An open (love) letter to the Devs




Very well put, Sapphire! I totally feel the same way. Our devs are just.. well, better than any other devs out there. Period. No competition at all.

I'd say more, but it's all been said right here already.



Wow, a War Witch, Synapse, and Castle sightings. Going Rogue and Issue 17 must be right around the corner if they've got time to read the boards!.....right?.....please?

Anyways, good stuff, Sapphire. The devs do make this game worth playing, and they do give us what we want....most of the time.



All we need is a Positron post, a SexyJay post and the rare (non-existent?) Ghost Widow post and this we'll have a dev royal flush.

... sorry BABs.




I have been haphazardly playing since Closed Beta. I might play hours every day, or once a week, a few times a month, not for weeks... but my gameplay has never been reduced simply because I didn't like the game. I've always liked the game. But I think what I've always liked the most, are the devs behind the game, and the community fostered here.

Whenever 'best devs' comes up in any circumstance, this is the game I mention. Whenever 'the best game forums' comes up, this is the forum I list as the best. Along with the game itself being so good, these two things bring the overall rank up to 'awesome', in my eyes.

And oh yeah- Brute Claws is joy.
The only thing that saddens me is the unbelievably long-lasting deafening silence re: bases. I have hope that it won't last forever, though.
Thanks for everything. Thanks for the obvious love for the game; the love is something we all share, players and devs alike, but this game is where I've felt that common ground the most, and it's a very good feeling.



Heh. I just tried to figure up how many hours I've put into this game since I started 15 months ago.

Came up with something like 1400 hours (average of about 3 hours a day, though I didn't play every day, I've had some marathon sessions that more than balance).

The equivalent time invested in going out to see movies would have cost me over $7000. Not only that, it wouldn't account for the "I want 2 hours of my life AND my money back" stinker factor either.

Now, I get home from work, I'm not happy, I log on and go mash someone's face.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I can't speak for meth, but to be honest there are times when my partner listens to me babble on about City, or describe how I've just spent several hours working on my City site, and he'll look at me and say "CRACKHEAD!"
Hah! Don't I know the feeling. I get that from my wife sometimes, and she even plays as well.

But, in regard to the OP, I can fully support the statement. Go devs!

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
All we need is a Positron post, a SexyJay post and the rare (non-existent?) Ghost Widow post and this we'll have a dev royal flush.

... sorry BABs.

Has Ghost Widow ever posted?



Ah, I see her last post was 2007...

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



You said something NICE about the Devs in an open message board on the internet where everyone can see it! That's one of the ancient rules that was set forth back in 700 BPOA ( Before Pants or Anything ).

Those rules are there for a very good reason. Now the universe is probably going to implode or at the very least something will happen that requires Dr. WHO's attention.

Nice going. I hope you're happy.



Have to completely agree with the OP. The Devs are the reason I love this game so much. And this game is the only one I kept my subscription active since the beginning to support them (not only for vet rewards). I played many other MMOs and I really appreciate how open the devs communicate with us in CoX compared to other MMOs.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Key the Metal Idol reference for the win.
I have to admit, it caught me offguard as well, well played. as per the thread, well stated. I too think that the interaction with the developers is one of the primary reasons i feel as happy with the game as i do. Everything isn't perfect but its better than i have seen anywhere else, and the fact that the devs feel comfortable coming in and just goofing around with the community is also nice. oh and i have to do it since im a dork.
Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
Hear hear!
where ? where?



I think devs is a pretty cool guy. eh publishes CoX and doesn't afraid of anything...

(refreshingly nondrama/complaining thread )



Well about two weeks ago I praised the devs for all the great work and time they spend fixing the game, but I can give my kind words again.

It's hard to believe it's been 3 years since I've started the game, and to be honest this is the only game I play on a regular bases and continue to improve in, and all the thanks goes to the devs for that.. If not for their great effort and countless hours of running the game, I would not be playing this game still. All the updates and fixes to the game just continue to make my game experience all the more fun and pleasurable, I truly thank you all for you iron-clad motivation and rock-hard devotion to this game. Long live CoH!!!



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
As per the thread, well stated. I too think that the interaction with the developers is one of the primary reasons i feel as happy with the game as i do. Everything isn't perfect but its better than i have seen anywhere else, and the fact that the devs feel comfortable coming in and just goofing around with the community is also nice.
I agree in a big way. One of the capital reasons I'm still here is the interaction we have with the development team, and how much it feels like they keep doing things solely and specifically to please ME. Oh, sure, I know I'm a nobody on a message board and they try to please as many people as they can, but the mere fact that I can feel like a lot of the changes are made specifically for me means a LOT in my book.

Positron promised they would give players what they want, within reason, and I have to say they have delivered monumentally well on this promise. I've not played another game where it felt like the development team was as much part of the community, as understanding and as reactive. We say "But we WANNA!!!" and they come here and explain why it can't happen, why it might happen but at a later time, that it's already being worked on, or say nothing and it pops into the game a month or two later.

Frankly, I'm sticking to this game as much for its development team as I am for the actual game. Just goes to show that cool, talented people make a difference.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I love seeing posts like the OPs. I can directly relate to how the Dev's feel on a day to day basis. You see, I'm a casino dealer. I've been called every name in the book. Yet I'm human. I care. I make mistakes. I'm not a friggin' machine. Yet so many of the masses see only someone who is making their lives miserable. It's very difficult to leverage these types of responses. All in all, the Devs of this game have done a wonderful job of leveraging though. I salute you guys.



All I can do is to echo what has been said here. After all, it's one thing knowing you are doing a good job. It's another actually getting told that it's appreciated. So, good job.

Now keep it up!

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I could not agree more with this whole thread. i would add more but i do believe it's all been coverd



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
First allow me to say that I do not think anything I could write can adequately convey just how thankful I am not only for this game, but also for you, the Developers, and your openness and dedication to the City of Heroes/Villains franchise. I wanted to send you goodies, but I understand you have discouraged that behavior, and so I am relegated to this: mere words.

I appreciate how much you guys listen. You spend a lot of time here on the forums, and endure a lot of abuse from people who have no idea what they're talking about, all in an effort to hear what we are saying. And while we all know how fruitless it is to try to please everybody, it is quite apparent that you do care what we think – which seems common sense as we are your paying customers, but I have infrequently experienced this from other vendors. Not only do you solicit player feedback, you act upon it. You guys have implemented changes based on player input, you try to keep us in the loop as much as possible regarding the thought processes behind the end results, you make yourselves available to the player-base on a scale I have never observed elsewhere. Of course I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I want to let it be known just how much your herculean effort is appreciated.

I truly love this game. I've spent hundreds, or perhaps thousands of hours logged in, and when I was (for whatever reason) unable to log in, I've spent additional hours with City-related activities: build planning, forum-reading, art. There are so many reasons I love City; it appeals to many distinct sides of my personality. And that in and of itself is a reason to love this game: There are innumerable ways to have fun, different goals to strive for, distractions to amuse. I feel like the game is a Tweaker's Paradise, though I must admit I may simply be biased. In any case, you have given as much control of as many aspects as possible to the players, and you continue to invent new ways to give us more choices, whether with customization, proliferation, content, or features.

Also a heartfelt “Thanks!” to everyone else who keeps the game running smoothly (or our reasonable approximation thereof). Moderators, customer service, even the admins and office workers (if Paragon Studios has such), everyone involved in keeping the whole thing going. And to all of the subscribers, whether we agree on The Issues or not, because it is our combined support that keeps the servers on; I couldn't do it alone. (Though I'd try!)

Thank you for this game.

Most Sincerely,
Kelly L Creighton, aka @kwsapphire
Nice Post!

I may not like everything that goes on, but I agree that these people are awesome.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



I'll add to the praise. (Nice job OP)

This is the best online game I've ever played....

...well ok...this is the only online game I've ever played. But this game has to get points for being the reason I've never tried any other games. I've spent enough time peering over my brother's shoulder while he played other games (including one well known fantasy game in particular) to know this is the one for me.

They (the devs) continue to surprise me. Goodies keep coming our way that were "never going to happen". Remember when customizing powers was "just not possible"? (according to posters here) It's almost worth hanging around just to see what they come up with next.

We are lucky players we are. Threads like this should litter the board and duplicates should be tolerated. (No "Use the search functioni you noob!")

edit: Thanks for the work on the east coast server issue



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I agree in a big way. One of the capital reasons I'm still here is the interaction we have with the development team, and how much it feels like they keep doing things solely and specifically to please ME. Oh, sure, I know I'm a nobody on a message board and they try to please as many people as they can, but the mere fact that I can feel like a lot of the changes are made specifically for me means a LOT in my book.

Positron promised they would give players what they want, within reason, and I have to say they have delivered monumentally well on this promise. I've not played another game where it felt like the development team was as much part of the community, as understanding and as reactive. We say "But we WANNA!!!" and they come here and explain why it can't happen, why it might happen but at a later time, that it's already being worked on, or say nothing and it pops into the game a month or two later.

Frankly, I'm sticking to this game as much for its development team as I am for the actual game. Just goes to show that cool, talented people make a difference.
I may not always agree with you, Sam, but I certainly do now. Ditto to all of that. (Though I think I like the game a bit more than I do the Devs... Sorry guys, but ultimately, that's still a compliment. )



Originally Posted by clave_dark_5 View Post
i think devs is a pretty cool guy. Eh publishes cox and doesn't afraid of anything...

Character index



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
First allow me to say that I do not think anything I could write can adequately convey just how thankful I am not only for this game, but also for you, the Developers, and your openness and dedication to the City of Heroes/Villains franchise. I wanted to send you goodies, but I understand you have discouraged that behavior, and so I am relegated to this: mere words.

I appreciate how much you guys listen. You spend a lot of time here on the forums, and endure a lot of abuse from people who have no idea what they're talking about, all in an effort to hear what we are saying. And while we all know how fruitless it is to try to please everybody, it is quite apparent that you do care what we think – which seems common sense as we are your paying customers, but I have infrequently experienced this from other vendors. Not only do you solicit player feedback, you act upon it. You guys have implemented changes based on player input, you try to keep us in the loop as much as possible regarding the thought processes behind the end results, you make yourselves available to the player-base on a scale I have never observed elsewhere. Of course I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I want to let it be known just how much your herculean effort is appreciated.

I truly love this game. I've spent hundreds, or perhaps thousands of hours logged in, and when I was (for whatever reason) unable to log in, I've spent additional hours with City-related activities: build planning, forum-reading, art. There are so many reasons I love City; it appeals to many distinct sides of my personality. And that in and of itself is a reason to love this game: There are innumerable ways to have fun, different goals to strive for, distractions to amuse. I feel like the game is a Tweaker's Paradise, though I must admit I may simply be biased. In any case, you have given as much control of as many aspects as possible to the players, and you continue to invent new ways to give us more choices, whether with customization, proliferation, content, or features.

Also a heartfelt “Thanks!” to everyone else who keeps the game running smoothly (or our reasonable approximation thereof). Moderators, customer service, even the admins and office workers (if Paragon Studios has such), everyone involved in keeping the whole thing going. And to all of the subscribers, whether we agree on The Issues or not, because it is our combined support that keeps the servers on; I couldn't do it alone. (Though I'd try!)

Thank you for this game.

Most Sincerely,
Kelly L Creighton, aka @kwsapphire
Here here! Good job all around.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Nothing further needs to be added by me to this thread. Its cup of win overfloweth and I agree wholeheartedly with the positive sentiment.



Great post and I agree. Been here since 2004, through divorce, marriage (again), child birth (ok, the wife endured child birth but I endured the wife ), and now deployment to the Middle East. I've never had a bad experience with the game or the Devs. Kudos to you all and we apprecieate your hard work.

Now get back to work!!!! **cracks whip and lets the dogs loose***