Level 50 Snobs




Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
how do you team when your on here all day long?
I'm here only in bursts - and I can also post and play at the same time

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
I've got a few 50's but for me, those character's "lives" ended at 50. I play for the fun of leveling, getting new powers, learning the character. The only time I really log into my 50's is when I need money for one of my alts or something like that.

A few times I've gotten tells asking me to join lvl 50 missions, I politely decline. Just me I guess.
Yeah, I tend to be exactly the opposite... The "leveling up" part (especially during endurance-problem phases) is just a grind for me, and then when I hit 50 with a toon, it becomes fun to set out and play... I do way more TFs when I'm a 50 than when I'm low-lvl...

To each his own!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm here only in bursts - and I can also post and play at the same time
Its called multi-tasking. I learnt to do dat when I werked at McDonalds.

Eye awlsew learnt two speel reel gud thair two.

I really should remember not to post here after a long hot day at work.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



More reasons I dislike exemplaring (beyond just 'I like getting new powers and dislike losing them,' which is a valid reason) and reasons that many builds are not exemplar-friendly:

Key powers. Some sets just rely so much on single powers that they're weak or dull without them or I just hate to play without them. My Dark/ Defender just feels kind of blah without Fearsome Stare and Dark Servant. My /Archery Defender practically became a new character after Rain of Arrows.

Some higher-level powers almost completely replace lower-level ones. I have characters who've respecced out of Stamina once they get Power Sink. This also applies to attack chains, where you can often build them with a few good high-level powers once you have high recharge. I think my katana/ scrapper has one ST attack and Flashing Steel before the 20s.

On the other hand, some characters change their slotting a lot once they have certain powers. I almost completely dropped endreduxes on my /elec brute once I had Power Sink. They're almost useless with that power, but if I exemped below it, I'd probably really miss them... especially since most of my brutes have at least 1 endredux in every attack at lower levels.

Set bonuses. If a perma-dom or softcapped <any AT here> doesn't have that advantage below a certain point, they're probably going to be rather reluctant to go below it.

Some sets just have lots of skippable stuff at the low levels to begin with, or the opposite, have so much almost required stuff at low level that they're just boring to play up to a certain point (pre-20 Stalkers, I'm looking at you). Either way, they're not anything I want to revisit at lower levels.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I have a LONG history of forming and leading my own PuGs, usually with TFs but sometimes on just mission teams. And I always send a polite /tell with all the pertinent details. This has become a common part of my gaming experience.

I've learned that level 50 heroes just LOVE to team no matter WHAT they are doing and no matter what level they have to exemplar to. They just love to be doing SOMETHING other than sitting around. I found this out after forming a few TFs and getting tells from level 50 friends of those already on my team asking if they can join.

After running a few TFs with a mix of people at varying levels, I've also gotten used to sidekicking/exemplaring people quickly after team formation.

So I've decided to try out the new super-sidekicking system the other day for the first time because hey it should make it THAT much easier, right? I start sending out my tells and inviting people around my level or lower first and then level 50s next.

Well I run across something strange...

For the first time level 50s are sending me response /tells saying no with the SPECIFIC reason that they "don't have access to all their powers" at that level. So basically, as I call it, level 50 snobbery.

But this is new... I've been forming and leading PuG teams for about a YEAR now and never ran into this "problem" until just this last week. All the 50s that actually responded to me in the past just LOVED getting invites doing anything, because they make the same influence no matter what level they fight at.

Has anyone else seen this "snobbery"? Anyone have any clue where it's come from? Because I'd never seen it before I16.
A couple things:

1. You say you have a LONG history of forming and leading your own pick up groups. A year isn't a LONG history by any stretch of the imagination.

2. It's not snobbery if they don't wanna exemp down. Perhaps you're just a little arrogant to expect them to just because you asked.

3. Maybe they are just coming up with an excuse because they don't want to team with you.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Everyone has the right to do their builds whatever way they want but I actually attempt to make my builds exemplar friendly. I do my best to even retain as many set bonuses as I can by level 35, recent SK rules means I may go further and keep stuff all the way to 30 if I keep up the same approach.

Side advantage of this is that I get to start my IOing relatively early with lower cost IOs.

Despite this I still did not Exemp down unless I had to help some one. It was mostly about the XP, though, I always felt I may as well be leveling up a different character. I rarely play my 50s once they get there, rarely aim for much IOing at that point.
If you're going for the "good" IO set bonuses then start bidding early because it can take a while(lack of supply at that level) and/or be expensive to get level 33 IO sets.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
If you're going for the "good" IO set bonuses then start bidding early because it can take a while(lack of supply at that level) and/or be expensive to get level 33 IO sets.
Define good. I rarely aim for the extreme recharge builds or for the endurance ones. I find that simply getting smart 4 set bonuses and frankenslotting those final 2 slots gives me so much end redux that, once slotted up, I don't need the endurance increase.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Define good.
Basically by "good" I meant most popular.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lad View Post
Not to be argumentative, but if you built your character for playing at L50 and, as you say, certain powers were chosen later as opposed to earlier, then why not build them so that they are more exemplared-friendly?

