Level 50 Snobs




Originally Posted by Glacier_Peak View Post
Today I attempted a MSTF run with a PuG. I had about 7 people, and found a kinetic controller, so I invited her. I was a stone tank, and was just about to start when I got a text from her saying:

"Im only going to be SB'ing you, and nobody else on the team" I asked why and she said "Because Earth is my primary and I don't want."

So in team chat I warned that the kinetic defender did not want to SB anyone else. She quit the team, and sent me a tell saying "You shouldn't have done that"

She was level 50 too. And she was a kinetic defender who took speed boost, but didn't want to use it. Irony..
lol at that one. On my kins i will sb everyone, but I do tend to concentrate on the tank(especially stone) and whoever seems to be kicking butt. Gungho effectiveness should be rewarded. A blaster burning through his end bar wiping groups will get special attention over a scrapper that takes his time and goofs around.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I would have kicked that jerk too. That's just STUPID. There is NO reason at ALL to fear "death" in the game at level 50. That's just stupid.
I have kamikazed a particularly pita boss on my 50 telling the rest of the team to hold back. Ill take the debt on my 50 rather than slow down their leveling. Some times it can be a blast

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



For me, it would depend on the toon. On my main, Nakoa, I'll SSK down to any level and not trip. He's made for SSKing and he has two builds to choose from. However, I have a 50 Ice/Axe tanker, Agdenes Man, who doesn't SSK so easily. He's most fun to play when I can throw down Ice Storm and run Chilling Embrace and some AoE axe swings. At level 20, he just isn't that much fun to play. At 50, he's a blast. So, whether I would answer your tell to TF would totally depend on whom I was playing at the time.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
I am confused by this. perhaps I need to re-read the section on the new super sidekicking. Does this mean that under the new version of sidekicking, people do not lose access to their powers?
you keep 5 lvls of powers above the level to which you are exemplared now. so, if you exemplar to lvl 15, you keep powers you got up through lvl 20. yay!

Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
I suppose I'm a reverse 50 snob, since I deeply dislike teaming with exemp'd 50s on low level teams. I'm not saying they all do it, but I've been on a number of lowbie teams where an exemp'd high level has tried to run the team, or tried to play the low level game as if it was the high level game (Tank must go first blah blah...) or dropped their exemp the minute things looked remotely dangerous and wiped half the map while the rest of us got no xp.

One incident in particular stands out. I was running a team in KR, doing radios, and in response to one of my LFM broadcasts we picked up a 50 who said she was happy to exemp down. Fair enough, though personally I can't see the fun in running lvl 10 radios at lvl 50.

First mission in she starts going on about how our tank should go in first - with predictable results since a lvl 10 tank will die when hit by a full team alpha strike. I end up with my scrapper running in alongside the tank to dilute the alpha and we get through the mission... with a few faceplants, but many bad guys are beaten down and much xp is gained.

Then comes the next mission - Get the device from the Skulls. We enter the mission, and this exemp'd 50 stealths to the end of the map. The following conversation ensues:

50: I'm at the glowie. Tell me when/if you want me to click it.
Me: Huh? This is a radio mish, not the ITF. We're not speeding it. We want to fight these guys, for the xp.
50: Well I'll wait here.
Me [looking at the Bone Daddy and his buddies in the first spawn]: Well to be honest I'd rather you were here with the rest of us.
50: Get a healer then I'll join you. I don't want to die over and over again.
Me: Then don't.


We exited the mission to reset and I did another LFM broadcast. While I was doing so I got a tell from the 50:

"Enjoy dying. I hope you get stuck in there all day."

As it happens we recruited another couple of heroes and waltzed through the mission without a single faceplant. And we STILL didn't have a 'healer'
... did they not realize that in a radio mission, it's not like AE where you click the glowie and are done with it, but that you actually have to clear the room the glowie is in to complete the mission?

i build my toons differently, but i usually try to stagger certain set bonuses and pick powers so that i'm fit to exemplar most of the time. this serves for several purposes, not just regular missions, but if you want task force commander, you'll have to ex down to complete all those tfs anyway. i actually love exing on a lot of my toons, although i will admit, some are built for specific tasks, such as high-level tfs.

i've found that staggering my IO set bonuses, especially for recovery, regen, accuracy and recharge, let me stay alive a lot longer than most of my buddies that build just for 50 when ex'ed. duh, yeah, but it's still fun to be a kin defender and running all over the place, killing mobs while everyone else has faceplanted


a wise man once said...

