Any advice on building base for own toons
I just did this as well as my daughter, each with our own mini-base. You will need about 220K influence to build a basic operatational base (See my post, base building on the cheap),
You will need a friend to help you out. Establish the supergroup with any character over level 10,
Regruit your friend to supergroup, and raise them to next to to rank.
Then log in to with each character and have your friends toon invited them and promote them as far as they can (second to highest rank). You must do this while online.
once you have your characters in SG, you can kick your friend with the founder, if you want, or just leave them in place, for later additions to your group.
You may want to do the same for your friend for thier super-groups. If you do remember to save one character for that purpose.
You get 20K prestige for each member so 9 heroes + your friend gives the 200K you need to get a minimal base going. With the current free server moves I moved all my heroes (and to be heroes with GR) to one server and all my villians (and to be villians with GR) to another. This helped get enough heroes in one place to get the base prestige to get the base up and running. Set your characters to Supergroup mode and forget it, You will not make much influence, but the amount of influence you get from selling salvage in Wentworths will be make the collected killing mobs insignificant.
I also recommend setting up Coalitions with all your friends so you can visit each others bases. Having a cool base is no fun if no one can visit.
(alternate idea, get second account for a month, load up your supergroup with mules for the 20K and ability self join, then retire the account until you need a re-orginization, but that verges on an exploit, so I really don't recommend it, plus I am cheap and don't want to spend any more real money than I must)
It's not impossible, but it will take a lot longer. One thing you'll need to do, is find a way to earn a lot of inf. Play the market, build a farm character, whatever, but you'll need lots and lots of money. Then just buy Prestige.
You should also leave all of your characters in SG mode all the time - leveling a character from 1 to 50 should accumulate about 500,000 prestige. If you *really* want to farm Prestige, get a character to level 25 or 26 and switch off XP gain, then join big teams doing missions. At level 25, you're awarded 100% of the possible prestige for an enemy and 90% of the inf. Below that point, you earn less prestige. Above that level, and you earn less inf. (It used to be that above level 30 or so, you got *zero* inf, but they changed it to make staying in SG mode somewhat more attractive.) At level 25 you can also start doing Ouroborus missions, so you could go back and do any content you missed or just run missions while exemplared, and set to divert XP to inf and prestige.
Great advice both of you . Looking forward to working on this project over the next few months
I have a great big solo base and probably 50% of my Prestige came from TFs and Ouro FBs. The solo base can be done but it does take time. The bonus is that you get to say you built it on your own when you finally decide to open it up to others.
Enjoy your day please.
If you *really* want to farm Prestige, get a character to level 25 or 26 and switch off XP gain, then join big teams doing missions.
I don't know the figures for Prestige, but XP gain is like 18 times higher for level 50, 30 times higher if you're fighting minions. Prestige rates shouldn't be that much different.
Even at the 50% Prestige gain a level 50 suffers, he or she should be pulling in FAR more prestige than a level 25 in the same amount of play time.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
I didn't know about an additional penalty for level 50 characters. The only thing I have to go on is the table from Paragon Wiki, and that simply shows that after level 29, you get 100% Prestige and 50% inf. My own experience is that with my level 50 characters, I usually get less than 10 prestige for a minion at level 50. It feels extremely slow. Since I haven't tried researching "farming" builds, my characters at level 50 don't kill things their level significantly faster than my level 25 characters do.
In any case, buying Prestige can help a lot. The exchange rate is terrible, but inf is easy to get. Especially if you play around with the markets - just selling stuff can get decent amounts, without figuring out how to manage crafting or flipping.
Ack, sorry, I was looking at the wrong chart. Nevermind about the penalty.
You're still best off just using a level 50 to farm Prestige.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
I've done this. Mine is a private base, for my characters only, and I'm not in any coalitions. I happen to have a second account, which made getting my characters into the group even easier, but if you have a friend you can trust, that works fine, too.
Don't bother buying prestige, it's a waste of inf. Just be patient, decide what minimalist stuff you want in your starting base, then just play the game and let the prestige collect.
Base construction tips:
At first you won't be able to put in much. I chose to go with a crafting table and an enhancement storage table, then loaded it with level 10 IOs for my lowbies. (Be sure to set the permissions so all your characters can access the storage.)
Then I just played for a while and let the prestige collect.
The next thing I added was a teleport pad. I put in ONE pad, got all the beacons I wanted, and use Base Edit as needed to change them out. (Make sure all your characters have edit privileges.)
Recently I realized I had enough prestige to expand some more. I've added a level 1 Empowerment station and some salvage racks. One is for the salvage for the Empowerments I use most often, the others are for Holiday Salvage (Halloween stuff and candy canes).
It's not a big, fancy, über-powerful base, but it provides what I want: travel to zones I can't get to easily any other way, a crafting table accessible from anywhere, and an empowerment station.
I'm not sure exactly how long this took, I'd say 6-8 months. Certainly less than a year.
Rent Tip: if you're not already aware of it, you can pay rent in Galaxy City, too (Heroside). You also don't HAVE to pay rent until they actually shut off the power. That will let you go as much as six weeks between payments. (I try not to go quite to that point, because a Galaxy City beacon doesn't do me much good when the power's off!)
Good luck, and have fun!
Actually, buying the Prestige can work well for a smaller base. 250 million isn't that hard to earn, and gets you 500,000 Prestige, which is almost enough to get over one of the bizarre pricing spikes in getting upgrades. The basic Combo unit is pretty cheap. The next two steps up for energy and control are incredibly expensive.
I think they wanted the purchased Prestige to act as a money sink. The trouble is, it's not a good way to remove money from the system if no one wants to use it. They really need to consider improving the exchange rate a little - at 500 to 1, most people won't even touch it.
I think they wanted the purchased Prestige to act as a money sink. The trouble is, it's not a good way to remove money from the system if no one wants to use it. They really need to consider improving the exchange rate a little - at 500 to 1, most people won't even touch it. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Rent Tip: if you're not already aware of it, you can pay rent in Galaxy City, too (Heroside). You also don't HAVE to pay rent until they actually shut off the power. That will let you go as much as six weeks between payments. (I try not to go quite to that point, because a Galaxy City beacon doesn't do me much good when the power's off!)
If you make a note of when you pay it, you can predict precisely when the power will be cut. If I'm online when it's going to happen, I go to Atlas Park and enter the base and wait for the power to go off. Then I exit and pay the rent.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Actually, they are. Prestige earning was specifically designed to be relatively uniform so that low level characters can contribute effectively. Having said that, a level 50 will have more and better powers so they can defeat the enemies faster. So you're still better off using a 50. Just not DRAMATICALLY so.
a wise man once said...
"don't screw this up."

All great points , thanks heroes !!
Thanks for the insight . Did not know I could switch out beacons like that , but that makes perfect sense . Thanks again
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I came back to this game about 3 months ago, and found myself SGless. I was a little more than disappointed, since I had accumulated some 2-3 million prestige for my 5+ toons (3 of them I took from 1-50 in this SG). So, I decided I was not going to have this happen to me again.
I did as mentioned above, where I invited all my toons I could into my own personal SG, for the free prestige. Then, I took my level 50 Plant/Kin Controller and farmed, and farmed and farmed the Demons! AE mish. The AE tickets, I traded in for stacks upon stacks upon stacks of Rare salvage, and sold each stack for about 20ish million a pop. I then traded every penny I could find into Prestige. This produced a little over 2.2million prestige in just under a month of play. With 2.2 million prestige, I was able to create a base with all 22 teleporters, a large workshop for crafting, a small workshop room for extra salvage, a med bay with 2 rez tables, and some various storage facilities for enhancements/inspirations/vault stuff.
