Rekindle your love for the game...




Now, about Perez park...

[/ QUOTE ]

Perez is fine, is nice to get lost in the maze from time to time, i'd rather see Boomtown or Dark Astoria get some attention before Perez Park does

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Actually my love for the game is blossoming again of late.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Well, I guess this thread goes to show, you definitely can't please everyone all the time, eh?


(But I do try.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Would you be open to increasing some spawn sizes in the hollows? Some of our fondest early days memories are trying to navigate through the hollows.

Also . . . . . we're coming soon to the multi forums near you!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, I miss the old Hollows. Of course there's always Perez for any new "Hmmm, I seem to have a ridiculous amount of AOEs at a very low level" characters I make to street sweep through.

Bit some of my fondest memories were legging it around vast swarms of +2s on the streets of the Hollows, across the bridge and bunny-hopping through the Hills of "Absurdly overpowered Wizzard types" to reach my level 8 mission. And then laughing at the others on the PuG who tried to go the direct route, right through the middle...



One of the two most well-intentioned yet misguided Re-duxs in living memory for Paragon.
First the Hamidon Re-dux then The Hollows re-vamp. Sorry Warwitch, I know you worked hard to balance the zone and thin the mobs out - but the big mobs and frustration of nearly getting there and falling 100 yds from the Mission door was the sadistic appeal.

Keep the Med-camp but re-double the mobs and put the over-sized spawns back where they used to be in my opinion, the thrill was finding a way to the Mission entrance. Besides, Its not exactly that hard with all the flightpacks and temporary travel powers about.

# Sighs #; I miss the good ole days of being on-duty in The Hollows. I still patrol now and then but I have noticed the numbers have twindled from 20-30 Heroes in the Zone to less than a handful per night on average.

[/ QUOTE ]

I tend to agree with all of this but I think there's another point you've not covered:

When I started playing, the XP curve was much slower then, partly because I was a noob and also it simply was tougher back then, but there weren't many alternatives. The Hollows was THE PLACE for a budding hero to cut their teeth. It was that or street sweeping in Kings Row ad infinitum.

Now, there's almost too many alternatives and even with the Hollows revamp, many are easier. Farm in MA for 20 levels and you've spent an afternoon in the MA if that, and totally outlevelled the Hollows. Do a few police band missions for a Jet pack and a Jump pack and you're probably on the top edge of the Hollows. It goes so quick now; XP is easier to come by, debt is non-existent and the Hollows is now almost a distant memory to all but the seasoned campaigner.

Many of the new players don't realise there is a game outside of the MA. When I took my hiatus we finished up on Frostfire for a "last hurrah" and had a blast. I mentioned that on twitter and one of my followers then complained a few days later they couldn't find Frostfire in the MA mission lists.

Nuff said.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Well, I guess this thread goes to show, you definitely can't please everyone all the time, eh?


(But I do try.)

[/ QUOTE ]
i like the hollows.
Also when did this thread turn into "Bitter old farts reminisce(sp?)?
I couldn't make it on monday will try tomorrow just yell if you need shields.
I'll join frostfires also but will probably leave the team at completion so i can slide around



Well, I guess this thread goes to show, you definitely can't please everyone all the time, eh?


(But I do try.)

[/ QUOTE ]
i like the hollows.
Also when did this thread turn into "Bitter old farts reminisce(sp?)?
I couldn't make it on monday will try tomorrow just yell if you need shields.
I'll join frostfires also but will probably leave the team at completion so i can slide around

[/ QUOTE ]

EVERY thread is a bitter old farts reminisce thread.

Now get off mah lawn you kids!

(worringly I have actually started making the local kids get off mah lawn in RL)



the MA should NOT give inf/prestige, as it is a Holographic Training Simulator...

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, pilots get experience from flight simulators before they're allowed to fly the real things, so the MA is like a crime fighting simulator

[/ QUOTE ]

Golden Girl,
I said nothing about dropping Exp from MA only the Inf/Prestige,
As that is (technically) your own and your SG/VG's reputation in Paragon City/The Rogue Isles,

Based on your 'pilot' comment, a pilot landing a powerless plane in a river on a simulator gets less of a reputation than one that does it for real and saves the lives of the whole crew and passengers!

I recall this happening fairly recently and it was global news, although I can't remember if it was ever done in a simulator as that wouldn't really be news...

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
- but the big mobs and frustration of nearly getting there and falling 100 yds from the Mission door was the sadistic appeal.
I felt the same way didn't like the efforts to civilize the place but the tunnels still seem pretty hazardous if you dare to brave them and Meg Mason's timed missions really add something challenging.



Actually I detest the Hollows, because its creation emptied out my favorite lowbie zone ever: Perez Park. Oh, how I miss the constant teams in that place. Such fun.

I really wish the Dev's would do something with Perez. Shame to see it go to waste.



My memories of the Hollows "back in the day" are only fond ones in retrospect. Hovering across the length and breadth of the zone to a mission door and back, having a massive mob spawn right on top of me and kill me when I was running back to the entrance....those kind of things were not really fun at the time.

I do like the new Hollows much better.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



You know what I am gonna do it, I am going to the hollows, either as one of my mains or a lowbie alt. I rather enjoyed fighting in the Hollows (even running for my life from the lava people long before there were ever jet packs)

I think it should be fun and even if I am alone maybe I 'll do a few Ourboros missions

Not a bad idea OP, not bad at all

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'



Heh, I remember the old Hollows. My very first time I teamed with a couple of people and we went through all the missions together, sprinting and hovering and combat jumping all the way. Nobody had teleport

And then Frostfire came. I sprinted(the ORIGINAL sprint, mind you) right into the big pit in the middle. I remember me yelling into teamchat about the evil living rocks that were trying to kill me. Then when i finally found my way out, we did Frostfire, and I finally met REAL purples.

A good many team-wipes, a good many sliding-arounds, a good many laughs.

*sighs* MA has taken all the genuine fun out of the game for me. It's still fantastically fun, and I LOVE this game, but nothing seems to 'WHOA IN YOUR FACE' anymore. And I liked it that way.

Maybe I have just converted from seasoned newb to old geezer. Oh well, who knows.



For what it's worth, I still like the Hollows revamp. Oh, I think War Witch went overboard and crammed a few too many factions into it, but that's nitpicking. The last couple of heroes I created, I soloed my way from level 6 to 10 in the Hollows, off of the first two contacts plus Meg, including soloing Frostfire (now that I know how to solo EBs at that level, hard-won that knowledge was, although inspiration-tray tetris helps). One of them I came right back after my 2nd safeguard mission and soloed my way up the 3rd contact, and I'll probably finish out the storyline when I go back to that character.

And it's not completely empty, not on Virtue during prime time anyway. There are still people running around.

What has changed is the loss of all of the people whose preferred way of getting from level 6 to 14 was to find someone (level 8ish) with Frostfire, farm that mission until everybody's level 11 or above (by constantly upping the difficulty as people level), then find somebody else with Frostfire at level 10ish and farm that one to 13 or 14, then go on to the "real" game. I do not, not, not in a thousand years miss farming Frostfire. I was so bored with that mission, years ago, that I can still navigate that lair blindfolded. Those people are now in the AE building, and at least there, they occasionally run more than one mission.

If you're starting a new hero, and you don't want to grind AE, and you don't want to grind newspaper missions, if you actually want some story in your story?

  • Level 2-3: Initial contact missions.
  • Level 4: Grind street mobs in starter zone.
  • Level 5-6: King's Row, 3 newspaper missions and the Atlas Park safeguard. Collect Raptor Pack.
  • Level 6-9: The Hollows, 1st and 2nd contacts plus Meg.
  • Level 10-12: Steel Canyon: 3 newspaper missions, King's Row safeguard (collect Jump Pack), inventions tutorial, intro to Midnighters.
  • Level 12-15: The Hollows, 3rd and 4th contacts, plus Meg if needed.
  • Level 15+: Faultline.
  • After Faultline: Explore as suits you, because you're past the really sucky level 5-20 classic content, and all of your contacts now offer full-fledged story arcs.
It's not as XP-efficient or as reward-efficient as alternating AE boss farms with task forces, but it's a lot more interesting.



I rekindled my love for this game by playing Aion for about 10 minutes.



We reminisce about the Hollows and how AE has stolen everyone from it. But I like to go back even further.

Remember when Perez Park was a great hunting grounds? People would get to level 8 or so, head to PP to form teams, and street sweep. When you look at it, it's a great zone to do that in. You can start from one of the entrances and just head down the street to the next one, wiping out huge spawns in between. There were always large numbers of heroes in PP, many teams, and lots of fun, exp, and levels to be had.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



My first 50 hero spent levels 6 to 15 entirely in the Hollows. It's my favourite zone on the blue side (with Faultline in second place)

But then I love hazard zones, so much so that right now I have a level 8 blaster who needs to defeat 10 Circle of Thorns in Perez Park. Yes, I did take that mission on purpose



lol I still remember rushing into the park after finding the gate and to start looking for thorns. Only to immediately draw the attention of .....Clocks....seemed like hundres of them. Naturally I panicked and fled...only to discovers Vahz...

Wash rinse repeat substituting Vahz with Hellions...or skulls...before learning this team thing seems like a better idea more and more.

I still go to the park for badges and the kill X missions and I still get that old feeling of panic when I do it solo.

