An open (love) letter to the Devs




Heh, thanks Hallowed ;]

I must admit there are times that the Devs work on things for which I care little (or nothing) - such as PVP. (Especially PVP. Mostly PVP.) But I don't begrudge them the time to work on it. Even if Issue17 was nothing but PvP stuff, I'd be quite happy, because any improvement to the game increases its chances of sticking around for a long time. In fact, as much as I love power customization and super-side-kicking, I had just as big a SQUEEEE-fit over the fact that they fixed global channel colors. That has been my single thorniest bug, the one that has driven me the most nuts, so the fact that it has been fixed is right up there with power customization and SSK. So I am DEFINITELY not one to begrudge the Devs time working on whatever they feel is the priority of the moment- they have a lot more information than I do, and I know that eventually they get around to taking care of everything they can. Just because it's one of *my* top priorities, doesn't make it a top priority for the game as a whole. :]



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
...Champions may or may not be as good as CoH/V in it's playstyle, but one thing that it excels at is the costumes -- this shouldn't be! Our game has been around for over 5 years it's no way that CO should be on par or exceeding our inventory of costume items, but IMO it does!
For a costume junkie like me, the Champioins character creator blows the CoH character creator away(with the exception of weapons not displaying). I'm not too high on the graphics, but oh how I wish that the character creator here had some of those options.

I'm just hoping that Jay took a look.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
Heh, thanks Hallowed ;]

I must admit there are times that the Devs work on things for which I care little (or nothing) - such as PVP. (Especially PVP. Mostly PVP.) But I don't begrudge them the time to work on it. Even if Issue17 was nothing but PvP stuff, I'd be quite happy, because any improvement to the game increases its chances of sticking around for a long time. In fact, as much as I love power customization and super-side-kicking, I had just as big a SQUEEEE-fit over the fact that they fixed global channel colors. That has been my single thorniest bug, the one that has driven me the most nuts, so the fact that it has been fixed is right up there with power customization and SSK. So I am DEFINITELY not one to begrudge the Devs time working on whatever they feel is the priority of the moment- they have a lot more information than I do, and I know that eventually they get around to taking care of everything they can. Just because it's one of *my* top priorities, doesn't make it a top priority for the game as a whole. :]
I really wish more people would take this view. Because, while I didn't give a rat's [WARNING EXPLICIT LYRICS] about global chat colors, I realized (after reading post after post about it) that others did. So spending the time/resources to fix it was a good thing, even if it had no direct value to me.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I must admit there are times that the Devs work on things for which I care little (or nothing) - such as PVP. (Especially PVP. Mostly PVP.) But I don't begrudge them the time to work on it.
I do!

(N.B. This post was mainly so Memphis Bill doesn't think I'm getting soft in my old age. )



I love the game so I love the devs who make it.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
For a costume junkie like me, the Champioins character creator blows the CoH character creator away(with the exception of weapons not displaying). I'm not too high on the graphics, but oh how I wish that the character creator here had some of those options.

I'm just hoping that Jay took a look.
I'm not going to derail this thread with a who's-better-than-who discussion. There are plenty of threads about that elsewhere. I will say that when the costume creator here gets a major overhaul (in G_R perhaps?), I hope they adopt stances and asymmetrical costuming options.

Also, I'm sure The Sexy One has scoped out the competition.



Thank you, devs. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this game. It's not just a game, it's also a community. For that I thank my fellow players. You have brought me much enjoyment during a very difficult time in my life, that can't be overstated.

I have been playing since July 2004 and cannot imagine the end. Here's to another five years.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Our Devs took on swine flu and LIVED! According to the news, that's impossible. I think they must be gods or something. GO DEVS GO! You rule!



As loud as I've been lately about drop rates, that doesn't change the fact that I love this game and have a ton of respect for a development team this willing to interact with and engage the community. Players can be real snots sometimes, myself included. I appreciate the level of communication we get and the obvious dedication the dev and community teams have to making this the best possible experience.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



The OP is right on the money, and very well said. I have also spent 5 FUN years on this game and will be here until the servers shut down.

Thanks Paragon!



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Also, I'm sure The Sexy One has scoped out the competition.
I'm confident that great things will come of that.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by GreenPiranha View Post
The OP is right on the money, and very well said. I have also spent 5 FUN years on this game and will be here until the servers shut down.

