Issue 14 Closed Beta starts today




Ok, question; WHY is it only the Americans who get into Closed Beta anyway?

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1) They only need a small number of testers. Most Americans arn't in closed beta either.

2) They can use the other test server to test emergancy fixes for issue 13 builds.

I really should do something about this signature.



Ok, question; WHY is it only the Americans who get into Closed Beta anyway?

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1) They only need a small number of testers. Most Americans arn't in closed beta either.

2) They can use the other test server to test emergancy fixes for issue 13 builds.

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There's that logic thing again. It's powerful, but not as LOUD as the whiny masses.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Bring on I15 before the game dies! Yes, D00m post!
After all, it's saturday!



Oh, BTW, the swine have something else, not related to the archetect, but possibly related to Godwin, and someone not seen since before the game started.

I really should do something about this signature.



What difference does that make no mod,s to shut down any threads that break the rules anyway.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Its not like the threads are pushed in your face, or you cant ignore annoying/offensive users. You can Mod yourself.



Jeeze with all the doom posts in this thread I wanna break out some leonard cohen records and gouge my eyes out with blunt spoons or something

wake up people. A FREE update allowing you to customise content cannot be bad for the game!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Oh, BTW, the swine have something else, not related to the archetect, but possibly related to Godwin, and someone not seen since before the game started.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ooooh - about time too, if I'm recalling right, since it's probably about 5 or 6 issues back that we started wondering when.

but but but couldn't that take the edge off the doom about I14 being nothing at all but MA?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Oh, BTW, the swine have something else, not related to the archetect, but possibly related to Godwin, and someone not seen since before the game started.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ooooh - about time too, if I'm recalling right, since it's probably about 5 or 6 issues back that we started wondering when.

but but but couldn't that take the edge off the doom about I14 being nothing at all but MA?

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, what? -lost-

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Oh, BTW, the swine have something else, not related to the archetect, but possibly related to Godwin, and someone not seen since before the game started.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ooooh - about time too, if I'm recalling right, since it's probably about 5 or 6 issues back that we started wondering when.

but but but couldn't that take the edge off the doom about I14 being nothing at all but MA?

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Wait, what? -lost-

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The 5th

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Oh, BTW, the swine have something else, not related to the archetect, but possibly related to Godwin, and someone not seen since before the game started.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ooooh - about time too, if I'm recalling right, since it's probably about 5 or 6 issues back that we started wondering when.

but but but couldn't that take the edge off the doom about I14 being nothing at all but MA?

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, what? -lost-

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The 5th

[/ QUOTE ]

Its amazing what a different look does to the Council, but 5th Missions are just much nicer

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Its amazing what a different look does to the Council, but 5th Missions are just much nicer

[/ QUOTE ]

That's cuz the Nazis had the best uniforms. Who remembers the Italian fascist uniforms under Il Duce?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Ahhhh. Yes, Fifth Column were MUCH cooler. I think its the German names. They SOUND grim Speaking German is great fun, it feels like permanant cursing XD
And the helmets and robots were made of win -nods-
Fur die Column!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



TBH, i14 is ONE closed beta where they should consider roping in some EU people... Especially roleplayers.

Might get rid of a bit of the doom and gloom over here if folks here know that some EU folks are getting to try it too...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



You would merely get a bunch of missions where heroes invade NCSoft offices and beat everyone up.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



I guess this means that I15 is getting close at least

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"




Two or three weeks to prepare, I'm nowhere near ready, I haven't even decided on my first few missions.



Jeeze with all the doom posts in this thread I wanna break out some leonard cohen records and gouge my eyes out with blunt spoons or something

wake up people. A FREE update allowing you to customise content cannot be bad for the game!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yes customising the already stale content we have is a huge plus,

Look dont forget there is still a large base of players here who are not into RP and could careless about building there own missions using the same maps/bad guys what they want is dev created content.

If the devs dont cater for all there player base this game will die simple fact, theres no point in saying it wont and running around with rose tinted glasses on.

The game is alomst 5 years old and thats good going for an MMO but alot of games are folding or have folded or are shutting down servers ie conan.

I dont want this game to die but i also dont want to be playing a game that has no life left in it. Some of you may be putting out the flags for this one but i have ended one of my accounts and the other will be going soon unless somethign good happens with the game.

But either way even if you dont like me i dont care but the game is loosing another player who has been at it for 4.5 years and has sunk alot of money into it, and that is never a good thing.



Can I have your stuff?

On-topic though, about time. :P

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."





The game is alomst 5 years old and thats good going for an MMO but alot of games are folding or have folded or are shutting down servers ie conan.

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Conan when launched was not a finished product (oh yes Tortage and lvl 1-20 was great... rest NOT). It was launched too early and we paid and played an early beta version of it!

So far though the Devs have concentrated on several aspects long overdue. Giving the villains a VEAT, Thinking more on base (Base system is ok... just Give us MORE base items to tinker with!).
Thus so far its Villains (veat), Basebuilders (semi finished and thoughs), PvP'ers did get their patch (Don't think they nailed it there though, but im not an avid pvp'er (just give diminishing to npc in the Zones as well!).
Now they are going to give RP'ers more tools.
I think its a great initiative and it is thinking new
Lets see how much though we can do with the MA and if we also get a few new things with i-14.
As a stealth bonus with the issue I do hope the Devs give us all/most of the items that are already in the game with the MA... but that is me (pool table, black Jack table, plants, walls and more)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Look dont forget there is still a large base of players here who are not into RP and could careless about building there own missions...

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Link to these official figures please?

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Whats RPing got to do with making missions?

It's not running away. It's advancing in reverse!



Whats RPing got to do with making missions?

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*shoots inZane with a tranq gun and steals his cake*
I was roleplaying a villain, and now you have a mission to get your cake back. See how that works out?
*fires a few more darts into inZane and walks off eating cake*

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."




Look dont forget there is still a large base of players here who are not into RP and could careless about building there own missions using the same maps/bad guys what they want is dev created content.

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Hush now - the devs gave the PvP community some attention in I13, so I14 will be them turning their attention to the RP community

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Whats RPing got to do with making missions?

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I agree, im not a roleplayer but i cant wait to create my own missions and test out other peoples arcs.
As long as theres a "random arc" button i'll be happy. I want a mixture of funny/serious/doom/tributes/epic-end-of-world/training arcs for me to play please people

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!