Round 3 P.P.




Anyone have any powersets they are wishing to see in the next go round.

I'm currently wishing for Super Strength and Ninjitsu for Scrappers.



Broad Sword for Brutes
Thermal Radiation/Fire Blast for Defenders

That is all.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



with arch/ta corrs. tbh i really dont care now XD plus with the future..demon mm..i guess only new powers will be ok



I want Dark Miasma for my Controller and Thermal Radiation/Fire Blast for Defenders (Finally!). Other than that, I don't think I need more... But a Broadsword for Brutes be nice.

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



I'd like to see Axe and/or Mace for Scrappers



I'm down with super strength for scrappers. Most of my other wishes have been granted.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
I'd like to see Axe and/or Mace for Scrappers
Once I get this, Brunhilda gets re-rolled as either (probably Axe) and Shield.



Poison for Corruptors and Defenders
Aye to Ninjitsu on Scrappers
Can't...really think of any more...Poison is the main one tbh, want to re-make my Thugs/Poison MM into a Dual Pistols/Poison Corr when GR hits

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Ice/Ice for other Melee ATs, especially Stalkers. Now that my Scrappers and Tankers have Electricity, Ice for everybody is the only wish left that doesn't drift from proliferation into totally new powersets (like an Electrical control set, or an elemental MM primary).

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Poison for Corruptors and Defenders
Aye to Ninjitsu on Scrappers
Can't...really think of any more...Poison is the main one tbh, want to re-make my Thugs/Poison MM into a Dual Pistols/Poison Corr when GR hits
If Poison is proliferated (and I hope it will be), I kinda expect it to go to Controllers first. They seem to be doing the buff/debuff sets with the appropriate blast set for Defs/Corrs, and there isn't one for Poison. Controllers on the other hand have Plant which sort of matches (many plants are poisonous...)



Radiation for MasterMinds.



I'm in the "got what I most wanted (Elec/Elec for Scrappers), too happy to think of new demands yet" camp.

Character index



Still enough options left to support an entire PP round:

Blaster: Dark Blast, Dark Manipulation
Controller: Traps
Defender: Thermal Radiation, Fire Blast
Scrapper: Energy Melee, Ninjitsu
Tanker: Energy Aura

Brute: Ice Melee, Ice Armor
Corruptor: Psychic Blast, Poison
Dominator: Illusion Control
Mastermind: Cold Domination
Stalker: Fire Melee, Fire Armor

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Fire Melee and Fire Armor Stalkers, Ice Melee and Ice Armor Stalkers, Stone Stalkers of some kind (not with Granite, think something more like Marvel's Sandman).
Ice Melee and Ice Armor Brutes, Broadsword Brutes, Martial Arts Brutes.
Psychic Blast Corruptors
Dark Miasma Controllers
Illusionist Masterminds. Or Dominators, I don't care. Both if you can swing it.
Dark/Dark Dominators.
Super Strength Scrappers
Energy Aura Tanks and Scrappers. Not because I think they will be good, but because giving these powers to hero ATs will cause them to be re-evaluated and made good, finally.
Martial Arts or something very like it for Blasters.

Archery Corruptors made me very happy, so I am content to wait, but there's still a lot of PP that could be done.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Fire Melee and Fire Armor Stalkers, Ice Melee and Ice Armor Stalkers, Stone Stalkers of some kind (not with Granite, think something more like Marvel's Sandman).
Ice Melee and Ice Armor Brutes, Broadsword Brutes, Martial Arts Brutes.
Psychic Blast Corruptors
Dark Miasma Controllers
Illusionist Masterminds. Or Dominators, I don't care. Both if you can swing it.
Dark/Dark Dominators.
Super Strength Scrappers
Energy Aura Tanks and Scrappers. Not because I think they will be good, but because giving these powers to hero ATs will cause them to be re-evaluated and made good, finally.
Martial Arts or something very like it for Blasters.
Just for reference, here's a full listing (unless I forgot something) of every powerset that can still be done, just as a straight port. Not to say they won't need balancing or consideration, just that there shouldn't be much need for new powers and animations.

Blaster: Dark Blast, Dark Manipulation*
Controller: Dark Miasma, Pain Domination, Poison, Traps
Defender: Pain Domination, Poison, Thermal Radiation, Fire Blast
Scrapper: Battle Axe, Energy Melee, Ice Melee, Stone Melee, Super Strength, War Mace, Earth Armor, Energy Aura, Ice Armor, Ninjitsu
Tanker: Broadsword, Claws, Katana, Martial Arts, Energy Aura, Ninjitsu**, Regeneration, Super Reflexes

Brute: Broadsword, Ice Melee, Katana, Martial Arts, Ice Armor, Regeneration, Ninjitsu**
Corruptor: Psychic Blast, Empathy, Forcefield, Poison
Dominator: Illusion Control
Mastermind: Cold Domination, Empathy, Kinetics, Radiation Emission, Sonic Dispersion
Stalker: Battle Axe, Fire Melee, Ice Melee, Stone Melee, Super Strength**, War Mace, Earth Armor, Fire Armor, Ice Armor, Shield Defense**

* = Manipulation and Assault sets require a mix of powers from various sets, but shouldn't be too hard to put together in the end.

