Transcript of the Positron Interview (First Part)




PvP is a minority community.

But they seem to think they are far more important than the rest of the player base.

[/ QUOTE ]

No we don't.... Not at all.

We're all equal, we all pay the same. So we should all be listened to and responded to in the same manner.

Not just dismissed because we weren't playing the game "how far can we get our nose up" because everything isn't ok.
Though we were being quite polite considering our reputation.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle




Though we were being quite polite considering our reputation.

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyway, they've said that PvP isn't done yet. So, meh.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



PvP is a minority community.

But they seem to think they are far more important than the rest of the player base.

[/ QUOTE ]

No we don't.... Not at all.

We're all equal, we all pay the same. So we should all be listened to and responded to in the same manner.

Not just dismissed because we weren't playing the game "how far can we get our nose up" because everything isn't ok.
Though we were being quite polite considering our reputation.

[/ QUOTE ]

PvP is the only subject that would have taken more than one reply to deal - so Positron correctly stuck to answering one-off questions, rather than spending most of his time debating a game feature that is not used by the majority of the players.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



PvP is a minority community.

But they seem to think they are far more important than the rest of the player base.

[/ QUOTE ]

No we don't.... Not at all.

We're all equal, we all pay the same. So we should all be listened to and responded to in the same manner.

Not just dismissed because we weren't playing the game "how far can we get our nose up" because everything isn't ok.
Though we were being quite polite considering our reputation.

[/ QUOTE ]

PvP is the only subject that would have taken more than one reply to deal - so Positron correctly stuck to answering one-off questions, rather than spending most of his time debating a game feature that is not used by the majority of the players.

[/ QUOTE ]

^That too

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




Dreamweaver: Dear Posi... is there a chance we could see a custom map builder too, or the ability to place things a bit more exactly - so that we can build our own spectacular maps a la base builder?
P: No, not at the moment, if you think farming is bad now then think of what it will be like when people can make their own maps and place spawns exactly where they want them

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, but that's just a [censored] excuse.

Farming is already bad, it's not going to make that much difference if they can design their own maps for them. All that means is the people who really want to do cool things with MA, the real fans of it, are getting screwed over because of the farmers.

Personally, if I log into a MA arc and see instantly it's a farm arc, I quit straight out of it. You can often spot them from the naff descriptions they have. With better searching available in the next issue that should make it even easier to spot them

Taking away something a LOT of people have asked about since the MA was announced and using farming as the reason for that is just pure laziness and very lame. Yet again, the devs screw over the people who want good stuff.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Map editing is way harder than you might think - the current maps are not designed for it, so it'd need new maps to make it work.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Map editing is way harder than you might think - the current maps are not designed for it, so it'd need new maps to make it work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. There's plenty of good reasons why it's impractical to make a map editor, so why waffle on about farming? That's just lazy.



Ironic how MA is being used for farming when the tentonhammer anniversary interview with Posi has this as part of an answer regarding any foul-ups (my highlighting):
Another moment would be the Winter Lords that went out with the first winter event that we did. We had just created new reward splitting code for Giant Monster-class entities which looked good on paperÂ… in practice however it was possible to get a character from level 1 to 20 in under an hour fighting these things. I remember making a frantic call to our Producer at the time begging him to shut off the event early, but I was just a lowly designer back then, and the long-story-short is that event ended when it was scheduled to.

[/ QUOTE ]
So now that he's lead he still can't get things altered when 1 to 50 may be a mere 8 hrs...

Yeah - I disagree with the dev-nuke approach to 'exploits', but there's most definitely an irony in the above being 1 of only 2 foul-ups mentioned in the interview.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Map editing is way harder than you might think - the current maps are not designed for it, so it'd need new maps to make it work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. There's plenty of good reasons why it's impractical to make a map editor, so why waffle on about farming? That's just lazy.

[/ QUOTE ]

That actually is a good point, if he had said "look we know what you're after BUT the maps aren't designed to he hand edited, they're a set way, each map pre-laid would take a lot of work to get them to be hand editable...more work than is worth the pay off" then I think a lot less people would have got miffed.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



PvP is the only subject that would have taken more than one reply to deal - so Positron correctly stuck to answering one-off questions, rather than spending most of his time debating a game feature that is not used by the majority of the players.

[/ QUOTE ]

And who's fault is that? He wanted to change PvP to make it available to the masses and he failed. There's less PvP'ers now than ever.

Now he should talk about how to fix it and how to actually get more people to PvP, not bury his head in the sand and say he's happy with it and i don't care if your not.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



PvP is the only subject that would have taken more than one reply to deal - so Positron correctly stuck to answering one-off questions, rather than spending most of his time debating a game feature that is not used by the majority of the players.

[/ QUOTE ]

And who's fault is that? He wanted to change PvP to make it available to the masses and he failed. There's less PvP'ers now than ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

That might not mean failure - it might just mean that they're still not interested in it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I was joking with my Dom buffs question, and I don't think Posi was replying to me.

(he had just said that he coulsn't solo AVs with his Dom)

[/ QUOTE ]

Iy would seem he was either that or it was some kind of fluke link



OK that weirds me out.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



I still want to know who it is in the I15anniversary banner

[/ QUOTE ]My wild guess is Reichsman.

[/ QUOTE ]

Erm.. isn't Reichsman an alternate version of Statesman from a dimension in which Nazi Germany won WW2? In other words not really to do with 5th Column...

Edit: also perhaps the the person in the banner is Requiem (5th Column former leader). The glowing eyes remind me of this pic a little

@Clara Finch



Very much so Reichsman would be good alie for the 5th to have and i wouldn't put it past Requiem to recruit him, tho of course it could also just be Requiem.

Or even just a standard 5th trooper, Requiem has always had ties to the nictus maybe the 5th are now much more integrated with them.



* On new content:
04-28-2009 18:06:08 [Local] Positron: We could write Arcs, but with MA out there, we'd rather write TF/SF's

[/ QUOTE ]

I've not been away long enough to expect enough to have changed that would entice me back, my last break was more than a year. However that's just about the last thing I would have wanted Posi to say. Having read the reports of the dross that's coming out of the MA, and as someone who has done maybe 4 TFs in the 3 years of my sub being active I'm thinking there might not come a point were I feel enough time has passed to renew my sub to the game.



I still want to know who it is in the I15anniversary banner

[/ QUOTE ]My wild guess is Reichsman.

[/ QUOTE ]

Erm.. isn't Reichsman an alternate version of Statesman from a dimension in which Nazi Germany won WW2? In other words not really to do with 5th Column...

Edit: also perhaps the the person in the banner is Requiem (5th Column former leader). The glowing eyes remind me of this pic a little

[/ QUOTE ]
The eyes remind me of Lord Recluse more than Requiem - those eyes are red, not a Nictus emanation like Requiem has.

My wild guess is that in Reichsman's world when Marcus Cole (Statesman in our continuity, avatar of Zeus) and Stefan Richter (Lord Recluse in our continuity, avatar of Tartarus) went into the Well of the Furies and drank from the Fountain of Zeus and opened Pandora's Box, it was Marcus who became avatar of Tartarus (and maybe Stefan became avatar of Zeus) - i.e. the opposite of how it happened in our world.

Ergo Marcus would have become the megalomaniac who joined the pre-breakup Council/5thC/Arachnos group in Italy and in his world he may have taken it over pre-WW2 (stepping on Requiem and The Center on his way up), become a card-carrying fascist, and gone on to lead the invasion of his homeland, America (led by an incarnate the 5th Column attack on Independence Port in WW2 would certainly have had a much better chance of success).

It would be a tidy explanation for why Reichsman is a far more evil parallel-Statesman than Tyrant is.



