So what do people think of the Rep Meter?




Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
I now wish that the Rep system would be removed, honestly. There is no reason for me to be #1 again when there are so many other better posters. Like Zombie_man or Memphis Bill that actually HELP people rather than just BS around.
Don't worry, Sanjaya, it'll all work out in the end. Meanwhile, use the power of your rep for good. You're vote counts the most right now... go into a voting frenzy!

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Thanks for the response D_R - when the system lets me, I will change your rep. Feel free to send the link too.

And based on your past efforts, I would be surprised if anyone randomly badmouthed you.

Have a great day!

Go Team Venture!



I think the rep stuff is pretty funny. I am apparently shameless in my behavior. Some people have left me some great disapprove messages too. You would think I assaulted their mother.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
Don't worry, Sanjaya, it'll all work out in the end. Meanwhile, use the power of your rep for good. You're vote counts the most right now... go into a voting frenzy!

PK is griefing me by giving me positive rep! I don't have any proof, but I know it!!!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
I was the one who did that. Viewing your post now shows an ad.

Whatever you have in your signature is showing up as various ads to me. I gave -rep bacause of that.

EDIT: Here is how it now looks to me:
You have malware on your computer.

Run a full scan and wipe it out. Dark_Respite's image has never been and will never be an ad.



Originally Posted by Grae_Knight View Post
I think the rep stuff is pretty funny. I am apparently shameless in my behavior. Some people have left me some great disapprove messages too. You would think I assaulted their mother.
I want to see what comes after the shameless behavior one
I wonder how many little red or green squares you can have? Five? Ten?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



After Shameless Behavior is "$name can only hope to improve".



Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
After Shameless Behavior is "$name can only hope to improve".
And what's after that? Or hasn't any one fallen that far yet?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



There are a group of people here who disapprove of me.
Tub, I tsuj kniht yeht era diputs.



Originally Posted by Grae_Knight View Post
I think the rep stuff is pretty funny. I am apparently shameless in my behavior. Some people have left me some great disapprove messages too. You would think I assaulted their mother.
Apparently I got negative rep from someone who just hates a nonexistent cartel



Originally Posted by Chompie View Post
Well, the rep dealie is definitely based on the rep-giver's own reputation.

I got one disreputation for, and I quote, "You kicked a puppy. I saw it." (it's true. I don't really like puppies. I would not be against punting one if it was in my way and was smelly and annoying, like many dogs are)
And one from someone who speaks in lowercase and was testing disreputation.

And one person gave me rep on my post in the DnD stories thread which completely blew away the other two reputizes and now I'm stuck in the green. So much for my plan to have low rep to be special and different.
I was the puppy kicker voter! So is neg-rep giving anonymous?



Yes, rep is apparently anonymous in both directions.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
When I get insulted by someone who can't spell properly and uses homosexuality as a perjorative, it pushes me ever-harder into the assumption that I'm pissing off the right people.
I cheerfully disabled mine, because I shall continue to post what I actually think, without regard to whether my opinion is disliked or not.

No 'r' in 'pejorative', BTW.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
UniqueDragon is now #7 in Rep.
Is that an overall forum ranking? How can you check that? Or did I misunderstand?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Ah, reputation systems. When thinly veiled wink wink emoticon references can no longer give you enough trolling options.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Is that an overall forum ranking? How can you check that? Or did I misunderstand?
I think you can check on the "Member List" page.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
I cheerfully disabled mine, because I shall continue to post what I actually think, without regard to whether my opinion is disliked or not.

No 'r' in 'pejorative', BTW.
You can still post what you think with it turned on, I do. At least if people are disapproving they are acknowledging reading what you post.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



The rep meter doesn't bother me.



Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
But for that to happen, everyone would have to go to UniqueDragon's post and give him positive rep. That would just skew the system. I don't recommend that kind of social engineering at all.
He's now the third most reputable forum poster.

BTW, I went to the vBulletion site and found out some more stuff about Rep:

A user has two values associated with them: Reputation and Rep Power.

Reputation is the total amount of positive or negative Reputation you have.

Rep Power is the amount of Rep you can give or take away from another user. Rep Power can be set by the board owners to be based on three variables:

1. How long a person has been registered.

2. How many posts they have.

3. How much personal Reputation (or lack thereof) they currently enjoy.

What values have been set by our Mods, I do not know. But theoretically, a long time and prolific poster who has been given a lot of Reputation can give or take a big chunk of Reputation from another user.

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I don't see a point. Posters with alot of positive rep will probably leave it on and most who get negative rep/are unpopular, will just turn it off.

It's a trolling device.



Hey Toony, I always liked your avitar.. It's really funny since I know what movie it's from



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I don't see a point.
reading the comments people leave with their rankings has been very entertaining.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
reading the comments people leave with their rankings has been very entertaining.
Where do you find the comments?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



i hope they keep the rep system and people learn to be mature enough to both give and take posting feedback critically and impersonally




Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
He's now the third most reputable forum poster.
I think that might be a CoH forum style attempt to Rick Roll the rep system

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork