An open (love) letter to the Devs




This is the only online game that I have ever played for more than a week. I have been here since shortly after launch, NEVER expected to be around for more than a month or two. I've tried a few other MMOs and found them lacking. This game is just for me I think. I expect the devs to keep pumping out cool stuff like they have in the past and I think I'll be here until they turn the lights out years from now.



Throwing my 2 cents in:

I feel exactly the same about this game. What do I do when servers are down? Mids.

Our devs are a thousand times more responsive to player wishes than any other dev team. We have an amazingly balanced game which has given me hours upon hours of fun.

So let me finish with... Thanks.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Press release. Get to it!




Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Back to the grindstone, you! *snaps whip*

Er...nothing to see here. Move along.

(Thanks for the kind words, Sapphire!)
Proof that whips powerset is coming.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Back to the grindstone, you! *snaps whip*

Er...nothing to see here. Move along.

(Thanks for the kind words, Sapphire!)
This is true love Castle shows. Only someone who cares that much would make sure the work day in and out.

With that I say to you Castle *cracks whip*

I need Demon Summoning.....hurry and make it happen.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
First allow me to say that I do not think anything I could write can adequately convey just how thankful I am not only for this game, but also for you, the Developers, and your openness and dedication to the City of Heroes/Villains franchise. I wanted to send you goodies, but I understand you have discouraged that behavior, and so I am relegated to this: mere words.

I appreciate how much you guys listen. You spend a lot of time here on the forums, and endure a lot of abuse from people who have no idea what they're talking about, all in an effort to hear what we are saying. And while we all know how fruitless it is to try to please everybody, it is quite apparent that you do care what we think – which seems common sense as we are your paying customers, but I have infrequently experienced this from other vendors. Not only do you solicit player feedback, you act upon it. You guys have implemented changes based on player input, you try to keep us in the loop as much as possible regarding the thought processes behind the end results, you make yourselves available to the player-base on a scale I have never observed elsewhere. Of course I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I want to let it be known just how much your herculean effort is appreciated.

I truly love this game. I've spent hundreds, or perhaps thousands of hours logged in, and when I was (for whatever reason) unable to log in, I've spent additional hours with City-related activities: build planning, forum-reading, art. There are so many reasons I love City; it appeals to many distinct sides of my personality. And that in and of itself is a reason to love this game: There are innumerable ways to have fun, different goals to strive for, distractions to amuse. I feel like the game is a Tweaker's Paradise, though I must admit I may simply be biased. In any case, you have given as much control of as many aspects as possible to the players, and you continue to invent new ways to give us more choices, whether with customization, proliferation, content, or features.

Also a heartfelt “Thanks!” to everyone else who keeps the game running smoothly (or our reasonable approximation thereof). Moderators, customer service, even the admins and office workers (if Paragon Studios has such), everyone involved in keeping the whole thing going. And to all of the subscribers, whether we agree on The Issues or not, because it is our combined support that keeps the servers on; I couldn't do it alone. (Though I'd try!)

Thank you for this game.

Most Sincerely,
Kelly L Creighton, aka @kwsapphire
I'm going to admit, at first, this almost seemed a little brown nosy, but really, you're right. And I have to agree, I've made some the best friends I've had playing this game, and for guy like me, that means a lot.

My thanks to all the devs, past, present, and future, for bringing this game to us, and helping me bring me to some great people.
(Pinnacle RP congress forever!)

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
First allow me to say that I do not think anything I could write can adequately convey just how thankful I am not only for this game, but also for you, the Developers, and your openness and dedication to the City of Heroes/Villains franchise. I wanted to send you goodies, but I understand you have discouraged that behavior, and so I am relegated to this: mere words.

I appreciate how much you guys listen. You spend a lot of time here on the forums, and endure a lot of abuse from people who have no idea what they're talking about, all in an effort to hear what we are saying. And while we all know how fruitless it is to try to please everybody, it is quite apparent that you do care what we think – which seems common sense as we are your paying customers, but I have infrequently experienced this from other vendors. Not only do you solicit player feedback, you act upon it. You guys have implemented changes based on player input, you try to keep us in the loop as much as possible regarding the thought processes behind the end results, you make yourselves available to the player-base on a scale I have never observed elsewhere. Of course I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I want to let it be known just how much your herculean effort is appreciated.

I truly love this game. I've spent hundreds, or perhaps thousands of hours logged in, and when I was (for whatever reason) unable to log in, I've spent additional hours with City-related activities: build planning, forum-reading, art. There are so many reasons I love City; it appeals to many distinct sides of my personality. And that in and of itself is a reason to love this game: There are innumerable ways to have fun, different goals to strive for, distractions to amuse. I feel like the game is a Tweaker's Paradise, though I must admit I may simply be biased. In any case, you have given as much control of as many aspects as possible to the players, and you continue to invent new ways to give us more choices, whether with customization, proliferation, content, or features.

Also a heartfelt “Thanks!” to everyone else who keeps the game running smoothly (or our reasonable approximation thereof). Moderators, customer service, even the admins and office workers (if Paragon Studios has such), everyone involved in keeping the whole thing going. And to all of the subscribers, whether we agree on The Issues or not, because it is our combined support that keeps the servers on; I couldn't do it alone. (Though I'd try!)

Thank you for this game.

Most Sincerely,
Kelly L Creighton, aka @kwsapphire
My name is Ryu Planeswalker, and I Officially endorse this post.



A couple years ago while I was winding down in Guild Wars and looking for a break, I gave CoH a try on a 14 day code. I loved it. It was so refreshing and the versatility of the character creation screen ate up days of that trial account time. My Blaster made it to level 14 on the last day and I felt so accomplished as I flew around Steel Canyon. My one regret was that I had vowed to never pay-to-play.

This last Christmas I offered my son a deal. Choose an mmo. I'll pay for a year of play. He chose CoX based on 3 days of goofing on my trial account 2 years ago. I had been secretly hoping he would choose it to give me a reason to break that vow. Here we are 9 months later plugging along and I don't know which one of us loves the game more.

As we have expanded our experience from in-game to the online community as a whole we have both been impressed with the accessibility of the dev crew and their ongoing responses to the requests and demands of their playerbase. My son is a particular fan of Babs.

All-in-all. It is a very safe bet that our accounts will continue past their one year without a second thought. My son and I happily add our voices to this thread. Thank you for your hard work, your patience and dedication, your unwavering commitment to the game and the players who make it a community. Thank you for giving my son and I place to play together when we are so far apart geographically. The distance between
New Zealand and Canada is much smaller when you can meet in Croatoa to fight Red Caps together.



I'll add my voice the chorus of praise

This game just does it better. The maps may never change. The spawn-points remain the same. But I never seem to get tired of it

Devs, we owe it all to you!


There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



I agree, even talking with friends about the said "other" super hero game, I just think our Dev team is more talented. Looking forward to the future! Only thing I have ever complained about is when they are going to fix the Avatar bug on the boards to accept the "~" link deal.


"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



Originally Posted by Iggylove View Post
I agree, even talking with friends about the said "other" super hero game, I just think our Dev team is more talented. Looking forward to the future! Only thing I have ever complained about is when they are going to fix the Avatar bug on the boards to accept the "~" link deal.

Can't use tilde (~) in Avatar/Sig Images?

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I'm going to admit, at first, this almost seemed a little brown nosy, but really, you're right.
Actually I received a negative reputation for the OP, with the comment "sucking up to people is lame". This amuses me very much.. I was under the impression that "sucking up" would be with a goal of some kind of return. What kind of return could I possibly get for writing a love letter to the devs? Does someone think they'll send me a costume code, or other goodies? As I see it there is literally nothing I can gain from writing this kind of letter, except the satisfaction of knowing that I've shown my appreciation. As someone who knows what it's like to have a boss who NEVER shows recognition or appreciation for my effort, I know how much of a downer that can be. (Especially I've also had bosses recognized my effort on a regular basis. I don't ask for much, but it's nice to get a pat on the back sometimes, to know that all the butt-busting is appreciated.)

I get *so much* joy from this game.. I almost got emotional while reading the letter aloud to my partner (before I posted it). That probably sounds silly, but I can't help it.

Originally Posted by dj13 View Post
My one regret was that I had vowed to never pay-to-play.
Yeah, I made the same oath a long time ago too. I was furious that companies would force me to pay $50 for a game and then expect me to pay an additional monthly fee. I swore I'd never do it. Then one of my roommates got City. I saw the character creator and was amazed, I was so used to games giving so little control over a character's appearance. So I asked if I could just create characters on his account, I never intended to play.

Yeah, that didn't last long. The game sucked me in and I bought my own account.. May 12, 2004. I've been here ever since, and I'll be here until the servers go offline permanently. Even if they stopped creating new content, and made no further changes to the game - I'd be here.

I love this game. ;]



That's coz your post is cool... the devs are cool... the game is cool... but some people are just morons.

Don't let 'em get you down, Sapph. The devs saw your post and appreciate it, which was the whole point.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I think the Devs are doing a great job. I can't contemplate how hard it is to please thousands of players and work under the pressure of your jobs. You guys take a lot of !@#$ for things like AE (which btw was something you probably worked your butts off for and an example of how you continue to bring us innovation and unique content). I think you all are doing a great job and I support you all.

Thank you Saphire7 for posting something so nice for them.

And of course, Thank you Devs for doing your best job for us.

My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Back to the grindstone, you! *snaps whip*

Er...nothing to see here. Move along.

(Thanks for the kind words, Sapphire!)
We should put together a charity event to Save Our Synapse. We'll get a little poster of little baby Synapse looking all weak and oppressed.

*walks into Castle's office dressed in a full leather outfit and thigh high heels, and wrestles the whip away from him. Then mists him in the face with cold water*

Niet!...bad. I'm not going to tell you again to stay out of my riot persuasion supplies

*walks out the door and out of sight, muttering something.*

My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow



Let me add my voice to the chorus: The Devs listen and respond, and the game is fantastic.

Sooner or later nearly everybody will have a beef over some issue or another, but there is just so much great stuff to enjoy. In addition to great costumes and capes and wings and auras, there is great NPC banter courtesy of War Witch and crew, smooth animations (and new alternates) courtesy of BAB and crew... the list could go on and on.

Well said, Sapphire7. Good on you.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Love is a beautiful thing. But the devs took out an RO on me. Why is it love when Sapphire7 does it, but with me it's "stalking?" Argh!



I agree with many of the things Sapphire7 stated in her letter, so it pains me to add a little rain on the love fest.

There are many things I think the Devs listen to the player base (recently power customization), but there is one aspect that I don't think much attention is paid to in this game and it is costumes. Before anyone says that I'm complaining because of CO, this is not the case. I've been stressing the importants of this long before I knew what CO had to offer! I've posted many costume ideas in the costume request thread over the years and there still is so few costumes that we players get.

To a new player it is a lot here, but to an old player like myself it just old and tired at this point -- frankly this shouldn't be! I've made this plea over and over again and it feels as if it just falls on deaf ears. I'm tired of waiting once or twice a year for a costume addition that usually only has one or two sets and most of the time I have to pay for them. I'm tired of normal attire being given as sets to use in a superhero game. If I wanted to play a regular looking person I'd play the Sims or IMVU!

Champions may or may not be as good as CoH/V in it's playstyle, but one thing that it excels at is the costumes -- this shouldn't be! Our game has been around for over 5 years it's no way that CO should be on par or exceeding our inventory of costume items, but IMO it does!

I don't want my statements to be a slam on Sexy Jay, because he's a great designer and I do love what he's created for us. I just think that the powers that be in our game needs to give this more importance that what currently has!



Great game, great people making it and great people playing it.
What more could you want?

"Live forever or die tryin'"



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
but there is one aspect that I don't think much attention is paid to in this game and it is costumes.
I have to respectfully disagree. You are certainly entitled to your opinion on the matter, but I don't think costumes are neglected at all. The Devs have had a lot on their plate and still manage to push out new costume options, even free ones that aren't attached to the costume packs. I have almost 100 toons with a huge variety of looks, and any similarity between them is on purpose. Don't get me wrong, I'd love even more options at the tailor! But I don't think this is an area that has been neglected. (Just my opinion, of course.)



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
Champions may or may not be as good as CoH/V in it's playstyle, but one thing that it excels at is the costumes -- this shouldn't be! Our game has been around for over 5 years it's no way that CO should be on par or exceeding our inventory of costume items, but IMO it does!
Well, they did get to start from scratch, possibly incorporating some things learned from the development of this game, and they're competing in more or less the same space. I think they'd look awfully silly if they didn't try to at least keep up with one of this game's strongest features.

In any case, I certainly am looking forward to more of all of the things that make this game great and have been steadily expanded as we go: powersets, costume options, zones, content, QoL, etc. When my friends and I are talking about MMOs, I tell them that the people behind CoH are committed to continually improving the game in all aspects, and they're consistently delivering.

The game really does get better as we go, with occasional growing pains, and as a non-game developer myself, I respect the hell out of that. It's one thing to write it, test it, ship it and be done aside from the occasional bug fixes. It's entirely another thing to balance bug fixes, a steady stream of new content and features, and redoing entire subsystems to allow for things that weren't possible with the engine as designed back in the day (like power customization), and stay cheerful and committed when some of the feedback can get pretty harsh.

Until the CoT give up magic and take up knitting, make mine CoH!

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



The Devs have had a lot on their plate and still manage to push out new costume options, even free ones that aren't attached to the costume packs
Well, all I can say is that (at least for me) it is not enough! I have so many costume ideas for my characters that I can't realize in this game because the inventory is limited. I understand that it takes time to model and test some of the costume items for clipping, but I would be happier just to have considerably more textures. I know from experience that those don't take that long to make.

It's great that there are players that are happy with what's available, but for me, it's been very frustrating over the years to keep using the same items with only a trickle of new items every now and then!



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
Until the CoT give up magic and take up knitting, make mine CoH!



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Love is a beautiful thing. But the devs took out an RO on me. Why is it love when Sapphire7 does it, but with me it's "stalking?" Argh!
Probably because she's a cutie?

Well said Sapphire. Every now and then, it's nice to remind the Devs that the (very) vocal disgruntled minority does not represent the players as a whole.

While I can't say I've only had positive experiences with the Dev/Community Relations team, I can say they have been overwhelmingly so.

It's clear they care about the game, and want to give us (within reason) the things we want. Naturally, since we, as a community, can't agree on most things, not everyone is happy with what they choose to work on, or how they do it, but anyone that claims that they don't care or listen is just on crack. I've never witnessed a Dev team that interacts with its player-base on such a regular (and fun) fashion.

Under the current administration, especially, I've been immensely pleased with the things that have been added to the game, and can't wait to see what the future brings.

I can count on one hand the games that I played with any regularity for 5 years, and having been here since day 2 (Curse you EB for your pre-order SNAFU!) non-stop, that puts CoX in pretty elite company (in my book anyways).

I love this game and have great hopes for the future.

[And as soon as Craptastic! gets my internet up at the new home, I will be playing again.]