Am I the ONLY one...




Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
A simple more generic gun set could be adopted to all those I mentioned much easier than a gun fu style.
"I don't want pizza. I want oatmeal. And I want all the other kids to have oatmeal, 'cause they can imagine it's pizza and I can't imagine that pizza is oatmeal."



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post

How dare you not like your dual archery with selectable damage type set?!

You mean you didn't like Rain of Bullets? Or Fistfull of Bullets? What's wrong with you?

Someone had better grab "Fistful of Bullets" as a name before it's snapped up . . . be right back!

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
I'm just trying to figure out what kinds of animations would be necessary to make a non-flashy DP set that also included at least one cone and one AoE. I mean, realistically, a pistol is a piss poor choice for someone who's going to be taking on super-powered or super-armoured enemies, unless they've got some massive tricks up their sleeves (like Malta Gunslingers, who notably wouldn't have good enough powers to create a solid Blaster set) or so much ridiculous "skillz" as to not fall into the realistic category. In this case, we seem to be getting both.
Some sort of mini-shotgun shell for the cone, and a mini-explosive round for the AoE.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Someone had better grab "Fistful of Bullets" as a name before it's snapped up . . . be right back!
Heh, I've had my pistol blaster name reserved for years. He's a Thugs Mastermind right now, but that'll change. Oh yes. That'll change.

Meet Gunbutler. He's a butler. Who has guns. And some psychic skills he learned as a young man in the mysterious East. That's really all there is to it.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Someone had better grab "Fistful of Bullets" as a name before it's snapped up . . . be right back!
Crap. Why didn't I think of that?!



I really do hope they have an alternate set of animations - I was hoping to make a Jonah Hex type character.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



It's of interest to me that in the past, in the Suggestions forum, I've seen the idea of Dual Pistols shot down by saying how boring such a set would be. And now that it's en route and fancy (presumably, I haven't seen the video), someone is saying they wished it wasn't so fancy.

I haven't decided what concept I'm using for DP, but I know I'll have one. I'm kinda into fancy and unrealistic myself. Blaster or Corruptor, what and which side to choose.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
It's of interest to me that in the past, in the Suggestions forum, I've seen the idea of Dual Pistols shot down by saying how boring such a set would be. And now that it's en route and fancy (presumably, I haven't seen the video), someone is saying they wished it wasn't so fancy.

I haven't decided what concept I'm using for DP, but I know I'll have one. I'm kinda into fancy and unrealistic myself. Blaster or Corruptor, what and which side to choose.
If you've seen the movie Equilibrium, then combine that with the effect animations from the Archery powerset already in game and you've got pretty much all we've seen of Dual Pistols so far.

If you haven't seen the movie Equilibrium, you haven't missed anything worth seeing.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
"I don't want pizza. I want oatmeal. And I want all the other kids to have oatmeal, 'cause they can imagine it's pizza and I can't imagine that pizza is oatmeal."
Everyone wants Pizza, but no one likes the same toppings. Some people want pepperoni, some people want Hawaiian, some people are vegitarians and can't have either.

How about we get a Cheese Pizza? It's Pizza, and while it may not have the toppings everyone wants, it doesn't have any toppings that people DON'T want or can't have... and everyone still gets to have pizza.



Originally Posted by Rockpirate View Post
Everyone wants Pizza, but no one likes the same toppings. Some people want pepperoni, some people want Hawaiian, some people are vegitarians and can't have either.

How about we get a Cheese Pizza? It's Pizza, and while it may not have the toppings everyone wants, it doesn't have any toppings that people DON'T want or can't have... and everyone still gets to have pizza.
two words: Lactose. Intolerant.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Um. so people cant have an opinion on the powersets because it means DOOM?

Powersets are powersets. I dont have a sonic or an archer... WHO CARES?

as i recall sonic and archery came at the same time... dual pistols and demon summoning are coming at the same time.
I don't care about any possible thing in Going Rogue but dual pistols. Nothing. They could make the game dispense solid gold bricks through the Dvd slot and I still wouldn't care about anything but dual pistols. However, from a 30 second video I saw, I have decided that the animations for the dual pistols being offered are completely and totally unacceptable in all ways, so I find Going Rogue to be a complete and utter waste of time and I vow to never purchase it, or even look at it funny, because of my disgust over the dual pistol situation. And I will make this decision now, more than 6 months before it's release and before it's possible for me to see anything, because I have all the information I need.

Doesn't that sound a bit doomy to you?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
two words: Lactose. Intolerant.
Take off the cheese?

Bah. Celiac Disease.... no wheat gluten....


Guess we go hungry then.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
If you haven't seen the movie Equilibrium, you haven't missed anything worth seeing.
I own and thoroughly enjoy Equilibrium, so the Dual Pistol animations sound just fine to me. Sight unseen.

I can dig where the OP's coming from, don't get me wrong, if the shooting animations were realistic and utilitarian I'd probably make a growly post about it too. I still might, once GR comes out, who knows.



Yeah, there are exceptions, but the game tends to follow the stereotypes more than the exceptions.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Rockpirate View Post
Take off the cheese?

