Level 50 Snobs




Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
I suppose I'm a reverse 50 snob, since I deeply dislike teaming with exemp'd 50s on low level teams. I'm not saying they all do it, but I've been on a number of lowbie teams where an exemp'd high level has tried to run the team, or tried to play the low level game as if it was the high level game (Tank must go first blah blah...) or dropped their exemp the minute things looked remotely dangerous and wiped half the map while the rest of us got no xp.
This surprises me. In my experience, people who are bossy and try to run the team when they're not qualified to are bossy at any level, exemplared or not.



Don't sweat it PK. I have noticed snobbery all along the ladder lately. Though I will simply ignore the ones that will ruin my playtime, there are times that I just wonder what the hell people were thinking when they subbed to this game. Just the other day, I was on a great PUG that was steamrolling things, and right in the middle of a mission, one player asked if we could go do something else, all the mobs were blue to him (this was due to the fact that we had leveled since entering.) We said that we would do a higher mission after we finished this one, and he got miffed and dumped the team and left.

No pleasing everyone I know, but playing a mission full of blue minions with a team of 8 is better than slogging through a mission of yellow minions alone no? I would never tell someone to shove off due to their attitude (mostly because the internet is full of people who would just see that as the opening to unleash their most untamed monkey on someone who can't simply reach out and punch them in the throat.), but really, I enjoy the game and community not the "phat xp's". Perhaps that is my rung on the snobbery ladder, but at least I never bump anyones camel sideways because I can't open my snickers bar from the side... You know what I mean.


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
One incident in particular stands out. I was running a team in KR, doing radios, and in response to one of my LFM broadcasts we picked up a 50 who said she was happy to exemp down. Fair enough, though personally I can't see the fun in running lvl 10 radios at lvl 50.

First mission in she starts going on about how our tank should go in first - with predictable results since a lvl 10 tank will die when hit by a full team alpha strike. I end up with my scrapper running in alongside the tank to dilute the alpha and we get through the mission... with a few faceplants, but many bad guys are beaten down and much xp is gained.

Then comes the next mission - Get the device from the Skulls. We enter the mission, and this exemp'd 50 stealths to the end of the map. The following conversation ensues:

50: I'm at the glowie. Tell me when/if you want me to click it.
Me: Huh? This is a radio mish, not the ITF. We're not speeding it. We want to fight these guys, for the xp.
50: Well I'll wait here.
Me [looking at the Bone Daddy and his buddies in the first spawn]: Well to be honest I'd rather you were here with the rest of us.
50: Get a healer then I'll join you. I don't want to die over and over again.
Me: Then don't.


We exited the mission to reset and I did another LFM broadcast. While I was doing so I got a tell from the 50:

"Enjoy dying. I hope you get stuck in there all day."

As it happens we recruited another couple of heroes and waltzed through the mission without a single faceplant. And we STILL didn't have a 'healer'
Yeah, this. Except all too often they just actually click the glowie while we're fighting the first spawn. Whats worse is when they have TP Friend, because then the team disappears member by member until you either go along with them or get stuck at the beginning while the team clears the last room.

It's a paper mission, we're not on a time limit! Can't we just play?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
This surprises me. In my experience, people who are bossy and try to run the team when they're not qualified to are bossy at any level, exemplared or not.
Its been a fairly common problem with exempt'd 50s for me. I'm a bit leery of inviting any these days.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Depends on the situation really and on what AT im on. If im on an offensive character im more likely to say no thanks than say if im on a controller/defender who do jump at any chance for a team.

Might be a US server thing but on the EU servers i have rarely come across level 50s exempin down onto a PUG just to do something [apart from badges/tfs obviously].

See now im not sure whether i fall into the level 50 snobs bracket either since on my 50s im 99% certain i would say no to a random PUG asking me to exemp down. Not because of the fact that i would lose my powers, but when i play my level 50s i expect the chance to earn a higher rate of reward than my lower levels. Ok saying it like that does sound snobbish.
I don't tend to Exemp down with my 50s ever really. Why bother when it's pretty certain I'll have an alt around the actual level of the team I can switch to instead, that way they'll be progressing and gaining XP. Plus chances are if it's a PuG I'll make a few friends around his/her level for future team-ups.

Nothing to do with "snobbery". Just seems more practical to me to pick a char of about the same level instead.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Yes, this is what has me most confused, because this "explanation" is just recent. People that didn't want to join before would just give me a "no thanks" or just not answer at all, but recently I've gotten several people that have given me this EXACT reason that never did before.
I've been giving that exact "snob" reason since the day exemplaring was implemented. I don't like losing access to my powers, because it sucks more to have had a power and lost it than to have never had it at all. So people like me existed, and gave out exactly these explanations.