If you get set IOs for 50, you won't have the bonuses, but with the extra slotting in those powers, in relation to those players on the team you're exemp'd to, will be far greater than theirs.

I understand not wanting to exemplar, but to say that travel powers or Stamina is chosen later as a factor isn't really all that valid of an excuse. That's an easy fix in a respec.

However, I too have some characters that I feel aren't as worthy below a certain level because of power choices and I'm just too lazy to do a respec to account for those opportunities of getting on a certain level range's team.
The character that I don't exemp with is a Broadsword/Dark Armor scrapper.

Without his set bonuses his endurance usage is outrageous. He starts sucking wind after every fight if he doesn't have them.

So, I built to eliminate that problem and increase his level 50 survivability (he's my "challenge" toon)

Since I only exemp him for TFs he hasn't done yet, it's not that big of an issue for me. I don't have any earnable respecs or vetspecs left, and I used the freespec to pick up Physical Perfection. I could use my second build, but that won't solve the end consumption problem, and i'm sure as hell not buying a respec just for something I almost never do.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
A couple things:

1. You say you have a LONG history of forming and leading your own pick up groups. A year isn't a LONG history by any stretch of the imagination.

2. It's not snobbery if they don't wanna exemp down. Perhaps you're just a little arrogant to expect them to just because you asked.

3. Maybe they are just coming up with an excuse because they don't want to team with you.

1. I've been doing it the entire time there's been a game. It's only been a FOCUS of my gaming experience for the last year.

2. I never said it was snobbery because they didn't want to exemp down. I was suggesting it was snobbery because of that specific REASON they gave... which I'd never heard before recently. No one else in the past has had this issue.

3. Probably. But you don't need an excuse for that. All they have to do is not reply at all, or say "No thank you." Either one of those makes more sense than creating a fake excuse.



Why does "I don't like not having access to my high level powers" equate to snobbery? Half the time when I exemp down I severely miss things like pets, or even Epic powers.

That's not snobbery. That's just someone who enjoys the top end powers they've worked towards and don't particularly want to return to the time when they were missing. I'd never, ever exemp below level 36 on my Grav/TA, I'd lose too many fun powers.



I was just badge hunting the other night with my lvl 50 dark/dark defender when I got invited to a TF.

Made my night.

Even if I wasn't there at the end.

Sorry Tellor.

Main Heroes: Dark Requiem 50+2, EarthGlade 50, Natures Wrath 50, Imperion 50, Spectral Echo 50, MydKnight 42, Flash-Point 42, Cascade Effect 39, Scirrocco 35, QuantunStarburst 41, EarthLight 35, Silver-thorne 32, StormFrost 35

Up and Coming: , DragonStorm, Metalworks



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
Why does "I don't like not having access to my high level powers" equate to snobbery? Half the time when I exemp down I severely miss things like pets, or even Epic powers.

That's not snobbery. That's just someone who enjoys the top end powers they've worked towards and don't particularly want to return to the time when they were missing. I'd never, ever exemp below level 36 on my Grav/TA, I'd lose too many fun powers.

From Wikipedia:

"A snob is someone who adopts the worldview of snobbery — that some people are inherently inferior to him or her for any one of a variety of reasons, including real or supposed intellect, wealth, education, ancestry, etc."

Thus if you don't want to exemplar down because you would feel like "less" of a hero by having less powers or by not having access to the powers "you like", then you are being a snob, because you believe that you are inherently inferior to YOURSELF at a lower level than you are at a higher level.

How's that for a stretch of logic?



Bad, only because you used "Thus..."

Which means your post is automatically fail. Thems the brakes.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Bad, only because you used "Thus..."

Which means your post is automatically fail. Thems the brakes.
The brakes?

Meaning his post came to a halt?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



It did for me. I would have said "breaks" otherwise.



You keep all powers that you have for up to 5 levels above the level that you exemplared down to. So if you took Stamina at 20 and went down to 15 for Positron's TF, you'll still have Stamina (and whatever you took at levels 16 and 18) during that TF.
Yeah, and I'm betting Posi's merits are going to get nerfed with a sledgehammer after the datamining shows speedier runs from the new super sidekicking.