"don't screw this up."



I don’t participate in PUG TF’s but I always try to provide an answer to any tell, so I’ve given this excuse. I just don't want to be locked into a time frame with people I don't know.

As far as the question about this happening post I16, unless my 50 needs the badge or the merits, I’d want to run a TF on a non-50 for the experience. It was a lot of fun to have my cold defender go from 28 to 30 running Posi and then Synapse this weekend.

My Characters



Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
I understand her. I love kinetics but hate Speed Boost. And it really sucks not to take it, because it is a strong power. Maybe I should just not take it, but it helps in certain situations when you really need it.

But I absolutely hate, hate, hate being everybody's coffee machine.

If only they could make the duration of SB longer...
i know how the kin felt in some ways; i have 4 kins (2 kin trollers, 1 kin def and 1 kin corr), and i get sick and tired of sbing everyone every 2 min. BUT, as a kin, if my team needs it, i try to be as good as possible and keep everyone on it.

i think the kin in this example handled it poorly. if i'm having trouble sbing everyone, i will let the whole team know and try to find out who really will benefit most by having sb. and if everyone wants it, i'll just ask them to wait for a few seconds before charging the next mob so i can buff everyone. but my criteria is that if you see me start sbing during a break, and run off before i get to you, tough luck! you can wait for the next round or break in the action

then again, i'm a good kin with both sb and ID, and i make sure to stack ID on the squishies, so that takes me twice as long to buff everyone, and i end up being just a buffer most of the time i do hate when people whine for sb (not politely ask) when i'm busy keeping the team alive instead of doling out sb. if you have a toon that can't live without sb for a few seconds, maybe it's time for a respec :P


a wise man once said...

"don't screw this up."



My teams on Pinn have been "Any one of any level come join us."

I have gotten questions like "What level should I bring?"
I say "any"
They say "what level are you?"
I say (currently on a newish toon) "17"
They say "well if I stay on this guy, o wont have my powers and stuff"
And I say "You exemp get 5 lvls worth of powers, and still earn XP"
Then they say "Since When"
I say "since I16 came out, Its the new SSK system"
And they say "Thats really cool, brt"
Then the switch to their lvl 7 toon. So I with my lvl 17 corr, and 4 or 5 others only 1 of which is 17+ are fighting on my mishes..... and to make it so we dont Pwipe, its set to -1....

This has happened countless times already.



And I say "You exemp get 5 lvls worth of powers, and still earn XP"
Wait, wait, wait.... they still earn XP? I'd like to have this cleared up because the patch notes that I read seemed confusing about this. Will a level 49 earn XP playing at level 17 for example?

The reason it was confusing is because the line in the patch notes say:

"Exemplars will now earn XP and a level capped person will get XP converted into influence like exemplars used to."

So.... what's the difference between an "exemplared" person and a "level capped" person? Once you're exemplared down, aren't you by DEFINITION level capped to the level of the person owning the mission?

I is confuzzled.



Level capped simply means a L50. Everyone else gets xp no matter what, unless they turn it off in Options.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Wait, wait, wait.... they still earn XP? I'd like to have this cleared up because the patch notes that I read seemed confusing about this. Will a level 49 earn XP playing at level 17 for example?

The reason it was confusing is because the line in the patch notes say:

"Exemplars will now earn XP and a level capped person will get XP converted into influence like exemplars used to."

So.... what's the difference between an "exemplared" person and a "level capped" person? Once you're exemplared down, aren't you by DEFINITION level capped to the level of the person owning the mission?

I is confuzzled.
I believe by level capped, in this instance, they mean 50

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Best way to get around this, use dual builds.
Dual builds are pretty useless to those who don't have the money for an entire second set of IOs.

And even if I did, I'd rather be buying those IOs for another character.

Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Whichever issue introduced Ouroboros resulted in several posters objecting to being exemplared and losing their powers.
Count me among them. The new system makes me much more willing to do Oro missions, especially as I still get XP for them now.

It was nice not having to make the decision between getting to 32 on my Warshade or finally doing Sister Psyche's TF, I got to have both.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Wait, wait, wait.... they still earn XP? I'd like to have this cleared up because the patch notes that I read seemed confusing about this. Will a level 49 earn XP playing at level 17 for example?

