Mezz Protection for All!




Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
so you are allowed to put words in other peoples mouths but not us..I see.

as far as the blaster, my fire fire come up on a chief mentalist and 2 minions. I put ring of fire on chief. he laughs at pitiful damage and mezzes me. i have 2 light weight attacks while the other 2 render me down to mulch. wow. How does ring of fire prevent him from mezzing again?
Why wouldn't you alpha the mezzer with as much as you can manage and then even if he did mez you, use flares+fireblast+RoF to deal with everyone else. Fully slotted, those three attacks should kill minions before they kill you....

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I am with Clouded here. Just why did you open with an immobilize that allows the mobs to still attack?
You have a snipe, Aim, and BU, well before Level 30 when Rikti spawn. I have a blaster to at 50 and take out the mezzer first with my most powerful ranged attacks then mop up minions afterwards. I would never use my Level 1 power on mezzers as an opener.
And hope you don't miss.

Seems things got noisy while I was at work.

I do find it odd that people are still shouting/ranting that any level of mezz protection is basically god-mode, even though I know that low level (3-5pts) is not. It's nice, but 3pts can be overcome.

Playing my human-form Peacebringer on teams proved that to me. 1 to 2 controllers is crap. 3 is useful. 4+ is generally superfluous.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
And hope you don't miss.
Okay, I miss. Big deal. I have a blaster at 50. I keep using my attacks. A blaster has an inherent that lets you. I have taken on mezzers in all kinds of forms before. And guess what...I dinged 50 still.

You are going to hit way more often than you miss - would you like to deny that?



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Playing my human-form Peacebringer on teams proved that to me. 1 to 2 controllers is crap. 3 is useful. 4+ is generally superfluous.
If you're playing a Human-only PB with more than one Controller, and you're getting mezzed, I dare say either you or the Controller aren't paying attention to what the other is doing. Cooperation is key in team-play, that's what I always thought...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Okay, I miss. Big deal. I have a blaster at 50. I keep using my attacks. A blaster has an inherent that lets you. I have taken on mezzers in all kinds of forms before. And guess what...I dinged 50 still.

You are going to hit way more often than you miss - would you like to deny that?
If you miss on your alpha-strike, your mezzer is not dead... and you just got yourself 'statue-itis' and soon to be 'dead-itis.'

You go from 'top of my game' to ground-sucking PDQ.

Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
If you're playing a Human-only PB with more than one Controller, and you're getting mezzed, I dare say either you or the Controller aren't paying attention to what the other is doing. Cooperation is key in team-play, that's what I always thought...
On a full team while I'm in melee? Pretty normal actually. No matter what Controllers think or wish, their days of solo locking down full teams is a mere memory.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I can't but read this as only "I want an I win button".
If you think that low-grade mez protection is an "I win button" then you aren't going to understand. It isn't an "I win" for scrappers, it isn't an "I win" for tankers, it isn't an "I win" for VEATs, and it isn't an "I win" for defenders.

Understand now?

Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Of course the game has some challenge at the higher levels. That is by it's design, otherwise, we would be fighting Hellions all the way to 50. This is the "risk" for our "reward".
Challenge is fun and good. Being unable to react to a situation because of a bad random roll is not. Imagine if melee characters had no immobilize protection. Not stuns and holds, just immobilize. Then imagine that the enemy AI was designed to immobilize and kite. Frustrating, huh? There's a difference between "challenging" and "cheap."

Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I have yet to hear anyone say "wow, I just can't defeat those minions." I will grant that an AV/EB or even a boss could be a pain to some ATs/powersets and need some help either from a temp like a Shivan or get a team together.
Tsoo Ink men in a pack of 3? Even better, 2 ink men and a sorceror/spirit? Sappers? (remember when they weren't limited to 1 per spawn? Got changed because, surprise, people hated being out of END- unable to play their characters...)

Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Yes, you will miss every so often and get in over your head and have a faceplant. The posters I have read in this thread all know that. Players have played every AT and powerset combo and know you will faceplant. But in the end, you will win the vast majority of times over the mobs in this game no matter what you play.

