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  1. Swissy

    This just in...

    I like it.
    Looking back at what it used to be years ago, I think they're doing a good job. Also, if I wasn't happy, I wouldn't pay for the service.

    People are never happy, have a good cheese and whine and they want everything NAOOOOO!!111

    If they never updated it, people would want changes.
    If they update it, people moan straight away.

    Updates=> elements might break -> fixes coming in overtime. Rinse & repeat.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    You should draw more Swissy and not be such a lazy bum

    Your site not seen an update in forever!
    I beg to differ :P
  3. FanArt memories over the EU forums? Tons!

    Black Dove started it but Catz was the one who kept it going up until 2008 if memory serves right.
    The idea was to do the same as NaNoWriMo except with art. 50 drawings or sketches during the entire month of November per participants.
    My participation...

    The contests
    started by, amongst others, Ghost: Valentine's Day and Family moment

    Artistic Battle (link)
    The concept is simple. Register your characters with a model sheet to enter. 1 character per artist.
    All participants draw 2 pages of the on-going action then pass the creative and art direction to the next artist in line.
    It started off great but too few artists about on the French board meant it died fast

    City of Kittenz!
    Purrrrific idea from Mother's Love.


    Bring these back to encourage more creations!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Oh no, my bum is sore! I thi k I've been spanked!
    Don't mind me

    I just prefer proper art-related C&C in art forums and I'm a believer in "post-mortems". But it's a personal preference. I'm not here to dictate and impose my views.
    And I do skip threads that I find uninteresting!

    Agreed, my comment was a little narky. I guess I was trying to promote healthy art discussions threads, but did it in the wrong way.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
    I really didn't mean for it to dominate parts of this thread the way it has. But I don't know how you discuss something like theft without discussing the values behind it. You include this Bleach thing as a blatant example of a rip-off. That reflects certain values.
    I understand that wasn't the initial intention. But really, the title of this topic should be "Your values, art and you". No?

    If Juggy comes along and says that this happens all the time in Asia and there's nothing wrong with it--where does that leave you?
    Well, I'd accept it. Because I understand this is a grey area.
    Different places, different views and different schools in a subject that's not an exact science. Throw some conscience and morality and the topic just ends up resembling religion topics in certain other forums.
    -My values are better than yours!
    -NO U!

    Just keep it, you know, technical?

    Anyway, without wanting to derail, I reiterate that this topic is great and interesting read (in my eyes). Much better than the sugar-coated "showing off my commissions - look how much money I spent"-type threads.
    I'll go back to lurking now.
  6. This thread is an interesting read. It's just a shame you waste so much time discussing values.

    This sums it up for me:
    Reference is a really good thing to use to improve our work. <un-relevant snip> people should be using reference almost constantly if they can to produce better work. But the way they should be doing it is by deciding what they want to do and then fleshing out that idea as much as possible on their own. Then, when they've reached the point where there are problem areas that are beyond their ability to visualise/address--they get reference of those specific areas and use it to improve the quality of their image (and learn the anatomy, etc.)
    You need to use references otherwise you end up like me: rubbish background, very little objects in the finished piece, lack of studies of textures, etc...

    Here's the worst possible case scenario - Gene Simmons' Son Plagiarizing Bleach:
    Blatant tracing/rip off and trying to make money out of it. The rip off is so constant that we're way passed the "homage" point.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post

    <snip> and i nagged on him so much i think he got sick of me <snip>

    I'm just a slow retarded person

    Federico never ceases to amaze me though. Simple strokes yet fluid, dynamic and energetic!
  8. Swissy

    My Brute.

    No texture work, a weird pelvic region and zero light source... your brute is more boring than Kyo.
    Character and personality aside, Kyo's pixel avatar has depth, has a stance and attitude in the pose.

    Learn from Kyo instead of slating him.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet_Shocker View Post
    It is many things. It is not shiny, however
    It's many things and it's shiny.

    Welcome back to the game Enforcer!
  10. Swissy

    Sapphic Shock

    Brilliant, as always, Fed'!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    I still don't see why he should. We haven't joined the US forums, the two sides have merged to form a new community, therefore what's acceptable on one sides culture should be acceptable on the boards. I don't see it as acceptable that the EU residents should have to give way to the US culture where there are differences, just like they shouldn't have to give way to us.

    As the French would say... Vive la différence!

    EDIT I think we need clear guidance from the rednames on this issue, and quickly. In the case of a cultural difference being objectional to one side but not the other, will it be allowed to remain, or will the objection be sustained? Because if that's the case, then maybe merging the forums wasn't a good idea after all.
    I agree.
    Where I come from, Bukakke is totally normal, legal and acceptable.

    Don't censor me because of your hypocritical American political correctness!
  12. 5 Stars!

    Really love the sober colours on Flame Enchantress. Gorgeous!
  13. I can never resist these desktop threads

    Here's mine (Vista x64):

    Turned off the secondary monitor for the resolutions aren't the same.

    Here is a little something found in one of the darkest corners of the web for those who would like to customize their desktops more. I just couldn't stand the XP silver/blue look nor the lack of aforementioned customization options on Vista...

  14. Good idea!
    Although we have img tags doesn't mean you all can't resize them. I'm 100% for the images in posts and sigs but that's just taking the piss and the fastest/best way to have this feature removed...

  15. Joined.

    Think it's a good idea
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    I'm a HUGE fan of the bewbs! Just ask Foo!
    You like bewbs too?

    We should totally hang out
  17. Greetings all, I'm Swissy from the ol' EU board.

    [shameless plug]
    I don't play as much but I still enjoy drawing player's characters provided they are sexy

    This is the last full coloured piece I did for Sapphic Neko (click for full view):

    I like to sketch bewbs and you can find more on my site listed in my sig - works better on all browsers bar IE). Young innocent eyes refrain please.
    [/shameless plug]

    Please to have us all in one same place finally ^^
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
    Yes, that WOULD be nice.... IF people used it. I'm afraid instead we'll have the "Nanny Squad" that will come by to say that all images should be BANNED PRONTO because THEY don't want to use the image blocker.... or they don't want their under 18 kid to read the forums and see nastiness because THEY didn't use the image blocker.

    I know this because it has happened over and over and OVER in the past. People would rather have SOMEONE ELSE do the work for them rather than let them resolve the problem for themselves.

    I swear, I'm surrounded by...... ummm... very nice people.
    I hear you.

    I mean they already pushed us to smoke out on the streets while the alcoholic wife beaters can drink all they want in the cosy bars!!

    Seriously though, I thought the COH community on both sides of the ocean was supposed to be one of the nicest and more friendly compared to other MMO communities yada yada...
  19. User CP -> Edit Options -> Thread Display Options

    Don't hate. Give users the option to display or not images in posts or in signatures. Choice. Yes?
  20. Yay for signatures!
    Yay for new forum!

    My only grip is my beloved custom title and the default favicon

    Otherwise good job on the porting over in general. <thumbs up>
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Do we get to keep the forum titles we have now as well - or are they going too??

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Emphasis on this question to which I have not found an answer for, as of yet.

    Could someone be so kind to point me in the right direction please?
  22. Seriously, a massive thank you!

    I love that rendition of Glaciers! She's really hot, if you pardon the pun
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    ...once you know the fundamentals of 3D design the major stumbling block to other 3D packages is variations on the User Interface.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When studying for my 3D modelling and animation diploma, using Max R3 was easy (back then) but switching to Blender was just like hitting my head on against a brick wall.

    I really want to give Z-Brush a go though. The licence is decent to afford and the "paint-on-models" approach seems like fun!
  24. sorry to persist in this off-topicness but out of defiance, I'll draw an super-powered orgy ha!