I16 and Farming?




No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs.

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Correct - I play to enjoy defeating them instead

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Same here. Why do you think any team i try to make i plan to get maximum carnage going?

Nearly all of my best moments ingame are from nonstop carnage!

Ah teaming with coin in the hollows in a full 8 man team . . . facing "easy" hellions only 1/2 levels above us . . . and taking us a good 15 minutes to get past the first mob . . . . . yet was the most fun i had in ages at the time Coin! We need to do that again!!!

ooo ooo oo another moment!!! On a striga tf the other week on my emp, agro'd 3/4 mobs by accident i think and was a good 10/15 mins nonstop fighting and constantly on the edge of dying. Thats the kind of fun i LOVE, give me that and i'll be your friend

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I just love teaming with friendly people and having a laugh!
Also the cossy creator and creating arcs

One of the best things that will stick in my head was when the Rikti invasions started up and me and loadsa people Redside fighting off the Rikti on top of the PO Arena



I'm here for the people too. If I hadn't met two people on here, my account would likely have dried up some time ago. I'd return now and then, but wouldn't last long.



I have to agree it's the idiots... er sorry people that play CoH that keeps me here

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In a way your right though I love teaming with idiots since the extra chaos they bring to a team means its always something different If im on a defender, im looking for an idiot!!!

[the above statement is in no way saying that the players of this wonderfull game are idiots . . . . . . kinda ]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I have to agree it's the idiots... er sorry people that play CoH that keeps me here

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In a way your right though I love teaming with idiots since the extra chaos they bring to a team means its always something different If im on a defender, im looking for an idiot!!!

[the above statement is in no way saying that the players of this wonderfull game are idiots . . . . . . kinda ]

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Just most

If they weren't I wouldn't be here

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs.

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Dude, that's *absolutely* the fun part for me. That's why I love zombie and rikti invasions, and TFs, and fire/kin corruptor teaming. I have a couple of toons tricked out with shiny purple sets, but only to show them how much I love them -- and the inf for those came from an ebil marketeer, anyway. Mostly, it's just happy fun carnage all the way, and plain IOs or cheap sets are perfectly good for that!

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



The ITF & 5TF I did last night are the reason why I play CoH. On the first even though I had to go AFK twice at inopportune moments (my mother 1st needed the strimmer starting and then more wire pulling out). We did it in a great time (for a PuG) with few deaths and I dinged 50 on my claws/wp . Then on the 5TF we managed 55 minutes again with a PuG.

Both TFs were great fun and the people doing them made them better IMO.

I love dual/triple-boxing my accounts, but the bottom line for me is the people who play the game.



I do agree, occational useless PuGs are a great way of rekindling your love for the game!
...It's the ONE unexpected surprise you still get out of the game. Seeing that domintar/defender run into a big mob with an AV, or pulling them all to the team when half the team is AFK, laughing out loud when someone TP's to ouroboros when on ITF last mission, watching an almost team whipe, but a brute with vengeance stays up wokring for 30 minutes while the rest of the team just rest on the floor doing nothing not even thinking of going to hosp. It's top quality entertainment!

I once had to fight Rommie dark solo on my healer because 7 (hero) corpses where doing abso-diddely-nothing for 30 minutes! Defining in-game moment!



Well like the saying goes, all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

It's why being a villain is so much more fun, and more profitable ^^



Well like the saying goes, all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

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Which is why the good women have to be extra watchful

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Well like the saying goes, all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

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Which is why the good women have to be extra watchful

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Sooooo many ways that could be taken. Hehehe

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Well like the saying goes, all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

It's why being a villain is so much more fun, and more profitable ^^

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Yeah, but it's the same the other way around. If the evil guy also sits around his apartment / secret underground lair / vast castle watching TV and ordering pizza then evil isn't going to win either (well he'll "win" a pizza if he mugs the pizza delivery boy).

Sayings like that just remind me of the Sphinx in Mystery Men. Very deep and meaningful, unless you actually think about it for a bit.



Sayings like that just remind me of the Sphinx in Mystery Men. Very deep and meaningful, unless you actually think about it for a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]Even better when Ben Stiller works out the formula:

Sphinx "If you don't master you rage..."
Mr Furious "...Your rage will become your master"
*pauses for a moment as Sphinx goes quiet*

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



But he is very mysterious

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Some may notice I have removed a portion of this thread to quell some of the aggressiveness that was displayed earlier on in the discussion. Unfortunately a couple of valid posts were removed too but they are still accessible to us, even though I can't add them back into this thread. Please direct your comments to me directly via a PM if you have any. Thank you!

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Some may notice I have removed a portion of this thread to quell some of the aggressiveness that was displayed earlier on in the discussion. Unfortunately a couple of valid posts were removed too but they are still accessible to us, even though I can't add them back into this thread. Please direct your comments to me directly via a PM if you have any. Thank you!

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Admit it!
You pressed the red button, while it clearly says: DO NOT PRESS.

Btw, what will be done to the salvage that you can buy with the tickets? There are some 'common' (ok its yellow, but close to 1000 selling) salvage that goes 100-200k each. If i do a run or 3 i can buy like 40 of em, thats 4-8mil inf in dah bucket with no effort.

And yesterday i helped a kheldian who was lvl2, with a veteran passing 40 months, i'm pretty sure he knows the game. If not, sue me.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Aww man, my linky disappeared!



No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs.

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Speak for yourself. That's exactly what I enjoy (yes, GG, "defeating"). I've enjoyed the game since well before there were any particularly expensive enhancements to go looking for (until you got into Hami raid territory).

The great majority want expensive enhancements to improve their character, because it's just natural for people to strive to be the best they can be, and this means making the best out of their character.

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No, I don't want that at all.

I recognise that the IO system and the super-rare drops may have been a commercial necessity, inasmuch as previously CoX offered very little for people who enjoy endless level-cap grinding WoW-style. But if the game was written for my own personal preference all that would be thrown away. No IOs - and no enhancements at all; slot powers and select the balance of enhancement effects you want from the slots you have in a power.

Strive to be the "best I can be", sure, albeit preferably without sounding quite so much like an Army recruitment poster. But to me that means having a clever selection of powers and slots, evolving good tactics - both a solid "book" of tactics so I don't have to dither, and recognising on the fly when the situation demands something unusual - and putting those tactics into effect competently. Grinding the most purples to slot a build you got off the forums - that doesn't mean you're the best, it just means you've got a lot of free time.

Good build and tactics are something anyone can have regardless of time spent playing (of course experience helps, but there's no _technical_ barrier stopping a new player playing their toon well). It's a level playing field, and that's what I desire.



No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs.

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Speak for yourself. That's exactly what I enjoy (yes, GG, "defeating"). I've enjoyed the game since well before there were any particularly expensive enhancements to go looking for (until you got into Hami raid territory).

The great majority want expensive enhancements to improve their character, because it's just natural for people to strive to be the best they can be, and this means making the best out of their character.

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No, I don't want that at all.

I recognise that the IO system and the super-rare drops may have been a commercial necessity, inasmuch as previously CoX offered very little for people who enjoy endless level-cap grinding WoW-style. But if the game was written for my own personal preference all that would be thrown away. No IOs - and no enhancements at all; slot powers and select the balance of enhancement effects you want from the slots you have in a power.

Strive to be the "best I can be", sure, albeit preferably without sounding quite so much like an Army recruitment poster. But to me that means having a clever selection of powers and slots, evolving good tactics - both a solid "book" of tactics so I don't have to dither, and recognising on the fly when the situation demands something unusual - and putting those tactics into effect competently. Grinding the most purples to slot a build you got off the forums - that doesn't mean you're the best, it just means you've got a lot of free time.

Good build and tactics are something anyone can have regardless of time spent playing (of course experience helps, but there's no _technical_ barrier stopping a new player playing their toon well). It's a level playing field, and that's what I desire.

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I agree with all of this (well not the chucking out IOs bit) I've always enjoyed just smashing my way thru mobs reading the occasional story line here and there I think that's why i enjoy brutes so much



Against 4 AVs, unless you have good powers and slotted well, tactics aside hit and run and spam heals and inspi's aren't going to help you.

Sometimes you just need to beef your character up. Despite everythng you said, you seem to forget you're not the 'great majority' I spoke of.

