something that you could just easily miss.
The servers are and have been way down in population and if your saying they are not you just lying.
(And for the record I have also had characters on the triumph server for more than 4 years). And compared to what it once was and especially now the population is down substantially.

Look I have really enjoyed city of Hero's but the facts are plain.

I have a number of my own die hard coh player friends. (who still play everyday) They didn't miss this ongoing event. It didn't get pass them that the number of players is way down. It's not my imagination.

And for Panzerwaffen: Gee ya think peoples are just posting "Server empty" to mess with you? No they are posting it because this because it is true.

For Mylia: Of course the dev's have said everything is great, right along with you. Its Propoganda. They are not going to say anything contrary. Duh...



Originally Posted by MPSCAPPY View Post
And for Panzerwaffen: Gee ya think peoples are just posting "Server empty" to mess with you? No they are posting it because this because it is true.

For Mylia: Of course the dev's have said everything is great, right along with you. Its Propoganda. They are not going to say anything contrary. Duh...
Oh yes heavens me I must be wrong, since I am seeing a well populated server on off hours, as I spread my propaganda to the masses of the forums. You just know me so well that I cannot hide anything from you false bile.

Also the people that complain are completely lazy and cannot find people by just using broadcast. Please I have asked you twice for actual information on player loss, and you show nothing, so to me everything your are spewing is nothing but propaganda to fuel you own "ambitions".