Official Forum Feedback Thread




Testing to see if image posting is turned on... Mr. Yellow, are you still there?



Awesome love this



Objective Feedback:

I don't know if this is configurable, but the "Visitor Message" form that appears when you go to someone's profile is being confused with private messaging. I'm not sure what the value is in a public visitor message, and I think you're going to see a lot of people leaving public visitor messages when they mean to send private messages.

Check yours, TheOcho, you've got a couple that I'm sure weren't intended to be public.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Forums definitely workable. Different, but not horribad.

Awaiting fix to Dev Digest and its pretty much same functioning as old ones for me.

global: @SuperSean

Undersecretary of Awesome



I like it overall, but get rid of the color-fade background on everything. It's like staring into window blinds all day.



I wonder how long and how many nasty, dirty, disgusting images it will take posted by random users before they disable the images features? Hmmm....



Probably not many. The TTP factor will probably be very low.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Originally Posted by Liquid_NA View Post
I just saw that my EU counterpart has zero posts as well. Hopefully they'll give us priority, since our counterparts clearly don't care about posting on the forums.
Hmm, my _NA doppelganger has zero posts as well, so I guess it "works" both ways



User CP -> Edit Options -> Thread Display Options

Don't hate. Give users the option to display or not images in posts or in signatures. Choice. Yes?



Okay, some feedback.

1. Haven't figured out a way to have all the sub forums show up like the old boards. Not sure if it can be configured that way.

2. I use a number of different browsers/computers to access this forum and IE8 is fairly glitchy. It doesn't seem to remember my username/password, and when I've closed the browser to go off and to other things, the site prompts me for my username/password again and then fails to log me on. I had to use a workaround where I went to register as a new user and then the forums remembered who I was again.

3. I dislike graphics in signatures and reputation points. They add clutter without providing anything useful.



It's just as easy to post ASCII of an unmentionable as it is to show a picture of it. Both get killed sharpish with good moderators.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



Originally Posted by Swissy View Post
User CP -> Edit Options -> Thread Display Options

Don't hate. Give users the option to display or not images in posts or in signatures. Choice. Yes?

Yes, that WOULD be nice.... IF people used it. I'm afraid instead we'll have the "Nanny Squad" that will come by to say that all images should be BANNED PRONTO because THEY don't want to use the image blocker.... or they don't want their under 18 kid to read the forums and see nastiness because THEY didn't use the image blocker.

I know this because it has happened over and over and OVER in the past. People would rather have SOMEONE ELSE do the work for them rather than let them resolve the problem for themselves.

I swear, I'm surrounded by...... ummm... very nice people.



Like others have said, it's a whole new board, so it will take a while to get used to, especially considering how often I frequented the old one...

At any rate:

  • Emocations - I liked the old ones, but you already posted on the issue.
  • View All - The old forums had a feature to view all posts in a thread. I used that a lot (on some larger posts I probably shouldn't have, too). I'd prefer it if this was readded, if possible.
  • Edited Posts - On the old forums, when a user edited a post it defaulted to having some text saying that the post was edited, for example "[Sarrate edited this post on mm/dd/yyyy at hh:mm]". These forums don't display that at all. Personally, I think all edited posts should be flagged as such to avoid 'ninjas.'
  • Images - While it can be useful, I can't help but feel like the feature will be abused...
  • (Subjective) The forums feel a little slower than the old one, but it may because numerous forum addicts (myself included) can finally get their fix after 3 days of downtime.

That's all I have for the moment...

[edit: I retract the bullet about editing posts. It was pointed out to me that there is a short grace period before a message gets tagged as edited. This is fully acceptable to me.]
[edit: Holy crap! This board actually tracks the history of edited posts! That's awesome.]



Originally Posted by Suzumebachi_EU View Post
Please, please this!

And can we have a link after the last post in a thread to return to the index?

When I've finished reading a thread I now have to go all the way back up to the top of the page to return to the thread index.

I know it's minor, but it was a nice QoL feature on the old boards.
Here's your solution:

Scroll down slightly to just below the Quick Reply box.

In the lower right corner is a Forum Jump feature. By default, it is set to the index of the forum you are viewing a post in. However, you can also decide to visit a completely new forum section just by choosing the Forum and clicking Go.

So, for example, I'm in Technical Issues and Bugs and I finish the last post I need to check there. I could either scroll to the top, click on English to get to the most logical starting point, then go to Servers, then Justice, or I can use the Forum Jump to get me directly to Justice from there.

Very nice if you ask me.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Subjective Feedback:

From what I've read so far, we probably need a "Ignore this user" option like the ol' boards had. I would have gladly used it 2 or 3 times in the past half-hour alone...

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :



Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
Yes, that WOULD be nice.... IF people used it. I'm afraid instead we'll have the "Nanny Squad" that will come by to say that all images should be BANNED PRONTO because THEY don't want to use the image blocker.... or they don't want their under 18 kid to read the forums and see nastiness because THEY didn't use the image blocker.

