A New Base Editor: Sugestions
Improvements would be very welcome to most, and I think we'll be heard at some point, but maybe not as soon as we all would like. Cosigned.
I want more stuff for bases, definatly. But the game isn't about base building, not remotly. It's a great feature, but I can see why they're leaving us base building people high and dry. There are much more important things in the game, and we're too small of a group to really matter.
There is good advertising potential in bases, though. And with more work on the editor, and possibly base features, the base community might not be "too small to matter". (I agree, we currently are.) As it is, I expect a lot of people see the fabulous things that can be done with bases, get all excited, and then give up on it when it turns out to be a really complicated process to make something that good.
Functional items we need:
-Tailor/facemaker thingie
-Blackmarket/Wentworth's terminal
- AE terminal (might not be possible with present base coding)
- Trainer
- Random (special radio?) mission contact terminal, possible replacement for the mission control terminals
- An vending item for the other inspiration types.
These four things could bring bases out of just being glorified decorations and storage bins and into a one stop place for heroes and villains alike.
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- AE terminal (might not be possible with present base coding) |
Hi folks.
There have been threads in the past where folks have asked for a whole new Base Editor. To try to draw Dev interest, I guess we might want to state how we would like it function. (Again) My ideas are as follows; Give us an empty squared grid, like we get now, but give us Wall placement control so we can build our own rooms. Whatever size, whatever door size we want. Have it where we have to specify the Function of the room for Item placement. (Tag the room "Control" to be able to place Control items, etc...) It would be nice to be able to click and drag sections of rooms, and "Tag" them to hold different items, or perform different Functions. Give us elevation features on flooring sections that can be placed where we want them. Double sided. So that we can create thin floors at whatever elevation we want. Give us Elevation Control of all Items. So that we can position them where we want them. Give us Angle Control of Items, so that they don't rotate on 90 degrees. Give us more control of the lighting. The Lighting Items should be adjustible, in lumens and color. Give us active Water effects. Please contribute anything you would like to see in a new Base Editor to this thread. I know we are beating the same drum we have beat for years but, hey...we gotta keep trying. Note: I know all of my suggestions are going to take alot of Code changing, and re-programing. They have said that the Base Editor needed to be re-worked, so that is what this thread is about. Thanks |
And, for the love of pete, more technology pieces! Seriously, Arcane has SO much stuff compared to tech! Tech arches, those hi-tech computers but without the stupid bases, all sortsa stuff.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Functional items we need:
-Tailor/facemaker thingie -Blackmarket/Wentworth's terminal - AE terminal (might not be possible with present base coding) - Trainer - Random (special radio?) mission contact terminal, possible replacement for the mission control terminals - An vending item for the other inspiration types. These four things could bring bases out of just being glorified decorations and storage bins and into a one stop place for heroes and villains alike. |
Alas, though, I must also agree that, so far at least, we as a community haven't had the "juice" to push things through in terms of development priority (with very few exceptions like storage pemission levels). It's hard enough to get some existing "broken" things "fixed" let alone new stuff... but I keep hoping.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
How about just giving us a standard 3D editor that allows us to place anything we want, wherever we want, with the option to make custom shapes and texture them with whatever's available?
That would solve all our problems right there. Sure it'd be more complex, but i'm pretty sure the base community would adapt.

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Functional items we need:
-Tailor/facemaker thingie -Blackmarket/Wentworth's terminal - AE terminal (might not be possible with present base coding) - Trainer - Random (special radio?) mission contact terminal, possible replacement for the mission control terminals - An vending item for the other inspiration types. These four things could bring bases out of just being glorified decorations and storage bins and into a one stop place for heroes and villains alike. |
SG bases have the ability to "hire" workers, that would include stores, trainers, tailors, merit vendors, Wentworth's associate, ect.
Each of these workers would increase rent, to cover the salary, and the base is limited to so many workers (possibly increasing with base plot, or possibly have the salaries of the workers start increasing the more you have) so that a base cannot have ALL of them, however at least two. (Would also have to put in some way to keep people from simply swapping them out, like they still have to pay the tailor even if they fire the tailor and put in a trainer).
I also love the idea of a mission computer that gives something like radio missions (hopefully something a bit cooler) inside the SG that could send a team to any zone to help where they are needed most. I know my SG would use something like that quite frequently.
I think that these are the types of changes that would not only help the base community, but help make bases more of what they should be anyway, a hub for heroes/villains in the down time.
I mean, when Batman is dressed up he doesnt go to Steel Canyon to change his costume when he cannot find anything to do, he's in the Bat Cave changing his costume and laughing about what it would look like with bunny ears. Or maybe that's just me.
@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)
An UNDO button. I can deal with the workarounds on everything else.
I want to see a NUDGE function instead of having all placement being mouse dependent. Just an X, Y and Z nudge tool in the form of clickable arrows that will move my selected item in any direction by one notch.
I also think that being able to GROUP items would be extremely helpful. To do this, they'd need to get rid of some of the stacking issues (more like get rid of the "cannot unstack" error).
I've done a lot of work at college with Power Point, where I got these ideas from. I believe they would be relatively simple to implement and prove very useful.
EDIT: Undo, as Fridgy says, would also be sweet. Even just being able to undo the last action (instead of keeping a whole history of editing that may cause issues with prestige updating) would be useful, and I can't see this causing any major problems.
a wise man once said...
"don't screw this up."

Yeah, the Undo Button is something I've always wanted. It would be an immense improvement.
Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow
Functional items we need:
-Tailor/facemaker thingie -Blackmarket/Wentworth's terminal - AE terminal (might not be possible with present base coding) - Trainer - Random (special radio?) mission contact terminal, possible replacement for the mission control terminals - An vending item for the other inspiration types. These four things could bring bases out of just being glorified decorations and storage bins and into a one stop place for heroes and villains alike. |
The inspiration item is fine cause thats storage.
Thorns - Spines/Willpower Scrapper (1366 Badges)
Now these are ideas that should have been done a long time ago.
1. Click and drag select all box.
1a. A Save Selection option. Save a creation for later use.
1b. Copy and Paste from one room to another OR drag and drop the selection.
2. Clear glass with no SG symbol.
3. A small wall so that we can stack to make a larger wall to the scale that we want it AND be able to actually put wall objects on it.
4. Make the wood bridges be able to be put in the middle of the room for crying out loud.
5. Stair case railing.
Thorns - Spines/Willpower Scrapper (1366 Badges)
In the light (and soft shadows) of Going Rogue, there's still the question whether bases will take advantage of the new ultra GFX settings.
I'm building for a more realistic feeling and 1 thing that always gets into my way is how lighting works for bases.
There's no real shadows or shadow occlusion (e.g. place a floor torch in front of a pillar and the floor and wall behind the pillar get 100% light).
So if there's some sort of new shadow filter for Going Rogue GFX, I'd like to see that for bases as well.
If it's an extra render pass to *bake in shadows* as an extra layer or however it works, I'm fine with that, too.
- Tailor/facemaker
-Blackmarket/Wentworth's terminal - AE terminal These three suggestions posted earlier are my favorite. I would love to have all three. |
I also mentioned a "memo board" for SG use, but that might be moot now that they put in e-mail filters.
I'd also like to see a Mission Team Teleporter feature to be earned by an SG Badge Accolade.
Give us an empty squared grid, like we get now, but give us Wall placement control so we can build our own rooms. Whatever size, whatever door size we want. Have it where we have to specify the Function of the room for Item placement. (Tag the room "Control" to be able to place Control items, etc...) It would be nice to be able to click and drag sections of rooms, and "Tag" them to hold different items, or perform different Functions.
Give us elevation features on flooring sections that can be placed where we want them. Double sided. So that we can create thin floors at whatever elevation we want. Give us Elevation Control of all Items. So that we can position them where we want them. Give us Angle Control of Items, so that they don't rotate on 90 degrees. Give us more control of the lighting. The Lighting Items should be adjustible, in lumens and color. Give us active Water effects. |
I don't see why it would be an issue. Just add the functionality of the AE computer terminals to the existing Mission Computer item (and its arcane equivalent). With a little effort, it could be done and wouldn't require the designing of a whole new item. And it would give new purpose to a base item that is really quite underused in my opinion.
How about just giving us a standard 3D editor that allows us to place anything we want, wherever we want, with the option to make custom shapes and texture them with whatever's available?
That would solve all our problems right there. Sure it'd be more complex, but i'm pretty sure the base community would adapt. |
I actually had an idea along these lines, that would work something like this:
SG bases have the ability to "hire" workers, that would include stores, trainers, tailors, merit vendors, Wentworth's associate, ect. Each of these workers would increase rent, to cover the salary, and the base is limited to so many workers (possibly increasing with base plot, or possibly have the salaries of the workers start increasing the more you have) so that a base cannot have ALL of them, however at least two. (Would also have to put in some way to keep people from simply swapping them out, like they still have to pay the tailor even if they fire the tailor and put in a trainer). |
As far as keeping them from being sold back to be swapped out over and over, perhaps they'd need to be crafted like telepads. You wouldn't be crafting a person perhaps, so much as you'd be crafting an item for Serge that allows you to place one of his employees in your base maybe. *shrugs* Something like that.
I also love the idea of a mission computer that gives something like radio missions (hopefully something a bit cooler) inside the SG that could send a team to any zone to help where they are needed most. I know my SG would use something like that quite frequently. |
I'd also like to see an ability to copy a room's lighting, colors, and style, to be applied to another single room. Having the only option that of "Apply Current Room to Base" doesn't help when you want to have the same styles/colors/lighting for different groups of your base's rooms.
For example, let's say I want the first five rooms which represent a public area to have identical style/colors/lighting, and then the next five, representing a more secretive area would have a style/color/lighting that leaves them identical to each other but completely different from those first five "public" rooms. This would prove invaluable for this sort of setup.
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
Hi folks.
There have been threads in the past where folks have asked for a whole new Base Editor.
To try to draw Dev interest, I guess we might want to state how we would like it function.
My ideas are as follows;
Give us an empty squared grid, like we get now, but give us Wall placement control so we can build our own rooms. Whatever size, whatever door size we want. Have it where we have to specify the Function of the room for Item placement. (Tag the room "Control" to be able to place Control items, etc...) It would be nice to be able to click and drag sections of rooms, and "Tag" them to hold different items, or perform different Functions.
Give us elevation features on flooring sections that can be placed where we want them. Double sided. So that we can create thin floors at whatever elevation we want.
Give us Elevation Control of all Items. So that we can position them where we want them.
Give us Angle Control of Items, so that they don't rotate on 90 degrees.
Give us more control of the lighting. The Lighting Items should be adjustible, in lumens and color.
Give us active Water effects.
Please contribute anything you would like to see in a new Base Editor to this thread. I know we are beating the same drum we have beat for years but, hey...we gotta keep trying.
Note: I know all of my suggestions are going to take alot of Code changing, and re-programing. They have said that the Base Editor needed to be re-worked, so that is what this thread is about.
Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow