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  1. the original ticket was escalated, and that was the person that didn't get it. it was closed then reopened and they sent me the same info that didn't help. /bug sent anyway, we'll see if anything useful happens. i just don't want accounts to be easily hacked since hacking is becoming more and more of a problem lately.
  2. i went through a support ticket, but they did not seem to understand the issue oddly enough. i was under the impression that an email to support@coh.com would be the same as an email support ticket (for no good reason, just what i was thinking), if not then of course i'd do that. i filed a technical help petition which led to the opening of the support ticket, but didn't think of posting a bug report since it's not technically in-game, so i will try that for now. thanks!
  3. I recently realized that I can log into the game/forums with at least 6 separate passwords on my account. I tried filing a technical help petition in game, which led to a support ticket being opened by NCsoft, however they did not seem to understand the issue, which is why I am posting here. I am wondering what the best way to get this information do the right people would be.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Actually, they are. Prestige earning was specifically designed to be relatively uniform so that low level characters can contribute effectively. Having said that, a level 50 will have more and better powers so they can defeat the enemies faster. So you're still better off using a 50. Just not DRAMATICALLY so.
    yeah, but 50's can fight +2 to +4s as well, which also makes even more of a difference in earning prestige, sadly.
  5. i do not believe you can turn off trim. what you CAN do is find a small wall vent, and place it inconspicuously on the wall where the trim is, and the trim will disappear. you can put one vent over where two of the trim pieces meet to get rid of two trim parts with one item.
  6. yes, that is likely what you will have to do. remove all wall items in the area you want the door to be, and also remove the wall items from the room you are attaching it too. you may also need to remove any items placed on the ground near these desired doorways. they can be replaced once the room is moved/rotated as needed. i run into this issue all the time.

    there used to be an issue with moving rooms with stacked items, too, but it seems this has been fixed.
  7. how fun! i really like it
  8. very nice base simple and elegant, not junked up! looks like you can actually use it instead of it being a maze.
  9. do you plan to utilize teleporters? that's usually what drives the cost WAY up.

    first, you will need the basic rooms and items:
    control - oversight center = 50K prestige
    *control - combo power and control unit (125 power/75 control) = 25k
    workshop - 2x2 = 100K (allows 9 storage)
    *enhancement table (100 enhancements) = 95k
    *salvage rack (30 salvage) = 15k (you will likely need multiples)
    *inspiration collector (100 insp) = 75k
    medical - medbay = 50K (1 rez ring)
    *basic reclaimator (50 power/25 control) = 10k

    Total = 420k prestige

    now, once you want TPs, that's another major investment. your combo power/control unit will not supply many items, and you will need to create independent control and energy rooms with dedicated control/energy producing items in order to power your TPs and beacons. this drives the cost way up. you will also need to put a basic worktable in your workshop to create the TPers.

    hope that helps!
  10. I, for one, would very much like to see the torso shape fixed from its contortion while mid-jump. Looking at a character from the side while jumping (female characters, at least) shows an S-shaped torso that looks like a horrid case of a bent spine.

    Making the power a bit more fluid is a good idea as well
  11. Thanks for the info, and thanks to all previous posters of this issue on other threads. I asked that the ticket be escalated, and within about 2 hours, I received my veteran rewards.

    And I have never changed my email, it's been the same since the account was activated, but I appreciate the help I think it's important that people continue posting their reward issues to keep awareness up and at the front of the "please fix this!" list.

    I wasn't too worried about the length of time I have already waited, but seeing some of the other posts, I was really worried it would never arrive if I didn't act now. I hear one person has several veteran rewards missing already
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
    Yeah perhaps this may get littlebit longer. I got message yesterday that they are so busy because Aion. Let see what happens.
    That is ridiculous. We are paying them to deal with CoH, not Aion. That should NEVER be an excuse. Now, if they want to give me a free month of Aion each time they say this (along with the game itself), that might be more acceptable since it appears our money is now going to Aion...

    My reward is late as well. I sent a /petition in-game, and the email response I got was to verify that I am indeed the account holder. Ridiculous. (I have a post about this in these forums with details.) It shouldn't be that difficult to add months and award the appropriate veteran rewards.

    I'm glad you got yours fixed, though.
  13. I was recently due to receive my 33-month veteran reward, but it was not awarded. I looked here at the forums and found a good way to try to get them is to send in a petition for support on this issue. I did this in-game.

    After a day, I got an email from support stating that they wanted to verify that I am the account holder... which seems rather odd. I was signed into my account when I sent the petition, who else could it be? Below are the contents of the email:

    "Thanks for contacting NCsoft Support.

    At this time we need to verify that this is indeed your account. Please provide as much of the following information as you can:

    -- What first and last name did you use when you created the account?
    -- What physical address did you use when you created the account?
    -- What date of birth did you use when you created the account?
    -- What are the 20-digit serial codes for all games you added to the account?
    -- What is the Unique Account ID for all the game accounts you added to the account? (This was sent to you via e-mail on the date your game account was activated with a subject header of 'Game Account Activated'.)
    -- What are the last 4 digits of the credit card or the 20-digit game time code originally used to activate the account?

    We look forward to assisting you. "

    I have not yet responded. Why should I have to answer these questions to get my veteran rewards? My account was created on 2-27-07, and my 30-month reward was given on August 26, 2009, with no lapse in service. This is kind of fishy. I'm not saying it's not an official email, because obviously it had my in-game petition information. But why should I have to go through this?
  14. my 33-month vet reward is about 4 days late, and has been late on several previous occassions (but by no more than 2 days)... good advice, i'll file a petition.
  15. Whit issue wasn't in the known icon issue list from what I remember. The list I saw had icons that do not appear (or are blank when used), or turn into another icon when used. I did get a PM from an Arbiter, and I sent this link for a picture:


    I'll let you all know if I get any info.
  16. I want to see a NUDGE function instead of having all placement being mouse dependent. Just an X, Y and Z nudge tool in the form of clickable arrows that will move my selected item in any direction by one notch.

    I also think that being able to GROUP items would be extremely helpful. To do this, they'd need to get rid of some of the stacking issues (more like get rid of the "cannot unstack" error).

    I've done a lot of work at college with Power Point, where I got these ideas from. I believe they would be relatively simple to implement and prove very useful.

    EDIT: Undo, as Fridgy says, would also be sweet. Even just being able to undo the last action (instead of keeping a whole history of editing that may cause issues with prestige updating) would be useful, and I can't see this causing any major problems.
  17. I was trying to use the "N" for the VG logo on a banner, and it will only show up bright white, despite my VG colors being red and black. I tried different banners and different VG colors, and it always shows up white.

    Is this a known issue? Any fixes?

    Thanks. I can upload a screenshot later if it would help.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
    My own anecdotal evidence. I remember being able to play on teams fighting enemies below 7 having NO bosses spawn except end bosses, but now, even set at +0 x1 my two-person teams are spawning bosses every other group. Which is dangerous, especially low level where I'm currently playing a couple controllers and a new curroptor.
    I've noticed this as well. it is VERY frustrating. I used to love soloing missions in PI on invincible, and now all the settings are weird. If I want to fight the end enemy as a boss, I have to select "I want to fight bosses when solo", but you're right, it does seem to spawn bosses in most of my mobs (I usually set myself equal to two or more players). It wasn't like this with the former settings.

    The other issue I've noticed is how the "I am equal to X heroes", where it adds you to the number of actual players on the team, so that if people quit, it lowers the number of people, and if people join, it increases. I know this is how the old system worked, but I was really hoping that when you set the "I am equal to", the X would represent the team size, not just who I am equal to. (And no, I don't mind if a larger team size than X is equal to overrides settings, that makes sense.)

    I miss the old stuff, wish we could set the old difficulties and just set the number of players the mission would default to.
  19. haiiro_ninja

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
    LT farms have been the most efficent types of farms (exploits aside), and are, still the most efficent. I added a boss and minion to my group, set diff to +2/8-No Bosses, flooring a group in approx. 8 seconds.

    Thing that had the most impact on the efficentcy of my farm?


    Doing the math, the MA specific changes bring down my XP to 63-86%, SSK is what truely hurt the system.
    i ran a MA with custom group (made of standard enemies) where i set it to +1 or +2 and 8 men, no bosses. what i found was the xp/inf wasn't so bad, but there were still bosses here and there. i believe setting it to 6 men dropped the bosses.

    unfortunately, without any actual bosses, i found my tickets severely limited, even though mobs dropped a lot faster. has anyone else encountered this?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    Actually actually, it IS infinity. However, as you know, infinity is a hard "number" to deal with.

    Take a look at:

    You will find, that the answer is infinity. (Well, technically ± ∞, depending on the direction from which one approaches 0, as pointed out by Fleeting.)

    P.S. Owned by math.
    Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
    Oh, good, I've been un-pwned.
    That's great for 1/x when x -> 0, but what if the numerator is also 0?

    and i'd rather slot kick or boxing than brawl. i usually get tough, so that's where i'd put my IO sets i do know some enemies that 6-slot brawl. pain ensues!
  21. haiiro_ninja

    Level 50 Snobs

    Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
    I understand her. I love kinetics but hate Speed Boost. And it really sucks not to take it, because it is a strong power. Maybe I should just not take it, but it helps in certain situations when you really need it.

    But I absolutely hate, hate, hate being everybody's coffee machine.

    If only they could make the duration of SB longer...
    i know how the kin felt in some ways; i have 4 kins (2 kin trollers, 1 kin def and 1 kin corr), and i get sick and tired of sbing everyone every 2 min. BUT, as a kin, if my team needs it, i try to be as good as possible and keep everyone on it.

    i think the kin in this example handled it poorly. if i'm having trouble sbing everyone, i will let the whole team know and try to find out who really will benefit most by having sb. and if everyone wants it, i'll just ask them to wait for a few seconds before charging the next mob so i can buff everyone. but my criteria is that if you see me start sbing during a break, and run off before i get to you, tough luck! you can wait for the next round or break in the action

    then again, i'm a good kin with both sb and ID, and i make sure to stack ID on the squishies, so that takes me twice as long to buff everyone, and i end up being just a buffer most of the time i do hate when people whine for sb (not politely ask) when i'm busy keeping the team alive instead of doling out sb. if you have a toon that can't live without sb for a few seconds, maybe it's time for a respec :P
  22. haiiro_ninja

    Level 50 Snobs

    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    I am confused by this. perhaps I need to re-read the section on the new super sidekicking. Does this mean that under the new version of sidekicking, people do not lose access to their powers?
    you keep 5 lvls of powers above the level to which you are exemplared now. so, if you exemplar to lvl 15, you keep powers you got up through lvl 20. yay!

    Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
    I suppose I'm a reverse 50 snob, since I deeply dislike teaming with exemp'd 50s on low level teams. I'm not saying they all do it, but I've been on a number of lowbie teams where an exemp'd high level has tried to run the team, or tried to play the low level game as if it was the high level game (Tank must go first blah blah...) or dropped their exemp the minute things looked remotely dangerous and wiped half the map while the rest of us got no xp.

    One incident in particular stands out. I was running a team in KR, doing radios, and in response to one of my LFM broadcasts we picked up a 50 who said she was happy to exemp down. Fair enough, though personally I can't see the fun in running lvl 10 radios at lvl 50.

    First mission in she starts going on about how our tank should go in first - with predictable results since a lvl 10 tank will die when hit by a full team alpha strike. I end up with my scrapper running in alongside the tank to dilute the alpha and we get through the mission... with a few faceplants, but many bad guys are beaten down and much xp is gained.

    Then comes the next mission - Get the device from the Skulls. We enter the mission, and this exemp'd 50 stealths to the end of the map. The following conversation ensues:

    50: I'm at the glowie. Tell me when/if you want me to click it.
    Me: Huh? This is a radio mish, not the ITF. We're not speeding it. We want to fight these guys, for the xp.
    50: Well I'll wait here.
    Me [looking at the Bone Daddy and his buddies in the first spawn]: Well to be honest I'd rather you were here with the rest of us.
    50: Get a healer then I'll join you. I don't want to die over and over again.
    Me: Then don't.


    We exited the mission to reset and I did another LFM broadcast. While I was doing so I got a tell from the 50:

    "Enjoy dying. I hope you get stuck in there all day."

    As it happens we recruited another couple of heroes and waltzed through the mission without a single faceplant. And we STILL didn't have a 'healer'
    ... did they not realize that in a radio mission, it's not like AE where you click the glowie and are done with it, but that you actually have to clear the room the glowie is in to complete the mission?

    i build my toons differently, but i usually try to stagger certain set bonuses and pick powers so that i'm fit to exemplar most of the time. this serves for several purposes, not just regular missions, but if you want task force commander, you'll have to ex down to complete all those tfs anyway. i actually love exing on a lot of my toons, although i will admit, some are built for specific tasks, such as high-level tfs.

    i've found that staggering my IO set bonuses, especially for recovery, regen, accuracy and recharge, let me stay alive a lot longer than most of my buddies that build just for 50 when ex'ed. duh, yeah, but it's still fun to be a kin defender and running all over the place, killing mobs while everyone else has faceplanted