** = These sets might not make much sense on the ATs they're given to, but what "makes sense" on each AT is subject to interpretation. I probably wouldn't've given Brutes Claws or Dual Blades, but they have them.

That's not to count all the "almost" stuff they have which can be tweaked. For instance, an Elec Control set shouldn't be too hard to make. Nor should Radiation Melee/Manipulation/Assault since PB attacks are basically radiation secondary effects, and we have Shivans. And we could also have some nice sets like a Blaster secondary with Martial Arts powers (perhaps infused with Body Mastery style powers).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



My personal wishes:

Dark Miasma for controllers. Give me the awesome fast-recharging every-spawn control of fearsome stare and the extra single-target hold, and I will make a control beast the likes of which the world has never seen (which, of course, is why it hasn't been proliferated yet).

Ninjitsu for scrappers. Ninjas can be heroes too, darnit! Plus, I'm sick of using SR for my characters that have an evasive concept.

Fire blast for defenders. I assume thermal would come along with it, and I wouldn't mind that, but fire blast is what I want. I have a concept, and I want the fire blasts to fulfill it, darnit! Plus, it would be *awesome*. Defenders usually have the mitigation to not rely on their blasts' secondary effects, so having said secondary effect be 'MOAR DAMAGE' would be quite welcome.

A secondary for blasters which I would call 'body manipulation' - basically, martial arts attacks and some 'natural' style self-buffs. More or less, it'd be the 'natural' secondary for the more guns-blazing 'action' style of blaster (as opposed to the 'tricksy' style character who would take devices).

Ice armor and melee for other melee ATs. I don't really care which ones, although stalkers in particular seem to fit the concept well. I just want ice melee as a primary - see if it works out better that way.

'Natural' or 'Blade' assault for doms: A secondary that mixes non-superpowered melee and ranged attacks. 'Natural' assault would probably be pistol + martial arts, 'blade' assault would probably be single sword attacks + thrown weapons. Because it's silly that every dom has to have big, flashy explodey attacks.

Illusion control for doms. We all know this would be awesome. Unleash the carnage!

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
My personal wishes:

A secondary for blasters which I would call 'body manipulation' - basically, martial arts attacks and some 'natural' style self-buffs. More or less, it'd be the 'natural' secondary for the more guns-blazing 'action' style of blaster (as opposed to the 'tricksy' style character who would take devices).

Ice armor and melee for other melee ATs. I don't really care which ones, although stalkers in particular seem to fit the concept well. I just want ice melee as a primary - see if it works out better that way.

'Natural' or 'Blade' assault for doms: A secondary that mixes non-superpowered melee and ranged attacks. 'Natural' assault would probably be pistol + martial arts, 'blade' assault would probably be single sword attacks + thrown weapons. Because it's silly that every dom has to have big, flashy explodey attacks.
Just for fun:

Body Manipulation:
1) Palm Thrust - Nearly identical to Power Thrust. An open-palmed strike which doesn't do much damage, but consistently deals a high mag knockback.
2) Thunder Kick
4) Focus Chi - Build Up.
10) Storm Kick
16) Cobra Strike
20) Physical Perfection - +20% regen and +12.5% recov is pretty reasonable considering Mental Manip gets Drain Psyche.
28) Dragon's Tail
35) Boost Range - You focus your senses and chi and whatever to boost the range of your ranged attacks! A utility power, and a second set with the option.
38) Crane Kick - Eagle Claw would be cool here, but Blasters don't tend to get tier 9 melee attacks. TF is debatable since I'd say ET is the tier 9.

Ice Melee (Stalker):
1) Frozen Fists
1) Ice Sword
2) Frost
6) Assassin's Blade - Replaces Frozen Aura; Stalkers almost always lose an AoE option for AS. In this case, an AoE that also puts foes to sleep might be pretty powerful for a class that relies on hiding and not being attacked.
8) Build Up
12) Placate - Replaces Taunt
18) Ice Patch
26) Freezing Touch
32) Greater Ice Sword

Ice Armor (Stalker):
1) Hide - Replaces Icicles.
2) Frozen Armor
4) Hoarfrost
10) Shiver - Replaces Chilling Embrace. Instead of a toggle which will definitely screw up a Stalker's hiding, replace it with a similar power which is a click. No -DMG, but higher -RECH.
16) Wet Ice
20) Permafrost
28) Glacial Armor
35) Energy Absorption
38) Hibernate - Keep this? Already one in epics. Could be replaced with another form of a tier 9 instead. Maybe a large +RES power, or a more SoW/OWtS-style tier 9.

