Transcript of the Positron Interview (First Part)




Hey all,

Ive been working trough the logs for about an hour now, Ive not taken every question as a lot of them can be found on the forums already, instead I took the most important ones.
These are from around the time I showed up, till posi got pulled into a meeting.

Note, the second large part was done by Judgement Dave, credit to him.
You can find his entire log (wich has also the questions already answered in my log file) on page 3.

Blackhat: Posi, is there currently work being done into optimisation? The lag in the ITF task force is at ridiculous levels, and it doesn't matter what connection speed or computer you have.
P: We're always fixing those sorts of bugs

Lightning Blue: Any new maps featured in the new tfs?
Now that you guys can make your own missions, we need to do stuff you guys can't do on your own
We are also looking into a new graphics setting.

Kalis Elfling: So Posi, are there any stories you'd like to see in MA that you've been unable to do so far?
P: Origin stories for Mark IV, Holsten Armitage, and Serafina

Golden Girl: Positron, I have a question about the dev team - now that it's bigger, do you work on content further in the future, or do you all just have more working on current content?
P: Far Further.

In response to no one in particular:
P: MA took 18 months, which is 13 months farther out than we were doing previously

Dreamweaver: Dear Posi... is there a chance we could see a custom map builder too, or the ability to place things a bit more exactly - so that we can build our own spectacular maps a la base builder?
P: No, not at the moment, if you think farming is bad now then think of what it will be like when people can make their own maps and place spawns exactly where they want them

Blackhat: Ah, there's another question I had. Are there plans to optimise the files used by the MA?
P: We are looking into the file sizes, but the way the system works we can't really optimize it any further.

Night Hornet: When is issue 15 released?
P: Soon ™

Gen. Pansington: I read somewhere issue 15 has been in production for over a year, is this true ?
P: No, not true.

Gen. Pansington: Positron, are there any plans on reworking the shadow shard tfs? noone ever playes them anymore
P: Right now, we'd rather add zones, since a revamp takes almost as much time.

Tiger White: Posi: Just so you know, a lot of the moaning is due to the overuse of the word "Soon", with nothing ever ACTUALLY turning up.. Like.. The Vault, or the Cathedral of Pain, or some forum software that works properly...
P: Vault has been shelved.
Generating the Vault stuff actually hammered the servers, so we need to reengineer the whole thing.
So it's on the back burner until we get the right guy in here.

Dr_Mechano: What about Power Customization?
P: Power Customization is one of those things that we couldn't do at Cryptic.
thats all I'll say about that.

Fulcrum: Posi, just curious, how far ahead do you have plans for at the moment?
P:Working on I18 prelim designs.

Golden Girl: What is the next booster pack slated to be released?
P: Super Science.

In response to any earlier question by someone who’s name I missed; What are you most proud of in the game?
P: The Vanguard.

Golden Girl: Positron, are you working on any new enemy groups, or is most of your work on fleshing out current groups like the Rikti and the 5th Column?
P: There is work on new enemy groups going on

Tiger White: How many are in the dev team now, after all the new hires?
P: Over 50.

Delenda: Any new in Pvp? a capture the Flag mode for exemple? new arena modes?
P: We're working on some new arena modes, no idea when they will be done though

Tiger White: Posi: Can you please enable the emoting in the Arena? It would make them actually USABLE for RPers
P: We can look into it. Some emotes are problems in pvp though

Riffster: Posi what are you most proud of to date and what are you most excited by for the future?
P: Vanguard, and stuff I can't talk about.

Spinal: Ah thats one question i have. Is it possible to disable zone npc´s for player events?
P: No, it its not possible.

Duex Elfling: we likley to see any more in game invasions?
P: Yes

Leese: Dom buffs confirmed for I15 ?
P: Yes

(edit by Leese; Please let me emphasise this.

I was joking when I asked/said Dom buffs were confirmed, and I doubt Posi was replying to me there.

Of course it would be nice if they were, but please don't make anything of this.

-They’r taking a new staff picture on Friday.
- The Devs do read the European Forums, but they can get more imediate feedback on the US forums.
-The Coming Storm is still a ways away.
-They like the way pvp is currently.
-Positron hates fighting Positron

Thanks to Mongoose for this one:
[Local] Positron: Demon Summoning? Dual Pistols?
*few minutes later*
[Local] Positron: DIdn't I hint at two new powersets above?

Thanks to Myopic Aardvark for this one:
Posi: We could write Arcs, but with MA out there, we'd rather write TF/SF's

Thanks to Judgement Dave for the following ones:

* On I15:
04-28-2009 17:52:31 [Local] Positron: I15 is not a super-mega issue. We needed to get the stuff that's ready to go out near the Anniversary
04-28-2009 17:52:44 [Local] Positron: But the TF and SF are SUPER COOL

* On MA issues:
04-28-2009 17:56:23 [Local] Positron: Search is a VERY high priority
04-28-2009 18:16:23 [Local] Positron: We've got a pile of MA bugs we're fixing, but I am not a coder, so I don';t know what's done and whats not

* Regarding farms:
04-28-2009 17:57:54 [Local] Positron: Yes, if you lodge Complaints against the farms, they can be taken care of
So I guess that means that the official position is that we should complain about farms.

* Regarding the number of arcs and testing MA arcs:
04-28-2009 17:57:26 [Local] Positron: I wasn't surprised at the number, but at the speed at which you guys reached it
04-28-2009 17:59:37 [Local] Positron: Yeah, we thought more people would use the Test mode for, uh, testing.
(think this was in response to my pointing out "it's not 100,000+ arcs - it's 100,00+ arc ids used... there should have been a way to 'publish for testing'.....")

* Regarding his personal approach to finding arcs:
04-28-2009 18:01:58 [Local] Positron: I generally don't read the boards to find arcs
So no immediate disadvantage for EU forumites... unless he gets recommendations from those that do...

* Regarding the timing of his address today (well tomorrow for EU):
04-28-2009 18:01:35 [Local] Positron: Uh, because I need to do it at the end of my workday.

* So any clues about the address for the EU:
04-28-2009 18:02:27 [Local] Positron: If I post it here, then you guys will go post it on the US boards and then the marketing team gets mad at me
Hmm - I was so tempted to point out that one of my arcs would let him beat up marketing guys.. so maybe he could risk upsetting them then get rid of any frustration they caused him... but given that I'd already had the audacity to plug Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! when he mentioned farming...

* On new content:
04-28-2009 18:06:36 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, are there any plans to give older zones a Faultline-style makeover, like Boomtown, for example, or would you rather add new zones to the game first?
Gen. Pansington: Positron, are there any plans on reworking the shadow shard tfs? noone ever playes them anymore
04-28-2009 18:06:53 [Local] Positron: Right now, we'd rather add zones
04-28-2009 18:07:04 [Local] Positron: since a revamp takes almost as much time

04-28-2009 18:31:29 [Local] Positron: So we've done two "revamps" to zones so far.
04-28-2009 18:31:41 [Local] Positron: So we have a good metric on how much time it takes
04-28-2009 18:31:54 [Local] Positron: And for a smidge more time, we can make a brand new zone.
04-28-2009 18:33:18 [Local] Positron: But we can make COOL zones
Note that this is second reference to 'COOL' (both times capitalised, 1st time referring to the 5th TF/SFs)

* Regarding powers new & old:
04-28-2009 18:09:48 [Local] DR Mechano: is power customisation still pretty much a no-go area Positron or are there plans for the future in the works?
04-28-2009 18:10:37 [Local] Positron: Power Customization is one of those things that we couldn't do at Cryptic.
04-28-2009 18:10:48 [Local] Positron: thats all I'll say about that

04-28-2009 18:49:07 [Local] Duex Elfling: u reckon we'd ever see a Bo Staff powersef?
04-28-2009 18:50:11 [Local] Positron: Duex: Bo staff, maybe

04-28-2009 18:33:30 [Local] Sicari: Can we expect to see mor epower proliferation in new issues to come?
04-28-2009 18:33:34 [Local] Positron: Demon Summoning? Dual Pistols?

04-28-2009 18:34:00 [Local] Fulcrum: lol, I have to ask - is DM/Regen getting nerfed again anytime soon?
04-28-2009 18:34:16 [Local] Positron: If you feel a nerf is coming... it probably is.

On PvP:
04-28-2009 18:21:19 [Local] Delenda: any new in Pvp? a capture the Flag mode for exemple? new arena modes?
04-28-2009 18:21:39 [Local] Positron: We're working on some new arena modes, no idea when they will be done though

04-28-2009 18:21:47 [Local] Sunblushed Horizon: Can I just ask with the amount of problems that this new PvP has caused and the amount of begging asking for a i12 pvp re-roll with some additions from now. what is the devs current view on (sorry for personal opinion) the disgrace pvp currently is
04-28-2009 18:22:18 [Local] Positron: We love the way PVP currently is

04-28-2009 18:27:14 [Local] Sunblushed Horizon: how about not taking it from a devs point of view i now i12 pvp had its problems but this new pvp system has even more
04-28-2009 18:27:19 [Local] Sunblushed Horizon: how is that an imporvment
04-28-2009 18:27:51 [Local] Positron: I think the old PVP system was severly flawed, and the new one is still flawed, but far less so.

* On boosters:
04-28-2009 18:39:22 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, which is the next booster pack scheduled for release?
04-28-2009 18:39:36 [Local] Positron: Superscience
04-28-2009 18:40:08 [Local] Positron: and Dr. Jekyll-costume change emotes

04-28-2009 18:25:35 [Local] Brutax: Positron, it's possible to give us more monster cossie like shark face, wolf tails, tentacle arm...
04-28-2009 18:25:50 [Local] Positron: Sounds like a Mutant booster, Brutax

04-28-2009 18:40:34 [Local] Zortel: Speaking of Dr. Jekyll, any chance of costume changes involving height change, or even from Male to Huge and such?
04-28-2009 18:40:50 [Local] Positron: Hmm Zor... that is an... interesting... idea...

* They're coming.. they're coming!
04-28-2009 18:45:47 [Local] Duex Elfling: we likley to see any more in game invasions?
04-28-2009 18:46:03 [Local] Positron: DE: Yes

* On Facing the competition:
04-28-2009 18:49:18 [Local] Phantom Blue2: Hey Matt, what do you think CoX will have that is going to challenge CO/DCUO?
04-28-2009 18:50:45 [Local] Positron: Phantom: I think CO and DC have to challenge US. We have 5 years of content and systems. And villains.

* on Combined CoH/CoV Markets:
04-28-2009 18:51:58 [Local] Positron: Combined Markets: Maybe, farrr in the future... when the datamines don't have a HUGE discrepency in available inf on either side.
04-28-2009 18:52:55 [Local] Positron: If people are willing to pay 200m on heroside, and you cant afford 60m villainside, you definitely cant afford 200m
04-28-2009 18:53:53 [Local] Judgement Dave: i sth ediscrepency in INF earned to date or in rate of INF earning... the former could be addressed by a 1-time boost, the latter by adjusting rewards on 1 side....
04-28-2009 18:54:31 [Local] Positron: My brain just broke trying to figure out how to make rewards on one side work diff than the other



Thanks for transcribing rpgguy, it was nice to actually have some interaction with the developers.

Dr Blackhat - Empathy/Rad Defender
Blackhat von Radon - Fire/Rad Controller
Blackhat von Tinder - Fire/Kin Controller
Blackhat von Sizzle - Fire/Fire Blaster



I still want to know who it is in the I15anniversary banner

and i think these 2 relate to each other

[Local] Positron: Demon Summoning? Dual Pistols?
*few minutes later*
[Local] Positron: DIdn't I hint at two new powersets above?



Ah yes, was wondering what he was hinting at.

Dr Blackhat - Empathy/Rad Defender
Blackhat von Radon - Fire/Rad Controller
Blackhat von Tinder - Fire/Kin Controller
Blackhat von Sizzle - Fire/Fire Blaster



I still want to know who it is in the I15anniversary banner

[/ QUOTE ]My wild guess is Reichsman.



I was joking with my Dom buffs question, and I don't think Posi was replying to me.

(he had just said that he coulsn't solo AVs with his Dom)

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Just to keep this stuff together:

Posi: We could write Arcs, but with MA out there, we'd rather write TF/SF's

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Thanks for this .

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from

EU, Union mostly.



I still want to know who it is in the I15anniversary banner

[/ QUOTE ]My wild guess is Reichsman.

[/ QUOTE ]

He looks a little Orc-ish

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just to keep this stuff together:

[/ QUOTE ]

"We love the way PvP currently is"

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Your 'in response to noone in particular' would have been me asking him about Power customisation thank you RPGguy :P

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Your 'in response to noone in particular' would have been me asking him about Power customisation thank you RPGguy :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahah yes, sorry, I missed a few names here and there (the log files are hard to read)



Your 'in response to noone in particular' would have been me asking him about Power customisation thank you RPGguy :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahah yes, sorry, I missed a few names here and there (the log files are hard to read)

[/ QUOTE ]

And the text was going past pretty fast - there were some big gaps between the questions and the answers

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Gen. Pansington: Positron, are there any plans on reworking the shadow shard tfs? noone ever playes them anymore
P: Right now, we'd rather add zones, since a revamp takes almost as much time.

[/ QUOTE ]
Now, I haven't been on the game much lately due to being busy (and being slightly bored), but surely it would be better to improve current zones like they did with Faultline and the Rikti War Zone?
Adding zones could split the player base up further, and last time I was in the game, a lot of the zones felt pretty empty. For playing an MMO, sometimes it just doesn't feel like an MMO to me (obvious exceptions when I go to Atlas, Wentsworth, etc.).



You should have seen the amount of badgering he got for a Dark Astoria revamp.

It was odd, Posi seems adamant that a zone revamp would be a waste of time compared to new zones, whereas almost all the players in the crowd would have rather seen Dark Astoria get a revamp...was a real clash of dev opinion vs player opinon...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Boomtown, Dark Astoria are prime examples of zones that I never see anyone in.



You should have seen the amount of badgering he got for a Dark Astoria revamp.

It was odd, Posi seems adamant that a zone revamp would be a waste of time compared to new zones, whereas almost all the players in the crowd would have rather seen Dark Astoria get a revamp...was a real clash of dev opinion vs player opinon...

[/ QUOTE ]

Kind of makes you feel for the PvP'ers, doesn't it?

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Kind of makes you feel for the PvP'ers, doesn't it?

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean the ones in PD that he just blanked after a bit?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It was odd, Posi seems adamant that a zone revamp would be a waste of time compared to new zones, whereas almost all the players in the crowd would have rather seen Dark Astoria get a revamp...was a real clash of dev opinion vs player opinon...

[/ QUOTE ]

On one hand I can understand it, because the city scope of the two games does make things a little limited. It would be nice to be able to fight evil in lush jungle settings or burning deserts or aboard a derelict spaceship or ... well, exotic, weird places.

Still, with the current structures and mechanisms of the game, I think it would be better to implement such "flights of fancy" as mission arcs and appropriate outdoor maps -- we could do with some more exotic locales to set MA missions in anyway -- rather than something to replace the "day to day" zones.



Kind of makes you feel for the PvP'ers, doesn't it?

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean the ones in PD that he just blanked after a bit?

[/ QUOTE ]

He didn't ignore them - he told them he wanted to avoid an international incident

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It was odd, Posi seems adamant that a zone revamp would be a waste of time compared to new zones, whereas almost all the players in the crowd would have rather seen Dark Astoria get a revamp...was a real clash of dev opinion vs player opinon...

[/ QUOTE ]

On one hand I can understand it, because the city scope of the two games does make things a little limited. It would be nice to be able to fight evil in lush jungle settings or burning deserts or aboard a derelict spaceship or ... well, exotic, weird places.

Still, with the current structures and mechanisms of the game, I think it would be better to implement such "flights of fancy" as mission arcs and appropriate outdoor maps -- we could do with some more exotic locales to set MA missions in anyway -- rather than something to replace the "day to day" zones.

[/ QUOTE ]

We totally need deserts and jungles - we have lots of urban zones, but not many non-urban ones.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just to keep this stuff together:

Posi: We could write Arcs, but with MA out there, we'd rather write TF/SF's

[/ QUOTE ]

I was worried that would be the case, fears confirmed

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I think its time they released the Lunar Moon Base



This thread didn't exist when I was writing my collection from the chatlogs.. so it may be frowned upon, but here's a reposrt to get it in the same thread:

A few notes from the chatlog - matched up where I could. I missed the first 20-30 minutes of Positron at PD...

* On I15:
04-28-2009 17:52:31 [Local] Positron: I15 is not a super-mega issue. We needed to get the stuff that's ready to go out near the Anniversary
04-28-2009 17:52:44 [Local] Positron: But the TF and SF are SUPER COOL

* On MA issues:
04-28-2009 17:56:23 [Local] Positron: Search is a VERY high priority
04-28-2009 18:16:23 [Local] Positron: We've got a pile of MA bugs we're fixing, but I am not a coder, so I don';t know what's done and whats not

* Regarding farms:
04-28-2009 17:57:54 [Local] Positron: Yes, if you lodge Complaints against the farms, they can be taken care of
So I guess that means that the official position is that we should complain about farms.

* Regarding the number of arcs and testing MA arcs:
04-28-2009 17:57:26 [Local] Positron: I wasn't surprised at the number, but at the speed at which you guys reached it
04-28-2009 17:59:37 [Local] Positron: Yeah, we thought more people would use the Test mode for, uh, testing.
(think this was in response to my pointing out "it's not 100,000+ arcs - it's 100,00+ arc ids used... there should have been a way to 'publish for testing'.....")

* Regarding his personal approach to finding arcs:
04-28-2009 18:01:58 [Local] Positron: I generally don't read the boards to find arcs
So no immediate disadvantage for EU forumites... unless he gets recommendations from those that do...

* Regarding the timing of his address today (well tomorrow for EU):
04-28-2009 18:01:35 [Local] Positron: Uh, because I need to do it at the end of my workday.

* So any clues about the address for the EU:
04-28-2009 18:02:27 [Local] Positron: If I post it here, then you guys will go post it on the US boards and then the marketing team gets mad at me
Hmm - I was so tempted to point out that one of my arcs would let him beat up marketing guys.. so maybe he could risk upsetting them then get rid of any frustration they caused him... but given that I'd already had the audacity to plug Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! when he mentioned farming...

* Regarding the EU forums, moaning and the Vault:
04-28-2009 18:03:23 [Local] Positron: We get the EU run down

04-28-2009 18:07:13 [Local] Tiger White: Posi: Just so you know, a lot of the moaning is due to the overuse of the word "Soon", with nothing ever ACTUALLY turning up.. Like.. The Vault, or the Cathedral of Pain, or some forum software that works properly...
04-28-2009 18:07:30 [Local] Positron: Vault has been shelved.
04-28-2009 18:07:46 [Local] Positron: Generating the Vault stuff actually hammered the servers
04-28-2009 18:08:03 [Local] Positron: so we need to reengineer the whole thing
04-28-2009 18:08:19 [Local] Positron: so it's on the back burner until we get the right guy in here
04-28-2009 18:08:20 [Local] Blackhat: There couldn't be much more lag in some places
04-28-2009 18:08:26 [Local] Positron: unplayable lag
04-28-2009 18:08:21 [Local] Golden Girl1: is the Vault still something you'd like to add in the future?
04-28-2009 18:08:35 [Local] Positron: we're still trying to make it happen

04-28-2009 18:22:59 [Local] RangerQuasis: Is there a chance to see you or other devs post sometimes on the euro forum?
04-28-2009 18:23:55 [Local] Positron: RangerQ: We try, but we can get some more imediate feedback on the US forums. We do read the EU ones though
04-28-2009 18:24:24 [Local] Tiger White: Posi: No offence, you but can get immediate feedback on the EU forums too
04-28-2009 18:24:43 [Local] Positron: You are correct Tiger

Note that Posi seems split about devs reading the EU forums.. earlier he just said "We get the EU run down" which seems to suggest a summary (as Bridger/GR have said before IIRC) yet here he says that they do read the EU forums...

* On new content:
04-28-2009 18:06:08 [Local] Positron: We could write Arcs, but with MA out there, we'd rather write TF/SF's
04-28-2009 18:06:36 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, are there any plans to give older zones a Faultline-style makeover, like Boomtown, for example, or would you rather add new zones to the game first?
04-28-2009 18:06:53 [Local] Positron: Right now, we'd rather add zones
04-28-2009 18:07:04 [Local] Positron: since a revamp takes almost as much time

04-28-2009 18:31:29 [Local] Positron: So we've done two "revamps" to zones so far.
04-28-2009 18:31:41 [Local] Positron: So we have a good metric on how much time it takes
04-28-2009 18:31:54 [Local] Positron: And for a smidge more time, we can make a brand new zone.
04-28-2009 18:33:18 [Local] Positron: But we can make COOL zones
Note that this is second reference to 'COOL' (both times capitalised, 1st time referring to the 5th TF/SFs)

04-28-2009 18:31:51 [Local] Fulcrum: Posi, do we need to get the umbrellas ready for the 'coming storm' anytime soon?
04-28-2009 18:32:11 [Local] Positron: Coming storm is still a ways away.

* Regarding powers new & old:
04-28-2009 18:09:48 [Local] DR Mechano: is power customisation still pretty much a no-go area Positron or are there plans for the future in the works?
04-28-2009 18:10:37 [Local] Positron: Power Customization is one of those things that we couldn't do at Cryptic.
04-28-2009 18:10:48 [Local] Positron: thats all I'll say about that

04-28-2009 18:49:07 [Local] Duex Elfling: u reckon we'd ever see a Bo Staff powersef?
04-28-2009 18:50:11 [Local] Positron: Duex: Bo staff, maybe

04-28-2009 18:33:30 [Local] Sicari: Can we expect to see mor epower proliferation in new issues to come?
04-28-2009 18:33:34 [Local] Positron: Demon Summoning? Dual Pistols?

04-28-2009 18:34:00 [Local] Fulcrum: lol, I have to ask - is DM/Regen getting nerfed again anytime soon?
04-28-2009 18:34:16 [Local] Positron: If you feel a nerf is coming... it probably is.

* On planning ahead:
04-28-2009 18:10:30 [Local] Fulcrum: Posi, just curious, how far ahead do you have plans for at the moment?
04-28-2009 18:11:25 [Local] Positron: Working on I18 prelim designs.

* On graphics:
04-28-2009 18:16:38 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, are there any plans to give the engine a bit of a graphics tweak anytime soon?
04-28-2009 18:16:51 [Local] Positron: Looking into it

* Before a fall???
04-28-2009 18:16:52 [Local] Flammen: What are you most proud of in the game?
04-28-2009 18:17:54 [Local] Positron: Most proud: Vanguard
04-28-2009 18:48:56 [Local] Riffster: Posi what are you most proud of to date and what are you most excited by for the future?
04-28-2009 18:49:57 [Local] Positron: Riff: Vanguard, and stuff I can't talk about.

* On New groups:
04-28-2009 18:19:33 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, are you working on any new enemy groups, or is most of your work on fleshing out current groups like the Rikti and the 5th Column?
04-28-2009 18:19:53 [Local] Positron: There is work on new enemy groups going on

* On the devteam:
04-28-2009 18:20:26 [Local] Tiger White: Posi: How many are in the dev team now, after all the new hires?
04-28-2009 18:20:36 [Local] Positron: over 50
04-28-2009 18:21:55 [Local] Positron: we've hired since the group picture
04-28-2009 18:22:55 [Local] Positron: we're taking a new picture on friday

On PvP:
04-28-2009 18:21:19 [Local] Delenda: any new in Pvp? a capture the Flag mode for exemple? new arena modes?
04-28-2009 18:21:39 [Local] Positron: We're working on some new arena modes, no idea when they will be done though

04-28-2009 18:21:47 [Local] Sunblushed Horizon: Can I just ask with the amount of problems that this new PvP has caused and the amount of begging asking for a i12 pvp re-roll with some additions from now. what is the devs current view on (sorry for personal opinion) the disgrace pvp currently is
04-28-2009 18:22:18 [Local] Positron: We love the way PVP currently is

04-28-2009 18:27:14 [Local] Sunblushed Horizon: how about not taking it from a devs point of view i now i12 pvp had its problems but this new pvp system has even more
04-28-2009 18:27:19 [Local] Sunblushed Horizon: how is that an imporvment
04-28-2009 18:27:51 [Local] Positron: I think the old PVP system was severly flawed, and the new one is still flawed, but far less so.

* On boosters:
04-28-2009 18:39:22 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, which is the next booster pack scheduled for release?
04-28-2009 18:39:36 [Local] Positron: Superscience
04-28-2009 18:40:08 [Local] Positron: and Dr. Jekyll-costume change emotes

04-28-2009 18:25:35 [Local] Brutax: Positron, it's possible to give us more monster cossie like shark face, wolf tails, tentacle arm...
04-28-2009 18:25:50 [Local] Positron: Sounds like a Mutant booster, Brutax

04-28-2009 18:40:34 [Local] Zortel: Speaking of Dr. Jekyll, any chance of costume changes involving height change, or even from Male to Huge and such?
04-28-2009 18:40:50 [Local] Positron: Hmm Zor... that is an... interesting... idea...

* They're coming.. they're coming!
04-28-2009 18:45:47 [Local] Duex Elfling: we likley to see any more in game invasions?
04-28-2009 18:46:03 [Local] Positron: DE: Yes

* On Facing the competition:
04-28-2009 18:49:18 [Local] Phantom Blue2: Hey Matt, what do you think CoX will have that is going to challenge CO/DCUO?
04-28-2009 18:50:45 [Local] Positron: Phantom: I think CO and DC have to challenge US. We have 5 years of content and systems. And villains.

* on Combined CoH/CoV Markets:
04-28-2009 18:51:58 [Local] Positron: Combined Markets: Maybe, farrr in the future... when the datamines don't have a HUGE discrepency in available inf on either side.
04-28-2009 18:52:55 [Local] Positron: If people are willing to pay 200m on heroside, and you cant afford 60m villainside, you definitely cant afford 200m
04-28-2009 18:53:53 [Local] Judgement Dave: i sth ediscrepency in INF earned to date or in rate of INF earning... the former could be addressed by a 1-time boost, the latter by adjusting rewards on 1 side....
04-28-2009 18:54:31 [Local] Positron: My brain just broke trying to figure out how to make rewards on one side work diff than the other

* On emotes for Arenas/RP:
04-28-2009 18:54:19 [Local] Tiger White: Posi: Can you please enable the emoting in the Arena? It would make them actually USABLE for RPers
04-28-2009 18:55:09 [Local] Positron: TW: We can look into it. Some emotes are problems in pvp though

But the most important info I got was this:
04-28-2009 17:53:23 [Local] Positron: Judgement Dave: Always, and great name, btw.

If he appreciates a punning name then there's still hope.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



We totally need deserts and jungles - we have lots of urban zones, but not many non-urban ones.

[/ QUOTE ]

But what would you do in a jungle zone? City zones work because they are city zones: there are shops, and universities and base portals and trainers and police stations and warehouses and office buildings and alleyways where crime can take place.

A jungle zone would be a great place to set a mission arc or a task-force, but then what? What would be the point of having it as a zone?