Perhaps the new TF could potentially revive 'Boomtown' since it is connected, don't want to spoil anything. I mean okay it wouldn't be really busy but it may put some life into 'Boomtown'. I await the wonderful day I go to a TF contact that is in there.




That would be good if it happened, but remember that it's a 45-50 TF so the entire zone would be very grey to people on it. Other than travelling through, and maybe doing a quick "defeat 20 Council for info" as part of the TF, TF teams wouldn't be able to find anything to actually do in Boomtown.



That would be good if it happened, but remember that it's a 45-50 TF so the entire zone would be very grey to people on it. Other than travelling through, and maybe doing a quick "defeat 20 Council for info" as part of the TF, TF teams wouldn't be able to find anything to actually do in Boomtown.

[/ QUOTE ]

They could find Babbage and teach her the meaning of friendship. She must be so lonely wandering about in there for years and years without anyone to talk to other than Trolls and Council practicing their dance routines.



That would be good if it happened, but remember that it's a 45-50 TF so the entire zone would be very grey to people on it. Other than travelling through, and maybe doing a quick "defeat 20 Council for info" as part of the TF, TF teams wouldn't be able to find anything to actually do in Boomtown.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless they revamped the map.

Oh wait... it's easier to add new zones

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



That would be good if it happened, but remember that it's a 45-50 TF so the entire zone would be very grey to people on it. Other than travelling through, and maybe doing a quick "defeat 20 Council for info" as part of the TF, TF teams wouldn't be able to find anything to actually do in Boomtown.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless they revamped the map.

Oh wait... it's easier to add new zones

[/ QUOTE ]
No, not easier; just not much more time intensive.



PvP is a minority community.

But they seem to think they are far more important than the rest of the player base.

[/ QUOTE ]

No we don't.... Not at all.

We're all equal, we all pay the same. So we should all be listened to and responded to in the same manner.

Not just dismissed because we weren't playing the game "how far can we get our nose up" because everything isn't ok.
Though we were being quite polite considering our reputation.

[/ QUOTE ]

PvP is the only subject that would have taken more than one reply to deal - so Positron correctly stuck to answering one-off questions, rather than spending most of his time debating a game feature that is not used by the majority of the players.

[/ QUOTE ]

With it been the way it is, do you wonder why its not being used by the majority of players?

As for the pvpers complaining more, how about all the kicking and screaming when a badge or two is removed? :P



That would be good if it happened, but remember that it's a 45-50 TF so the entire zone would be very grey to people on it. Other than travelling through, and maybe doing a quick "defeat 20 Council for info" as part of the TF, TF teams wouldn't be able to find anything to actually do in Boomtown.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless they revamped the map.

Oh wait... it's easier to add new zones

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not just delete the unused zones and save us all some hard drive space, then?

I was interested in this stuff...
04-28-2009 18:10:37 [Local] Positron: Power Customization is one of those things that we couldn't do at Cryptic.

04-28-2009 18:33:34 [Local] Positron: Demon Summoning? Dual Pistols?

On PvP:
04-28-2009 18:21:39 [Local] Positron: We're working on some new arena modes, no idea when they will be done though

* On boosters:
04-28-2009 18:39:22 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, which is the next booster pack scheduled for release?
04-28-2009 18:39:36 [Local] Positron: Superscience
04-28-2009 18:40:08 [Local] Positron: and Dr. Jekyll-costume change emotes

04-28-2009 18:25:35 [Local] Brutax: Positron, it's possible to give us more monster cossie like shark face, wolf tails, tentacle arm...
04-28-2009 18:25:50 [Local] Positron: Sounds like a Mutant booster, Brutax

[/ QUOTE ]

My hunch is that power customisation gets announced later this year, but they don't want to say anything in case it isn't as viable as they think.

It's great to see Posi do a Q&A like this, especially with EU folks in there. The recent PR has been awesome.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.