Weapon Assault:
1) Pistol - Like "Pistols," but with one pistol!
2) Gambler's Cut
4) The Lotus Drops
10) Dual Wield - Might be a better name for this, even though you're technically dual wielding weapons. Just not two pistols. Same as the MM power, though, just with a different visual.
16) Build Up
20) Sting of the Wasp
28) Targeting Drone - Yes, really! For the +ToHit and Perception. 28-35 tends to be a utility power for Doms, like snipes, Thorntrops, or Consume. If Targeting Drone is too nutty, Caltrops would also fit here.
35) Soaring Dragon
38) Empty Clip - Same as MM version, but with one pistol.
Set relies on having a katana in one hand and a pistol in the other. To prevent redraw, both weapons appear whether you're using a melee or a ranged attack. Mix of katana and dual pistols (thugs) sets. Most attacks do -DEF and sometimes knockdown.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Just for fun:

Body Manipulation:
1) Palm Thrust - Nearly identical to Power Thrust. An open-palmed strike which doesn't do much damage, but consistently deals a high mag knockback.
2) Thunder Kick
4) Focus Chi - Build Up.
10) Storm Kick
16) Cobra Strike
20) Physical Perfection - +20% regen and +12.5% recov is pretty reasonable considering Mental Manip gets Drain Psyche.
28) Dragon's Tail
35) Boost Range - You focus your senses and chi and whatever to boost the range of your ranged attacks! A utility power, and a second set with the option.
38) Crane Kick - Eagle Claw would be cool here, but Blasters don't tend to get tier 9 melee attacks. TF is debatable since I'd say ET is the tier 9.

Ice Melee (Stalker):
1) Frozen Fists
1) Ice Sword
2) Frost
6) Assassin's Blade - Replaces Frozen Aura; Stalkers almost always lose an AoE option for AS. In this case, an AoE that also puts foes to sleep might be pretty powerful for a class that relies on hiding and not being attacked.
8) Build Up
12) Placate - Replaces Taunt
18) Ice Patch
26) Freezing Touch
32) Greater Ice Sword

Ice Armor (Stalker):
1) Hide - Replaces Icicles.
2) Frozen Armor
4) Hoarfrost
10) Shiver - Replaces Chilling Embrace. Instead of a toggle which will definitely screw up a Stalker's hiding, replace it with a similar power which is a click. No -DMG, but higher -RECH.
16) Wet Ice
20) Permafrost
28) Glacial Armor
35) Energy Absorption
38) Hibernate - Keep this? Already one in epics. Could be replaced with another form of a tier 9 instead. Maybe a large +RES power, or a more SoW/OWtS-style tier 9.

Weapon Assault:
1) Pistol - Like "Pistols," but with one pistol!
2) Gambler's Cut
4) The Lotus Drops
10) Dual Wield - Might be a better name for this, even though you're technically dual wielding weapons. Just not two pistols. Same as the MM power, though, just with a different visual.
16) Build Up
20) Sting of the Wasp
28) Targeting Drone - Yes, really! For the +ToHit and Perception. 28-35 tends to be a utility power for Doms, like snipes, Thorntrops, or Consume. If Targeting Drone is too nutty, Caltrops would also fit here.
35) Soaring Dragon
38) Empty Clip - Same as MM version, but with one pistol.
Set relies on having a katana in one hand and a pistol in the other. To prevent redraw, both weapons appear whether you're using a melee or a ranged attack. Mix of katana and dual pistols (thugs) sets. Most attacks do -DEF and sometimes knockdown.
Why are they not paying you for this? =D

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Scrapper: Ice Armor, Axe, Ninjitsu

Stalker: Axe

Controller: Traps and Dark

Mastermind: Rad, Cold

Brute: Ice Armor, Broadsword, Ninjitsu

Blaster: Dark Blast, a variation of Super Strength or Martial Arts for a secondary.

Dominators: Illusion, Dark Blast, Radiation Blast

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



MA secondary for Blasters, as mentioned. Stone Melee, Axe, and Mace for Scrappers. Poison for whoever.

That's all I really care about.



I'll be satisified when EVERYTHING is proliferated.



Illusion/Electric controllers. That's what I want.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Why are they not paying you for this? =D
I've actually spent a lot of time coming up with sets and combinations. I'd help out even if they didn't pay me!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.