It's not that hard of a game. That "curbstomping" isn't that common if a player uses the tools that are available and takes a moment to plan. Only time I see it is when a player takes on way more they can handle (say using +4/+8 settings). If it is, I am suprised it hasn't been discovered by now.
Mostly agreed. The game isn't hard. It's even easier if you're playing an AT with defense, offense, and mez protection. Take any of those away, and it doesn't make things harder, just slows things down. Without defense, you're succeptible to being defeated a lot. Without offense, you advance glacially slow.

And without mez protection, you get annoyed. A lot. And it gets you defeated if you don't have the crutch the devs provided instead of actually fixing mez to make it less ridiculously broken (and yes, it's broken both ways - remember, nobody likes fighting statues, and nobody likes BEING statues.)

And edited to add: Thanks for the -rep and the absurd comment about mez protection being an "I win" button, to whomever anonymous sent it.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



People seem to forget that melee sets DO have holes in them anyway.
Fire, dark, hell SoA's have a freaking huge KB hole which is actually a huge problem at times. Ninjitsu on stalkers has a KB hole too, the list goes on.
Hell, Tanker sets still have the mez holes, especially Fire.

And you know why?
Because it gets made up for in other areas. The same as other ATs get it made up in other areas for having no mez shields. You change that, you effectively break the game. Because that would mean a whole game re-balance. If it was CoX 2, then by all means do so. Until that happens, I don't see that happening.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
If you miss on your alpha-strike, your mezzer is not dead... and you just got yourself 'statue-itis' and soon to be 'dead-itis.'

You go from 'top of my game' to ground-sucking PDQ.

On a full team while I'm in melee? Pretty normal actually. No matter what Controllers think or wish, their days of solo locking down full teams is a mere memory.
Well, this shows me you never played a blaster. Please don't say you have otherwise you would know you can still attack with DEFv2.0. Yes, even mezzed, I am still on top of my game and use the other tools in the game to win. If I, on the rare occassion, run into bad luck and die, then what? NOTHING. It's a game remember.

And again, please show me this missing business. If you are having issues, I suggest 3 Dam/3 Acc slotting, which leaves the 5% always a chance (that's 1 in 20).

Again, I have a number of so-called squishies that have no mezz protection and solo just fine "at the top of my game."



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
If you think that low-grade mez protection is an "I win button" then you aren't going to understand. It isn't an "I win" for scrappers, it isn't an "I win" for tankers, it isn't an "I win" for VEATs, and it isn't an "I win" for defenders.

Understand now?
I understand completely.
You just don't understand AT "roles". A tanker goes in and draws (keyword) aggro. Scrappers go into melee (keyword) range for damage output and even draw aggro via confront. Even VEATs have confront. Their "roles" are to ACTIVELY draw aggro from the rest of the team. They can't perform their roles while under status effect - that is the design of the game. Understand now? You mention frustration later, how about a tank that is permaheld each and every mob group in a mission. Yeah, real fun there.

Challenge is fun and good. Being unable to react to a situation because of a bad random roll is not. Imagine if melee characters had no immobilize protection. Not stuns and holds, just immobilize. Then imagine that the enemy AI was designed to immobilize and kite. Frustrating, huh? There's a difference between "challenging" and "cheap."
Again, the game gives you the tools to avoid status effects. And the game isn't designed like you say so the rest of your paragraph is nonsense.

Tsoo Ink men in a pack of 3? Even better, 2 ink men and a sorceror/spirit? Sappers? (remember when they weren't limited to 1 per spawn? Got changed because, surprise, people hated being out of END- unable to play their characters...)
Oh, now it is the Tsoo giving problems instead of Rikti and Malta? The Lost next? Really, 63 months and plenty of 50's. Spent mostly figuring out how to play and defeating mobs, yes, even on those so-called squishies.

Mostly agreed. The game isn't hard. It's even easier if you're playing an AT with defense, offense, and mez protection. Take any of those away, and it doesn't make things harder, just slows things down. Without defense, you're succeptible to being defeated a lot. Without offense, you advance glacially slow.

And without mez protection, you get annoyed. A lot. And it gets you defeated if you don't have the crutch the devs provided instead of actually fixing mez to make it less ridiculously broken (and yes, it's broken both ways - remember, nobody likes fighting statues, and nobody likes BEING statues.)

And edited to add: Thanks for the -rep and the absurd comment about mez protection being an "I win" button, to whomever anonymous sent it.
Odd, I am not annoyed and I guess you are apparently preaching for the masses that are now, a lot. I have been mezzed and won. I have been mezzed and defeated. It is NO BIG DEAL. If you don't like being a statue, there are ways to avoid being one.



This thread could use some levity. Anyone know any jokes?

How about this...

A piece of string walks into a bar.
The bartender says, "We don't serve you kind here."
And ejects him into the alley, into the garbage. This gives the string an idea.
He tosses himself around a couple more times and returns through the bar doors.
The bartender says, "Hey, aren't you that piece of string I just threw out?"
String: "No, you are mistaken...I'm a Frayed Knot."



How many Mimbari does it take to change a light bulb ?

None, they always stop just before finishing the job.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I am with Clouded here. Just why did you open with an immobilize that allows the mobs to still attack?
You have a snipe, Aim, and BU, well before Level 30 when Rikti spawn. I have a blaster to at 50 and take out the mezzer first with my most powerful ranged attacks then mop up minions afterwards. I would never use my Level 1 power on mezzers as an opener.
My Fire/Energy Blaster uses Super Speed+Aim+Buildup+Bonesmash+Energy Punch+Fireball to deal with bosses. If they're not dead by that time, then I use Fire blast and/or Flame breath. Of course, the boss is usually wandering around stunned after the first 2 attacks. Anything less than a boss is not a problem.

Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Playing my human-form Peacebringer on teams proved that to me. 1 to 2 controllers is crap. 3 is useful. 4+ is generally superfluous.
I find that I don't need Controllers to be effective with my human-form Peacebringer.

Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
On a full team while I'm in melee? Pretty normal actually. No matter what Controllers think or wish, their days of solo locking down full teams is a mere memory.
I play a Controller on an 8-person team every other week. The mobs only get one chance to do anything to me. I hit them with an AoE Immob and an AoE stun. Then, while they are completely and totally helpless, the rest of the team, including the brute who attempts to draw aggro before me, takes out the entire spawn. I'm sure, if a Dominator who rarely uses Domination, can manage to lock down an entire spawn by himself, three Controllers should be able to lock down much more. And, the Peacebringer shouldn't have to even worry about mezzes.

Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
If you miss on your alpha-strike, your mezzer is not dead... and you just got yourself 'statue-itis' and soon to be 'dead-itis.'
Unless, of course, you have a second attack keyed and ready to go before the first one finishes animating. Something like, I dunno, Power Push. The chances of missing twice in a row, are very low. Not impossible, but not very likely. And, once the mezzer is on the ground, you shouldn't have many problems taking him out. Gasp! Tactics FTW!

Of course, now we're getting back to learning to play...

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
This thread could use some levity. Anyone know any jokes?

How about this...

A piece of string walks into a bar.
The bartender says, "We don't serve you kind here."
And ejects him into the alley, into the garbage. This gives the string an idea.
He tosses himself around a couple more times and returns through the bar doors.
The bartender says, "Hey, aren't you that piece of string I just threw out?"
String: "No, you are mistaken...I'm a Frayed Knot."
I like...

A dyslexic man walked into a bra.

Or! how about...

Two antenna met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The wedding was ok, but the reception was excellent.

Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
How many Mimbari does it take to change a light bulb ?

None, they always stop just before finishing the job.
One of my favorite Sci-Fi Shows. It ranks right up there with Doctor Who.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Mezz Protection for All! 10-09-2009 12:31 PM Misleading
How can a list of active ways of mitigating mezz possibly be misleading.
Its not like I haven't used almost all of them myself, oh wait...

Active mitigation works, if you are willing to use it.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Well, this shows me you never played a blaster. Please don't say you have otherwise you would know you can still attack with DEFv2.0. Yes, even mezzed, I am still on top of my game and use the other tools in the game to win. If I, on the rare occassion, run into bad luck and die, then what? NOTHING. It's a game remember.

And again, please show me this missing business. If you are having issues, I suggest 3 Dam/3 Acc slotting, which leaves the 5% always a chance (that's 1 in 20).

Again, I have a number of so-called squishies that have no mezz protection and solo just fine "at the top of my game."
I have a level 50 Psi/Psi blaster that I just leveled up about 4 months ago, thanks.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
No its lose sooner or later and no amount of skill changes that. It doesn't even take very much mez, just enough to drop your auras or prevent you from using an inspiration.
you do realize that break frees can be used even while mezzed don't you? and you can change 3 of the same inspirations into a break free while mezzed.

now for this:
Imagine if melee characters had no immobilize protection. Not stuns and holds, just immobilize. Then imagine that the enemy AI was designed to immobilize and kite. Frustrating, huh?
it's called a break free. works wonders. of course a spines doesn't have to morry about getting immob'd as they have ranged attacks.

why does everyone seem to think that break frees either aren't exsistant or won't do anything?



As a slight aside my fire brute has zero immobilization protection (no CJ, no Burn).

Break Free covers his needs (also nifty for when facing Fake Nems etc with large Mag knockback). He has 3 points from a kinetic crash set.

He never took any power for immob protection all the way from 1 to 50, and is probably my top played redside 50 right now.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
As a slight aside my fire brute has zero immobilization protection (no CJ, no Burn).

Break Free covers his needs (also nifty for when facing Fake Nems etc with large Mag knockback). He has 3 points from a kinetic crash set.

He never took any power for immob protection all the way from 1 to 50, and is probably my top played redside 50 right now.
Break Frees one hole is KB. Sadly.
Trust me, I know this from playing my Crab Spider on a team in Mako's Patron arc. Y'know that room, the one FILLED with tornado's? With wide area KB/KU?
Man, the team learned some colourful language that day...
There are other examples, and mostly on melee characters, oddly enough. My DB/DA Brute, fighting Sigil with her stupid mag energy melee attacks. And more recently a Ballista. My SoAs all had problems, until they got the KB res slot.

See, it's not just Squishies who have problems. But hey, maybe most players don't whine about it so much, and just get on with the game?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Break Free: Resist Effects
Frees you from many sleep, hold, immobilization, disorient, fear, confuse, and knockback effects and boosts your resistance to repel, taunt, and placate effects for 30 seconds. This inspiration can be used even while under such effects.
-10 Magnitude protection against Hold, Sleep, Stun, and Immobilize; -5 Magnitude protection against Knockback, Knockup, Fear, and Confuse; 50% resistance to Taunt and Placate; 25% resistance to Repel

Emerge: Resist Effects
Frees you from many sleep, hold, immobilization, disorient, fear, confuse, and knockback effects and boosts your resistance to repel, taunt, and placate effects for 60 seconds. This inspiration can be used even while under such effects.
-15 Magnitude protection against Hold, Sleep, Stun, Immobilize, Fear, and Confuse; -7.5 Magnitude protection against Knockback and Knockup; 50% resistance to Taunt, Placate, and Repel

Escape: Resist Effects
Frees you from many sleep, hold, immobilization, disorient, fear, confuse, and knockback effects and boosts your resistance to repel, taunt, and placate effects for 90 seconds. This inspiration can be used even while under such effects.
-20 Magnitude protection against Hold, Sleep, Stun, Immobilize, Fear, and Confuse; -10 Magnitude protection against Knockback and Knockup; 100% resistance to Repel; 50% resistance to Taunt and Placate

Knockback protection was added to break frees a long time ago, though it is at a lower mag than the other effects

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Trust me, I know this from playing my Crab Spider on a team in Mako's Patron arc. Y'know that room, the one FILLED with tornado's? With wide area KB/KU?
Those are a bit of an aberration. They caused merry hell for my friend's /Elec brute, even with Grounded. Their knockback mag is really high, so you're not going to see the effects of a break free's protection.

We'll always have Paragon.



Aha, I stand corrected. Good to know =] Thanks for that, you two.
I find it amusing that it 'frees you' from KB effects, though. Technically impossible. Still, I'll be fore-armed when fighting Sigil and peeps like her in future.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I understand completely.
You just don't understand AT "roles". A tanker goes in and draws (keyword) aggro. Scrappers go into melee (keyword) range for damage output and even draw aggro via confront. Even VEATs have confront. Their "roles" are to ACTIVELY draw aggro from the rest of the team. They can't perform their roles while under status effect - that is the design of the game. Understand now? You mention frustration later, how about a tank that is permaheld each and every mob group in a mission. Yeah, real fun there.
Very hard for anyone to perform their role under status effect

Well, this shows me you never played a blaster. Please don't say you have otherwise you would know you can still attack with DEFv2.0. Yes, even mezzed, I am still on top of my game and use the other tools in the game to win. If I, on the rare occassion, run into bad luck and die, then what? NOTHING. It's a game remember
The situation Futurias portrays of playing a blaster is closer to the reality of playing a blaster than the one you present. Before you go and tell me I don't know how to play a blaster It might be an idea for you to ask around. As to running into bad luck and dieing its not the dieing its unpleasant way you die from mezzes

Catwhoorg: Mezz Protection for All! 10-09-2009 12:31 PM Misleading
LOL I had to laugh I got one that said I was being too technical

SHARKER QUINT:you do realize that break frees can be used even while mezzed don't you? and you can change 3 of the same inspirations into a break free while mezzed.
Well shoot we should take stamina out of the game after all we have blues



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
Very hard for anyone to perform their role under status effect

The situation Futurias portrays of playing a blaster is closer to the reality of playing a blaster than the one you present. Before you go and tell me I don't know how to play a blaster It might be an idea for you to ask around. As to running into bad luck and dieing its not the dieing its unpleasant way you die from mezzes
Actually, I found the situation Futurias presented to be indicative only of someone who made bad decisions while playing a blaster. Hell, soon I'm going to do Rularru without mez protection, because so far I've had no problem with 3 minion or 1 lieutenant 1 minion spaws at +2.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Actually, I found the situation Futurias presented to be indicative only of someone who made bad decisions while playing a blaster. Hell, soon I'm going to do Rularru without mez protection, because so far I've had no problem with 3 minion or 1 lieutenant 1 minion spaws at +2.
What bad decisions would that be ? I ask because I prefer to know just what I am replying to before I do so. Its so much nicer to have specific points to respond to rather than trying to hit vague clouds of allegations with pillows of generalities.

When you do the Rularu please post your death rate, also please post your time. What you consider fine may not be what other people consider fine.



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
What bad decisions would that be ? I ask because I prefer to know just what I am replying to before I do so. Its so much nicer to have specific points to respond to rather than trying to hit vague clouds of allegations with pillows of generalities.

When you do the Rularu please post your death rate, also please post your time. What you consider fine may not be what other people consider fine.
Well, my first 2 are done.
SR scrapper - Fully IO'd, soft capped, 4+ end/sec, 17 or so HP/sec, no deaths, came close eight or nine times, especially against overloards. I didn't time it precisely. But I had to free 8, and I did it in about 10 minutes.

My energy/electric got a kill all on a much smaller map, and despite them being hold resistant did about the same, coming close to death but never actually dying, despite the kill all and the smaller map, I did it in about 5 minutes while occasionally sending tells to a friend.
Edit: Just for the record, my SR scrapper is fully IO'd, and my Blaster is frankenslotted and in some powers just has SO's, so her lesser performance is pretty much to be expected. Like I said, this is a bad test, with my scrapper coming out looking better than she should look and my squishies coming out looking worse than they could look if they were fully IO'd out.

Again, both, no deaths.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA