Is buying prestinge wrong?




You can get Prestige by low level farming much, much faster than you'll ever get by buying it.

They really do need to fix that exchange rate. It's a relic out an outdated version of the game... but devs hate bases so what can ya do.



Originally Posted by Citizen Delta
We don't run as many task forces as we used to, do to the said drop in core players, also families are now taking priority and playing time has decreased. I personally was not surprised then when another sg came clawing up the ranks to overhaul us.

So flash back to the last double xp. Our rivals were close, we knew they planned on passing us that weekend. We talked some oldtimers to give up other games for the weekend. We managed to ship our wives out of town and just had crazy fun all weekend long. Monday evening we all get on after work, basking in the glow of pushing back the night one last time. When we got on the lead was still intact, when we checked Monday night before we logged we had been passed. Our rivals had a 6 million prestige day. The day after Double XP was over. We knew then for sure and have had the our rivals confirm that they were buying prestige.
I'm not certain that earning 6M Prestige is that difficult to do for an active group. For example, when a taxi hits level 50, they are usually in the 600,000 to 750,000 Prestige range through regular play (i.e., regular missions and task forces). To err on the side of caution, let's round that down to 500,000. So to earn 6 million Prestige, a group merely needs TWELVE people that play in SG mode and reach level 50.

Now, you mentioned it being Double-XP weekend, which doesn't affect Prestige accumulation, though such weekends are a good incentive for people to play. So it really sounds like this other group is merely more active in terms of activities, and they likely have committed core members and were more successful at doing recruiting.

It's good that you had fun over that particular weekend. However, you might want to take a more sedate attitude towards your current group's ranking, since that will increase merely through people enjoying the game.





Nothing wrong with buying prestige with influence as long as the influence used is earned in the game. As soon as RMT comes into it, it becomes a problem.

Buying prestige is a huge boon to the small 1 or 2 person SGs that can't rack up prestige quickly, but CAN earn lots of influence, whether by farming, playing the market, or even a couple lucky drops that sell for a lot.

To sum up:

Buying prestige with influence: No problem
Buying influence with real money to fund it: Problem

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

To sum up:

Buying prestige with influence: No problem
Buying influence with real money to fund it: Problem
excellent summation.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Citizen_Delta View Post

Skeptics that we were, we of course feel that they have whipped out the credit card, what is it now $30 for 1 billion? They insist that their sg leaders have multiple accts and craft and sell everything they make to put to the sg and so that it should all be considered earning for the sg and they are fine with. Also from what we have gleaned its only the sg leaders who are doing this, so figure 3-4 peeps are working night and day to put influence on the table. So from estimating 50 bill infl over 5 monts, 10 bill a month, 333 million a day. So yes, they could have 3-4 peeps each earning from multiple accts 75 to 100 million influence per day. Possible? Sure Likely? Who knows. We always thought we were hardcore but their can always be fanatics out there right?.
This amount of trading is quite easy to do if you have 50-100 (or more) toons per person trading. I easily make more than 100 million a day when I am commited.



In regards to the 50 billion estimate spent on buying that much prestige.

It's not uncommon anymore for a character to routinely have a billion influence or more. If the rival SG has several characters sitting on that much money it's feasible for them to grind part of that total, and spend influence on the rest.

I understand the suspicion of RMT being used to fund it, just pointing out that it IS possible to have that much influence across an entire SG without resorting to RMT.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I think you need to understand why the option is there in the first place and why the exchange rate is so high. First, a little history lesson. Prior to Issue 6, there was no such thing as Prestige and there were no SG bases. In fact, even after Issue 6 came out, if you didn't buy CoV, you couldn't enter SG bases, even on the Hero side. Since the invention system and market came even later, there was no way for high level heroes to spend their influence except passing it on to other people. As a result, there were many many heroes who had been amassing billions of infamy for years, quite literally.

While City of Villains (Issue 6) was still in beta, many heroes commented it would be nice if they could use some of their amassed fortune to help out their supergroup and get a nice base built up. After all, at that point, they still had nothing else to spend the money on.

With base raiding being active during the beta, this was, as you can imagine, met with some resistance from the red side, and rightfully so. Being able to convert influence to prestige would put the Heroes at a severe advantage in base raids. This would make it much more difficult for items of power to be stolen from blue side bases than from red side bases. Keep in mind, many of the Items of Power provided considerable boosts in accuracy, defense, damage, resistance, etc for any SG member running in SG mode. That means all of this translated into an upper hand in any and all PvP situations.

When they ultimately implemented the system, they decided to make the conversion rate high enough that any advantage would be minimal. That's why the conversion rate is 500 Inf = 1 Prestige.

Now, taking all that into consideration, I agree with the idea of buying prestige for influnce/infamy. It takes large chunks of Inf out of circulation which controls inflation. Yes, I know the market prices are high at the moment, but it would be worse if there were not money sinks like this. What I do have an issue with is people buying influence for cash. It's a vile practice, and those who buy or sell infamy should be banned from the game.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
They really do need to fix that exchange rate. It's a relic out an outdated version of the game... but devs hate bases so what can ya do.
It isn't that they hate the bases, it that they hate lvl50s having so much inf. Back when they added the bases, they thought for sure that all the lvl50 would trade in their extra inf to build a better base faster. They don't want us holding onto billions of inf. That's why we used to have to chose between inf and prestige.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wow. Leave it to TonyV to convince me that converting influence into prestige isn't a bad idea.
Pfff, think what you want.

Chew on this. According to the rates quoted in the latest spam message I got, if I had around $3,100 to blow (and believe me, some people really do), I could start a brand new supergroup on Infinity (my usual haunt), never even touch supergroup mode, and simply buy myself the first place slot outright. No fuss, no muss. I could simply wave all of those other groups who have put in literally years of work goodbye as they ate my dust, because I'm just that rich.

Comparatively speaking, if I were in the second place supergroup, especially if I had a few people willing to chip in so that I wouldn't have to foot the bill all by myself, it would be trivially easy and relatively inexpensive to simply buy that first place slot.

I have ideas on how to solve these types of problems in the long term, things I wish they had considered before decisions were made going back to Issue 9, but at this point it would probably cause a lot of outcry.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Taxibot View Post
I'm not certain that earning 6M Prestige is that difficult to do for an active group. For example, when a taxi hits level 50, they are usually in the 600,000 to 750,000 Prestige range through regular play (i.e., regular missions and task forces). To err on the side of caution, let's round that down to 500,000. So to earn 6 million Prestige, a group merely needs TWELVE people that play in SG mode and reach level 50.
I think you misunderstood part of what he said. He was talking about earning 6 million prestige *in one day*.

Now, you mentioned it being Double-XP weekend, which doesn't affect Prestige accumulation, though such weekends are a good incentive for people to play.
Nope. Prestige *IS* doubled during Double XP Weekends. If you don't believe me, check ParagonWiki on Double XP Weekends.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Citizen_Delta View Post

So back to the topic. Should prestige buying be allowed, given the ability to plunk down a credit card and buy influence? Given the ability to use the market to make influence? Should prestige just be a means for a measuring stick to tell how a sg has performed on the "field"?...
I have always thought that the conversion rate was too bad to ever pay inf for prestige.

What this really seems to be about is that your sg is no longer #1 and you don't like that your sg is no longer #1. You can say it has to do with buying prestige, but what it is really about is being #1. You want to validate losing the #1 spot by saying that the way that the other group took #1 was wrong.

It could very well be that they broke the EULA to take over the #1 position.

Since it is really important to you to be in the #1 supergroup, and I just want to have fun playing the game - I guess you don't even want me posting about this because I'm not concerned about being in a #1 supergroup and you are.

I certainly hope that it hasn't come to the point where this game is just about being L337, but I guess people have different ways of "winning" this game.

I like playing with friendly helpful players. I could care less if you have a purpled out 50, are great at PvP, or in a top ten supergroup. I just don't want to play with AE farmers/PL'rs.

....From what they have told us their sg had about 40 million before AE and since then they have earned another 120 million in prestige...
If you saw this sudden change in the other sg's prestige due to inf buying of prestige, then I'd say you have a problem with AE farming/PL'ing as well.



Your competitors COULD have been using RMT. Or they could have one or two guys who are market-smart.

Pardon me while I sound like a big jerk:

I made, in six weeks, something like seven billion influence- mostly buy/craft/resell- starting with two billion. One person, one account.

I was not actually in the market for profit; I was attempting to remove 10 billion inf from the game. 10% fees, turning into prestige (matching other people's donations), and (small amounts) getting crafting badges.

Presumably if I'd been TRYING to make money, instead of trying to burn it in large quantities, I'd have made more than that.

An additional point: During the last double XP I sold over a hundred pieces of common salvage for over 900K each. I went out to the AE and got 120 pieces heroside and 120 pieces villainside and put em up for sale to see who was in that much of a hurry. "Lots of people", it turns out.

If you gave me twenty people and a month, I'd have a lot more than fifty billion, I can tell you that. (Especially if they were willing to PLAY as well.) And no Real Money would be harmed in the making of it.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
It isn't that they hate the bases, it that they hate lvl50s having so much inf. Back when they added the bases, they thought for sure that all the lvl50 would trade in their extra inf to build a better base faster. They don't want us holding onto billions of inf. That's why we used to have to chose between inf and prestige.
As said, used to. Inventions have thrown all that out the window, and base raids don't even work anymore. Currently, half of the base items are essentially useless.



Originally Posted by Ironblade
I think you misunderstood part of what he said. He was talking about earning 6 million prestige *in one day*.
Nope. I understood that he meant in one day (or rather, on one Double XP weekend), and if the Prestige is doubled as well, then my point is twice as significant. <grin>




I am thankful that you can convert inf to prestige. I was making a mess of my SGmates base with all my crafting and marketing, so I splintered off into a solo base, and if I hadn't be able to convert ~3 billion to prestige I would have a sad little base. I now have a big boy base with all the storage and t-porters ... and now get to complain about needing more salvage storage space

I don't think the conversion rate is too high, it just forces you to make a choice, how bad do you want base stuff Vs personal stuff ( or how long till you have it all)

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.