I16 and Farming?





Where's the "coming storm"?

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I'm sure one of the Devs said something about this being a long way off but then as we don't actually know what the coming storm is its entirely possible that were already seeing the beginnings of it but just don't know it yet.


Where's CoP?

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Best guess its under the patio don't expect to be seeing it sooooon


Where's City Vault?

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Last i herd it was pretty much dead due to technical reasons


Where's the new forum?

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hardly game related so I'm not sure how it features when discussing content


Why's there no Broadsword/shield brutes?

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because were getting claws this time perhaps?


Where's maaah content, maah?

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no idea


...and yeah! +1 to me!

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gratz dose that mean you've leveled then



I just cant get over the moaning that goes on these boards.... lets all agree that there are just 3 sides to this.... the farmers version, the casual player version and teh powerleveller version and never shall they all agree on anything in thsi game... Get over it peeps... I love soloing my toons so see this as a fun addition even though the last 2 issues were light on content....



I've not experienced many MMOs, but thought that CoX should have looked at it's NC stablemate Tabula Rasa for some of its mission ideas. I found some of the variety quite refreshing there. e.g. a talk-to where you're transporting delicate equipment (evidence?) that gets destroyed if you take too much damage - throw in a decent ambush or 2 and that could be quite fun.

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Another NCSoft game to look at is Guild Wars. They have some really nice mission ideas among their different types of missions.

All the cooperative missions (i.e. missions in the PvE main story) also have various levels of success - there is a minimum requirement, a "master" requirement and for some of them also an "intermediate" requirement. Doing the master part gives better reward, but can be more challenging.

And there are of course titles (i.e. badges) tied to completing a number of the more challenging options.

[url="http://adingworld.wordpress.com/mission-architect-story-arcs/"][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])



They also seem to put some serious marketting into the release of Aion EU side, giving away "beta keys" and even the full game with mags etc. I was very interested in this when the first videos surfaced, but NC's poor customer service has put me well off any possible future NC game. I'm even reluctant to trying cryptic games like ST:O due to previous experience (not to mention most ST games have been uuuuseless)



I'm assuming the new difficulty settings don't affect MA missions, from the way people are talking about them?

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Don't think that has been confirmed yet, only assumed

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Rather funny in that case... Why wouldn't it?
..and no matter, why would people stop farming MA because of it? I can't see it... ...oh, wait... probably because I don't care until it's live and we know how it really works and how people will "exploit" it. I just love how people already whine about how farmers/PLers will "abuse" it and how they, as "true" gamers will suffer for it.



With ^^

Added, look at the new sets, the again crossed sets.. new sets = PL, there will always be a reason

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!





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And thus my Claws/Inv Brute gained his name. All hail Fat Ming. And we've the high-collar cape now for his cossie too.

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It's 1 PM and I havn't been to sleep YET. Forgive me for mispelling farming T.T

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Why would I forgive you for giving me a ridiculous character concept? I'm looking forward to this (stupid Brute addiction. Make it stop! ).

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But he also said that Fat Ming "creates supply and demand for everything in the market" - how will you work that into your character concept?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'm assuming the new difficulty settings don't affect MA missions, from the way people are talking about them?

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To fill for an MA mission you only need 2 accounts/players to get an 8 man spawn, normal missions need 8 accounts. So if you want to fight big spawns at the moment MA is the only way to challenge youself in that manner without general spam. I think that means although it can effect the MA it makes normal missions more appealing than they currently are for farming

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"





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And thus my Claws/Inv Brute gained his name. All hail Fat Ming. And we've the high-collar cape now for his cossie too.

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It's 1 PM and I havn't been to sleep YET. Forgive me for mispelling farming T.T

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Why would I forgive you for giving me a ridiculous character concept? I'm looking forward to this (stupid Brute addiction. Make it stop! ).

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But he also said that Fat Ming "creates supply and demand for everything in the market" - how will you work that into your character concept?

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He'll be a speculator

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I am now officially impressed with I16. The powerset proliferation intrigues me. And the ability to spawn 8 man maps for a solo game? I am pleased by this.

Colour customisation is meh to me, but this is just me.

And I also liked the concept of a newly revamped character creator! :O

More features to be announced also piques my curiosity.



I'm assuming the new difficulty settings don't affect MA missions, from the way people are talking about them?

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Don't think that has been confirmed yet, only assumed

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Rather funny in that case... Why wouldn't it?
..and no matter, why would people stop farming MA because of it? I can't see it... ...oh, wait... probably because I don't care until it's live and we know how it really works and how people will "exploit" it. I just love how people already whine about how farmers/PLers will "abuse" it and how they, as "true" gamers will suffer for it.

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Level 50+ missions with 8 man spawns will be better for drop farming than MA farming, simply because you'll get purple recipes off them IMO. Certainly thats why I'll go back to normal farming, I like tickets but they're much harder to turn into cash.



Yeah, guess anyone fed up with new alts and with the desire to buff up might prefer non-MA perhaps. Adding the travel etc I doubt many of the current farmers will go that way though.

Reason: Once you're lvl 50 drop rates drop dramatically, so you'd still have to stop at lvl 47-49. I've done a bunch of TFs and SFs lately and tend to get so little out of it, it almost turns me off the whole ordeal.

