Call out to Arms, er, Artists.




With the Advent of the New Forums upon us and the stream of new features, special clicky buttons and a bunch of junk that no one's figured out yet, I've stumbled across something. This depends entirely on the cooperation of fellow artists and their willingness to be subjected to brute rays (wait...what?) until they become monstrosities like no other to produce thousands of pieces of art for simple fees until the world is suffused with arty-goodness.

Take that as you will, I'm basically referring to these "Social Groups" since apparently we're all supposed to start "networking" and become more "social" with our "peers". Why else would the Devs have dropped this strange and unique creature upon us for no other reason to toss it into the creative imagination of its players and see what crazy social cliques we develop.

So to all your artists out there, commissionable (or otherwise if you choose), I call you out to join Artist Ally with me and bring together our collective talents for the mass market. With the merger of our friends from across the pond the pool of resources has grown (immensely?) and this may be a potential boon for everyone. Thor's Assassin has worked through many sleepless nights to provide a vast array of available artists through DeviantArt, but why not have an array for homebrew CoX too? No garuntees of success, but the idea of having an available source for all the talented players, why not?

So, if you're interested (and I'd hope all of artists both EU and US alike would be up for it), jump into the Social Web and join Artist Ally

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Collectors not allowed

I'll still love you guys anyway :P



Originally Posted by GrayHuntress View Post
Collectors not allowed

I'll still love you guys anyway :P

No one said that "The Collectors" couldn't organize themselves for coming mass hysteria

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Oh noes, you're already in the clique mindset



Originally Posted by GrayHuntress View Post
Oh noes, you're already in the clique mindset
Fine then. Huntress and I will start our own clique. With blackjack. And floozies. In fact, forget the clique and blackjack!

By the way, you spelled "alley" wrong.



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Fine then. Huntress and I will start our own clique. With blackjack. And floozies. In fact, forget the clique and blackjack!
I love you.



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Fine then. Huntress and I will start our own clique. With blackjack. And floozies. In fact, forget the clique and blackjack!

By the way, you spelled "alley" wrong.
Aw I'm joining this one then! I saw the group earlier this morning and joined, but didn't know it was for you silly artists only. Hmph! :P



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
I love you.
Aw... *hugs*



Its probably one of my most favorite Bender lines ever. Its a fast way to my heart.

MST3K quotes do it, too.




Think it's a good idea



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
By the way, you spelled "alley" wrong.

Ah, but did I?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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uggh i'll avoid all of this social networking and just hang with my friends regardless of what they can and can't do have fun though and I wish you well .