Castle Draconis is finished!
Nice Trem, it looks good. Nice and clean. Glad you are finally finished.
"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"
very nice base simple and elegant, not junked up! looks like you can actually use it instead of it being a maze.
a wise man once said...
"don't screw this up."

Thank you both.
I like to have my bases functional, yet simple in their layout. It wasn't easy to get the castle feel like the way I've got it, and some of the rooms were tricky to fill, but I'm very proud of the way it turned out.
"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."

Nice, i especially liked the Courtyard
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For the past 2 years, and several incarnations, the SG base for the Champions of the Arcane, Castle Draconis has been slowly evolving. Well, thanks to two Apocalypse: Chance for Negative Damage Procs, I was able to complete it!
Now to work on actually recruiting people for it! All of this work was done mainly solo.
Here's the Entry Hall, which leads into the Central Courtyard, complete with Skylight and Memorial Flame.
To the east is the Hospital Wing, which contains the Resurrection Shrine and a small Recovery Room.
To the west, the Meeting Hall can accomodate up to two dozen members, with a central firepit and alcoves for private chat.
To the north, is the Power Chamber complete with extra Mana Crystals.
From here, to the east, is the Scrying Mirror, as well as the Mystic Library and Command Matrix
To the west of the Power Chamber, lies the Inventions Workshop, and the Main Research Library, containing everything a group needs to battle evil!
I'm proud of how it turned out.