What IS the point in slaying thousands of Romans when all you get is a poxy 28 merits and perhaps a few standard recipes and possibly a pacing of the sh1tt3r (just honoring Smurfnof, the pacing-expert)? Yeah, I know, soloing/duoing gives more drops - now isn't THAT great btw? - but it's still silly. I'd rather grind 6M inf in the MA and buy the stuff than solo papers/ouro til I get fed up and shoot myself out of boredom.



Surely beating up beefy guys in leather manskirts is reward enough?

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Surely beating up beefy guys in leather manskirts is reward enough?

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Well, I guess everyone's different

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs. The great majority want expensive enhancements to improve their character, because it's just natural for people to strive to be the best they can be, and this means making the best out of their character.



Yeah, guess anyone fed up with new alts and with the desire to buff up might prefer non-MA perhaps. Adding the travel etc I doubt many of the current farmers will go that way though.

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Not much travelling tbh, into mish, out of mish reset and back in...

Much the same as MA truth be told.



No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs.

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I do.

It's not the only reason, certainly, but I get a great deal of fun from tearing through mobs on my Scrappers. Or Confusing them and watching them beat each other up. Or debuffing them and laughing at their pathetic attempts to try and hit me.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I mostly play it for the total 8 man team mayhem/slaughter. I rencently was invited to try a mission in the MA with densely packed mobs that also caused ambushes. Going through the purple insps as they dropped, having a hard time surviving the onslaught, I finally couldn't stop myself from dropping off the chair in convulsions. I was laughing so hard my stomach hasn't recovered yet. It's that sort of things + the people I play with f'coz, that makes me stick around.

....oh, yeah, we all crashed btw!



MA - from the start - was rather ill concieved. There's a reason no MMO has done this already.

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Yes, there is - they're all not as good as City of Heroes

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Someone has to be first.

Yes - I know that CoX isn't actually 1st with PCC, but it probably stands as 1st for a MMO of such a size to do it with a generally user-friendly system that anyone and everyone can use without needing technical (programming/graphics/design) ability.

And I disagree with Sing that it was rather ill conceived. The concept is spot on, it's part of the execution that failed.

The idea of an easy-to-use system for players to create missions is what more MMOs need. That's the concept - that's not ill-conceived.

But the execution needed tweaking to stop or remove exploitative missions (or missions falling outside the devs acceptable boundaries) or to prevent exploits from getting into the system in the first place.

It should have launched with a smaller number of resources (mobs/maps) that was added to regularly once it was clear that there were no major exploits in existing assets would have been better than adding so many assets and then removing so many of them when exploits came to light. Then MA PL/farms wouldn't have become such a problem (most of the problem has been because of farms that skew the risk/reward ratio) and authors wouldn't be anoyed at arcs becoming broken when assets are stripped out.

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As someone who loves the MA, I agree with all of this. But I think the devs have realised that by now aswell. (They should have anyway.)
Ah well, the price of being a pioneer and hindsight is always 20-20 and all that jazz I guess.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



No one plays CoX so they can enjoy killing mobs. The great majority want expensive enhancements to improve their character, because it's just natural for people to strive to be the best they can be, and this means making the best out of their character.

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Presumptuous much? I play this game because it's easy to pick and play, not time intensive AND I simply enjoy killing mobs with my super powers. I play this game because it does not have tons of l33t gear that I NEED to have to be able to be somewhat competitive with my fellow team mates and that requires me to play for hours on end to get said gear. I liked the addition of the invention system because some crafting and some 'loot' is fun to tinker with. But the addition of 'extra rare' purple stuff (and now the pvp IO's) were a bridge to far for me. Not all's bad though, every time I find a purple it allows me largely kit out another lvl 50. Especially the last couple of months. And I don't think anyone I ever played with will complain that my toons are underperformin.

I know I'm far from the only player who plays this game for these reasons.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.




Reason: Once you're lvl 50 drop rates drop dramatically, so you'd still have to stop at lvl 47-49. I've done a bunch of TFs and SFs lately and tend to get so little out of it, it almost turns me off the whole ordeal.

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Is this a fact or just your gut feeling? Genuine question, this is the first time I've ever heard of this and I can't say I noticed it myself. Would strike me as quite odd if this were true.

What IS the point in slaying thousands of Romans when all you get is a poxy 28 merits and perhaps a few standard recipes and possibly a pacing of the sh1tt3r (just honoring Smurfnof, the pacing-expert)? Yeah, I know, soloing/duoing gives more drops - now isn't THAT great btw? - but it's still silly. I'd rather grind 6M inf in the MA and buy the stuff than solo papers/ouro til I get fed up and shoot myself out of boredom.

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The point? Fun maybe? Why else would you do it? If simply playing this game stops being fun for me I'll drop my subscription faster than a nagging girlfriend. I really don't get people who complain that they haven't anything fun to do since issue x, but stick around solely ( or so it seems anyway) to nag about it on the boards. Cancel your sub (or keep it running) and go find something worthwhile to do you DO enjoy untill stuff gets added to CoH you do enjoy.

I do agree that the recipe drop rate on teams compared to solo is rediculous though.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Well, I can honestly say I don't find repeated lag hill assaults any fun anymore. ..as for drop rates, not only my gut feeling, but it's rather hard to present actual numbers. A lot of people have started the no-xp feature at pre-50 nowadays because they have the same "gut feeling".

...would be nice to have it confirmed, and fixed!