Rude Tells- whats urs?




Energy Torrent on a scrapper is also low mag and rarely puts any back into the knock back.

Shockwave is brilliant for scattering however, if that's what you like. My claws scrapper replaced Shockwave with Energy Torrent cause as a WP I don't want to be chasing my +regen around the map

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



i got a random tell saying 'You smell!' yesterday

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White



well, that...I just dont know what to say to that....



well, that...I just dont know what to say to that....

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, you could stop telling Abigail that she smells!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



well, that...I just dont know what to say to that....

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, you could stop telling Abigail that she smells!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, she ate far too much fried egg this morning. The gas that you get from that...



I was playing on my Widow earlier. I got a polite tell inviting me to a team. I accepted. The team was fine, all except this one guy. Now, my Widow is female and as toons go she's pretty dang hot. This badly dressed Corruptor hounded me with suggestive and lewd tells regarding my toon. Unfortunatly I didn't log the chat so I'm unable to amuse you with this cretins rhetoric. Suffice to say he was detailing some of his fantasies.
After a few missions he starts directing these tells at me personally. Asking what my name is, what I'm wearing etc. It was funny at first, but after 5 missions it was getting old and frankly disturbing. Now throughout all this I did not reply once to him. My first, last and only reply to this freak was to inform him of my genital configuration.

I didn't hear a peep from him after that.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Think the worst I've had was "Join" not a question more a demand - that one got an equally curt NO back.

That and the stupidly high number of ones that seem to think the only thing people do with lvl 50s is to farm - you'ld think that the description No Inf Farms would give them a clue, even worse when its immediately followed by a blind invite - the only thing that does is to earn them a /ignore and until 3 months ago only one person who would be familiar to many from a couple of years ago made it to my ignore list.
I have no problem with people farming but I do with those that are too ignorant to read search descriptions.

[/ QUOTE ]
I always send tells to people but since I started using search way back in I4, I have been unable to see peoples full search comments. I am limited to seeing a couple of short words. Anything over about 5 characters I cannot see. Maybe other people have the same problem.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah this one guy on Defiant server sent me a BLIND invite and to which I joined anyway but as I got to him he quit team. Upon looking at his global it read <name deleted by GR: name and shame is not allowed>

I 1 starred him incase he was on a team of mine in future so I can make sure I look after all the nicer people first.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Think the worst I've had was "Join" not a question more a demand - that one got an equally curt NO back.

That and the stupidly high number of ones that seem to think the only thing people do with lvl 50s is to farm - you'ld think that the description No Inf Farms would give them a clue, even worse when its immediately followed by a blind invite - the only thing that does is to earn them a /ignore and until 3 months ago only one person who would be familiar to many from a couple of years ago made it to my ignore list.
I have no problem with people farming but I do with those that are too ignorant to read search descriptions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I always send tells to people but since I started using search way back in I4, I have been unable to see peoples full search comments. I am limited to seeing a couple of short words. Anything over about 5 characters I cannot see. Maybe other people have the same problem.

[/ QUOTE ]

hovering cursor over search comment? making the search window bigger? works for me at least



Wanna give some more details? Was this in faultline by Doc Deliah? If you are who I think you are. I sent a tell and got no reply so blinded, and then a good five mins later after couldnt get a team together myself got offered the last 2 spaces on another so left my team as u just joined.

I believe u have named and that is against the forum rules.



I sent a tell and got no reply so blinded

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm genuinely curious as to the reasoning behind that. As I'd see it, someone not replying to a tell is a fairly strong indication they're either busy or not interested in teaming (or both), and in either case unlikely to want a blind invite.

In principle it could be a trial account unable to reply, I suppose, but probably not in Faultline.



If people dont take the time to respond to a tell, then I will blind. They may have been AFK and missed the tell but not the invite. But at the end of the day, it is polite to send a tell so polite to reply. If no reply they get blinded.

It is hard enough to get a team without people not replying to polite tells.

And how hard is it to hit backspace and type no ty. Involves 6 kep presses.



If people dont take the time to respond to a tell, then I will blind. They may have been AFK and missed the tell but not the invite. But at the end of the day, it is polite to send a tell so polite to reply. If no reply they get blinded.

It is hard enough to get a team without people not replying to polite tells.

And how hard is it to hit backspace and type no ty. Involves 6 kep presses.

[/ QUOTE ]

See that's NOT polite in the slightest.

If someone doesn't answer you they're busy, for whatever reason (up to their armpits in Rikti, Teleporting across a zone, shopping, respeccing or whatever), take the hint and wait for them to reply. If they don't then assume they don't want to talk to you for whatever reason and move on



I wait a good 5 mins before even bllinding people that have not responding.

TBH I dont see a problem with that. I know lets make it even harder to team and to be honest if u dont like it just continue to ignore the invites. What really gets me is the people that have please send tell in their search comment and then dont reply, even after u seen them change zone and then enter a mission.

Horses for courses really and I will continue to build teams how i see fit. Looking forward to being on ur ignore list.

Another thing that i have seen happen is player x asks you to invite player Y and then Player Y sends a nasty tell saying why did u blind me?

I honestly dont know what the problem is with blind invites. You either want a team, click yes or you dont click no. Far easier than being to "busy" to reply. And to be honest there are not many times when you are unable to tap out a reply. If there is may I suggest you need to learnt to type faster :P



The big problem with blind invites is simple - it puts a dialog box in the middle of your playin area - If you are in the middle of a big fight or tping you can end up clicking on it by accident losing all progress on any mission you happen to be on or by spending the time to click no you can end up face planting, whether by missing that vital heal or falling out of the sky into purple mobs.

You don't know anything about the team you are being asked to join so cannot make an informed decision as to whether you want to.

It can also mean you don't get the invite from the person who was polite enough to send a tell and wait for a reply as they get the message you are considering another offer.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



And how hard is it to hit backspace and type no ty. Involves 6 kep presses.

[/ QUOTE ]

Please remember that some of us speak English, not lolcat. "No, thank you." is rather more.

I think, though, the underlying issue is that almost no-one uses the facility for marking yourself LFT - and particularly that people forget that if you're on a team for any purpose (even inadvertently accepting a blind and quitting immediately) then you go back to the grey not-LFT. I'll be posting a Suggestion pertinent to that, although I suspect it's a hardy perennial.

That said, I score at least one "And what does my search comment say about fills?" every night. Mind you, at least they don't send blinds.



I got this the other day from a lvl 29...

Him: Please can ibe on ur team

Me: Hey, sorry you can't join team as I'm lvl 42 and side-kicking a lvl 32, and noone else on team to SK you

Him: i dont mind i wont get stuck in too much

Me: you wont get any exp though

Him: ill get loads (really old player returning maybe?)

Me: you wont, you have to be between lvl 38 and 47 to get any exp from my missions

Him: i dont care wether i get xp or not (huh?)

Me: and not to mention you will die a lot and get debt so it would be pointless, I suggest you ask someone else for a team as no point joining mine, sorry

Him: k i suppose ur too hi

Me: plus if you join with no sk then we all loose exp, so yer we are to high (is that right? - I'm such a newb sometimes)

He didn't reply after that. I recognised the toon name pretty much right away though. He had been following me and the Mrs around Paragon the day before for some reason.



And how hard is it to hit backspace and type no ty. Involves 6 kep presses.

[/ QUOTE ]

Please remember that some of us speak English, not lolcat. "No, thank you." is rather more.

[/ QUOTE ]

But if you are busy surly it is polite to respond with the 6 key press answer and have actually answered????



But if you are busy surly it is polite to respond with the 6 key press answer and have actually answered????

[/ QUOTE ]

There are no circumstances under which I am willing to talk like some sort of semiliterate.

The whole "it's polite to send a tell, therefore it's polite to reply" argument is bogus anyway. It's polite to ring the doorbell when you arrive at someone's house, rather than barging in - that does not mean it is rude not to answer the doorbell even if you are busy somehow.



But if you are busy surly it is polite to respond with the 6 key press answer and have actually answered????

[/ QUOTE ]

There are no circumstances under which I am willing to talk like some sort of semiliterate.

The whole "it's polite to send a tell, therefore it's polite to reply" argument is bogus anyway. It's polite to ring the doorbell when you arrive at someone's house, rather than barging in - that does not mean it is rude not to answer the doorbell even if you are busy somehow.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure it is. It's rude to leave someone at the door, and I'm willing to bet that most of the time you would finish what you are doing as quick as possible and answer that door.

However, I also believe that if you don't get a tell in reply, a blind is still rude. Using the same analogy, you wouldn't barge into someones house if they didn't reply to the doorbell.



Sure it is. It's rude to leave someone at the door, and I'm willing to bet that most of the time you would finish what you are doing as quick as possible and answer that door.

[/ QUOTE ]

Depends. If I'm (say) in the bath and I'm not expecting someone I actually know, it's just too bad. If I get a tell and I'm knee deep in Rikti, it's also just too bad.



Guys it is a game. Just deal with blinds if you get them.

I deal with people that dont reply to tells by sending blinds.

It isnt worth getting upset over.

Some think it is unreasonable to blind, I think it is really rude not to reply to a tell. And I am not talking a min or so I am talking after a 5 min wait and seeing them zone to other maps and enter missions.



Guys it is a game.

[/ QUOTE ]

If it's "just a game", fine; please remember that when looking for extra team members. It's just a game; your desire for an extra team member is not that important.

Some think it is unreasonable to blind, I think it is really rude not to reply to a tell. And I am not talking a min or so I am talking after a 5 min wait and seeing them zone to other maps and enter missions.

[/ QUOTE ]

If someone doesn't reply to your tell after five minutes, _take the hint_.



Even the ones that have set the status to please send a tell??

If i have spent time sending a message then a reply is not to much to ask for. Blinds a plenty