Thanks Paragon!
QFT! I feel the same way!

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Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
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Another "hear hear!" from me. I recently renewed by subscription in part because with CO now out, I felt compelled to support Castle, Posi and co. in what I perceived as a time of need. From reading their forum posts and playing their game I somehow feel I know them.



Please don't think I'm trying to be hard on our Devs! I've sung their praises many times in the past and will continue to do so down the road! This game has had a significant affect on me over the years. It helped to awaken new avenues of creativity that I didn't even know I had.

Being able to create the superhero/villain that I imagine is as important to me as the game play and I want the Devs to know that. Dare I say, that I enjoy creating the characters more than playing them at times. So yeah, there's much love for our Devs for this great game!

Maybe I shouldn't have posted in this thread, but my frustration over the costume issue got the better of me.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
Please don't think I'm trying to be hard on our Devs! I've sung their praises many times in the past and will continue to do so down the road! This game has had a significant affect on me over the years. It helped to awaken new avenues of creativity that I didn't even know I had.

Being able to create the superhero/villain that I imagine is as important to me as the game play and I want the Devs to know that. Dare I say, that I enjoy creating the characters more than playing them at times. So yeah, there's much love for our Devs for this great game!

Maybe I shouldn't have posted in this thread, but my frustration over the costume issue got the better of me.
We forgive you.

The Devs however, may not be so merciful. BaBs is terrible in his wrath.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
Actually I received a negative reputation for the OP, with the comment "sucking up to people is lame". This amuses me very much.. I was under the impression that "sucking up" would be with a goal of some kind of return. What kind of return could I possibly get for writing a love letter to the devs? Does someone think they'll send me a costume code, or other goodies? As I see it there is literally nothing I can gain from writing this kind of letter, except the satisfaction of knowing that I've shown my appreciation. As someone whose new boss NEVER shows recognition or appreciation for my effort, I know how much of a downer that can be. (Especially because my former boss recognized my effort on a regular basis. I don't ask for much, but it's nice to get a pat on the back sometimes, to know that all the butt-busting is appreciated.)

I get *so much* joy from this game.. I almost got emotional while reading the letter aloud to my partner (before I posted it). That probably sounds silly, but I can't help it.

Well rep system allows others to say words they don't have the courage to say openly. Rather than open themselves up to negative rep by posting that they do it behind a veil of anonymity which in my opinion makes it worth a grain of salt. I would rather open myself up to negative rep by saying something straight out then leave someone neg rep, and i have.

While i don't agree totally with everything you said nor do I have to, I can appreciate that it was a gesture from the heart. It's always nice to show your appreciation to people you think deserve it, and it's rarely done. I love this game as well, and have no concept of what goes into the making and maintenance of it though I am sure it's a great deal of work.

I am sure you will get more comments simply because there are populations (PvP for example) where it doesn't seem like the devs do listen or care. There are those who blindly worship the developers which you will get lumped in with as well. But that means nothing to your post it was a nice gesture and well written, and it's how you feel. I would say ignore any neg rep you receive i am sure you will get a great deal more positive.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
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Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
We forgive you.

The Devs however, may not be so merciful. BaBs is terrible in his wrath.
I'm not afraid of BaBs! Plus, BaBs is high on the awesome sauce meter for power customization!



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
Please don't think I'm trying to be hard on our Devs! [...] Maybe I shouldn't have posted in this thread, but my frustration over the costume issue got the better of me.
Totally understood, and I don't blame you at all. If it's how ya feel, that's how it is! And like I said, I'd love to see more costume options. :] Especially counter-shading, oh how much I want counter shading, and then the ability to put stripes over that, so I can finally roll up my alter-self Sapphire! xD (Noooot going to happen for a long time, if ever, I know...)

Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
I am sure you will get more comments simply because there are populations (PvP for example) where it doesn't seem like the devs do listen or care. There are those who blindly worship the developers which you will get lumped in with as well. But that means nothing to your post it was a nice gesture and well written, and it's how you feel. I would say ignore any neg rep you receive i am sure you will get a great deal more positive.
I wasn't worried about the negative rep, I just found it funny. At least they put something into words, and they are certainly entitled to their opinion. I just think it's funny, because in my mind "sucking up" means you can get something out of it.. whereas giving praise here on the forums will net me the same as if I'd trolled, or written a post about bees. That is, you get a bigger post count, some people see your thread, etc. I dunno, maybe you don't have to expect an actual return to suck up to someone, I just always thought that was the point.

I must admit I've never seen a post by someone who "blindly worships" the Devs.. I certainly never said they can do no wrong, and I definitely don't worship them. ;] They're people, and worship is pretty creepy to most people. At least, in my experience. I just think they do a great job, as far as jobs go, and wanted to make sure they knew that.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
I too think that the interaction with the developers is one of the primary reasons i feel as happy with the game as i do. Everything isn't perfect but its better than i have seen anywhere else, and the fact that the devs feel comfortable coming in and just goofing around with the community is also nice.
Well said. I totally agree with Sapphire (the OP) and with this. I am constantly surprised and delighted with the level of dev openness in this game. It takes extra work on their part, and sometimes an extra thick skin when some immature hothead storms into the forums and accuses them of hating players, being stupid/lazy, etc.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post

I must admit I've never seen a post by someone who "blindly worships" the Devs.. I certainly never said they can do no wrong, and I definitely don't worship them. ;] They're people, and worship is pretty creepy to most people. At least, in my experience. I just think they do a great job, as far as jobs go, and wanted to make sure they knew that.

I had a friend who did that (blindly worshiped them). I think its nice that you want to show your apreciation and did so in a manor that you could. I am glad you find the neg rep funny and it doesn't bother you that's all i really wanted to say.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
First allow me to say that I do not think anything I could write can adequately convey just how thankful I am not only for this game, but also for you, the Developers, and your openness and dedication to the City of Heroes/Villains franchise. I wanted to send you goodies, but I understand you have discouraged that behavior, and so I am relegated to this: mere words.

I appreciate how much you guys listen. You spend a lot of time here on the forums, and endure a lot of abuse from people who have no idea what they're talking about, all in an effort to hear what we are saying. And while we all know how fruitless it is to try to please everybody, it is quite apparent that you do care what we think – which seems common sense as we are your paying customers, but I have infrequently experienced this from other vendors. Not only do you solicit player feedback, you act upon it. You guys have implemented changes based on player input, you try to keep us in the loop as much as possible regarding the thought processes behind the end results, you make yourselves available to the player-base on a scale I have never observed elsewhere. Of course I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I want to let it be known just how much your herculean effort is appreciated.

I truly love this game. I've spent hundreds, or perhaps thousands of hours logged in, and when I was (for whatever reason) unable to log in, I've spent additional hours with City-related activities: build planning, forum-reading, art. There are so many reasons I love City; it appeals to many distinct sides of my personality. And that in and of itself is a reason to love this game: There are innumerable ways to have fun, different goals to strive for, distractions to amuse. I feel like the game is a Tweaker's Paradise, though I must admit I may simply be biased. In any case, you have given as much control of as many aspects as possible to the players, and you continue to invent new ways to give us more choices, whether with customization, proliferation, content, or features.

Also a heartfelt “Thanks!” to everyone else who keeps the game running smoothly (or our reasonable approximation thereof). Moderators, customer service, even the admins and office workers (if Paragon Studios has such), everyone involved in keeping the whole thing going. And to all of the subscribers, whether we agree on The Issues or not, because it is our combined support that keeps the servers on; I couldn't do it alone. (Though I'd try!)

Thank you for this game.

Most Sincerely,
Kelly L Creighton, aka @kwsapphire
I concurr, you guys/gals are awesome



Count me proudly among the mass of fans who love this game and appreciate the hell out of the devs who spend so much time on it!

Thank you all!


Over 8 years of playing with more than 130 characters across 14 servers. Nineteen 50s with plenty more working their way up!

Find me in-game as @Super MC



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
I would say ignore any neg rep you receive i am sure you will get a great deal more positive.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
I will say that when the costume creator here gets a major overhaul (in G_R perhaps?), I hope they adopt stances and asymmetrical costuming options.
I just want spacesuits.



I'd like animated hair, expressive faces, more detailed hands, more relaistic bust shapes and being able to turn at the waist - but I still think the game's totally awesome, and the devs are too

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork