So what do people think of the Rep Meter?




Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Rep can be turned off?

But how would I be able to self torture myself then? I have a magical ability to make people mad at me, and what better way do they have to show me how much I suck than dissin me through Rep points on my favorite forum.
Mad? nah.. I might scratch my head at times but you never make me mad



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Oh, we're all mad here.

Oh my yes.

hehehe, I love that fact that I can clearly hear that.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Like the Attention-hounds, the gibberish-talkers, the post-count padders, the trolls, and the nice & helpful posters.
Somehow I think I'm all of those things at the same time....



Woot, back at zero!!

...... ok now even I am starting to think im strange....... o.O

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by Chaos_Creator View Post
Mad? nah.. I might scratch my head at times but you never make me mad
Perfect Pain is one of our more interesting posters.
Also, I just found out that you cannot add reputation to the same post twice, and used the "add a comment" box to see what it would do. Not much as far as I can tell.
Added Rep to someone posting from a state with a governor "T.K.". and will use my first emoticon since the last forums.
Probably right about there--------->



Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
Somehow I think I'm all of those things at the same time....
Well, I almost spelled it Post-Kount Padders, but I thought it would be too obvious.

You're not a gibberish-talker though. I use that classification for those that appear to type by smashing a dead squirrel against the keyboard. Yours are much easier to read. Attention-Hound-ish at times, perhaps, but readable.



Rep on forums....just another way to make peoples heads bigger that probably dont deserve it. Someone could be a great person in RL and get bad rep on a game forum and a doosh in real life and get good rep on a game forum...The thing is pointless and in no way says the person with good rep is a good/smart/funny person. I see it as a griefing tool and a thing for people with ego problems.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Also, I just found out that you cannot add reputation to the same post twice, and used the "add a comment" box to see what it would do. Not much as far as I can tell.
Comments show up in your targets user CP, where they can peruse them at their leisure.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Ah yes, I just found that.
Also, there is a limit on how much Rep you can throw around in one day.



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
Someone could be a great person in RL and get bad rep on a game forum and a doosh in real life and get good rep on a game forum...The thing is pointless and in no way says the person with good rep is a good/smart/funny person.
But it's not a measure of how they behave in RL. It's sort of a measure of how they choose to behave here (margin of error if griefing or cliqueishness pops up), where they have the internet's cloak of anonymity.

If someone's a "doosh" in RL, do you expect them to behave well in a pixelated intarwebz forum where absolutely no one can punch them in the snout or step on thier Adidas?



This is amusing - I got docked rep for "having an ad for in my signature."

*looks at signature and tests links*

Ummmmmmmm... no.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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Well, the rep dealie is definitely based on the rep-giver's own reputation.

I got one disreputation for, and I quote, "You kicked a puppy. I saw it." (it's true. I don't really like puppies. I would not be against punting one if it was in my way and was smelly and annoying, like many dogs are)
And one from someone who speaks in lowercase and was testing disreputation.

And one person gave me rep on my post in the DnD stories thread which completely blew away the other two reputizes and now I'm stuck in the green. So much for my plan to have low rep to be special and different.



It's silly, but I think the stuff they have for each level is funny - but does anyone know what the top and bottem levels are?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
Special and different??? Did you not read the thread? The fact that I was already aiming for 0 rep means your idea is neither special or (or is that nor?) different.

Then again the fact that you had the same goal as me also means im also not special.

So I guess we both lose huh?
Aiming for zero is totally different from aiming for negative infinity, punk!

I am so more magnitudinitively nonconformist.

EDIT: Woah, it looks like you can delete posts on this forum! That's a first! Normally I just see empty boxes of ***DELTED*** or <Post Removed By X> stuff. But that was a full on bamfy disappearance!



I think I'll keep mine on for now just to see what I get.



Originally Posted by Chompie View Post
Well, the rep dealie is definitely based on the rep-giver's own reputation.

I got one disreputation for, and I quote, "You kicked a puppy. I saw it." (it's true. I don't really like puppies. I would not be against punting one if it was in my way and was smelly and annoying, like many dogs are)
And one from someone who speaks in lowercase and was testing disreputation.

And one person gave me rep on my post in the DnD stories thread which completely blew away the other two reputizes and now I'm stuck in the green. So much for my plan to have low rep to be special and different.
My plan is also backfiring.

Apparently asking for bad rep is a good way to get a positive reputation.



Ah, Rove, such a distinguished gentleman....



This is easily the dumbest idea for the forums since they implemented private forums for the Event Comittees.

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Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
I think it was the one at the beginning of the first game. The one which went something like "oh, We appear to have been on a drunken bender, and We broke the stars... but it felt s-o g-o-o-d. *heart*"

Well, I laughed.

Reading through the posts about the new forums and the rep system, I've noticed that the people who would have otherwise gotten a lot of negative rep (mainly through being less than polite when posting) have already disabled theirs, so anyone with actual negative rep is likely not actually a bad poster, but has just been neg-repped for no real reason.
Not so! I have a bad rep (it seems) and it seems the rationale for doing so is entirely justified, because I seldom contribute anything, and I am in fact gay. You can ask my wife.

It'd be hilarious if rep comments - which are anonymous - weren't moderated. I already have one that, if it were a post, would be breaking the forum rules, but there's no 'report' button.

What a wonderful tool the mods have given us for allowing us to see what people think of us. When I get insulted by someone who can't spell properly and uses homosexuality as a perjorative, it pushes me ever-harder into the assumption that I'm pissing off the right people.



I now wish that the Rep system would be removed, honestly. There is no reason for me to be #1 again when there are so many other better posters. Like Zombie_man or Memphis Bill that actually HELP people rather than just BS around.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
This is amusing - I got docked rep for "having an ad for in my signature."

*looks at signature and tests links*

Ummmmmmmm... no.

I was the one who did that. Viewing your post now shows an ad.

Whatever you have in your signature is showing up as various ads to me. I gave -rep bacause of that.

EDIT: Here is how it now looks to me:

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
I was the one who did that. Viewing your post now shows an ad.

Whatever you have in your signature is showing up as various ads to me. I gave -rep bacause of that.
You should probably PM someone first when that happens, and point it out.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
You should probably PM someone first when that happens, and point it out.
True - next time that is what I wil l do.

Will gladly change the rep to positive when the ads go away.

Of course, this is probably going to bite me in the behind somehow....

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
I was the one who did that. Viewing your post now shows an ad.

Whatever you have in your signature is showing up as various ads to me. I gave -rep bacause of that.

EDIT: Here is how it now looks to me:
That is BIZARRE. But thank you for actually including a screenshot - the link that references the graphic is going directly to my server, so somehow it's being changed along the way. When *I* look at it, it shows my banner (468x60) for my story, not a random ad.

I will send it along to support (and that URL if you don't mind) to see what the deal is. And no worries about the rep - I'd be annoyed too if I saw that. I just thought it was someone coming up with a random reason to badmouth me.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)