Mezz Protection for All!




Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I'd be down for a melee/IO nerf, right after they change the fact that team-oriented ATs with non-passive status protection are capable of soloing larger spawns more quickly than any melee AT, and capable of soloing AVs and GMs much more easily.

Something's getting lost in the equation here if people are saying melee ATs are too good because a select few with awesome builds can do things like face x8 spawns, when squishy ATs, who some people in this thread say are too difficult to play solo, can do that and much more.
Are those IO'd to the gill squishies? probably. Part of the problem here is when someone says" a blaster solo'd the itf.a scrapper soloed a GM or whatever" Is it the class that is over powered or the IO"s? Double perma domination. things like this throw all sorts of complications into game balance. I doubt they will nerf IO's the way they would have to to bring this in line. Should they balance the game around billion inf blaster/scrappers? I hope not.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
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Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Are those IO'd to the gill squishies? probably.
Is that any different than the 8-man soloist melees you mentioned?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Are those IO'd to the gill squishies? probably. Part of the problem here is when someone says" a blaster solo'd the itf.a scrapper soloed a GM or whatever" Is it the class that is over powered or the IO"s? Double perma domination. things like this throw all sorts of complications into game balance. I doubt they will nerf IO's the way they would have to to bring this in line. Should they balance the game around billion inf blaster/scrappers? I hope not.
The scrappers who can do that are IO'd to the gills too. I know none of my scrappers could solo ITF. And that might be a player skill problem as well, but still.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
It's already been pretty blatant that the loudest supporters have no inkling of how the game actually plays out beyond "Scrappers can solo AVs? They must be more powerful than everybody!" without considering "750 million influence and 2,800 posts dedicated to calculating optimal DPS chains and the development of 'Arcanatime'."
But it's easier to yell and scream in absolutes and ignore the other factors.

You know what, on second thought, I welcome IOs granting mez protection. On a Taunt set's 5th bonus. +0.5 magnitude for a possible total of +1.0 on every character without a natural source. And make it a PvP set.
What I find really funny is that the only AVs I've solo'd, I've solo'd on my MM by mistake. With SO's. Without inspirations. It was Citadel. Then I took out Countess Crey. Then I took out Ghost Widow. Through all those fights I was stunned. Yes I was an MM, but still....scrappers aren't the only one whocan do these feats, and several classes could do them more easily.

If I invested as much into my Ill/storm as I have into my DB/SR/Body scrapper, then I would have been able to solo GM's, something my SR scrapper can only dream of doing no matter how much I invest in her.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Is that any different than the 8-man soloist melees you mentioned?

not a bit. My point was that IO's make a huge difference when we talk about the ability to solo and the actual power of a toon. The AT determines what sets you can use but other than that, IO'd or not IO'd is a bigger difference.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

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You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
not a bit. My point was that IO's make a huge difference when we talk about the ability to solo and the actual power of a toon. The AT determines what sets you can use but other than that, IO'd or not IO'd is a bigger difference.
Only in specific cases. A tanker, IO'd or not, is likely not going to be able to solo the ITF: not enough damage. A fire blaster has the damage, and IO's give them the ranged defense to be able to avoid the worst of the hits. An ice blaster would likely not be able to do it even with IOs. AR or archery are questionable, but I think doable.

And as for not knowing how the game works, the point I've been trying to make all through this thread (and I did read it all, thanks) is that grouped, not having mez protection isn't a big deal most of the time. A few points would go a long way towards letting blasters and defenders do THEIR jobs, though. My main concern is soloing, where mez protection is literally the difference between living and dying in far too many cases.

Break Frees are wonderful things, but they are a fix, not a solution. Defeating mezzers first is a solution, but an incomplete one in many cases: a miss, and you're in trouble. In fact, anything other than perfect, instant first-strike capability means trouble. If they have a chance to hit back, mez is often the first thing they use in return. When a spawn contains 2 mezzers, then you are forced to rely on the RNG for survival. Will it hit me? Will it mez me? Will they kill me while I stand around unable to act?

A single mez is an annoyance. A single mezzer is an annoyance. Mezzers in every spawn, each of which must be dealt with first, and have to be taken out perfectly, is frustrating. Sooner or later, you will miss. Then, they take away your ability to play the game and curb-stomp you. I like challenge, I enjoy it, but that isn't challenging: it's win or lose on a random roll of the dice.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post

A single mez is an annoyance. A single mezzer is an annoyance. Mezzers in every spawn, each of which must be dealt with first, and have to be taken out perfectly, is frustrating. Sooner or later, you will miss. Then, they take away your ability to play the game and curb-stomp you. I like challenge, I enjoy it, but that isn't challenging: it's win or lose on a random roll of the dice.
No its lose sooner or later and no amount of skill changes that. It doesn't even take very much mez, just enough to drop your auras or prevent you from using an inspiration.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
...but, most (if not all) of your list is not... passive!
Certainly not all, but yes.
Still doens't avoid the fact that every single combination has at least one way of mitigating mezz, usually much more. (emp/nrg is the only one with a single way - knockback, but boy is it a LOT of knockback)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



*still doesn't like how heavily-used mezzes are compared to other methods of making things difficult; still thinks it punishes squishies while giving practically a free ride for characters with mez protection; would still prefer an array of horrendous debuffs on every enemy spawn he encounters; also still bitter about Dark Servant lasting 4 minutes, the exclusion of -Def resistance in -ToHit sets, and the innate -ToHit resistance given to LTs and Bosses*



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
A single mez is an annoyance. A single mezzer is an annoyance. Mezzers in every spawn, each of which must be dealt with first, and have to be taken out perfectly, is frustrating. Sooner or later, you will miss. Then, they take away your ability to play the game and curb-stomp you. I like challenge, I enjoy it, but that isn't challenging: it's win or lose on a random roll of the dice.
I can't but read this as only "I want an I win button".

Of course the game has some challenge at the higher levels. That is by it's design, otherwise, we would be fighting Hellions all the way to 50. This is the "risk" for our "reward".

I have yet to hear anyone say "wow, I just can't defeat those minions." I will grant that an AV/EB or even a boss could be a pain to some ATs/powersets and need some help either from a temp like a Shivan or get a team together.

Yes, you will miss every so often and get in over your head and have a faceplant. The posters I have read in this thread all know that. Players have played every AT and powerset combo and know you will faceplant. But in the end, you will win the vast majority of times over the mobs in this game no matter what you play.

It's not that hard of a game. That "curbstomping" isn't that common if a player uses the tools that are available and takes a moment to plan. Only time I see it is when a player takes on way more they can handle (say using +4/+8 settings). If it is, I am suprised it hasn't been discovered by now.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I can't but read this as only "I want an I win button".

Of course the game has some challenge at the higher levels. That is by it's design, otherwise, we would be fighting Hellions all the way to 50. This is the "risk" for our "reward".

I have yet to hear anyone say "wow, I just can't defeat those minions." I will grant that an AV/EB or even a boss could be a pain to some ATs/powersets and need some help either from a temp like a Shivan or get a team together.

Yes, you will miss every so often and get in over your head and have a faceplant. The posters I have read in this thread all know that. Players have played every AT and powerset combo and know you will faceplant. But in the end, you will win the vast majority of times over the mobs in this game no matter what you play.

It's not that hard of a game. That "curbstomping" isn't that common if a player uses the tools that are available and takes a moment to plan. Only time I see it is when a player takes on way more they can handle (say using +4/+8 settings). If it is, I am suprised it hasn't been discovered by now.
Also, I've got the distinct feeling that once people *could* gain access to higher difficulties they felt that the devs felt everyone should be able to beat them, and clearly that's not the case.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I can't but read this as only "I want an I win button".
I cant but read this as "I have an I win button and dont want anyone else to even in the smallest fashion"

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
I cant but read this as "I have an I win button and dont want anyone else to even in the smallest fashion"
Right, because only certain players have access to melee ATs. I'll remind you, you're the same person that asked how a Blaster without a hard control deals with mezz. Which was hilarious.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
I cant but read this as "I have an I win button and dont want anyone else to even in the smallest fashion"
So should I feel that it should be just as easy for a team of 8 scrappers to finish a MoSTF as it is for a team of 8 controllers, or 8 defenders? Should I feel that AV's should die just as fast with a team of 8 blasters
as it would on a team of 8 tankers? Seriously. It's an MMO. There's going to be some combinations better at somethings. Get used to it. Mez protection isn't an I win button. It doesn't automatically mean scrappers can solo x8 missions. All it means is that they don't have much to worry about solo, but in my experience, there isn't much anyone has to worry about solo. So what if a scrapper does it faster? Why does that matter? If you're a defender you bring more to a team. Does that mean a scrapper need to be team oriented too?

Holy crap! A solo oriented AT solos better than team oriented AT's! Whatever shall I do?

Mez protection isn't an I win button and no, I'm not sharing.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
I cant but read this as "I have an I win button and dont want anyone else to even in the smallest fashion"
I can't but read this as every AT can solo and defeat mobs, mezzers or not if they use what is available like their powers or other things like dual builds (one for soloing and one for teaming).

My controller can defeat mobs that my scrapper (an AT with mezz protection) can not (DRM for example). My scrapper can defeat mobs that my controller can not (MI for example). The Vanguard rebels beat my scrapper (again, the one with the mezz protection) silly. My controller didn't have the same issues.

My D3 defender makes my emp/psi defender cry with the mobs she defeats, but my emp/psi defender was the one everyone wanted to team with.
My ice/cold corruptor waltzes through missions that my dark/therm corruptor struggles at.
My MM's (an AT without mezz protection) laughs at all my toons together while they solo AVs.

I would like to see some information where there is an AT & powerset that is unable to solo and getting "curbstomped" by "minions". For me, my "weakest" toons would be my emp/psi def and dark/therm corr - both at 50 - and they can solo and are not IO'd out.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Right, because only certain players have access to melee ATs. I'll remind you, you're the same person that asked how a Blaster without a hard control deals with mezz. Which was hilarious.
so you are allowed to put words in other peoples mouths but not us..I see.

as far as the blaster, my fire fire come up on a chief mentalist and 2 minions. I put ring of fire on chief. he laughs at pitiful damage and mezzes me. i have 2 light weight attacks while the other 2 render me down to mulch. wow. How does ring of fire prevent him from mezzing again?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

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You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
So should I feel that it should be just as easy for a team of 8 scrappers to finish a MoSTF as it is for a team of 8 controllers, or 8 defenders? Should I feel that AV's should die just as fast with a team of 8 blasters
as it would on a team of 8 tankers? Seriously. It's an MMO. There's going to be some combinations better at somethings. Get used to it. Mez protection isn't an I win button. It doesn't automatically mean scrappers can solo x8 missions. All it means is that they don't have much to worry about solo, but in my experience, there isn't much anyone has to worry about solo. So what if a scrapper does it faster? Why does that matter? If you're a defender you bring more to a team. Does that mean a scrapper need to be team oriented too?

Holy crap! A solo oriented AT solos better than team oriented AT's! Whatever shall I do?

Mez protection isn't an I win button and no, I'm not sharing.
According to penny, mez protection IS an i win button. She said so. If is not worth all that much, what is the problem of having a watered down version available? If it is that valuable, what exactly did the scrapper give up to get it? High damage? he has that. My spines scrapper has just as much ability to affect a mezzer from range as my fire blaster. Impale is an immobilize also. Not to mention slows.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
According to penny, mez protection IS an i win button. She said so. If is not worth all that much, what is the problem of having a watered down version available? If it is that valuable, what exactly did the scrapper give up to get it? High damage? he has that. My spines scrapper has just as much ability to affect a mezzer from range as my fire blaster. Impale is an immobilize also. Not to mention slows.

Your scrapper, spines or not, does not have just as much ability to affect a mob from range. Say you went into your APP's and picked up 2 more at range powers, that's still fewer ranged attacks than a blaster, or defender, or even a controller has. Beyond that, *most* blasters and defenders have access to stronger mezzes from range than scrappers do, even spines scrappers.

Also, "It's not worth all that much, so why not give it to me" is a bad reason to ask for something. What you should be arguing is that you're completely and utterly gimped without it, and even in high mezzing groups, it's my experience that that is simply *not* the case.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



This is one of those issues I wish would be discussed without going to pointless extremes.

Soloing +0, x0, no bosses is pretty easy, even without mez protection. The spawns are small, almost all enemies can be dealt with in a single mez, mobs have terrible tohit chances and low damage. Is it possible for something to go wrong and die? Absolutely, but it should not be happening with any degree of regularity. Heck, depending on character / level / enemy group being fought, sometimes I've gotten mezzed and not even bothered with a breakfree.

On the other hand, if you turn up the difficulty (larger spawns, bosses) the possibility of things going wrong greatly increases, disproportionately compared to melee characters. Also, even if each spawn only has one 'dedicated mezzer,' there is a high possibility there will be multiple mobs that can mez. For example, any Freakshow with a hammer arm can apply a stun. For lower levels, there are always the Tsoo Ink Men.

[edit: Squishies would also be more susceptible to problems caused by not seeing a mob, ambushes, etc. Whenever an encounter starts off without the player shooting first, they're going to be at a bigger disadvantage.]

Some squishies handle mezzes / harder content better than others. My Dark/Rad/Dark Defender, for example, can deal with quite a bit. She can handle large groups of mobs quite easily due to a plethora of aoe control, and permanently lock down bosses between OG and Cosmic Burst.. If she gets mezzed, mobs will still be debuffed (FS, Fluffy), crowd controlled (lingering Oppressive Gloom, Pet Gaze, Cosmic Burst), and healed (Fluffy). On the opposite side of the spectrum, my Dark/Rad/Soul Corruptor is far more brittle. She can crush large groups of mobs (TT to lock mobs into the debuff fields then chip them to death), but if she gets mezzed, all her mitigation shuts down. I understand that herding mobs is above and beyond what is 'normal,' but it's frustrating that her specialty is so easily shut down.

I will say that sometimes in groups lack of status protection can be more frustrating. As the teamsize climbs, more mezzers spawn. This makes it easier for one to catch you sideways. (Thankfully, you'll have support from you team so you probably won't die, but you time spent incapacitated can increase. The LGTF is a good example of this.)

Do I think that squishies should simply be given status protection? No, I don't think that would be the right solution - but I do wish there was a bit more leniency. Here is a rough example of what I mean. Give every character a passive that ticks every T seconds. It has a X% chance to give a MAG Y status protection for Z seconds. Just off the cuff numbers: every 5 seconds has a 50% chance for MAG 5 status protection for 1 second. The idea behind it is that even restrained heros fight back against their restraints - allowing them to briefly act. It might be firing off a strategic control, eating an inspiration, using a heal, landing the killing blow, etc. The main purpose is to prevent perma lockdown, while still leaving them as a potent threat to be dealt with instead of trivializing them.

Let me say I'm not the best squishy player out there. I'm very conservative with inspirations, thinking "I think I can handle this," which often gets me into trouble where if I ate insps off the bat I would have been much better off. I also acknowledge some players could do things on squishies I might not be able to. This is just my perspective on the matter. I speak for no one but myself.

[edit: Oh, one last thing - none of my squishies are completely tricked out on IOs. Some have more investment than others, but none of them are softcapped, perma-hastened, etc. Generally just enough to plug some glaring holes (like end consumption).]



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
According to penny, mez protection IS an i win button. She said so.
Trying reading and understanding again and not:
put words in other peoples mouths
You miss completely what I was saying and guess I need to explain this a little more. The piece I was focusing on was:
Mezzers in every spawn, each of which must be dealt with first, and have to be taken out perfectly, is frustrating. Sooner or later, you will miss. Then, they take away your ability to play the game and curb-stomp you.
Notice how I mention curbstomping and minion in my posts? Giving ATs mezz protection eliminates mezzers from the game. My fire/rad corruptor (an AT without mezz protection) would be unstoppable if I never had to worry about her toggles dropping because I have mezz protection now, hence an I win button.

That is the biggest problem some posters are not getting. Within every AT, there are some really powerful combinations. Adding on top of that would make they way more powerful (like my fire/rad corr).

So, and being clear, I did not state that mezz protection is an I win button and don't put words in my mouth.



-notes down yet another couple of cases of cranial rectal reversal disorder in a thread and wanders off-

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
so you are allowed to put words in other peoples mouths but not us..I see.

as far as the blaster, my fire fire come up on a chief mentalist and 2 minions. I put ring of fire on chief. he laughs at pitiful damage and mezzes me. i have 2 light weight attacks while the other 2 render me down to mulch. wow. How does ring of fire prevent him from mezzing again?
I have a fire/fire blaster, level 50 and have played him throughout every bit of content in this game...even mothership raids. Flares and Fire blast are not "lightweight attacks" and it's your fault if you didn't slot them properly or take them from the get go.

EDIT: Why are you putting RoF on a Mezzer? AIM + Blaze + FireSword, etc his a$$ before he see's you. This isn't rocket science.

Like many people, including myself, have said throughout this thread...every AT has the ability to deal with mezz but it's up to the PLAYER to make it work correctly. Yes, lrn2ply.



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
This is one of those issues I wish would be discussed without going to pointless extremes.

Soloing +0, x0, no bosses is pretty easy, even without mez protection. The spawns are small, almost all enemies can be dealt with in a single mez, mobs have terrible tohit chances and low damage. Is it possible for something to go wrong and die? Absolutely, but it should not be happening with any degree of regularity. Heck, depending on character / level / enemy group being fought, sometimes I've gotten mezzed and not even bothered with a breakfree.

On the other hand, if you turn up the difficulty (larger spawns, bosses) the possibility of things going wrong greatly increases, disproportionately compared to melee characters. Also, even if each spawn only has one 'dedicated mezzer,' there is a high possibility there will be multiple mobs that can mez. For example, any Freakshow with a hammer arm can apply a stun. For lower levels, there are always the Tsoo Ink Men.

[edit: Squishies would also be more susceptible to problems caused by not seeing a mob, ambushes, etc. Whenever an encounter starts off without the player shooting first, they're going to be at a bigger disadvantage.]

Some squishies handle mezzes / harder content better than others. My Dark/Rad/Dark Defender, for example, can deal with quite a bit. She can handle large groups of mobs quite easily due to a plethora of aoe control, and permanently lock down bosses between OG and Cosmic Burst.. If she gets mezzed, mobs will still be debuffed (FS, Fluffy), crowd controlled (lingering Oppressive Gloom, Pet Gaze, Cosmic Burst), and healed (Fluffy). On the opposite side of the spectrum, my Dark/Rad/Soul Corruptor is far more brittle. She can crush large groups of mobs (TT to lock mobs into the debuff fields then chip them to death), but if she gets mezzed, all her mitigation shuts down. I understand that herding mobs is above and beyond what is 'normal,' but it's frustrating that her specialty is so easily shut down.

I will say that sometimes in groups lack of status protection can be more frustrating. As the teamsize climbs, more mezzers spawn. This makes it easier for one to catch you sideways. (Thankfully, you'll have support from you team so you probably won't die, but you time spent incapacitated can increase. The LGTF is a good example of this.)

Do I think that squishies should simply be given status protection? No, I don't think that would be the right solution - but I do wish there was a bit more leniency. Here is a rough example of what I mean. Give every character a passive that ticks every T seconds. It has a X% chance to give a MAG Y status protection for Z seconds. Just off the cuff numbers: every 5 seconds has a 50% chance for MAG 5 status protection for 1 second. The idea behind it is that even restrained heros fight back against their restraints - allowing them to briefly act. It might be firing off a strategic control, eating an inspiration, using a heal, landing the killing blow, etc. The main purpose is to prevent perma lockdown, while still leaving them as a potent threat to be dealt with instead of trivializing them.

Let me say I'm not the best squishy player out there. I'm very conservative with inspirations, thinking "I think I can handle this," which often gets me into trouble where if I ate insps off the bat I would have been much better off. I also acknowledge some players could do things on squishies I might not be able to. This is just my perspective on the matter. I speak for no one but myself.
Well said, and I get the feeling that a lot of people would get on board with that suggestion rather than just static mez protection available to all. It would make mezzes less black and white, while still retaining the difficulties squishies, and sometimes, very rarely, scrappers, deal with when mezzed ( I just came off a Moonfire where somehow I got mezzed a lot, and I'm not sure why...I think it had somehting to do with getting slowed and having clikc mez protection).

Still, entire teams without any kind of protection from mez (whether it be high defense or flat out mez protection) is fairly rare.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
This is one of those issues I wish would be discussed without going to pointless extremes.

Soloing +0, x0, no bosses is pretty easy, even without mez protection. The spawns are small, almost all enemies can be dealt with in a single mez, mobs have terrible tohit chances and low damage. Is it possible for something to go wrong and die? Absolutely, but it should not be happening with any degree of regularity. Heck, depending on character / level / enemy group being fought, sometimes I've gotten mezzed and not even bothered with a breakfree.

On the other hand, if you turn up the difficulty (larger spawns, bosses) the possibility of things going wrong greatly increases, disproportionately compared to melee characters. Also, even if each spawn only has one 'dedicated mezzer,' there is a high possibility there will be multiple mobs that can mez. For example, any Freakshow with a hammer arm can apply a stun. For lower levels, there are always the Tsoo Ink Men.

[edit: Squishies would also be more susceptible to problems caused by not seeing a mob, ambushes, etc. Whenever an encounter starts off without the player shooting first, they're going to be at a bigger disadvantage.]

Some squishies handle mezzes / harder content better than others. My Dark/Rad/Dark Defender, for example, can deal with quite a bit. She can handle large groups of mobs quite easily due to a plethora of aoe control, and permanently lock down bosses between OG and Cosmic Burst.. If she gets mezzed, mobs will still be debuffed (FS, Fluffy), crowd controlled (lingering Oppressive Gloom, Pet Gaze, Cosmic Burst), and healed (Fluffy). On the opposite side of the spectrum, my Dark/Rad/Soul Corruptor is far more brittle. She can crush large groups of mobs (TT to lock mobs into the debuff fields then chip them to death), but if she gets mezzed, all her mitigation shuts down. I understand that herding mobs is above and beyond what is 'normal,' but it's frustrating that her specialty is so easily shut down.

I will say that sometimes in groups lack of status protection can be more frustrating. As the teamsize climbs, more mezzers spawn. This makes it easier for one to catch you sideways. (Thankfully, you'll have support from you team so you probably won't die, but you time spent incapacitated can increase. The LGTF is a good example of this.)

Do I think that squishies should simply be given status protection? No, I don't think that would be the right solution - but I do wish there was a bit more leniency. Here is a rough example of what I mean. Give every character a passive that ticks every T seconds. It has a X% chance to give a MAG Y status protection for Z seconds. Just off the cuff numbers: every 5 seconds has a 50% chance for MAG 5 status protection for 1 second. The idea behind it is that even restrained heros fight back against their restraints - allowing them to briefly act. It might be firing off a strategic control, eating an inspiration, using a heal, landing the killing blow, etc. The main purpose is to prevent perma lockdown, while still leaving them as a potent threat to be dealt with instead of trivializing them.

Let me say I'm not the best squishy player out there. I'm very conservative with inspirations, thinking "I think I can handle this," which often gets me into trouble where if I ate insps off the bat I would have been much better off. I also acknowledge some players could do things on squishies I might not be able to. This is just my perspective on the matter. I speak for no one but myself.

[edit: Oh, one last thing - none of my squishies are completely tricked out on IOs. Some have more investment than others, but none of them are softcapped, perma-hastened, etc. Generally just enough to plug some glaring holes (like end consumption).]
While Blasters already have something similar...
I really like this.
Tbh, part of being heroic should be built in, surely? Yes, we get the Inherents, but thats AT specific. And some of them are, IMO, carp, but thats a whole different bundle of fish.

Meh, I say to it all. Meh.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
EDIT: Why are you putting RoF on a Mezzer? AIM + Blaze + FireSword, etc his a$$ before he see's you. This isn't rocket science.
I am with Clouded here. Just why did you open with an immobilize that allows the mobs to still attack?
You have a snipe, Aim, and BU, well before Level 30 when Rikti spawn. I have a blaster to at 50 and take out the mezzer first with my most powerful ranged attacks then mop up minions afterwards. I would never use my Level 1 power on mezzers as an opener.