After I was done with my base, I then created a new toon to try to farm with, but I had turned my second account off temporarily. So, I didn't get my new farming toon into my SG... so I created a second SG (which I later coalied to the first one). From level 10-50 with the right AE mishes, I was able to level this guy (Fire/Shield Scrapper) - SOLO - from about level 15 on at +4/+0. By doing so, he created a second SG with just over 600,000 prestige. PLUS he had just shy of 500 million influence from selling salvage. This took right around 2 weeks.
Hope some of this helps, and definately good luck. I don't know why everyone doesn't have their own SG's now that they've made it affordable.
Virtue Server
Trauma Stalk - 50 Plant/Kin Controller
Trauma Doc - 50 Emp/Ice Defender
Trauma Block - 50 Grav/Storm Controller
Wow , Tramaline that sounds like a plan . AE here i come , lol . Yeah not sure why there are not more personal SG out there . Time to more some more 40-50 toons over , yippee
As for the lack of personal SGs - a lot of people don't know you can, I think. And of those that do, many have heard that it's really difficult or that you'll never be able to gather the prestige to pay the rent. (I've talked to people that didn't know about the massive base price changes.) And then there's people that can't imagine being in a "guild" that doesn't include 30 other players.
As for being part of your own solo Coalition - I can honestly say that idea hadn't occurred to me. For RP purposes though, it would actually make more sense for some of my characters to be in a separate group. (Of course, it wouldn't entirely make sense for them to be allied even then, but I'm willing to overlook that in the name of convenience.) I may go ahead and set up a second group later, once my main base on each side is finished.
Its not that there aren't a lot of solo SGs out there I think they just don't come to the forum. Not sure if a Husband/Wife team counts as a solo SG but they probably should. Quite a few of those out there as well.
Enjoy your day please.
So far I have Medbay , Teleport bay , Workshop and Starter Room . Nothing in them just yet , but working on it . I was wondering though , how can I get just one Teleport ? When I checked it listed a Raid Teleporter , but not a single one ? I'll check guides later for the answer unless someone else ran into this situation .
For some reason, several of the base components are actually crafted items. The basic teleport pad is one of these. You'll need to drop a basic worktable somewhere, and build them. If you can afford the ingredients and influence, go ahead and craft a bunch - it doesn't cost much if you have the parts, and you don't pay prestige until you place them.
Also, once you have them, they still won't show up in the editor - you'll have to use the "Place Personal Item" button instead of Edit Base. Once you've placed them, you can move them around in the standard editor. However, if you delete them it will refund the prestige, but *not* the parts or Inf you spent to craft them. To connect a beacon to them, simply use the normal editor and place the beacon near the pat - by default it'll lock onto the one closest to wherever you drop it (as long as they're both in the same room.)
One thing to keep in mind is that *most* of the time, there's no difference in functionality between the Tech and Arcane versions. However, there is often a very large difference in size. I'm not sure that we (the players) have ever been given a reason for this. In most cases, it's the Arcane version that is bigger. For example, the mid-range power and control items are *much* larger for Arcane - the Tech versions can be crammed into a 2x2 room, but the Arcane version can not.
Personally, I think the Arcane Power and Control items are so much larger is that there's also so much more in the way of Arcane decorative items. *sigh* Tech still has no walkways.
So far I have Medbay , Teleport bay , Workshop and Starter Room . Nothing in them just yet , but working on it . I was wondering though , how can I get just one Teleport ? When I checked it listed a Raid Teleporter , but not a single one ? I'll check guides later for the answer unless someone else ran into this situation .
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I have a SG on Virtue and Villian group on the same server ,and was wondering if anyone had any advice on building a decent , functioning base using "only" their toons . I have approx 8-10 toons all lvl 20 on blue side and 4 villians both with base I have started for both . I'd rather not Col with another group or add someone else to the group , since I have no friends that play this game other than people I have teamed up with . Is it possible to create a decent base using just my toons ? Or is this an impossible dream ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated , just looking for ideas . Thanks