Rude Tells- whats urs?




Thanks guys, sounds like a waste of time TBH.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is to everyone but the guy doing the mission.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Once they've done that they kick you and solo the lot. More enemies means more Inf and Drops.

[/ QUOTE ]

Although there's an obvious fallacy here, the same one that runs 8-man Invincibles in the Hollows because "u get mor XP" ("I made you a Karma +Knockback but I ated it") - what matters is not the amount of drops inside the doors, but the time it takes you to get to each one. Just as it's more efficient to street sweep blues and greens because you can chop them down quickly without ever stopping, it may well be more efficient to not inflate spawn sizes to a point where you need actual thought to beat them. It also obviously increases the rate of Pool B drops.

[Disclaimer: I personally don't care about XP/ or drops/hour - I'm really looking forward to Merits not least because then we'll get some TF action that isn't ITF ITF ITF Katie ITF - but I'm not convinced the people who do have really thought it over.]



A mate of mine mentioned this one to me during an ITF with a PuG:

Stranger: Invite me to your SG
Mate: It is not "my" SG
Stranger: That's the [censored] excuse I've ever heard!

Most annoying I had was prolly back a year ago and mentioned already on the forums, I was flying around with a 50 scrapper and got the following tell:

Stranger: I need your help
Me: What can i do for you?
Stranger: I'm a lvl 10 controlelr and I am bord of my missions so I need a 50 to clear them, no need to exemp, I just want to purchase insps from the contact.
Me: Can't you buy them from Arena?
Stranger: Not wakies, they're not sold in Arena
Me: What about Wincott in Hollows?
Stranger: He won't sell them either until I have progressed in his arc and in the future don't lecture someone who has been playing since day one of beta.

Can't remember many more peculiar ones except a few weeks ago when a total stranger sent me a tell saying "Shizzle!" I replied "Fo' shizzle!" and that was pretty much it, maybe a mt or maybe the guy was bored



Once they've done that they kick you and solo the lot. More enemies means more Inf and Drops.

[/ QUOTE ]

Although there's an obvious fallacy here, the same one that runs 8-man Invincibles in the Hollows because "u get mor XP" ("I made you a Karma +Knockback but I ated it") - what matters is not the amount of drops inside the doors, but the time it takes you to get to each one. Just as it's more efficient to street sweep blues and greens because you can chop them down quickly without ever stopping, it may well be more efficient to not inflate spawn sizes to a point where you need actual thought to beat them. It also obviously increases the rate of Pool B drops.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not always a fallacy - for a toon whose power sets mainly do single target damage, time needed to kill a group does scale more or less linearly with the number of mobs in a group.

If you can do lots of AoE damage, though (looking at you, Fire/Kins), pretty much the entire group falls over at once irrespective of its size.



Wanna give some more details? Was this in faultline by Doc Deliah? If you are who I think you are. I sent a tell and got no reply so blinded, and then a good five mins later after couldnt get a team together myself got offered the last 2 spaces on another so left my team as u just joined.

I believe u have named and that is against the forum rules.

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Seeing as you've asked for more details I will call this a loophole and so I will give them:

This is the only thing from you in my chatlogs which incidentally is not in the passed month:

07-30-2008 19:06:56 -->lcicIe: not right now but ty for invite
07-30-2008 19:07:04 lcicIe: k thnx for the reply

(Aww) Now I can gather that most of the time you're very nice and that maybe it was an off day where you "thought" you sent me a tell. I am used to accepting invites without typing a damn thing from playing on Vigilance and Zukunft. People just hook up.

I believe that I may of been less than 5 mins from logging in. I went off to do something, whilst logging in and came back to an invite. I got no tell, my chat was as empty as it would always be on a hardly played character. If I did see a tell I would of said something. I thought "Oh this guy is quiet". I did wonder if I was on hide but if I was how'd ya find me anyway? Didn't matter, I was afk when you sent it; then I joined to become teamed with you, I then traveled half way across Faultline which takes 30secs, got to you and then you quit. I call that rude.

I openly admitted "I can be rude as I openly RP early" on in this post. When someone trying to invite me asks me a stupid question I give them a stupid rhetorical answer. I like to see details, details that I give when I invite because in the middle of something I would rather not have to ask or use /sea. I am always in the know of what level enemy I will be fighting before I am inviting, and when asking to join a team I give details about my level because no end of times as a lvl50 in Peregrine I have been invited by a 10 in atlas who then says "PL me pls".

I didn't even realize me and you Tuarus had ever spoke to each other before. I am *Confused* as to why I am informed by someone in authority that we had.

I chatlog everything.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



well. what can i say but lol. been away for a week, due to money/subs but everyday been checking this page and could not keep a straight face. (though some posts have not made me laugh due to the type. though i think ive said typcial n 0mg a few times.)
this is why i posted this from the US becuase i knew ppl here on the EU would have had something the same + some rude but funny tells.
Though for any ppl still wondering. made this post to show the intertesting time of the game, not the downsides or problems but the moments tht ppl still have.
(and yes, like GR said-no N&S plz.)

plz continue posting the rude/funny tells tht u think.



This should pan out with a conclusion that what maybe considered rude could often be a misunderstanding based on a false assumption or based on one not knowing that the other one is believing in having done something, they didn't.

Plus its hard to find anyone who isn't momentarily hypocritical especially during times when poor patience has grown.

Take this example; in the level 40s the team captain tired of being mezzed and tired of asking the empath 9 times for CM when he was blasting away with far weaker blasts and upon seeing them CM others, decides the Empath is ignoring them deliberately and kicks them.

What is lost is the idea that an Empath can get to 40+ without knowing what CM stands for and so had no idea of what the leader wanted. I would wonder how far someone can go but you never know.

In all this, though I am wondering where any idea of on going friction between Tuarus and me came from.

Edit: Tuarus is on 666 posts right now...Spooky

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



A mate of mine mentioned this one to me during an ITF with a PuG:

Stranger: Invite me to your SG
Mate: It is not "my" SG
Stranger: That's the s.h.i.t.t.i.e.s.t excuse I've ever heard!

Most annoying I had was prolly back a year ago and mentioned already on the forums, I was flying around with a 50 scrapper and got the following tell:

Stranger: I need your help
Me: What can i do for you?
Stranger: I'm a lvl 10 controlelr and I am bord of my missions so I need a 50 to clear them, no need to exemp, I just want to purchase insps from the contact.
Me: Can't you buy them from Arena?
Stranger: Not wakies, they're not sold in Arena
Me: What about Wincott in Hollows?
Stranger: He won't sell them either until I have progressed in his arc and in the future don't lecture someone who has been playing since day one of beta.

Can't remember many more peculiar ones except a few weeks ago when a total stranger sent me a tell saying "Shizzle!" I replied "Fo' shizzle!" and that was pretty much it, maybe a mt or maybe the guy was bored

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought I had already read that story... saw it on the US forums from you yesterday



Good choice on not inviting to the SG if it was ours, if it wasn't then why didn't you??!

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



A mate of mine mentioned this one to me during an ITF with a PuG:

Stranger: Invite me to your SG
Mate: It is not "my" SG
Stranger: That's the s.h.i.t.t.i.e.s.t excuse I've ever heard!

Most annoying I had was prolly back a year ago and mentioned already on the forums, I was flying around with a 50 scrapper and got the following tell:

Stranger: I need your help
Me: What can i do for you?
Stranger: I'm a lvl 10 controlelr and I am bord of my missions so I need a 50 to clear them, no need to exemp, I just want to purchase insps from the contact.
Me: Can't you buy them from Arena?
Stranger: Not wakies, they're not sold in Arena
Me: What about Wincott in Hollows?
Stranger: He won't sell them either until I have progressed in his arc and in the future don't lecture someone who has been playing since day one of beta.

Can't remember many more peculiar ones except a few weeks ago when a total stranger sent me a tell saying "Shizzle!" I replied "Fo' shizzle!" and that was pretty much it, maybe a mt or maybe the guy was bored

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought I had already read that story... saw it on the US forums from you yesterday

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, posted it myself there too



Not really sure if this belongs here.... But aside from all the blind invites/stupid farm requests another thing I find rude is not answering to tells asking to join the team. Yes, I do understand that you may be in the thick of the battle and no, I dont care if you just reply with a blunt no but not answering is just rude. Even if you're fighting you could answer after that or reply "1 sec" or "no" while fighting, neither of those take more than a few seconds to type.

Nowadays I just run a bind to ask anyone around my level for team if they're showing on /search. Got too bored to type the same sentence 5 or more times and getting only 1 or 2 responses.

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I get this all the time. I asked 5 people yesterday if they wanted to team with me, NONE of them replied.

Is everyone just rude or somewhat?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not necessarily, no. I posted my reason for often not replying to /tells in the General section of the forum under the "Any Deaf players play ?" topic (sorry, I tried to put in a link to it, but I couldn't get it to work for love nor money )

It's just that I've seen this raised several times before in the past, and now it's making me paranoid about being thought a rude and antisocial whatserface... Obviously this isn't a likely reason for every player who ignores /tells... but it might be more than you think.



Though I have had a tactical tell in PvP before. A tell saying, "Behind you" came up, I stopped to reply "huh?" at which point the stalker that sent it AS'd me...can't believe I fell for it and personally found it quite clever.

[/ QUOTE ]

if that was in SC then i think i might have been that stalker a few other people have fell for it as well so your not only 1

Kittens ftw



I am not keen on..


"Wanna team?"

"Wanna team with me?"


*Blind* - well I actually prefer this to the above really as I go with that on Vigilance and certainly first thought is "there is life?" and then I think that I must make "first contact" XD (quality/quantity though I must say).

I do this:

"Lvl32-35 team vs 37 nmes, would you like to team?"
"I am a lvl41 scrappy lft can I join your team pls?"

Could macro them.

This is so they don't need to ask back with a question or check search. I know that the very fact that some people feel rudely obliged to have to do those things so as to not find themselves wasting time, makes them feel that a reply isn't even earned. I am not part of another human race and so however I have felt at times is how some others will. Besides that there is legitimate afk without entering /afk which I do alot.

Oh and from PMs, me and Tuarus thing panned out as an expected misunderstanding. He's a good guy. I am evil.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Thread's a few days old, but I was just perusing the US version and was reminded of some "player interaction" I saw in a TF2 game:

Basically there was a guy on my team doing rather well, and repeatedly destroying a certain player on the other team. He gets the usual stream of abuse thrown at him:
"OMG <name> U fuggin hax man this is total BS, suc ur mum" ... etc.

I happen to be fighting next to the guy, who just pauses for a second or so, and then the funniest thing (in the context) I've seen pops up on the screen (he had admin access):
"You love it <female dog>!"

Voice comms was filled with laughter.



(At Atlas Train station, many, many moons ago):
"You're a bit of a M.I.L.F aren't you!"

>.< ... didn't have the heart to tell the poor soul.

[/ QUOTE ]

*wipes a tear away*


Must have been a couple of years ago now, I started getting some tells from a low lvl character demanding repeatedly in fairly colourful english that I pl them. I started to curse the player over vent only to hear a certain someone burst out laughing as I started to wind up... I make a habit of always checking globals these days.



Not really had any rude tells that I can remember - though it does worry me that the rhetoric for a lot of people appears to be "Send tell.. if player does not concede to what I want, they are rude". Additionally, if someone sends a tell, and I just say "No".. that isn't rude; particularly if the tell is along the lines of "Cn I jn ur tm plz" (and sadly this appears to be the norm rather than the exception these days.. what ever happened to "Hi, room for lvl x, <insert at here>"?)

Secondly, I don't see the point of sending a tell and immediately following it with a blind invite. For whatever reason the person isn't replying to your tell, are they any more likely to repsond to the blind invite? I don't mind blinds per se; I can check what levels people are then leave politely if they're several levels lower than me (as has happened a couple of times today), but "send tell; immediate blind invite" just smacks of demanding insistance, which I really can't tolerate.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Well, there's a slightly rude one every now and then, but I'd rather get a rude reply/tell than no tell/reply at all. It makes the whole "Omg thier all afkz" mentality disappear.

As for rude, there's the constant beggars. Nothing worse than a beggar.



Beggars aren't that many compared to other games. I have been playing for almost 6 months and only encountered a couple(most of them during dxp). All of them wanted to "borrow" inf.



Beggars aren't that many compared to other games. I have been playing for almost 6 months and only encountered a couple

[/ QUOTE ]

Now you mention it, I can't think that it's ever happened, and I've been playing for a while. Come to think of it, I've only been a/s/l-ed once.



f off, that's it, after the team told said person to stop acting like a noob



I received some weird ones, not really rude. Like the other week some guy wouldn't invite me to his team before he saw what my toon looked like, urging me to go to steel. I got another team during that convo.



A player left our SG because our leader refused to boot someone from it because of an arguement they had had between themselves. She took about 1 other SG player with her that I knew and wrote a big long post of what she thought was wrong with the SG. I write a really nice post on the SG forums stating why her 'please boot X' was denied (on behalf of our SG leader) and also completely blasting/obliterating any points she had come up with but still being nice, polite and fair. The next time I log on I am met with a torrent of abuse. - which I just found amusing really.

Some people...

@Sweet Chilli



A player left our SG because our leader refused to boot someone from it because of an arguement they had had between themselves. She took about 1 other SG player with her that I knew and wrote a big long post of what she thought was wrong with the SG. I write a really nice post on the SG forums stating why her 'please boot X' was denied (on behalf of our SG leader) and also completely blasting/obliterating any points she had come up with but still being nice, polite and fair. The next time I log on I am met with a torrent of abuse. - which I just found amusing really.

Some people...

[/ QUOTE ]

Did she call you "Sour Chilli"? Lol



I've had one once on hero side, search comment was no blind invites as it always is

Tello you want to team

I get an invite thinking it must be from the leader of the team, I accept
Person who asked me is not on the team (blind invite had come at a bad time)
tell from blinder: why did you leave?
Can't remember my responce

Real invite came shortly after.
That being one reason why blinds are bad

Another one
I'm on a team with a pug or the sg
tell: Do you want to join my team

Sometimes I don't even dignify these with a response as they don't seem to be able to work out grey text in the search results means teamed and blue means unteamed



I'm on a team with a pug or the sg
tell: Do you want to join my team

[/ QUOTE ]

I get this a lot. The one time I Said I was already on a team and the teller didn't believe me. So I said to send me an invite and see what happens. I didn't get a reply after. There should be some sort of legend on the search tab IMO.