Is buying prestinge wrong?




First all, if you don't care about SG/VGs, earning prestige for said groups or overall rankings this topic may not inerest you.

I am one of the leaders of a recently deposed #1 sg hero-side on a smallish server. We have a core group of older players that have been going strong for over 2 years now. We don't do mass invites to get worker bees earning prestige for us. We have always just grinded out prestige. Admittedly the core has dropped from 7-8 down to 3-4 but most of us have 2 accts that we run so the churning has not dropped much. We have run story arcs, AV strings. We enjoy many of those dirty words like farming and power-leveling. We don't run as many task forces as we used to, do to the said drop in core players, also families are now taking priority and playing time has decreased. I personally was not surprised then when another sg came clawing up the ranks to overhaul us.

So flash back to the last double xp. Our rivals were close, we knew they planned on passing us that weekend. We talked some oldtimers to give up other games for the weekend. We managed to ship our wives out of town and just had crazy fun all weekend long. Monday evening we all get on after work, basking in the glow of pushing back the night one last time. When we got on the lead was still intact, when we checked Monday night before we logged we had been passed. Our rivals had a 6 million prestige day. The day after Double XP was over. We knew then for sure and have had the our rivals confirm that they were buying prestige.

From what they have told us their sg had about 40 million before AE and since then they have earned another 120 million in prestige. Now in that same time frame, we have earned only 20 million. Not bad, it averages out to 100-200k a night. We also know that on an average night, they might run about the same #s. In fact, usually we can produce more per day than they can. So just estimating for the last 5 months from that base 20 million we earned, they could have needed to buy about 100 milllion prestige. The conversion rate is 1,000,000 influence for 2,000 prestige. So estimating about 50 billion in influence spent to buy their way into first place.

Skeptics that we were, we of course feel that they have whipped out the credit card, what is it now $30 for 1 billion? They insist that their sg leaders have multiple accts and craft and sell everything they make to put to the sg and so that it should all be considered earning for the sg and they are fine with. Also from what we have gleaned its only the sg leaders who are doing this, so figure 3-4 peeps are working night and day to put influence on the table. So from estimating 50 bill infl over 5 monts, 10 bill a month, 333 million a day. So yes, they could have 3-4 peeps each earning from multiple accts 75 to 100 million influence per day. Possible? Sure Likely? Who knows. We always thought we were hardcore but their can always be fanatics out there right?

So back to the topic. Should prestige buying be allowed, given the ability to plunk down a credit card and buy influence? Given the ability to use the market to make influence? Should prestige just be a means for a measuring stick to tell how a sg has performed on the "field"? I know that this is a game, you pay for it, you play how you want to. I also know that several groups have used exploits to bump up their prestige. I also have read that smaller groups have in the past bought prestige to use on their bases so how much is too much? Just throwing this open for debate.



Considering that buying influence is against the EULA, I have no problem with being able to use influence to buy prestige.

If they are buying influence, they can be banned.

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~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I do not think you should be able to buy prestige.

Given the absurd exchange rate for inf->prestige, a suspicious person might come to the conclusion that a nefarious SG is purchasing inf from RMT sources. That is against the rules.

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Anything could be suspicious given the right paranoia.



As said before, buying influence with real money is against the EULA and is very perma-bannable. So when you talk about "whipping out a credit card" to buy influence, that's what I think. There are many reasons why doing this is bad, including that shady overseas businesses now have your credit card information.

Trading influence you acquired in-game for prestige is acceptable, although the exchange rate is not great.

However, my biggest question is... why do you need to be #1? is a great source of information for this game.

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Originally Posted by Citizen_Delta View Post
Should prestige buying be allowed, given the ability to plunk down a credit card and buy influence? Given the ability to use the market to make influence? Should prestige just be a means for a measuring stick to tell how a sg has performed on the "field"?
Yes, it should be allowed. No, it is not wrong. It's there for a reason. If you want to spend ridiculous amounts of inf on buying it, that's your prerogative. If you don't, don't.

Buying inf with real money is RMT, and RMT is against EULA. You can be banned for that. That's another matter entirely.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
However, my biggest question is... why do you need to be #1?
This is what lost me as well.

Why on earth would you possibly care about how much prestige your SG has vs. another? There is certainly no in-game reason, much less a benefit.

The only reasons are greed and vanity from what I can see; I certainly do not want any game mechanic to be changed for those reasons.

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Your chain of events fails in making the assumption that they paid real money for inf then converted it. If they've confirmed they did RMT, then report them. The devs are not about to cut off inf>prestige conversion just because some people might be doing something that is already against the rules, to advance on what is essentially a meaningless statistic.

#1 prestige ranking is a pointless number. I'm glad you've had fun doing the things you did to get it, but by no means should you get so wrapped up in it as to think the number itself is important.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
This is what lost me as well.

Why on earth would you possibly care about how much prestige your SG has vs. another? There is certainly no in-game reason, much less a benefit.