Bah. Celiac Disease.... no wheat gluten....


Guess we go hungry then.
Heh, or possibly we just realize that those who are/have to be that darn picky about things should really be used to the possibility of GOING WITHOUT by now. Honestly they probably should've brought their own food.

And I declare this analogy officially broken. It wasn't that great to begin with.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Of course that is possible. However, I wish that people (not specifically the OP) would stop trying to do things that the game doesn't make easy, concept-wise, and then complain about it.
No, no. Go ahead and try to do things the game doesn't make easy concept-wise if you want. BUT, improvise. Adapt to the game, don't expect the game to adapt to you.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I do get where the OP is coming from. But what I would like to add is that I have a feeling that all the weird things coming out of the end of the pistols (in the teaser video) MIGHT be dependent on the ammo type being used. If you select the plain ole bullets option, you might very well be able to get your regular "Cowboy" type gunslinger. I don't know for sure, but the dev's really seem to be doing a good job giving us options, not taking them away. Also, you might very well be able to select a "No F/X" option to your animations like other powers. Again, I don't know for sure, just speculation. Sure some of the body movements (which I am supposing will stay the same regardless) may be a bit over the top for a cowboy, but who knows.

I really am looking forward to this blaster though. Big time.

NOTE: At the begining of the info given on the hero-con thread it said that the doves were a silly "Easter Egg" thing and would NOT be part of the final powerset. So don't worry. It's gonna get better.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
I do get where the OP is coming from. But what I would like to add is that I have a feeling that all the weird things coming out of the end of the pistols (in the teaser video) MIGHT be dependent on the ammo type being used. If you select the plain ole bullets option, you might very well be able to get your regular "Cowboy" type gunslinger. I don't know for sure, but the dev's really seem to be doing a good job giving us options, not taking them away. Also, you might very well be able to select a "No F/X" option to your animations like other powers. Again, I don't know for sure, just speculation. Sure some of the body movements (which I am supposing will stay the same regardless) may be a bit over the top for a cowboy, but who knows.

I really am looking forward to this blaster though. Big time.

NOTE: At the begining of the info given on the hero-con thread it said that the doves were a silly "Easter Egg" thing and would NOT be part of the final powerset. So don't worry. It's gonna get better.
Honestly I think the biggest hurdle for people who wanted a more traditional gunslinger look, is going to be the Tier 9 Mini-nuke.

It's easily the most extreme example of Gun-fu from the set.

I suppose one could always say "Don't take it" but it's a crashless mini-nuke. Would you really tell an Archer not to take Rain of Arrows? (If you answer yes, slap yourself.)



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Some sort of mini-shotgun shell for the cone, and a mini-explosive round for the AoE.
Because that somehow fits with cowboys and 18th century gentlemen so much better!



A thread like this goes to show that you can never ever please everyone.

I had anticipated threads like these in the other thread.....I'm at 7 so far. (People who remain unimpressed with GR.)

I won't ask what it'll take to make those types happy. The surest way to failure is trying to please everybody.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
And I declare this analogy officially broken. It wasn't that great to begin with.
Everybody's a critic.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Some sort of mini-shotgun shell for the cone, and a mini-explosive round for the AoE.
So if we then gave it some sort of mini-flamethrower attachment it'd be the dual mini-assault rifles set. Score!

Seriously though. If you were to do a straight up just shooting at people set then don't give it a ranged AoE. Give it two cones that involve shooting fast in an arc in front of you and then a PBAoE where you just spin around shooting.

I'm perfectly happy with the crazy gun-fu animations sans-doves (since we're not getting those). I'd be even happier if they went above and beyond for us and offered a whole second set of animations that was plain-jane to use on a subdued costume or something. I really don't expect that though.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Rockpirate View Post
Honestly though, the animations aren't THAT BAD aside from the mini-nuke (the PBAoE super gun-fu move).
The only reason to set the gun kata pbaoe apart is because it is made of awesome and covered in awesome sauce. Not because it's "that bad."

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin
Except this isnt a suggestion
Yet it should have been and you wouldn't be labeled as a complainer and I'm sure everyone would agree to such an addition.

Originally Posted by Rockpirate
Everyone wants Pizza, but no one likes the same toppings. Some people want pepperoni, some people want Hawaiian, some people are vegitarians and can't have either.

How about we get a Cheese Pizza? It's Pizza, and while it may not have the toppings everyone wants, it doesn't have any toppings that people DON'T want or can't have... and everyone still gets to have pizza.
If everyone is given a fancy pizza, like say all-the-way with peppers, mushrooms, pepperoni, sausage and olives, there's toppings for everyone. And if you don't like mushrooms pick the mother****ers off and just be glad you have something at all!!

And if you want some off the wall topping like M&Ms or marshmallows, then tough.



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
If you haven't seen the movie Equilibrium, you haven't missed anything worth seeing.

Edit: Equilibrium is a fine action movie. The plot's silly, but not any sillier than any other action movie. The whole point is to show one or more badass characters doing badass things that wouldn't happen in the real world, no more and no less. It's not for everyone, but it's not bad.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)