Originally Posted by Heart Attack View Post
But surely under the old system they would have lost more powers but were happy to team, how odd.
this is true perhaps they do not realise that since I 16 came into being that they may be exempted down they can still access powers that are I believe +5 lvls to the exempted lvl,ie exempted to lvl 20 powers up to lvl 25 still useable.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



This thread is kind of weird. It's of the assumption that level 50s don't want to exemp now, but did before. My view of exemping hasn't changed. I also haven't ever gotten someone to ask my level 50 to exemp to 20 for no apparent reason. Neither before nor after i16. Rest assured, if someone asked me to exemp my Widow from 50 to 20 for no reason, I would say no. But I would have said no before i16 too.

I'm not against exemping as a rule. But there's a limit where I'll drop to. It's generally around 32. My main issue with exemping is that enhancements decay to an annoying degree. Past a point I actually end up with LESS accuracy and LESS defense than I ACTUALLY HAD at that level. Meaning as a level 50 character, I'm actually weaker at level 20 than when I ACTUALLY WAS level 20.

There are also a lot of powers and attributes for my characters that I lose when exemping which I'm not that fond of. My Widow loses a lot of +DMG and some recharge bonuses right off the bat if dropping lower than 47. If she drops lower than 32, she no longer has perma Mind Link. I also lose powers I really like, and my build has no AoEs below 30 because I did a lot of soloing up through that point.

I'm fine to exemp if there's a reason for it. If I'm doing a task force for instance. Though I'd rather switch characters and pick up a more appropriate class if necessary. But it's not that cool if I play and enjoy my character the way she's built, and someone thinks I'm a snob if I don't want to play her the way THEY think I should.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



It depends on the toon, but I've exempted all the way down to lvl2 many times (sewer runs). I prob. wouldn't do it on my Ill/storm though, since that toon was hell before lvl20. However on blaster and emp, the lower lvl powers are actually quite useful and fun.

It's funny though, sometimes when I'll join lowbie groups on my 50, people are sometimes reluctant to exemp me. I have to ask them several times. In those cases, I guess it's a case of reverse snobbery?

Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.

Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.



Originally Posted by mintmiki View Post
It's funny though, sometimes when I'll join lowbie groups on my 50, people are sometimes reluctant to exemp me. I have to ask them several times. In those cases, I guess it's a case of reverse snobbery?
Fortunately that's no longer a problem. Unless they do it by refusing to invite you to the team.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



It isn't just losing powers: at level 50, you have all kinds of set bonuses you can accumulate, but often you have the choice of "build for effective play at 50" or "build for effective play exemplared" and the choices are mutually exclusive. Level 50 set IO's all have better enhancement values than lower-level ones, but they aren't exemplar-friendly. To build for exemplaring, you need lower-level sets, which means you aren't going to be as good at 50 as you could be.

Building to exemplar involves a trade off, and it seems you've had a run of bad luck in running into 50s who were unwilling to make that trade off. Dual Builds COULD help the situation, but from what I can see, not many people are willing to spend the time and effort to start a new build from scratch just to exemplar.

2 things could happen to make exemplaring a lot more attractive: lose the level restriction on set bonuses, or allow us to use enhancements in BOTH of our dual builds. I dont' see either happening soon.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
1. I've been doing it the entire time there's been a game. It's only been a FOCUS of my gaming experience for the last year.

2. I never said it was snobbery because they didn't want to exemp down. I was suggesting it was snobbery because of that specific REASON they gave... which I'd never heard before recently. No one else in the past has had this issue.

3. Probably. But you don't need an excuse for that. All they have to do is not reply at all, or say "No thank you." Either one of those makes more sense than creating a fake excuse.
Your attitude that every 50 should enjoy playing exemplared because you want them to and furthermore, you don't approve of their reasons or how they choose to play their toons... is the very height of snobbery. Get over yourself. Yesterday, if not sooner.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
For the first time level 50s are sending me response /tells saying no with the SPECIFIC reason that they "don't have access to all their powers" at that level. So basically, as I call it, level 50 snobbery.
Some people are interested in TFs and should have builds they can exemp with and some people simply aren't interested in anything they've skipped inclusive of TFs, don't have builds they can exemp with and have no interest in playing a character that is lacking the qualities they've acquired by 50.

Especially if you don't mix the two types of people there is nothing to do with snobbery.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Some people are interested in TFs and should have builds they can exemp with and some people simply aren't interested in anything they've skipped inclusive of TFs, don't have builds they can exemp with and have no interest in playing a character that is lacking the qualities they've acquired by 50.

Especially if you don't mix the two types of people there is nothing to do with snobbery.
Which brings up my question:

Devs, can I has more builds plz?


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)