The game is not written for your own preferences I might add. Even though this MMO is casual compared to most grind MMOs out there, it still has lots of elements of hardcore MMOs.

The grinding COULD be one of them, farming for inf and purples endlessly definately, and it's these kinds of things that mean there is a great supply of inf and purples availible for when we go to buy them.

Yes good build and tactics are something anyone can have, but eventually you'll find a situation that just calls for raw power so destroy everything in your way.

That, or crawl through the mission slowly.

There ISN'T a technical barrier stopping anyone being good. If you find the willingness to improve your character, which comes naturally to me and everyone I know whoplays CoV, you'll eventually start slotting your moves with sets and those more expensive enhancements.



Yesterday i had a funny one at the US side.

Made a new character, joined up a team of 7 others. They first were doing the normal quest-series of the first contact, at 6 some guy got a bank-mission.

So they do the bank, wack everything inside, tell everyone to go out, reset the mission and repeat. Wack, dont click, all out, reset. At difficulty 5 there was alot of dying, everything was orange upto purple, and 16 aoe healing versus 40-60 dmg.. aint gonna work.

So i ask, why dont we go to AE and get those mobs in a mission? Pretty much the same i would say.

So leader replies: no i dont like farming.

I was like, so what are you doing now then? Repeating the same freaking mission over and over, and that aint farming?

Clearly few others joined my vision on this, within seconds me and those others kicked out of the team. Followed by a /l 'i hate farmers'. So me and the others made a new team, went to AE and had alot of fun. Just bashing guard's heads while chitchat about everything.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I agree with all of this (well not the chucking out IOs bit)

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I know it's a radical proposal, but by your own account, you like smashing up mobs and reading a bit of story. Excellent. So do I.

Now, what takes up valuable smashing-up-mobs time? Oh, yes. Selling junk. Buying junk. Placing bids. Scrounging up salvage. Sorting through salvage. Running to six different kinds of shop to sell stuff to the game.

And what do we get from all that? Very little, except sometimes the game's too easy and you have to bump the difficulty level up to put you back where you started!



Against 4 AVs... Sometimes you just need to beef your character up.

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The expression "so what?" springs to mind.

With a pre-Inventions build a character with an decent build, without some peculiarly appropriate powerset, with a tray of insps - can fight an EB version of an AV solo and win.

Trick out your toon with a full set of this and that and perhaps you can fight the full AV solo and win.

One simple question... was the gameplay experience noticeably different, or was it just that you had to put in a lot of grinding to get back where you started?

Now, some of the late-game content is pretty hard. It may even be so hard that players without heavily ground builds are effectively excluded, because of the need to provide even the solidest builds with a challenge.

It seems to me that's fairly unequivocally a bad thing! Without IOs creating such a wide gap in toon effectiveness, the same content could be pitched to provide a similar level of challenge, but no player with a good build and solid play would be excluded.

Despite everythng you said, you seem to forget you're not the 'great majority' I spoke of.

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That is incorrect in two respects. It is completely obvious I am not part of the portion of the playerbase that likes endless grind. It's not at all clear that that portion of the playerbase is a great majority.

Since CoX spent many issues with the only late-game grinding being Hami raids, I would guess that the playerbase is considerably less enthused with grinding than most.

The game is not written for your own preferences I might add.

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I wonder who you are telling that to? I just outlined in some detail what my preferences are and how they are not what the game is like in this respect, and how I think it's probably a commercial necessity for the game to be this way. So it's a pretty safe bet that _I_ know it.

The grinding COULD be one of them, farming for inf and purples endlessly definately, and it's these kinds of things that mean there is a great supply of inf and purples availible for when we go to buy them.

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That's a common idle speculation, but conveniently you expose the fallacy in advancing it. You don't buy influence. The great supply of influence is used to buy the things you wanted.

Farmers have an insatiable appetite for their own product. They increase both supply and demand. Whether or not that raises or lowers prices is not something that I know, but _neither do you_.

There ISN'T a technical barrier stopping anyone being good.

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Yes, there is. If you are a new player you cannot have as effective a build at a given level as someone who has been playing for some time and can feed influence to the toon in question.

Have a game that measures player skill, not time spent in front of the keyboard. If I wanted the latter, I'd play World of Warcraft.