One likely reason you're seeing more of it now is that a lot of people who wouldn't have exemplared before at all, will now not exemplar more than five levels, and where before they could just refuse to exemplar altogether, they now feel they should explain why they are willing to exemplar, just not that far down.

Far as I'm concerned, I'm not doing anything more than 5 levels below me unless it's a favour for someone.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I would have kicked that jerk too. That's just STUPID. There is NO reason at ALL to fear "death" in the game at level 50. That's just stupid.
Ditto on that particular player. I've never kicked anyone from a team and even I may have kicked him.

But I personally "fear death" at lvl 50. It's never really been about the rewards for me as much as about the fact that I abhor losing. I cannot stand it. Dying at lvl 50 should not bother me logically but it does. I avoid the Leroy Jenkins style because of that. The need for tactics never leaves me.

And if not liking to exemplar down a lvl 50 is snobbery I guess I'm a snob. I've never liked it. I do it (ran Citadel and Sister Psyche just yesterday) ...but it does bother me. Those "greyed out" powers just sit there and mock me. I do feel like I've earned those powers after all.

Something tells me I'm not the only one since they just put in the "5 levels above your exemp level" thing. (Which is totally sweet)



I tend to prefer where possible to play a toon of appropriate level. If someone puts a shout out that they need someone on a team I'll see if I can find a toon of that level to play with. I've got so many alts that I'm bound to have someone at the right level.

However I also love playing my 50's and now that I can cover a broad spectrum of the AT range with them I'm more than happy to grab one that's appropriate when the need arises, whether I'm Exemped or not.

Sure it's nice to have all your powers, and there sometimes is that bit of a shock when you go looking for something that is now greyed out, but on the whole I'm just happy to help.

It is rare to be honest though that I do exemp them down though, simply because (as I said) with my altitis I usually have an appropriate toon at the right level range anyhoooo and would rather use those times to help AND further a toon of my own at the same time.

Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale



Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
I've got a few 50's but for me, those character's "lives" ended at 50. I play for the fun of leveling, getting new powers, learning the character. The only time I really log into my 50's is when I need money for one of my alts or something like that.

A few times I've gotten tells asking me to join lvl 50 missions, I politely decline. Just me I guess.
No, me too. I'll pull out my 50s for missions at 50 sometimes, but if I'm losing powers, you can forget having me along unless I really, really want whatever badge the TF is doing. If I'm running at level 30, I'd much rather bring a character it's going to bump a little closer to level 31. I've always turned down teams on the grounds that I don't want to lose access to powers. I was doing it before it was cool.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



So, because there's 50s that don't want to exemp down to play with you, they're being snobs? If anything, it works the other way around...

The 50ies that DO exemp down, and then boss everyone around, sure, those are snobby, and that's the kind of OP I expected when I clicked this thread, but how a 50 plays is really their own business, not yours. To call them snobby because they don't wanna exemp down for you, frankly, makes you appear snobby and bossy instead.

To summarise: Having a preferred playing style does not make you a snob. Calling others names because their preferred playing styles don't benefit brings you closer to being a snob yourself, though.



Originally Posted by Heart Attack View Post
But surely under the old system they would have lost more powers but were happy to team, how odd.
I am confused by this. perhaps I need to re-read the section on the new super sidekicking. Does this mean that under the new version of sidekicking, people do not lose access to their powers?

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
With SSK, I'm far more willing to exemp/mal down. Most of my characters probably have some sort of lower level they'd prefer not to go under (i.e. sometimes I respec the character in a way that's really broken at lower levels... like only having 1 attack on a melee AT until the mid-20s), but I'd probably be willing to go down to any level above that, and if the cause was worthy (i.e. good content, friends, good reward, bored, etc) I'd probably join anyways... even if I was on a 49
Same here. Especially in that ugly region between 16 and 26 where I'm forced to delay new attacks because I'm trying to fit in travel power and fitness.

It was also nice to do Sister Psyche on a level 30 Warshade and still level up during the TF. No more "wait, let me see who is in range for that and will still get XP".

Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I am confused by this. perhaps I need to re-read the section on the new super sidekicking. Does this mean that under the new version of sidekicking, people do not lose access to their powers?
You keep all powers that you have for up to 5 levels above the level that you exemplared down to. So if you took Stamina at 20 and went down to 15 for Positron's TF, you'll still have Stamina (and whatever you took at levels 16 and 18) during that TF.



Originally Posted by Glacier_Peak View Post
Today I attempted a MSTF run with a PuG. I had about 7 people, and found a kinetic controller, so I invited her. I was a stone tank, and was just about to start when I got a text from her saying:

"Im only going to be SB'ing you, and nobody else on the team" I asked why and she said "Because Earth is my primary and I don't want."


I understand her. I love kinetics but hate Speed Boost. And it really sucks not to take it, because it is a strong power. Maybe I should just not take it, but it helps in certain situations when you really need it.

But I absolutely hate, hate, hate being everybody's coffee machine.

If only they could make the duration of SB longer...



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I am confused by this. perhaps I need to re-read the section on the new super sidekicking. Does this mean that under the new version of sidekicking, people do not lose access to their powers?

If I'm rembering right, you can keep powers up to 5 levels above the level you exemp down to. This makes life very easy if theres only a small lv difference on the team.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



I've turned down every invitation to team from people I don't know over the last week when I'm on my 50s. Why? Not because I'm a "Level 50 snob" but because I've been testing out the new difficulty settings and the reduction in drops.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
I've turned down every invitation to team from people I don't know over the last week when I'm on my 50s. Why? Not because I'm a "Level 50 snob" but because I've been testing out the new difficulty settings and the reduction in drops.

Well that's more like being in the middle of a research project Black. I'm sure Einstein didn't say "Sorry gang, let me drop special relativity at this crucial juncture and we'll go shoot pool."

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
For the first time level 50s are sending me response /tells saying no with the SPECIFIC reason that they "don't have access to all their powers" at that level. So basically, as I call it, level 50 snobbery.
How very odd. With SSK about the only character I'm picky about exemping down any more is my Ice Tanker. I remember all too well how terrible his endurance issues were before Energy Absorption and have no desire to return to that. Since that only locks him out of two TF's (you cannot take EA before 26), it's no biggie. I just say "no thanks" to any invites for Posi and/or Synapse.

Maybe some of these 50's giving you that response are the infamous "AE Babies" and they just can't stand losing any powers at all to exemping? Maybe they don't understand that as an exemped 50 they will still be stronger than a character that is naturally that level, even minus some of their higher tier powers.



Unless time is a factor, or I'm already committed to a team with a different toon, I'm always willing to team with my two 50s. They both skipped a lot of content like TF/SF and mayhem missions on their way to 50, so I enjoy exemping down to run these things.

I may joke that it's hard to get used to having so few powers, because it is, but it's fun too, so any time anyone is looking to fill a TF team on Guardian, or a SF or mayhem team on Virtue, feel free to send me an invite.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Best way to get around this, use dual builds.

Hi I'm Santorican and I'm a level 50 snob

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
But this is new... I've been forming and leading PuG teams for about a YEAR now and never ran into this "problem" until just this last week. All the 50s that actually responded to me in the past just LOVED getting invites doing anything, because they make the same influence no matter what level they fight at.

Has anyone else seen this "snobbery"? Anyone have any clue where it's come from? Because I'd never seen it before I16.
Whichever issue introduced Ouroboros resulted in several posters objecting to being exemplared and losing their powers.

I think you've just been lucky in the past or 2 issues of MA may have reinforced it.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I'll exemp down to any level in most cases when asked or given the opportunity. I have a few characters with "LFT -- Any Level" in their team comment/tag.

Some characters are a bit gimped at earlier levels so they may not accept the invitation, but generally those characters that are like that also have dual builds to allow for circumstances such as these.

I like all my powers, but I enjoy my characters more. I also like the opportunity to hang with friends or help some newbies out.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
I don't tend to Exemp down with my 50s ever really. Why bother when it's pretty certain I'll have an alt around the actual level of the team I can switch to instead, that way they'll be progressing and gaining XP. Plus chances are if it's a PuG I'll make a few friends around his/her level for future team-ups.

Nothing to do with "snobbery". Just seems more practical to me to pick a char of about the same level instead.
As a longtime altoholic, I very much endorse this view; it's my usual method of operation.

On the other hand - I've not tried the !!!NEW!!! !!!EXCITING!!! exemplar system, but never had that much of a problem exemplaring my 50s before. It made for an interesting challenge, and there are certainly enough instances of characters losing powers in comic book lore to provide grist for the role playing mill.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
This surprises me. In my experience, people who are bossy and try to run the team when they're not qualified to are bossy at any level, exemplared or not.

And regarding the topic, I love to exemplar down, simply because I love to play this game. With supersidekicking and getting access to more powers than I did before, it's even better. I play my 50s because I like them and they're fun to play, at any level.

Of course, I've been exemplaring since it was first put in the game, so I'm used to "losing" powers. I balance that by gaining fun!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Well I guess I'll chime in.

I wont exemp my 50s because they can't get purples then. Simple as that. But what I will do is switch to a lower level character and tag along. Chances are extremely good that I have a character that can both contribute and gain xp at any level.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



What? A new Epic AT and people have already gotten them to 50?