The only reasons are greed and vanity from what I can see; I certainly do not want any game mechanic to be changed for those reasons.
Me either. If someone wants to pay the crappy exchange rate to push their group up on a ranking system that has no game impact, then let them.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Your chain of events fails in making the assumption that they paid real money for inf then converted it. If they've confirmed they did RMT, then report them. The devs are not about to cut off inf>prestige conversion just because some people might be doing something that is already against the rules, to advance on what is essentially a meaningless statistic.

#1 prestige ranking is a pointless number. I'm glad you've had fun doing the things you did to get it, but by no means should you get so wrapped up in it as to think the number itself is important.
Agreed. If I'm looking to join a Supergroup, the last thing I care about is their supergroup ranking (I've never been bothered to check for any of the Supergroups I have joined). Most important factor is how fun they are to team with and talk to (It sounds like the OP has a fun group, if a bit hung up on the inconsequential). A functional base is nice, preferably with the telepads, but not necessary. I was able to get around just fine before I joined the group, therefore I don't require them to be my taxi service now that I have joined.

Let them blow as much influence as they want to bump their Prestige. You can spend the same amount of influence making your characters better, which is much more important

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Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
I do not think you should be able to buy prestige.

Given the absurd exchange rate for inf->prestige, a suspicious person might come to the conclusion that a nefarious SG is purchasing inf from RMT sources. That is against the rules.
Personally, I'm glad you can buy Prestige with Inf. I have a single-person SG base that I'm playing around with decorating (and filling with storage bays and teleporters). Without the ability to spend some of the 800mil Inf that I got while raising my first hero to lv50 (several lucky drops - three respec recipes, Miracle:Recovery, and a couple purples), my base would be a pale shadow of what it is now.

Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Yes, it should be allowed. No, it is not wrong. It's there for a reason. If you want to spend ridiculous amounts of inf on buying it, that's your prerogative. If you don't, don't.

Buying inf with real money is RMT, and RMT is against EULA. You can be banned for that. That's another matter entirely.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Anything could be suspicious given the right paranoia.
Hey, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me!

But yeah, basically what everyone else said about prestige buying, and about needing to be #1.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
#1 prestige ranking is a pointless number. I'm glad you've had fun doing the things you did to get it, but by no means should you get so wrapped up in it as to think the number itself is important.
While it doesn't matter to me at all and matters little to you, it matters to him and his group. That's the only reason needed to make it important to him and I can appreciate that.

That said, no, it's not a good enough reason to change an entire system around so they can feel good about their number again. I can respect that it matters to the OP and his group, but he needs to understand that his mountain is a molehill in terms of other people and the game design.

And OP, if you really want that number to matter, the very last thing you should do is cheapen it by buying it. If the only thing that matters is having the higest number and now how you got it, then consider if that high number is worth more than the account you would be giving up if you break the EULA. If it is, while I respect that you've chosen that as a priority, I'd sy you should examine whjy it matters to you and maybe reconsider.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Of course the former #2 (the rivals) could be doing all boss AE farm, or even if perstige matters fighting certain AVs in AE missions that give huge rewards (Lord Recluse springs to mind).

Making a great deal of prestige fast isn't hard in a decent sized group, its just matter of knowing what to do.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Of course the former #2 (the rivals) could be doing all boss AE farm, or even if perstige matters fighting certain AVs in AE missions that give huge rewards (Lord Recluse springs to mind).

Making a great deal of prestige fast isn't hard in a decent sized group, its just matter of knowing what to do.
And who to kill.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
While it doesn't matter to me at all and matters little to you, it matters to him and his group. That's the only reason needed to make it important to him and I can appreciate that.
No, it's not the only reason needed. Questions like this should always be taken in the context for how it affects other players and the long-term health and playability of the game.

Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
And OP, if you really want that number to matter, the very last thing you should do is cheapen it by buying it.
I hope the OP very seriously considers this. I'd rather be bumped out of the top 100 entirely than to spend one red cent on prestige. The simple fact is that as soon as it becomes an issue of money, then the only meaning having a #1 ranking (or any ranking at all, for that matter) is how much money you're willing to spend for the dubious "privilege."

Consider this. What makes you think you deserve that #1 slot? You admit that your membership has dwindled, and your SG isn't as active as many others are. On what moral authority do you think that some other SG that is active with a larger membership should show up lower in that list that your tiny little group trying to hang onto its last vestige of virtual glory?

No, you shouldn't be able to buy prestige. Just suck it up and let a more deserving group have the spot. Even better, be gracious about it, and congratulate them for the amount of activity they have. If it's really that important to you, consider even joining them.

