Late Veteran Rewards, Odd Support Questions?




I was recently due to receive my 33-month veteran reward, but it was not awarded. I looked here at the forums and found a good way to try to get them is to send in a petition for support on this issue. I did this in-game.

After a day, I got an email from support stating that they wanted to verify that I am the account holder... which seems rather odd. I was signed into my account when I sent the petition, who else could it be? Below are the contents of the email:

"Thanks for contacting NCsoft Support.

At this time we need to verify that this is indeed your account. Please provide as much of the following information as you can:

-- What first and last name did you use when you created the account?
-- What physical address did you use when you created the account?
-- What date of birth did you use when you created the account?
-- What are the 20-digit serial codes for all games you added to the account?
-- What is the Unique Account ID for all the game accounts you added to the account? (This was sent to you via e-mail on the date your game account was activated with a subject header of 'Game Account Activated'.)
-- What are the last 4 digits of the credit card or the 20-digit game time code originally used to activate the account?

We look forward to assisting you. "

I have not yet responded. Why should I have to answer these questions to get my veteran rewards? My account was created on 2-27-07, and my 30-month reward was given on August 26, 2009, with no lapse in service. This is kind of fishy. I'm not saying it's not an official email, because obviously it had my in-game petition information. But why should I have to go through this?


a wise man once said...

"don't screw this up."



That's...seriously messed up.

Actually, so are the Vet Rewards, and I can't wait to see the results of their "fixing" mine in a few more months -- I suspect they slapped a Band-Aid on the problem instead of actually fixing something.

I petitioned about mine two weeks ago -- here's the reply that I received:


Thank you for reporting this issue.

The Veteran Rewards for your game account have been recalculated, and you now have all the eligible rewards.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Thanks again,

(Account Support Rep Name)

In contrast, the reply that YOU received suggests that the GM who got the petition doesn't know what the heck he's doing -- I'd reply with "Please escalate my ticket, since you already have access to that information."

And good luck!

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



For something account related, I NEVER use /petition or /bug. I log into the PlayNC Support Page, click on My Stuff, log in, then click on Ask A Question, and tell them what the problem is.

I had to do that because my recent Vet Badge wasn't awarded, and they replied with their standard pat response about "Check these common questions that don't really have anything to do with your question", and eventually the following:


We have reviewed your account, and have added the (27th) month Veteran Award to your game account.

Please verify that this change is reflected on your game account.

If you have a further questions, please feel free to let us know.

NCsoft Account Suppoprt
To me, Account-related stuff isn't something that should be address in-game.

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My 54 month was a week late. I sent a petition in and 2 days later I miraculously had the reward - without any knowledge that it was fixed. But hey, at least I got it.



Originally Posted by haiiro_ninja View Post
I was recently due to receive my 33-month veteran reward, but it was not awarded. I looked here at the forums and found a good way to try to get them is to send in a petition for support on this issue. I did this in-game.

After a day, I got an email from support stating that they wanted to verify that I am the account holder... which seems rather odd. I was signed into my account when I sent the petition, who else could it be? Below are the contents of the email:

"Thanks for contacting NCsoft Support.

At this time we need to verify that this is indeed your account. Please provide as much of the following information as you can:

-- What first and last name did you use when you created the account?
-- What physical address did you use when you created the account?
-- What date of birth did you use when you created the account?
-- What are the 20-digit serial codes for all games you added to the account?
-- What is the Unique Account ID for all the game accounts you added to the account? (This was sent to you via e-mail on the date your game account was activated with a subject header of 'Game Account Activated'.)
-- What are the last 4 digits of the credit card or the 20-digit game time code originally used to activate the account?

We look forward to assisting you. "

I have not yet responded. Why should I have to answer these questions to get my veteran rewards? My account was created on 2-27-07, and my 30-month reward was given on August 26, 2009, with no lapse in service. This is kind of fishy. I'm not saying it's not an official email, because obviously it had my in-game petition information. But why should I have to go through this?

That's really weird. Did you perhaps change email addresses? Maybe they are trying to crack down on purchased accounts.

I hope you get your badge.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Bizarrely, my account has recently moved to a four month reward cycle.

Last reward August, next reward... December? Maybe my calendar is broken.

Forum mod: less obtrusive signatures



Thanks for the info, and thanks to all previous posters of this issue on other threads. I asked that the ticket be escalated, and within about 2 hours, I received my veteran rewards.

And I have never changed my email, it's been the same since the account was activated, but I appreciate the help I think it's important that people continue posting their reward issues to keep awareness up and at the front of the "please fix this!" list.

I wasn't too worried about the length of time I have already waited, but seeing some of the other posts, I was really worried it would never arrive if I didn't act now. I hear one person has several veteran rewards missing already


a wise man once said...

"don't screw this up."



Originally Posted by Sharrow View Post
Bizarrely, my account has recently moved to a four month reward cycle.

Last reward August, next reward... December? Maybe my calendar is broken.
21 months - Steadfast Dec 13, 2008
24 months - Devoted Apr 22, 2009

Game account was unsubscribed for a month or so, but i reactivated
27 months - Dedicated Jul 22, 2009
30 months - Committed Nov 22, 2009

All this time was spent activated, i dunno why it is a 4 month interval.
I thought it was only me, but maybe this is a problem that isnt just my bad thoughts with numbers.

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



wow. you should report that.


a wise man once said...

"don't screw this up."