Issue 14 Closed Beta starts today




Quick question... Does MA allow you to make your own maps (a la Base Editor) or can you only use ones that are already in-game?

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No, but devs said that it's kinda sorta planned in post-I15... You get access to all the unique maps though, Frostfire lair was specifically mentioned.



I also suspect that places like the Titan Gaming Network will do reviews of player content, so will be a prime place for finding the good ones.

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I would be more willing to believe the ratings from titan than any sort of player driven rating system.

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But but but but...

Any Titan site giving ratings would be a player driven rating system - it'd just be one with (presumably) better feedback and possibly better ratings system.

Heck - I'd proabably trust Titan more, but I couldn't deny it being player driven.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I think the difference would be that users of the Titan site are perhaps more "hard core" than the average player, and thus able to make a more informed judgment.

I really should do something about this signature.




Actually I was thinking that it's got benefits whether run by one person (like red tomax's info) or as a community (akin to the wiki).

If a single person does it then I'd guess it'd have to be someone 'hard core' - however they'd have a job reviewing very many MA missions and their reviews would obviously be based upon their individual tastes (which may not be yours or mine).

If it's a resource that allows the community to review, then I'd guess we could see:
* more granular rating than thumbs up or down (e.g. rate from 0 to 5)
* rating of different aspects (e.g. storyline, mobs, overall)
* textual comments
* mild reviewer profiling (e.g. Are you a RP'er, farmer... tick all that apply) which could enable an attempt to be made to match the browser to reviews made by people with similar tastes

I guess it'd be interesting even if general, public comments weren't included if comments could be included for private feedback to the MA writers with a titan account...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



We also need a system to get an idea of what for party is required. Most obviously designed for solo play or party play.

I am not overly enthusiastic about bumping into an AV every mission I enter or for that matter even EB's when I solo.



We also need a system to get an idea of what for party is required. Most obviously designed for solo play or party play.

I am not overly enthusiastic about bumping into an AV every mission I enter or for that matter even EB's when I solo.

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Hopefully, Mission Architects will put information like that in the opening dialog; but it would be nice if we can set a series of searchable flags so that people can filter on what they're looking for...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I also suspect that places like the Titan Gaming Network will do reviews of player content, so will be a prime place for finding the good ones.

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I would be more willing to believe the ratings from titan than any sort of player driven rating system.

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But but but but...

Any Titan site giving ratings would be a player driven rating system - it'd just be one with (presumably) better feedback and possibly better ratings system.

Heck - I'd proabably trust Titan more, but I couldn't deny it being player driven.

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I would echo that. Any sort of system would be player driven, but given the titan site is outside the standard CoX login. It would have to be a pretty dedicated friend to sign up to a site just to vote for someones map ingame.

Also external site, in my experience, tend to be more impartial.



I'm sure I read somewhere that you can make one custom boss per mission (hence the delay from i13) Has it been confirmed that it is just one? It would be nice to recreate a couple of my and my friends villains as in game they were designed to compliment each other - a sort of tag team, that our heroes could fight (ie fighting our own characters - something that you can't do at present). If it is one custom boss per mission, then even if they are AV level, a team of 8 heroes isn't going to have much of an issue, is it?



We also need a system to get an idea of what for party is required. Most obviously designed for solo play or party play.

I am not overly enthusiastic about bumping into an AV every mission I enter or for that matter even EB's when I solo.

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Hopefully, Mission Architects will put information like that in the opening dialog; but it would be nice if we can set a series of searchable flags so that people can filter on what they're looking for...

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That is what I am hoping for. But if its not in the MA then i hope it will appear on that Titan network you talk about.



The version seen at hero con certainly alowed multiple AVs in a mission.

I've seen nothing official to suggest you are limited to one.

I really should do something about this signature.



We also need a system to get an idea of what for party is required. Most obviously designed for solo play or party play.

I am not overly enthusiastic about bumping into an AV every mission I enter or for that matter even EB's when I solo.

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Hopefully, Mission Architects will put information like that in the opening dialog; but it would be nice if we can set a series of searchable flags so that people can filter on what they're looking for...

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When I write the mission briefing I intend to include as much info about the mission/arc as possible. Hopefully in character.

I really should do something about this signature.



The version seen at hero con certainly alowed multiple AVs in a mission.

I've seen nothing official to suggest you are limited to one.

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I must've read something incorrectly. Hopefully these can be made to be my custom villains (or Heroes for my villain arcs)



Absolutely. Even if tiny 0.1% of arcs would be any good, that's still dozens, maybe hundreds of good ones. Finding them might ber a problem though, look at any fanfiction site...

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I never have any problems finding good fanfic, because I mostly read from recs. I expect that the MA will be the same -- rec sites/communities will be established, well-written missions will get recced a lot, and I'll find people whose taste meshes well with mine and I'll trust their recs to find content I'll enjoy.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



I don't know about others here, obviously not role players etc, but I just click anything with writing and do my missions, I very rarely read them anyway, so all the wondrous stories people have planned would be wasted on folk like me i'm afraid. But them I don't plan to use the MA anyway.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



I don't know about others here, obviously not role players etc, but I just click anything with writing and do my missions, I very rarely read them anyway, so all the wondrous stories people have planned would be wasted on folk like me i'm afraid. But them I don't plan to use the MA anyway.

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This kind of attitude always puzzles me, TBH. Without the storylines, this game is INCREDIBLY boring to play after a few weeks...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Even if you don't like stories you could play for the challenge of trying to beat FFM's meatgrinder mission.

I really should do something about this signature.



I don't know about others here, obviously not role players etc, but I just click anything with writing and do my missions, I very rarely read them anyway, so all the wondrous stories people have planned would be wasted on folk like me i'm afraid. But them I don't plan to use the MA anyway.

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This kind of attitude always puzzles me, TBH. Without the storylines, this game is INCREDIBLY boring to play after a few weeks...

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Have to say I've rarely been doing arcs purely for the storylines. Most of them are pretty darn dull and badly written. At this stage I know most of the damn things off by heart anyway. Newer ones (like the Faultline arcs) tend to be better but even then the most fun aspect is actually doing the missions (like the Faultline 4 way AV one) rather than reading the blurb.

For example I still have no idea why I was fighting Vanguard in the RWZ on Friday (I assume they were rouges of some sort ) but I had a lot of fun doing so regardless.

MA arcs will be the same, I'll be judging them mostly on how they play rather than how they read (but bonus points if they read well too). I'd prefer to play a fun, tricky mish that's enjoyable than some snorefest vanilla Council "kill all" regardless of how wonderful the back story is.




This kind of attitude always puzzles me, TBH. Without the storylines, this game is INCREDIBLY boring to play after a few weeks...

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Well, ideally the game should be interesting on some level even if all enemies are "generic foozle" "advanced foozle" and "foozle Overlord" all sharing the same model. In fact I suspect that the best and most loved arcs won't be those with excellent stories, but ones with creative "mission architecture", something that makes foozle-slaying aspect different.



I don't know about others here, obviously not role players etc, but I just click anything with writing and do my missions, I very rarely read them anyway, so all the wondrous stories people have planned would be wasted on folk like me i'm afraid. But them I don't plan to use the MA anyway.

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This kind of attitude always puzzles me, TBH. Without the storylines, this game is INCREDIBLY boring to play after a few weeks...

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I love the game and thoroughly enjoy it, I wouldnt have 31 alts if I didnt, but the stories for the most part arent that brilliant and lets face it, its dressing as a hell of a lot of the maps and missions whether dressed up or not, are the same.

Give me a brilliant map such as the Freakolympics one, some of the end missions on TFs like Leviathan etc any day over a so so story.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



MA will give us a chance to do something different with those maps.

Look out for my "find 37 glowies in the Eden Spire" mission.

I really should do something about this signature.



MA will give us a chance to do something different with those maps.

Look out for my "find 37 glowies in the Eden Spire" mission.

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Hey! I was going to put an "Escort the hostage out" mission in there!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I know the people in closed beta already know, but it's so frustrating* not knowing which maps are going to be included at launch

I'm hoping for the floating island map from the scirrocco arc or the clockwork king warehouse one from the synapse TF

*The above comment could be construde as an understatement!



MA will give us a chance to do something different with those maps.

Look out for my "find 37 glowies in the Eden Spire" mission.

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Hey! I was going to put an "Escort the hostage out" mission in there!

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I was thinking of a defend the hostage mission in there, complete with AV ambush.. Targetted on the hostage /em evilgrin



I know the people in closed beta already know, but it's so frustrating* not knowing which maps are going to be included at launch

I'm hoping for the floating island map from the scirrocco arc or the clockwork king warehouse one from the synapse TF

*The above comment could be construde as an understatement!

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According to previously released information, ALL maps currently in the game will be available for the MA to use, totaling approx 1000 maps in all.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



FFM Hope your right. Still remember a little comment (dont know where) which said all indoor maps would be ready by launch. Some, like outdoor maps would be included at a later date.
Your post made me smile FFM, cause if it is correct (=sound of glee)

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