Personally, I don't use prestige as an indicator of how good or bad a supergroup is. To me, it's how active they are and how much a part of the community they are. By those measures, I don't need some number. The actions of their members and how they carry themselves when we're teaming or hanging out is all I need.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Personally, I don't use prestige as an indicator of how good or bad a supergroup is. To me, it's how active they are and how much a part of the community they are. By those measures, I don't need some number. The actions of their members and how they carry themselves when we're teaming or hanging out is all I need.
Absolutely, especially since you can have the most active and fantastic SG around and have hardly any prestige because each player has the ability to turn it off by switching out of SG mode. As long as you have enough to keep the power on and the teleporters working, if you have them, it doesn't matter what the number is.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by Citizen_Delta View Post
So back to the topic. Should prestige buying be allowed, given the ability to plunk down a credit card and buy influence? Given the ability to use the market to make influence?
Depends on what you buy it with.

Buy it with real cash, yeah, that's wrong... since when you log in, you agree not to do that. Sure, people buy inf with real cash, and if that's all their word means to them... their loss.

Buy it with inf? Play the market, use nonexploitive farms? Pay other characters inf to grind prestige for you? Go for it.

I used to be part of a VG that had a theme of mercenaries-for-hire... other VGs would contract with us to earn them prestige, we'd have a number of mercs join their VGs for however long it took, and get "paid" from the infamy they gave our officer for the service... was a lot of fun.

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Originally Posted by Citizen_Delta View Post
So back to the topic. Should prestige buying be allowed, given the ability to plunk down a credit card and buy influence? Given the ability to use the market to make influence? Should prestige just be a means for a measuring stick to tell how a sg has performed on the "field"?
Given that the exchange rate is SO lousy, I don't see any problem with being able to buy prestige. Try not to be so hung up on who's number one.

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Originally Posted by MOUT__ View Post
I used to be part of a VG that had a theme of mercenaries-for-hire... other VGs would contract with us to earn them prestige, we'd have a number of mercs join their VGs for however long it took, and get "paid" from the infamy they gave our officer for the service... was a lot of fun.
I remember a couple of groups like that. Great concept of villanous mercs for hire

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
However, my biggest question is... why do you need to be #1?
Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
This is what lost me as well.

Why on earth would you possibly care about how much prestige your SG has vs. another? There is certainly no in-game reason, much less a benefit.
Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
#1 prestige ranking is a pointless number. I'm glad you've had fun doing the things you did to get it, but by no means should you get so wrapped up in it as to think the number itself is important.
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Try not to be so hung up on who's number one.
Why do players want to PvP? Why do players want to fill all their costume slots? Why do players want purple IO's? Why do players compete? The OP's motivations are their own. It doesn't matter if we understand them or even agree with them.

What does matter is the possibility of a bannable offense being performed, which is what prompted the OP's question. The problem is not with the Inf to Prestige transfer, but the possible RMT transaction being used to pad prestige. If someone from that SG admitted it then /petition and let CS sort it all out.

OP, place blame where blame is due. Go after those using RMT transactions and leave Inf to Prestige transfers alone.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
No, it's not the only reason needed. Questions like this should always be taken in the context for how it affects other players and the long-term health and playability of the game.

I hope the OP very seriously considers this. I'd rather be bumped out of the top 100 entirely than to spend one red cent on prestige. The simple fact is that as soon as it becomes an issue of money, then the only meaning having a #1 ranking (or any ranking at all, for that matter) is how much money you're willing to spend for the dubious "privilege."

Consider this. What makes you think you deserve that #1 slot? You admit that your membership has dwindled, and your SG isn't as active as many others are. On what moral authority do you think that some other SG that is active with a larger membership should show up lower in that list that your tiny little group trying to hang onto its last vestige of virtual glory?

No, you shouldn't be able to buy prestige. Just suck it up and let a more deserving group have the spot. Even better, be gracious about it, and congratulate them for the amount of activity they have. If it's really that important to you, consider even joining them.

Personally, I don't use prestige as an indicator of how good or bad a supergroup is. To me, it's how active they are and how much a part of the community they are. By those measures, I don't need some number. The actions of their members and how they carry themselves when we're teaming or hanging out is all I need.

Wow. Leave it to TonyV to convince me that converting influence into prestige isn't a bad idea.

Of course that doesn't mean RMT transactions shouldn't be banned. Anyone dealing with those creeps sghould be burned alive.



No offence but should it really bother you that they are no in first place? Does that have any real meaning, you both have more Prestage than you can really use don't you?

That said the fact you can exchange Influance for prestinge is not really a problem. I sure nethergoat wouls remind us that the market is full of money to be made. Nothing says the RMT bought Influance.

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Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Hey, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me!
Assuming everyone's out to get you is not paranoia, just common sense. Paranoia is when you think they're all organized.

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Sorry, I was without power last night. To clarify, they have never said they have bought any influence, just suspicion on our part. Also as I said, I fully expected to be passed and my only issue is that instead of them earning it in the usual method they bought it. I fully admit that I was too close to the situation to be objective which is why I asked the opinion of those not involved. So my answer by general concensus is there is nothing wrong with buying prestige. Thanks for you input.

We will continue to play every day as usual because we have fun doing so. As far as applauding them for passing us? Ain't gonna happen. Buying prestige to keep up? Ain't gonna happen.