List of bugs in i16




With merc MM's, when using tactical upgrade on the spec ops, the box doesnt come down and the spec ops don't animate properly. Also they are unable to do any emotes after tactical upgrade is used.

Ninjitsu secondary (stalker): Animation geo is off, the hands go through eachother with several poses, Kuji-in Rin, Kuji-in Sha and, Kuji-in Retsu

General UI Lag as well has been noticed.

Corruptors Archery ability seems to be highly underpowered.
to top it off, snap shot animates incorrectly as the arrow sticks to the right hand, theres no draw back and the arrow vanishes from the right hand to the bow and fires. (aimed shot animates correctly however)

Friends List, SG list etc. All blank upon login, however it seems zoning seems to correct this issue at least temporarily.

Team window wierdness:
Team with someone in a diffrent zone than you are in, pass the star. It will appear you are both SKed and the other persons location will cycle between thier zone and "On Mission Map"

SuperSidekickery: Not sure if this is intended or not but it is annoying none-the-less, Team with someone about 10 levels below you (just to make it obvious), while they are in a diffrent zone (and your team leader), have them get a mission at thier level, Have a mission at YOUR level selected and have the person about 10 levels under you enter thier mission. You will be forced to exemplar down for thier mission even though it is not the one selected nor are they team leader. (some griefing possibilities arise with this one, not going to go into details)

Things I would like to see:
The costume creator can "fix" costumes (if its not unlocked, costume pieces, auras, etc.) and remove them. However I would like to see a ability to "fix" costumes for body types (like if someone makes a costume with a huge bodytype, I think they should be able to use a normal man bodytype and have the "fix costume" button available) this would switch it to either the exact type outfit (or nearest availablity generic costume piece) for that body type.

Something I can do without:
Random colors when making a new toon, for some reason it always defaults to the most garish colors it can pick out when showing a default toon. (Like pink with bright neon green and such) I think that there should be some continuity in the colors used in the default, something a little more easy on the eyes instead of causing me to go blind while I try to correct the horrible color job that the costume creator has set me up with.

Masterminds: Pets staying with you on zone changes does not work when exemped down. it re-exemps you when you enter any new zone killing off the pets.

These are just a few bugs and Suggestions I thought I should post up. Will post more as I come across them.

I could also be misunderstanding this but I thought our powers weren't supposed to get locked out if we exemp down...



Dark Armor - All Archetypes - No FX shown for ANY power in the sets in the costume creator. You get the animations (and transparency for Hide for Stalkers), but no particle effects at all. Powers appear to work correctly in-game, including custom tinting.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
I could also be misunderstanding this but I thought our powers weren't supposed to get locked out if we exemp down...
I think they settled on powers within 5 levels of the lvl you EX to.. and you can still get XP within that range as well.. if I understand it correctly. Any powers higher than that will still be unavailable like before.

Also, to add to the list:
You cannot summon an Ouroboros Portal while EX'd. The animation will play, but no portal will appear. If you quit your team and become un-EX'd, the portal will suddenly appear where you had just clicked a minute ago. It's quite spooky.



Originally Posted by WolfWings View Post
Dark Armor - All Archetypes - No FX shown for ANY power in the sets in the costume creator. You get the animations (and transparency for Hide for Stalkers), but no particle effects at all. Powers appear to work correctly in-game, including custom tinting.
I have confirmed this as well, no particles being emitted but the animation plays in the Character Creator.



me and my wife are both 50. but when we are teamed up im usaly leader so today after the patch it shows her as my lackey. and i got a badge for haveing someone lackeyed for 8 hours.



All characters on a team will be the mission holder or team leader's sidekick for the duration of the team due to the new super-sidekicking feature (if they don't accept SSK, they are auto-kicked from the team). YES, this means a level 50 will "sidekick" a level 50 if teamed together.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
All characters on a team will be the mission holder or team leader's sidekick for the duration of the team due to the new super-sidekicking feature (if they don't accept SSK, they are auto-kicked from the team). YES, this means a level 50 will "sidekick" a level 50 if teamed together.
I guess to prevent laggy code they just had the SSK feature generalize. Instead of making exception to same level characters, (which would require a few checks in the code to see if they are hence lagging down things) they just had it auto sk to the team leader whenever a mish isn't set.
Makes sense to me. though I'm still discovering bugs here and there.

Costume Creator: When either creating a new toon or going to your local tailor, if you switch the background to the "light" theme and finish your work leaving the window, and log out, the character selection screen will also show this light background instead of going back to the default.
(this will also happen with AE custom critters when designing thier outfits because your still in a costume creator window)



Males NPC citizens in missions "run around in panic" without using their legs. They just sort of glide. BaB in-game ( on VU2009 ) when hearing this took about 30 seconds to figure what was wrong and said it would be fixed in the next build.

Sometimes when zoning MM pets will vanish from the pet window and you will be unable to control them. Hitting them with a targeted heal or buff seems to fix it however.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Energy Aura Secondary (stalkers): When you break stealth your character remains transparent (like power pool stealth transparent, not hidden transparent) even though you are no longer hidden. I checked out my other stalker and coming out of stealth worked fine, can anyone else confirm this one?



I understand that they were going to fix the bug that made much of the landscape look faceted, and it seems fixed most places unless my memory is deceiving me. But in the Mercy Snake caves all that rock and debris still has the faceted look.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Males NPC citizens in missions "run around in panic" without using their legs. They just sort of glide. BaB in-game ( on VU2009 ) when hearing this took about 30 seconds to figure what was wrong and said it would be fixed in the next build.
What does "( on VU2009 )" mean?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post

SuperSidekickery: Not sure if this is intended or not but it is annoying none-the-less, Team with someone about 10 levels below you (just to make it obvious), while they are in a diffrent zone (and your team leader), have them get a mission at thier level, Have a mission at YOUR level selected and have the person about 10 levels under you enter thier mission. You will be forced to exemplar down for thier mission even though it is not the one selected nor are they team leader. (some griefing possibilities arise with this one, not going to go into details)
As soon as they enter their mission it becomes the active mission whether they are the team leader or not i.e. the selected one - been that way as long as I can remember.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Drop rates for recipes are ridiculously low.

Be well, people of CoH.



There is no longer any animation for superior invisibilty from the illusion control set and Targeteting drone roots the player now when it turns on it never did before and I only know this because my main uses /devices since I12.



In my Tank I can't see, talk, join, create any global channel. My friendlist have the same problem.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Drop rates for recipes are ridiculously low.

Mapped set for 8 people, Lvl 53 baddies, with bosses. 2 people doing the BM run and in 3 runs we got 3 generic io recipies each. so 1 per run.



When I use my force field generator on my thugs MM, it throws out the 2nd upgrade animation to all of my pets.



As reported in Badges forum and in-game petition, Demonic accolade no longer awards correctly. All requirements met, and accolade badge bar is full with no % popup appearing, but badge/accolade not awarded.

Also, others have reported getting Demonic immediately after getting High Pain Threshold or after getting Hero Slayer, but without having any of Demonic's usual requirement badges.

68 Level 50s, all made the old-fashioned way.
Original: Quasar Lad - Fire/Kin troller. Latest: Asp Kicker - Grav/Poison troller.
Completed the "Full Alty Challenge" - level 50 in every archetype, and "Alty's Ultimate Power Challenge" - level 50 in every available powerset in the game.
Member of the Repeat Offenders



Walking is glitched for anyone that isn't a civilian. NPCs such as Longbow or the Council will instead do a slow run as if they were on Baywatch.



I just completed an incredibly long arc in Ourob but didn't receive any reward merits. (I even checked the chat log for them.)

The arc was Madeleine Casey's "To Save a Soul". My team mate didn't receive merits either. We started the arc before I16 was released.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
What does "( on VU2009 )" mean?
I believe that is the current Virtue Universe global channel.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Now instead of dancing when I use recall friend it doesn't finish the animation but the recall still works.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I understand that they were going to fix the bug that made much of the landscape look faceted, and it seems fixed most places unless my memory is deceiving me. But in the Mercy Snake caves all that rock and debris still has the faceted look.
They did indeed fix the ugly blocky terrian! I am very happy about that, as I thought all the lines and blocks really cheapened the game's wonderful look'

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by LukeFluxy View Post
In my Tank I can't see, talk, join, create any global channel. My friendlist have the same problem.
move into a diffrent zone, your lists should show up at this point.

Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
There is no longer any animation for superior invisibilty from the illusion control set and Targeteting drone roots the player now when it turns on it never did before and I only know this because my main uses /devices since I12.
They changed the animation that targeting drone uses to the wrist pad animation, this could be causing the root.

Originally Posted by Bandeeto View Post
As reported in Badges forum and in-game petition, Demonic accolade no longer awards correctly. All requirements met, and accolade badge bar is full with no % popup appearing, but badge/accolade not awarded.

Also, others have reported getting Demonic immediately after getting High Pain Threshold or after getting Hero Slayer, but without having any of Demonic's usual requirement badges.
They changed alot of badge requirments with i16, this could be one of them however I have a large download going on and browsing the web is a bit slow atm. Should check patch notes.

Originally Posted by Archie Gremlin View Post
I just completed an incredibly long arc in Ourob but didn't receive any reward merits. (I even checked the chat log for them.)
The arc was Madeleine Casey's "To Save a Soul". My team mate didn't receive merits either. We started the arc before I16 was released.
By any chance did you mapserve right after you completed the arc? This seems to be a growing problem with alot of them.

Originally Posted by Healix View Post
They did indeed fix the ugly blocky terrian! I am very happy about that, as I thought all the lines and blocks really cheapened the game's wonderful look'
*snip large images*
anyway yeah, I think they just had it at a very low poly-mesh for the terrain features and upped the polys for the ground to smooth them out some. Was annoying but with the higher polys it can also make some older machines lag. But at least the tradeoff is also slightly better ground geo and better looking terrain.



I logged in as my level 50 MM to see what badges he got now that some of the requirements have changed. He got Hero Slayer, the last badge he needed for the Force of Nature Accolade. The Accolade and Accolade Power were awarded, but the progress bar for Force of Nature didn't update and says he only has 6 out of 7 of the required badges. I did not /bug it last night, but I will when I play later.

I'm not sure if this is an I16 bug or not, but I never saw it before, so here it is: I was playing as my 39 Scrapper running a CoT mish on one of the CoT maps with those portals you have to walk through to get to more of the map. When walking through one of the portals I was transported halfway across the map instead of to the one on the other side of the wall like normal. Every time I walked through one, it took me to a random portal somewhere on the map and, of course, they never took me to where I needed to go. Believe it or not, walking backwards through the portals instead of forwards seemed to fix the problem, but it was quite annoying. Again, I didn't /bug it yet, but I'm going to test it a bit more when I play later before officially reporting it.