The reason it was confusing is because the line in the patch notes say:

"Exemplars will now earn XP and a level capped person will get XP converted into influence like exemplars used to."

So.... what's the difference between an "exemplared" person and a "level capped" person? Once you're exemplared down, aren't you by DEFINITION level capped to the level of the person owning the mission?

I is confuzzled.
Even though others have answered, we had someone ding 50 on our Posi> Too funny.

My Characters



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Let's face facts... the recent AE boss farming environment has made people used to door sitting... in fact it's trained them to do just that... we have a whole "generation" of level 50s who did not have to earn their character's level.

It doesn't surprise me at all that people are not wanting to lose their powers to run a TF. That might actually take an effort... or involve a risk of some sort.

All the veterans of the game often say they thought ED was bad.... IG is much, much worse. IG being Instant Gratification.
Exclamation: This ^
Impossible: To deny when: It happens too often
Fail levels: Have risen

Personally: New ssk encourages me: to exemplar
Engaging: Hitting mode

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



See, I dislike exemping with my 50's too...for that exact reason, I don't like losing powers I'm accustomed to having and using (unless it's a TF, that's different)

However, if I am not doing anything important with the 50 I'm on, I will gladly hop to a character within level range of the person asking. My 50's generally are built AT level 50, and do not exemp well at all. Having a 50 of mine exemped on your team is often worse than the same AT/powerset combo that is really at that level. For example, I have a blaster that loses Stamina below level 30, and cannot function very well without it. As a result, I do not exemp him below 30. I have numerous characters that didn't take a travel power until the 30's.

I would much rather log on with a character that is at your level than run one of my 50's that aren't built for exemping. At least if I am the same level as you I can pull my weight, that often isn't the case with one of my 50s that is exemped.

It's not snobbery in my case, just practicality, I don't want to exemp a character and be dead weight because I'm missing something important at that level.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Not to be argumentative, but if you built your character for playing at L50 and, as you say, certain powers were chosen later as opposed to earlier, then why not build them so that they are more exemplared-friendly?

If you get set IOs for 50, you won't have the bonuses, but with the extra slotting in those powers, in relation to those players on the team you're exemp'd to, will be far greater than theirs.

I understand not wanting to exemplar, but to say that travel powers or Stamina is chosen later as a factor isn't really all that valid of an excuse. That's an easy fix in a respec.

However, I too have some characters that I feel aren't as worthy below a certain level because of power choices and I'm just too lazy to do a respec to account for those opportunities of getting on a certain level range's team.



In the specific case cited by NightshadeLegree, I would agree with whoever guessed that the 50 was only there for the Safeguard (and the badge and/or power that went with it) and wanted to get there ASAP. Still, given that the guy with missions at the appropriate level is doing them a favor, one would think they'd try to be a little considerate of the lowbies that are making this possible...

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Yes, this is what has me most confused, because this "explanation" is just recent. People that didn't want to join before would just give me a "no thanks" or just not answer at all, but recently I've gotten several people that have given me this EXACT reason that never did before.
You may had been lucky before. I never been fond of exemplaring due to lost powers and no XP (on pre-50s)



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lad View Post
Not to be argumentative, but if you built your character for playing at L50 and, as you say, certain powers were chosen later as opposed to earlier, then why not build them so that they are more exemplared-friendly?

If you get set IOs for 50, you won't have the bonuses, but with the extra slotting in those powers, in relation to those players on the team you're exemp'd to, will be far greater than theirs.

I understand not wanting to exemplar, but to say that travel powers or Stamina is chosen later as a factor isn't really all that valid of an excuse. That's an easy fix in a respec.
If powers were chosen later than earlier, it's probably for a good reason, like that's when the person wanted them. Why on earth would anyone go through a respec just to exemplar?

I build my characters with exemplaring in mind because I do a lot of it. With all the new temp travel powers, I could take an actual travel power much later in the game if I wanted, but I don't because it's a pain in the *** when I exemplar. I build for the way I play OFTEN, not the way I might play every one in a rare while. If this person doesn't care to exemplar often, why should he respec his character just to do someone he hardly ever does? It doesn't make any sense. Sure, he could also use an alternate build, but why spend the effort to get enhancements or waste a secondary build on something that he's not going to do often?

If I had a character where I did choose a travel power or Stamina later and it was a problem in low levels but I rarely exemplared, there's no way I'd rebuild just for that purpose. I'd either exemplar on other characters or not do it at all.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lad View Post
Not to be argumentative, but if you built your character for playing at L50 and, as you say, certain powers were chosen later as opposed to earlier, then why not build them so that they are more exemplared-friendly?
Everyone has the right to do their builds whatever way they want but I actually attempt to make my builds exemplar friendly. I do my best to even retain as many set bonuses as I can by level 35, recent SK rules means I may go further and keep stuff all the way to 30 if I keep up the same approach.

Side advantage of this is that I get to start my IOing relatively early with lower cost IOs.

Despite this I still did not Exemp down unless I had to help some one. It was mostly about the XP, though, I always felt I may as well be leveling up a different character. I rarely play my 50s once they get there, rarely aim for much IOing at that point.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lad View Post
Not to be argumentative, but if you built your character for playing at L50 and, as you say, certain powers were chosen later as opposed to earlier, then why not build them so that they are more exemplared-friendly?
Because of the act of having had a power and having been used to having it. I abhor losing powers on principle, not because I lost any specific power I can't do without. I could lose something as simple as Taunt and I'd be upset at not having access to it. It's a matter of preference, and there is no explaining preference away. All workarounds can do is make it suck less. Well, I still choose option B - refuse. It doesn't suck at all!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Has anyone else seen this "snobbery"? Anyone have any clue where it's come from? Because I'd never seen it before I16.
I'm guessing it's because they finally figured out who was inviting them.

I don't know; I play 50's and exemplar more often than not. Logging in on a level 50 character, there's not much I can't do and I don't need a plan. I can run any Task Force or trial and keep up with people, I can SK others, etc etc. If I log in on a lower level character and don't have any idea what I want to do, I may not find a team my level or might not find a team I can keep up with. (While I can SK to someone of a much higher level, being on a level 35 team when I don't have Stamina or an alternate way to control endurance usage or don't have a strong travel power or don't want to use up my temp travel power make me feel like I'm not pulling my weight and I don't like to do it. Likewise, I don't want to SK someone of a much lower level.

It's like age and dating. If you're 14, a 6 year difference in age is a big deal. If you're 35, 6 years might not make much difference.

I do think it's more fun to play with all my high level powers and I hate losing them, but the right team makes all the difference. I really don't care which powers I do or don't have when I'm playing with a great team and having lots of fun.

Sounds to me like it's just the EotM - Excuse of the Month. People think it's unacceptable just to say, "No, thank you" so they rattle of a "socially acceptable" excuse. Some people might do it because others really do make you feel like it's unacceptable to say no. (Seriously, if I say I don't want to be on your team, why would you try to bully me into it? Do you really think that will suddenly make me want to spend time with you? Likewise, don't spend your time trying to talk me into it. That just makes you sound desperate and why would I want to hang out with someone desperate? Have some self-respect!)

If you don't want to be on my team, you don't need excuses or reasons; a polite no is all that's needed.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Ha! I just noticed the Yoyodyne Propulsion tag. Nod to you, World Watch One tagger.

I used to have a Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems Test Vehicle bumpersticker on my old red Honda Prelude. I actually had people stop me in parking lots and ask me what kind of test vehicle it was, like if it was an alternate fuel source, rocket car, etc. Hilarious!



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



If you don't want to be on my team, you don't need excuses or reasons; a polite no is all that's needed.
That's where I stand as well. I'm just puzzled by this excuse.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'll team at any level - I don't really have a fixed play style
how do you team when your on here all day long?



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
In the specific case cited by NightshadeLegree, I would agree with whoever guessed that the 50 was only there for the Safeguard (and the badge and/or power that went with it) and wanted to get there ASAP. Still, given that the guy with missions at the appropriate level is doing them a favor, one would think they'd try to be a little considerate of the lowbies that are making this possible...
Possible, but they'd made no mention of looking to do the safeguard. My impression is still that they just wanted to lord it over some lowbies. I was on my (rarely active) 2nd account that night, so maybe they looked at my lack of vet badges and assumed I was a noob who didn't know the 'right' way to play.