I16 and Farming?




MA - from the start - was rather ill concieved. There's a reason no MMO has done this already.

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Yes, there is - they're all not as good as City of Heroes

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



A pretty uncalled-for post.

And I think you're quite wrong about Londoner.

I've never read Londoner as hating everything, as you say. I read his posts more like he likes the game but doesn't like the direction the devs have been taking for the past few issues (particularly the lack of dev-story content and the MA).

I think if he did actually hate everything he'd have gone long ago. Like some other posters, I suspect, it's liking the game that makes him critical when he sees it going wrong in his opinion.

Edited by Avatea

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



MA - from the start - was rather ill concieved. There's a reason no MMO has done this already.

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Yes, there is - they're all not as good as City of Heroes

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Someone has to be first.

Yes - I know that CoX isn't actually 1st with PCC, but it probably stands as 1st for a MMO of such a size to do it with a generally user-friendly system that anyone and everyone can use without needing technical (programming/graphics/design) ability.

And I disagree with Sing that it was rather ill conceived. The concept is spot on, it's part of the execution that failed.

The idea of an easy-to-use system for players to create missions is what more MMOs need. That's the concept - that's not ill-conceived.

But the execution needed tweaking to stop or remove exploitative missions (or missions falling outside the devs acceptable boundaries) or to prevent exploits from getting into the system in the first place.

It should have launched with a smaller number of resources (mobs/maps) that was added to regularly once it was clear that there were no major exploits in existing assets would have been better than adding so many assets and then removing so many of them when exploits came to light. Then MA PL/farms wouldn't have become such a problem (most of the problem has been because of farms that skew the risk/reward ratio) and authors wouldn't be anoyed at arcs becoming broken when assets are stripped out.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I've played this game for a few years now. I have soloed an illusion/kinetic toon on a bad computer and stuck with it. I've seen issues come and people moaning about it. Although i do not always react to the forums I do read them every week, so I do see a pattern occuring.
Why do we moan about every new free update (yes we do pay subs and therefore pay for the update, but you're free to unsub if you don't enjoy the content offered), So far I have found something in most updates to enjoy, in some updates more than others. So if this undate is not for maybe the next one is, or the one after that. The Devs cannot please everybody even if they wished to.

I enjoy issue 16, the powercostumation is a cool feature, which has been requested by many (ok not all, but again it is impossible to please everyone).
Now I see another pattern coming up. Is the new issue promoting farming.

Why would that be a problem? I enjoy teaming, And often only farm teams are available. I had some great fun on some (yesterday was a very well balanced farm team) and some were not so succefull. I mean having a farm mission doesn't mean you'll automatically succeed. Especially if the farm team is badly balanced. So what if there will be higher difficulty settings? It won't make farming easier. For some yes, for others it won't.

people play they game as they please, they pay for the subs. Some like to farm, some like to solo, some like teaming with friends and SG mates, some like TF's, some like PuG's. I generally will accept most teaminvites if I have the time to play. So I've done all these things. Sometimes i enjoyed the experience sometimes i don't.

I do hope that teaming will not be limited. i look forward to team with many of you, be it content, MA, farm or TF.



MA - from the start - was rather ill concieved. There's a reason no MMO has done this already.

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Yes, there is - they're all not as good as City of Heroes

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Someone has to be first.

Yes - I know that CoX isn't actually 1st with PCC, but it probably stands as 1st for a MMO of such a size to do it with a generally user-friendly system that anyone and everyone can use without needing technical (programming/graphics/design) ability.

And I disagree with Sing that it was rather ill conceived. The concept is spot on, it's part of the execution that failed.

The idea of an easy-to-use system for players to create missions is what more MMOs need. That's the concept - that's not ill-conceived.

But the execution needed tweaking to stop or remove exploitative missions (or missions falling outside the devs acceptable boundaries) or to prevent exploits from getting into the system in the first place.

It should have launched with a smaller number of resources (mobs/maps) that was added to regularly once it was clear that there were no major exploits in existing assets would have been better than adding so many assets and then removing so many of them when exploits came to light. Then MA PL/farms wouldn't have become such a problem (most of the problem has been because of farms that skew the risk/reward ratio) and authors wouldn't be anoyed at arcs becoming broken when assets are stripped out.

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^ Total agreement with that.
Still miffed that one of my arcs is missing its proper final mission, due to the Crey Cloning lab map being cut for reasons unknown

I do remember somewhere they said they would add stuff back once it was fixed, but I haven't seen any sign of that yet...fingers crossed, mind.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
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I think this is good for all concerned. The farmers can do what they like and their impact on the game will be heavily reduced.

I can't see it having a huge impact on the markets, and if it gets them out of the MA that'll be a good thing!

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I can see it having a large effect on the markets. Bringing the markets back to pre-MA levels of stock is not a bad thing.

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Fatming creates supply and demand for everything in the market. Without farmers there'd be no purples for you to buy ^^ (well, arguably a lot less anyway)

That said, farming isn't bad unless it's abusive. (e.g lvl 1-30 in an hour like psychro was going x))





[/ QUOTE ]

And thus my Claws/Inv Brute gained his name. All hail Fat Ming. And we've the high-collar cape now for his cossie too.



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
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And thus my Claws/Inv Brute gained his name. All hail Fat Ming. And we've the high-collar cape now for his cossie too.

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It's 1 PM and I havn't been to sleep YET. Forgive me for mispelling farming T.T





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And thus my Claws/Inv Brute gained his name. All hail Fat Ming. And we've the high-collar cape now for his cossie too.

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It's 1 PM and I havn't been to sleep YET. Forgive me for mispelling farming T.T

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Why would I forgive you for giving me a ridiculous character concept? I'm looking forward to this (stupid Brute addiction. Make it stop! ).



I completely agree with the whole thing of "Why fix old zones when we can make new shiny ones?". After talking to some new players the game seemed very dead and not MMO-ish because of how thinly spread the playerbase is, which is all the new zones will do and then after about a month or so it becomes deserted when the novelty wears off. Please fix the broken stuff first and add new content to current zones! T_T



I completely agree with the whole thing of "Why fix old zones when we can make new shiny ones?". After talking to some new players the game seemed very dead and not MMO-ish because of how thinly spread the playerbase is, which is all the new zones will do and then after about a month or so it becomes deserted when the novelty wears off. Please fix the broken stuff first and add new content to current zones! T_T



Busted. You was warned before.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I think this is good for all concerned. The farmers can do what they like and their impact on the game will be heavily reduced.

I can't see it having a huge impact on the markets, and if it gets them out of the MA that'll be a good thing!

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I can see it having a large effect on the markets. Bringing the markets back to pre-MA levels of stock is not a bad thing.

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Fatming creates supply and demand for everything in the market. Without farmers there'd be no purples for you to buy ^^ (well, arguably a lot less anyway)

That said, farming isn't bad unless it's abusive. (e.g lvl 1-30 in an hour like psychro was going x))

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It's my understanding that the vast majority of farming takes place in MA, which doesn't award recipe drops. Thus, no purples are produced from MA. As such, prices of purples have been steadily rising I believe.

Though, that is just purples. As far as the rest go, I don't know how much ticket purchases add supply into the market concerning non-purple recipes and salvage.



With the reduction of both purples and all salvage, the prices did skyrocket since people had to pay those prices now to get them.

Issue 16 should see a HUGE increase in supply in all aspects of the market.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Imagine that, me, FFM and Londoner agree on something!
...and omg, the weekend epic started early this week!

What is the point in customizing the colour of your powers when you can't customize the actual power really, and when there's nothing to do with that power that you haven't already done 3425y8012236541264 times already?

I get it, GR is the content patch, pay twice for half the content - i get that! I actually got a beta key today for the "other game". At least there'll be new, unplayed content, and actually for free for about a month or two.

I pay my subs, so when I get very little for it i will whine, moan and [censored] about it. At least that's a F'in lot better than +1 posting.

Same thing goes for any GREAT game with little content, you get disappointed when it's all over. Once I got through Mass Effect I got very annoyed it was all over. unlike CoX it wasn't much fun replaying either.

The thing is, CoX is a VERY SMALL game when you look at story content etc compared to the other MMOs I've tried. I usually get blown away when I start looking at the wiki's how amazingly huge other games are. Not to mention the variety in missions and how alive the "zones" usually are, not just with players but with actual content.

We have... let's see, talk-to, patrol (heroes) and event glowies! Wow! We don't even have pre-rendered cut-scenes with voice-overs although they obviously can make ACE ones! Just having contacts actually speak "Hello!" when I click them might blow me away for a second or two. Even the amount of emotes are weak (not that I'd want the devs to waste time and resources on that). CoX is a small, comparatively expensive MMO with a very small EU player base. Not giving the existing player base some goodies is poor bussiness even if bringing in new players is absolutely essential.

..let's face it, new players won't save the game if us 3+ year sub'ers leave without coming back. The new diff system is nice, but I don't see pink imps or vomit-green fire breath keeping me in-game. Yes, I'll buy GR, I'll [censored] about how little content we get for the £ we donate and I'll anticipate even more moaning when I17 is announced.

Where's the "coming storm"?
Where's CoP?
Where's City Vault?
Where's the new forum?
Why's there no Broadsword/shield brutes?
Where's maaah content, maah?

...and yeah! +1 to me!




Cutscenes would be VERY nice. They have indeed shown they can do stonking good ones.
And I still think the biggest thing they could do to make the game fresh again is slash and re-work all the missions, red and blue side but blueside especially. Yes it's a damn lot of work, but it would be for everyone's benefit. No more 'Talk to', no more pointless glowy clicking patrols.

I still don't know how far the Devs could push the engine, but it'd be nice to find out. Even if it means scrounging/borriwng/downright stealing a new, workable Desktop PC

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




And I still think the biggest thing they could do to make the game fresh again is slash and re-work all the missions, red and blue side but blueside especially. Yes it's a damn lot of work, but it would be for everyone's benefit. No more 'Talk to', no more pointless glowy clicking patrols.

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Oddly I sort of enjoy the glowy clicking patrols as they are at least a little different to the go-there-and-hit-everything that most missions are.

The problem with many talk-tos is that they aren't really missions in a game where you have travel powers and can safely get to the contact. Also: if it's so darn important that you talk to the person then why don't they give you the phone number?

I've not experienced many MMOs, but thought that CoX should have looked at it's NC stablemate Tabula Rasa for some of its mission ideas. I found some of the variety quite refreshing there. e.g. a talk-to where you're transporting delicate equipment (evidence?) that gets destroyed if you take too much damage - throw in a decent ambush or 2 and that could be quite fun.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Imagine that, me, FFM and Londoner agree on something!

[/ QUOTE ]

It may just be the end of civilisation as we know it...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Imagine that, me, FFM and Londoner agree on something!

[/ QUOTE ]

It may just be the end of civilisation as we know it...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Imagine that, me, FFM and Londoner agree on something!

[/ QUOTE ]

I may just be the end of civilisation as we know it...

[/ QUOTE ]
The hero in me feels a need to break this up before it passes the point of no return...

hmm... how to get them arguing again..?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Imagine that, me, FFM and Londoner agree on something!

[/ QUOTE ]

I may just be the end of civilisation as we know it...

[/ QUOTE ]
The hero in me feels a need to break this up before it passes the point of no return...

hmm... how to get them arguing again..?

[/ QUOTE ]

Too late...



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Imagine that, me, FFM and Londoner agree on something!

[/ QUOTE ]

I may just be the end of civilisation as we know it...

[/ QUOTE ]
The hero in me feels a need to break this up before it passes the point of no return...

hmm... how to get them arguing again..?

[/ QUOTE ]

Too late...


[/ QUOTE ]
Hah! Caught out!

You post virtually everything twice.

Virtually everything except the group hug!!!!

Obviously you couldn't bring yourself to post that twice because you.. err.. still hate and want a board war. So transparent, really.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



If we are talking about actual farming and not PL, then this change is good for the game imho. Farmers will hopefully return to farming normal content as opposed to MA which will increase the amount of recipes and salvage on the BM/WW and make it more affordable for normal players to IO their toons.

Currently prices are a complete joke and unless players who are out to grind cash are given a reason to run missions which also provide surplus supplies of recipes and salvage things will only get worse.

I see this as a positive change. Farming will always happen, so its better that it happens in a way which helps the rest of the game and doesnt harm it, like MA farming has.



I'm assuming the new difficulty settings don't affect MA missions, from the way people are talking about them?