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
If you're starting a new hero, and you don't want to grind AE, and you don't want to grind newspaper missions, if you actually want some story in your story?
  • Level 2-3: Initial contact missions.
  • Level 4: Grind street mobs in starter zone.
  • Level 5-6: King's Row, 3 newspaper missions and the Atlas Park safeguard. Collect Raptor Pack.
  • Level 6-9: The Hollows, 1st and 2nd contacts plus Meg.
  • Level 10-12: Steel Canyon: 3 newspaper missions, King's Row safeguard (collect Jump Pack), inventions tutorial, intro to Midnighters.
  • Level 12-15: The Hollows, 3rd and 4th contacts, plus Meg if needed.
  • Level 15+: Faultline.
  • After Faultline: Explore as suits you, because you're past the really sucky level 5-20 classic content, and all of your contacts now offer full-fledged story arcs.
It's not as XP-efficient or as reward-efficient as alternating AE boss farms with task forces, but it's a lot more interesting.
My techique on my current Dark/Stone endurance eating monster of a tanker was:
  • Level 1. Set /hide to 'hide from searches'. Wander through Outbreak with friends Fire/Fire blaster.
  • 2-4 - Origin contact, Atlas park.
  • 5-9 - Atlas, all contacts, all missions, turn off xp when reaching level 9.99. Fit in Hollows part 1, Atlas Park Safeguard.
  • 10-14 - All Origins of contacts, all missions. Turn off XP at level 14.99. Fit in Hollows Part 2, Kings Row Safeguard.
  • 15-19 - All origins of contact, all missions. Turn off XP at level 19.99. Faultline Part 1, Skyway Safeguard.

Can you spot the pattern yet?

I've done a lot of the 'old' content, and frankly, I'm enjoying it. I've blasted past sooooo much of the early stuff on pretty much every toon since my first, that I'd forgotten a lot of the arcs and standalone missions.

At level 30 (accidentally, and only by 300ish XP, due to a 'turn off XP' accident) I've got about 90ish hours clocked up, and about 320 Reward merits in the bank. Oh and a handful of temp powers, like the Cryonite Armour and the REAL Sands of Mu, that I vaguely remember getting first time around (and Li, my first toon still has that Cryonite armour).

More importantly, I've enjoyed playing through stories and story arcs that I only barely remembered from 4 and a half years ago (my 54 month badge arrived the day before yesterday). I've also gotten a fairly good handle on playing a Dark/Stone tank in the lower ranges, I think.

However, if anyone else decides to do this, then you may wish to consider a contact 'done' when all they'll offer you is street hunts. Me, I'm a twit, so I've done every contact until they move from the 'Active' tab to the 'Inactive' tab....


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Liz_Bathory_EU View Post
why do you ever need a jetpack when you level in MA only!?

why would you want to get to the Hollows when the MA is just next door?
Unfortunately for the game, this.

But even when I'm working up a lowbie, I rarely visit the Hollows any more before I get my travel power, because of too much of the "Go in via Atlas Park, mission door is in SE corner of zone, go in via Skyway, mission door is in NE corner of zone" shafting, and the revamp into a "kindler, gentler Hollows" that completely reworked the spawns on the south end of the map, eliminating most of its viability as a place to go hunting CoT for the arcane salvage drops from about level 10 through level 18. And with the easy PL availability right there in AP, no one else seems to want to bother going there, either.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
Unfortunately for the game, this.

But even when I'm working up a lowbie, I rarely visit the Hollows any more before I get my travel power, because of too much of the "Go in via Atlas Park, mission door is in SE corner of zone, go in via Skyway, mission door is in NE corner of zone" shafting, and the revamp into a "kindler, gentler Hollows" that completely reworked the spawns on the south end of the map, eliminating most of its viability as a place to go hunting CoT for the arcane salvage drops from about level 10 through level 18. And with the easy PL availability right there in AP, no one else seems to want to bother going there, either.
Atleast there is now a trainer in there! I can remember adding to the travel powers and being chased by lava rock guys, once you leveled you had to zone out to Atlas or Skyway to trained and stuff

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'



lol yeah, then run all the way back while your team waited patiently at a mission door smack bang in the middle of the almost unnavigable Hollows. It was a skill, but one I'm happy to have lost, the new Hollows is much more fun to find your way around and less punishing when you make the wrong turn...this I dont see as a minus. The only thing being knocked back to Atlas and having to sprint back to the mission door in the neighbouring zone taught me was that I hate Sprint.

So chalk me up as another one who loves the revamp......Boomtown next? :P

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



The feeling you have for The Hollows, I have for Perez.

But I adapted and moved on.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Ah...I remember the old Hollows. Back when I was but a noob, playing alongside my noob friends. Where I learned to despise Trolls, and found out about the Igneous the hard way...

"Did that rock just move..? OH @#$%!!" *Combat erupts*

So many deaths, so many near-deaths. It was an adventure. Not many other places really gave me the feeling of being a superhero quite like the Hollows did.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I still think of the Hollows as the zone that killed Perez Park. I have fond memories of street sweeping around the perimeter of PP. Kings Row was revitalized with the temp travel powers being introduced. PP was left as a graveyard. I say its poetic justice to see the Hollows fall to the same fate.