Placing Wall items off the walls
They can also be placed on various other items. Personally, when I need to place a wall item, I use a cubicle. The cubicle gives you lots of 'wall' area so you don't need to be moving the cubicle around to reposition or place multiple items.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
The cubicle is great for placing wall items away from the wall. You can also use the big "Modern Art" painting, Wall Lights(big or small), Shoji Wall Lamps, and some cabinets from that category.
A nice thing about the Wall Lights is that with some careful maneuvering, you can place wall items at an angle.
Edited to add: You can also reverse-stack items down from the ceiling, such as lights and ceiling domes. There are a few items that you can do this with, mostly the lights themselves. I think the item is called "Hanging Lamp" that seems to be the most useful, either the large or small version. Looks like a yellow box hanging from a black pole.
Thanks guys, helped a ton
I have another there any way to turn off floor trim/ceiling trim?
No way to turn them off. The only thing you can do is place something to force them to go away piece by piece. You could probably get away with using some small wall item that could go largely unnoticed, or perhaps some wall lights.
Yeah, the Wall Cubicle gained the ability to "host" wall items in i13 I think.
Before that we had to do it by stacking a ton of cabinets or something off the nearest wall.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
i do not believe you can turn off trim. what you CAN do is find a small wall vent, and place it inconspicuously on the wall where the trim is, and the trim will disappear. you can put one vent over where two of the trim pieces meet to get rid of two trim parts with one item.
a wise man once said...
"don't screw this up."

I have another there any way to turn off floor trim/ceiling trim?
On many textures the wires hide much better than the the small half vents(usefull for non-tech rooms). It can/will take more of them because they usually will only take out 1 section of trim at a time....a trade-off but it can be worth a little extra work depending on the room.
EDIT: (Not saying the wall vents are bad. I use them both in almost equal amounts)
Floor and ceiling trim shoulda been objects, not a room component.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
Also, it would have been nice if the floor and ceiling trim extended into doorways. Even if you WANT the trim, you still get a break between every room.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Also, it would have been nice if the floor and ceiling trim extended into doorways. Even if you WANT the trim, you still get a break between every room.
I would be nice if we could put items in doorways (and bring double wide doors back)
Hi there,
I've seen a bunch of bases with wall items (such as lights & the tech "furnace system") attached to physical objects within the room. (Such as storage units or tables.) I understand stacking, but I thought wall items had to be placed on walls?
Any help would be appreciated