I know this because it has happened over and over and OVER in the past. People would rather have SOMEONE ELSE do the work for them rather than let them resolve the problem for themselves.

I swear, I'm surrounded by...... ummm... very nice people.
I hear you.

I mean they already pushed us to smoke out on the streets while the alcoholic wife beaters can drink all they want in the cosy bars!!

Seriously though, I thought the COH community on both sides of the ocean was supposed to be one of the nicest and more friendly compared to other MMO communities yada yada...



Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
Yes, that WOULD be nice.... IF people used it. I'm afraid instead we'll have the "Nanny Squad" that will come by to say that all images should be BANNED PRONTO because THEY don't want to use the image blocker.... or they don't want their under 18 kid to read the forums and see nastiness because THEY didn't use the image blocker.

I know this because it has happened over and over and OVER in the past. People would rather have SOMEONE ELSE do the work for them rather than let them resolve the problem for themselves.

I swear, I'm surrounded by...... ummm... very nice people.
Really, I just don't want to see the crap people with no taste thing looks good in a signature. It will be cause for extra policing too if it stays in, but if I was offended by viewing genitalia I'd have a bigger problem I think.

I just really don't need to see electric blue and shocking orange genitalia blinking at the speed of sound.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
The naming thing kills any excitement for me. The colour scheme doesn't help, but that bleeding suffix I got stuck with makes me not want to see my board handle.
Couldn't put it better than Eisregen did. Our handles are our online identity. Changing them for what amounts to no good reason (yeah, my European twin also has zero posts to his name), is really annoying.

Assuming that you can't have two users with the same name, at least give one his real name back and let the other choose a new name if he likes. Whoever registered the name first should be allowed to keep it without modification...and the other gets the suffix (and option to rename).

Xenos_EU, I appreciate your sacrifice.



I find it hard to read the text on the repeated fading backgrounds. Luckily, a quick style sheet change in Opera fixed that, but I'd rather not need to.

All the links in the Guides section are broken. Maybe this was inevitable, but its a PITA.

Generally, though, congratulations on getting the move done so quickly and generally painlessly.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
Yes, that WOULD be nice.... IF people used it. I'm afraid instead we'll have the "Nanny Squad" that will come by to say that all images should be BANNED PRONTO because THEY don't want to use the image blocker.... or they don't want their under 18 kid to read the forums and see nastiness because THEY didn't use the image blocker.

I know this because it has happened over and over and OVER in the past. People would rather have SOMEONE ELSE do the work for them rather than let them resolve the problem for themselves.

I swear, I'm surrounded by...... ummm... very nice people.
Oh, fer cryin' out loud, PK ...

You do realize that there are reasons for not wanting image signatures other than OMG TEH BOOBZ~!, right? Namely, because they tend to add onto loading time, take up space, and serve no purpose other than a "LOOK AT ME" sign -- as I stated in a previous post in this thread. Same thing goes for images within actual posts, although this can be worked around fairly easily by either giving users the ability to use a [hide] or [spoiler] code, or forcing all posted images to automatically be resized to a smaller scale until clicked on. And yes, there is an option to disable images and signatures in posts. In the case of signatures, however, you'll also be disabling signatures which may have useful links or pieces of information in them.

So don't get all "NANNY SQUAD WON'T LET US DO ANYTHING!" when there are actual, logical, valid reasons for asking that certain features either be disabled or strictly limited.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I LOLd when I looked at the Dev Digests (there are two now) and saw they'd been posted by "Administrator_EU" and "Administrator_NA"

There were no exceptions for anyone.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Coming off of my above post ...


  • Install either a [hide] or a [spoiler] code. It'll come in handy not just for hiding spoilers, but for hiding images should we keep the ability to post them within threads.
  • Force all posted images to automatically resize to a manageable, clickable, thumbnail if they're beyond a certain size.
  • Look into importing the gremlins/smilies/emoticons from the old board. The default vBulletin smilies have always looked horrid. Or make a new, custom set for the forum. One of the two.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



So don't get all "NANNY SQUAD WON'T LET US DO ANYTHING!" when there are actual, logical, valid reasons for asking that certain features either be disabled or strictly limited.
I don't know about you, but I know nobody that still uses dial up. Load times should not be an issue, and for those that it IS an issue for, well, you have the option there.

I personally enjoy a "multimedia" message board much more than a purely text base message board.

If I wanted a purely text based message board, I'd go back to 1992.

I don't have any problem with images being reduced or hidden "by default" as long as a show button exists, however.




I love the idea of being able to directly post images...anyone abusing it is going to get Modsmacked into next week pretty damned quick anyways.

As for the general feel of the new boards...meh, it's new & different so I automatically hate it for now, I'm sure I'll warm up to them.I also don't love the grey bars it seems to leave around everyones avatars.

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



Yeah, I'm very curious about that gray avatar border and MORE curious as to why it stops being "filled in" about 80% of the way through... weird.