Am I the ONLY one...
I have absolutely no interest in dual pistols or demon summoning.
What I want is NEW content 1 to 50 and the graphical upgrade.
I would also like it if the agro cap was raised from whatever it is right now to like... 20 or 25 foes. (That's not a whole map... it's just a whole lot more fun)
I also realize its a little early to make a rant thread...
Here's something to keep in mind, though: You don't know those are the only animations that power set will come with. (q.v. Super Strength, Martial Arts.) They may well have more than one on the boil, and picked the flashier one to put into their HEY WOW LOOKIT THAT trailer. And even if they don't, the customization system presumably means they'll have the capacity to add them later on if people beef about it often enough.
I was never interested in the Assault Rifle. Of course, it helps that I didn't care for the sound effects or the AoE emphasis or the mostly lethal damage. The Assault Rifle seems too mercenary and not metahuman enough for me. I may have the same attitude toward the pistols, but I'll have to wait and see what they come up with.
I'm more interested in the Demon Summoning.
WHo DOES NOT want a fancy gun set? I have been looking forward to dual pistols forever, Thinking that they would be an expanded version of the mastermind pistols powers. Then I saw the video with the preview on it. It looks like the devs saw Equilibrium, and figured, "hey lets make that!" I mean, out of all the characters in literary history who use pistols, the devs had to go and choose the look the most specific and least adaptable?
Granted, "vanilla" animations arent as fancy, but they allow for a MUCH larger range of characters. THis is actually why i prefer alot of the older less fancy costume options as well. I dont want a Gun-fu pistol set. I want a set that I can use as a mercenary... or as a cowboy... or as a 19th century gentleman hero... or as a grimfaced antihero of the 80's. The differnt ammo types are great. Have always loved the concept, and Im really glad they went with it. But the animations? No thanks. Why is this so hard to do in MMO's. Its not a terribly hard concept. If i have a gun set, i really only want one thing from it: to shoot. I realize that it might be a bit boring, but if i wanted something fancy, I would have picked a fancy set. I also realize its a little early to make a rant thread... But those animations looked pretty finalized, and you dont just scrap months worth of work at the drop of a hat. Honestly, there is very little reason left for me to even consider buying going rogue. I dont care about demon summoning. The rest is a graphics upgrade that I might not be even able to use, and some new storylines. |
The other part of me realizes that this set was their answer to all the people clamoring about Gun-fu/Gun-kata/wtf ever. It's also specifically NOT generic and boring, because people would complain more about it being "another boring weapon set with stupidly resisted damage."
Honestly though, the animations aren't THAT BAD aside from the mini-nuke (the PBAoE super gun-fu move).
Honestly, there is very little reason left for me to even consider buying going rogue. I dont care about demon summoning. The rest is a graphics upgrade that I might not be even able to use, and some new storylines.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
This is an excellent example of an early reaction minimal information doom thread.
WHo DOES NOT want a fancy gun set? I have been looking forward to dual pistols forever, Thinking that they would be an expanded version of the mastermind pistols powers. Then I saw the video with the preview on it. It looks like the devs saw Equilibrium, and figured, "hey lets make that!" I mean, out of all the characters in literary history who use pistols, the devs had to go and choose the look the most specific and least adaptable?
Granted, "vanilla" animations arent as fancy, but they allow for a MUCH larger range of characters. THis is actually why i prefer alot of the older less fancy costume options as well. I dont want a Gun-fu pistol set. I want a set that I can use as a mercenary... or as a cowboy... or as a 19th century gentleman hero... or as a grimfaced antihero of the 80's. The differnt ammo types are great. Have always loved the concept, and Im really glad they went with it. But the animations? No thanks. Why is this so hard to do in MMO's. Its not a terribly hard concept. If i have a gun set, i really only want one thing from it: to shoot. I realize that it might be a bit boring, but if i wanted something fancy, I would have picked a fancy set. I also realize its a little early to make a rant thread... But those animations looked pretty finalized, and you dont just scrap months worth of work at the drop of a hat. Honestly, there is very little reason left for me to even consider buying going rogue. I dont care about demon summoning. The rest is a graphics upgrade that I might not be even able to use, and some new storylines. |
First: you, and a lot of other posters, seem to be STUCK on the idea that everything that was shown off at HeroCon was ALL THERE IS to Going Rogue.
How many times do we have to say : THE DEVS WERE LIMITED BY MARKETING AND CORPORATE ON WHAT COULD BE SAID before the realization finally sticks?
Yes. There is more to Going Rogue. Yes, more will be revealed. IN TIME. Getting all huffy about it now is a bit like getting all huffy about finding out that you're going to a steakhouse and Prime-Rib is the special, but what you really want is a salad.
Which sorta leads me into point two:
Second: What kind of game is City of Heroes? Is it a simulation of 18th Century Wild West Cowboy Fights? Is it a 19th century Gentleman's dual? Is it a 20th Century FPS?
Noooo. It's not. It's a Comic Book Inspired MMO. Now. I don't read comics, but I do watch a bit of anime and read a bit of manga, and I can tell you that most of the gun-fights portrayed in the likes of Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Outlaw Star, and so on and so forth... are sort of where movies like Ultraviolet and Equilibrium drew their inspiration from. GunGrave, for example, stands as an excellent example of that bullet slinging anime style brought to life in a video game... properly. Devil May Cry, yet another great bullet slinger.
In the aspect of what City of Heroes is, the new Dual Pistol Set fits perfectly into the Comic Book Genre. I'm quite glad they decided to go all John Woo with it, rather than simply remaining with the clunky style of the Master Mind Set.
Um. so people cant have an opinion on the powersets because it means DOOM?
Powersets are powersets. I dont have a sonic or an archer... WHO CARES?
as i recall sonic and archery came at the same time... dual pistols and demon summoning are coming at the same time.
WHo DOES NOT want a fancy gun set? I have been looking forward to dual pistols forever, Thinking that they would be an expanded version of the mastermind pistols powers. Then I saw the video with the preview on it. It looks like the devs saw Equilibrium, and figured, "hey lets make that!" I mean, out of all the characters in literary history who use pistols, the devs had to go and choose the look the most specific and least adaptable?
Granted, "vanilla" animations arent as fancy, but they allow for a MUCH larger range of characters. THis is actually why i prefer alot of the older less fancy costume options as well. I dont want a Gun-fu pistol set. I want a set that I can use as a mercenary... or as a cowboy... or as a 19th century gentleman hero... or as a grimfaced antihero of the 80's. The differnt ammo types are great. Have always loved the concept, and Im really glad they went with it. But the animations? No thanks. Why is this so hard to do in MMO's. Its not a terribly hard concept. If i have a gun set, i really only want one thing from it: to shoot. I realize that it might be a bit boring, but if i wanted something fancy, I would have picked a fancy set. I also realize its a little early to make a rant thread... But those animations looked pretty finalized, and you dont just scrap months worth of work at the drop of a hat. Honestly, there is very little reason left for me to even consider buying going rogue. I dont care about demon summoning. The rest is a graphics upgrade that I might not be even able to use, and some new storylines. |
yep, here come 314 devil may cry/desperado/lara croft rip
Is there a way to dual wield pistols and not look flashy? I mean it's a ludicrously unrealistic combat technique at the best of times (what I always wonder is how do they reload?)
Besides, understated is not a word I'd apply to any CoH powerset. I was working on a new character earlier tonight and spent ages in the powers screen just marvelling at the Dual Blades animations. After playing WoW for the last month or so the amount of effort that goes into making CoH attacks look awesome is very noticeable.
Just be grateful they're not giving pistol melee to Scrappers.
The only thing Going Rogue has that I'm interested in, is the side switching mechanism. That's it. I have no interest in the zones, the new powers, or the graphics update.
But side-switching is good enough for me. Heroic Corruptors here I come!
Alternative animations as part of Power Customization might make DP more suitable for the less energetic types
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.
Well, it's not City of Average Joes. It's based on superhero comics, and superheroes tend to be flashy.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
Well, it's not City of Average Joes. It's based on superhero comics, and superheroes tend to be flashy.
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.
WHo DOES NOT want a fancy gun set? I have been looking forward to dual pistols forever, Thinking that they would be an expanded version of the mastermind pistols powers. Then I saw the video with the preview on it. It looks like the devs saw Equilibrium, and figured, "hey lets make that!" I mean, out of all the characters in literary history who use pistols, the devs had to go and choose the look the most specific and least adaptable?
Granted, "vanilla" animations arent as fancy, but they allow for a MUCH larger range of characters. THis is actually why i prefer alot of the older less fancy costume options as well. I dont want a Gun-fu pistol set. I want a set that I can use as a mercenary... or as a cowboy... or as a 19th century gentleman hero... or as a grimfaced antihero of the 80's. The differnt ammo types are great. Have always loved the concept, and Im really glad they went with it. But the animations? No thanks. Why is this so hard to do in MMO's. Its not a terribly hard concept. If i have a gun set, i really only want one thing from it: to shoot. I realize that it might be a bit boring, but if i wanted something fancy, I would have picked a fancy set. I also realize its a little early to make a rant thread... But those animations looked pretty finalized, and you dont just scrap months worth of work at the drop of a hat. Honestly, there is very little reason left for me to even consider buying going rogue. I dont care about demon summoning. The rest is a graphics upgrade that I might not be even able to use, and some new storylines. |
The correct answer was:
"Suggestions and Ideas forum--
Title: Am I the Only one...
Thread: ...that the new pistols don't fit the concept for? The animations are cool and fancy but my character isn't from the Equilibrium universe. Would it be asking too much for alternate animations that are more direct and less acrobatic?"
IMO, tho, the animations seem pretty spot on for about anyone. If the animations were more basic, how in the world is a guy with 2 pistols suppose to hit 18+ foes that are standing in various positions around him within 3/4 seconds?
Although even I'll admit, the dove flying might be a bit much for some.

The correct answer was: "Suggestions and Ideas forum-- Title: Am I the Only one... Thread: ...that the new pistols don't fit the concept for? The animations are cool and fancy but my character isn't from the Equilibrium universe. Would it be asking too much for alternate animations that are more direct and less acrobatic?" |
IMO, tho, the animations seem pretty spot on for about anyone. If the animations were more basic, how in the world is a guy with 2 pistols suppose to hit 18+ foes that are standing in various positions around him within 3/4 seconds?
b) by backing up so they are in front of him
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.
tl;dr version: 1) I think "gun-fu" is dumb. 2) It's way too early to complain about this stuff, and I don't see anything to complain about, anyway.
Long version:
No, you're not the only one, but I'm not really sure what there is to complain about at this point.
I've never understood the obsession with "gun-fu" or whatever it's called (I refer to it as "hopping around in slow motion shooting stuff"). I don't like John Woo movies, couldn't sit through all of that Equilibrium thing, and generally don't care much for anime including the ones with guys using a pistol in each hand, let alone all the lower-quality knockoffs inspired by those things.
However, I realize I'm in a decided minority on these boards and probably among the game population. If the devs have a choice between creating a set to satisfy all the people crying for hopping-around-and-shooting-stuff and creating one to satisfy just me, they should probably go with the former.
Also, after having seen those animations, they seem to fit fine with my current Dual Pistols idea (a supernatural, 18th century type), so I'm satisfied. Yeah, the animations are flashy, but, contrary to what the video might lead you to believe, the powerset doesn't cause doves to appear spontaneously from nowhere, doesn't cause the character to move in slow motion, and doesn't require the character to wear sunglasses and a black trenchcoat. It seems to me like it'd work for a fair variety of concepts. Even if it doesn't, it's no different from ignoring the sparks from Superspeed, wishing mastermind henchmen could be customized, or any number of other things. Sure, it'd be nice to have something different, but it's not a deal-breaker, at least, not for me.
And, of course, it's just plain too early to complain. There could possibly be alternative animations in the works for Dual Pistols (though that'd be a first for weapon sets). There are also likely to be plenty of as-yet-unannounced features that at least some of the people complaining right now will enjoy. It's at least six months until Going Rogue releases; have some patience.
"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"
Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers
A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"
Because theres no way a 18th century wild west hero could be ripped through a portal in time to end up in a modern day setting... Or a normal human have extensive realistic military training in a superhero setting..../rolleyes
Is it so hard to look at what is available, and THEN create a character concept? This is exactly the reason that I didn't really use Power Customization much yet, most ALL of my characters had been created in such a way as to utilize the powers AS THEY WERE.
This game should allow me to create a Forensic Accountant. Let's name him Jerry. Jerry has no superpowers, and is a pacifist. He wins against supervillains by testifying in court regarding their illegal business deals, and failure to pay federal taxes. Why am I not allowed to make him in this game, there should be a Pacifism primary, and an Accounting secondary so that I can create this character. It is ridiculous that this game can't make exactly what I want, genre be damned.
How dare you not like your dual archery with selectable damage type set?!
You mean you didn't like Rain of Bullets? Or Fistfull of Bullets? What's wrong with you?
WHo DOES NOT want a fancy gun set? I have been looking forward to dual pistols forever, Thinking that they would be an expanded version of the mastermind pistols powers. Then I saw the video with the preview on it. It looks like the devs saw Equilibrium, and figured, "hey lets make that!" I mean, out of all the characters in literary history who use pistols, the devs had to go and choose the look the most specific and least adaptable?
Granted, "vanilla" animations arent as fancy, but they allow for a MUCH larger range of characters. THis is actually why i prefer alot of the older less fancy costume options as well. I dont want a Gun-fu pistol set. I want a set that I can use as a mercenary... or as a cowboy... or as a 19th century gentleman hero... or as a grimfaced antihero of the 80's. The differnt ammo types are great. Have always loved the concept, and Im really glad they went with it. But the animations? No thanks. Why is this so hard to do in MMO's. Its not a terribly hard concept. If i have a gun set, i really only want one thing from it: to shoot. I realize that it might be a bit boring, but if i wanted something fancy, I would have picked a fancy set. I also realize its a little early to make a rant thread... But those animations looked pretty finalized, and you dont just scrap months worth of work at the drop of a hat. Honestly, there is very little reason left for me to even consider buying going rogue. I dont care about demon summoning. The rest is a graphics upgrade that I might not be even able to use, and some new storylines. |
Of course that is possible. However, I wish that people (not specifically the OP) would stop trying to do things that the game doesn't make easy, concept-wise, and then complain about it.
Is it so hard to look at what is available, and THEN create a character concept? This is exactly the reason that I didn't really use Power Customization much yet, most ALL of my characters had been created in such a way as to utilize the powers AS THEY WERE. -------- This game should allow me to create a Forensic Accountant. Let's name him Jerry. Jerry has no superpowers, and is a pacifist. He wins against supervillains by testifying in court regarding their illegal business deals, and failure to pay federal taxes. Why am I not allowed to make him in this game, there should be a Pacifism primary, and an Accounting secondary so that I can create this character. It is ridiculous that this game can't make exactly what I want, genre be damned. |
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.
WHo DOES NOT want a fancy gun set? I have been looking forward to dual pistols forever, Thinking that they would be an expanded version of the mastermind pistols powers. Then I saw the video with the preview on it. It looks like the devs saw Equilibrium, and figured, "hey lets make that!" I mean, out of all the characters in literary history who use pistols, the devs had to go and choose the look the most specific and least adaptable?
Granted, "vanilla" animations arent as fancy, but they allow for a MUCH larger range of characters. THis is actually why i prefer alot of the older less fancy costume options as well. I dont want a Gun-fu pistol set. I want a set that I can use as a mercenary... or as a cowboy... or as a 19th century gentleman hero... or as a grimfaced antihero of the 80's.
The differnt ammo types are great. Have always loved the concept, and Im really glad they went with it. But the animations? No thanks. Why is this so hard to do in MMO's. Its not a terribly hard concept. If i have a gun set, i really only want one thing from it: to shoot. I realize that it might be a bit boring, but if i wanted something fancy, I would have picked a fancy set.
I also realize its a little early to make a rant thread... But those animations looked pretty finalized, and you dont just scrap months worth of work at the drop of a hat.
Honestly, there is very little reason left for me to even consider buying going rogue. I dont care about demon summoning. The rest is a graphics upgrade that I might not be even able to use, and some new storylines.
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.