Rude Tells- whats urs?




Rudest was in PvP of course. A hero called my brute a coward without honor. I told him what he calls cowardness and dishonor, I call effectiveness. But I guess it is just the way heroes and villains communicate in comics as well...

So, if I think about it, I received no real rude tells in 3 years of playing.

And to think even more about the topic, I guess you guys tend to forget that CoX is a roleplaying game. Who said that all heroes must be polite? You can still be a [censored], and do good, can't ya?



And people wonder why the server looks empty. lots of people are om search hide to avoid unwanted invites

i've had a few nasty tells over the years but the worst one was someone who wanted to date me in RL. As long time readers may remember I'm a boy who likes boys not girls and dating a female isn't an option, especially someone who I have never actually met. It started with a few teams where I was awesome, then it went to I really like you, then it was declarations of undying love and I want to marry you. I found it terribly creepy and refused to reply any more. Being a newby I didn't know about ignore and felt terrible when I logged on as all I got was bunny boiling tells and e-mails. Eventually the leader of the SG i had just joined pointed me in the direction of petitioning and never heard anything more. But for the three weeks it went on for it was quite disturbing.

Mind you, i can understand the attraction, i'm so l33t and awesome

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I totally get this, I'm also a 'boy who likes boys' and was followed around for weeks by this person who would not leave me alone. It started with me helping them out alot, Sking, helping with inf and that sort of thing. I like to be nice to people especially when i see they need it. Then it went past friendly too freaky. Generally the same stuff: undying love, marriage, 2.4 children. Even when i found the wonders of ignore and hide they'd /tell SG friends or people i teamed with regular to see if i was around Eventually i got so fed up with it i blew up at them and threatened to petition it all if they didnt go away... I think they got the hint. I'm really not a nasty person but there is only so much one can take.
It never ceases to amaze me that people pay to get into this game just to send lewd comments to others. I lose count of the amount of creepy people that try and come onto you, especially when you play a female character.
I'm generally a good and friendly person, i make teams alot and really try to have fun in game, shame everything has to have it's downside.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.




It never ceases to amaze me that people pay to get into this game just to send lewd comments to others. I lose count of the amount of creepy people that try and come onto you, especially when you play a female character.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know the feeling when I started as a newbie my first main alt was a nurse. I was hounded for about two weeks. It's no fun I can tell you.

If I had known about petitioning then I would have.

Now I'm a "older, Ok much older" male and it still got to me.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces



Hmm... can't really bring many overly rude tells up. And tho i do get i kinda provoke up sometimes...

Like on monday in Warhammer, guy named Jarlaxle was following me saying "Town of Berhassa?" over and over and trying to invite me. So which point i tire of him and say, "Yes, this is the Town of Berhassa, it shows clearly on the map, but you might be as inept at reading the user interface as you are with coming up with an original name."
Then he called me a B*tch... ME? but but...

There's been a fair share of stupid tells or so tho. Here's an example:
Random person: Can i jion ur taem plz?
me: Sorry on a TF.
Random person: Wat 1?
me: ITF
RP: can i jion pls????
me: we've started.
RP: cmon i wanna join!!!!!111
me: uh yea... hang on i'll send an invite.
RP: koooool!!11

(10 mins pass)

RP: invite?
me: oh i sent one, didn't you get it?
RP: nope.
me: you must be bugged, best log out and wait 15 mins before logging back on. Happens sometimes.

(here i take the opportunity to actually see what level he is... lvl 26 blaster, great)
(12 mins pass, yes i timed him )

RP: bak, invite?
me: you didn't stay off for 15 mins, you're totally bugged now, better stay off for 30 mins to be sure!
RP: f**k this f**king gme!!!!111

never heard from him again... perhaps i was mean, but hey, couldn't help myself. But people like that kinda tick me off... alot.



Hmm... can't really bring many overly rude tells up. And tho i do get i kinda provoke up sometimes...

Like on monday in Warhammer, guy named Jarlaxle was following me saying "Town of Berhassa?" over and over and trying to invite me. So which point i tire of him and say, "Yes, this is the Town of Berhassa, it shows clearly on the map, but you might be as inept at reading the user interface as you are with coming up with an original name."
Then he called me a B*tch... ME? but but...

There's been a fair share of stupid tells or so tho. Here's an example:
Random person: Can i jion ur taem plz?
me: Sorry on a TF.
Random person: Wat 1?
me: ITF
RP: can i jion pls????
me: we've started.
RP: cmon i wanna join!!!!!111
me: uh yea... hang on i'll send an invite.
RP: koooool!!11

(10 mins pass)

RP: invite?
me: oh i sent one, didn't you get it?
RP: nope.
me: you must be bugged, best log out and wait 15 mins before logging back on. Happens sometimes.

(here i take the opportunity to actually see what level he is... lvl 26 blaster, great)
(12 mins pass, yes i timed him )

RP: bak, invite?
me: you didn't stay off for 15 mins, you're totally bugged now, better stay off for 30 mins to be sure!
RP: f**k this f**king gme!!!!111

never heard from him again... perhaps i was mean, but hey, couldn't help myself. But people like that kinda tick me off... alot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally I would've told him to delete and reinstall his entire game by downloading it.

You could have easily finished the ITF 3 times over in that time.



Unfortunately my old chatlogs were wiped when I uninstalled the game a few months back. I'm back now but none of the chatlogs I have contain any "rude" tells, but I can remember experenices.

I've got a few potty mouths shouting at me for not joining a team. I've got what all of us get eventually. Unfortunately CoX is not free of the complete morons via tell.

Not anything stands out as offensive, but I do remember one recently.

I was on one of my lower level toons, got a tell only stating "fill" then an invite, I selected No. Then got a "thanks a lot, you're really helpful". My reply was simply "I don't want to fill, you got a problem with that?" Afterwards, no more tells from that person.

Also some of the experenices posted here are intresting.

EDIT: YEEEEEEES, 2000 posts Thats a landmark



EDIT: YEEEEEEES, 2000 posts Thats a landmark

[/ QUOTE ]

Pfff.. N00b.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



EDIT: YEEEEEEES, 2000 posts Thats a landmark

[/ QUOTE ]

Pfff.. N00b.

[/ QUOTE ]

The kind of noob that plays for over 2 years?



From the first chat log file in my COH folder, dating back to 2006 during an innocent visit to Atlas...

[Tell]Total Stranger: eo u want to hve sex with me
[Tell]-->Total Stranger: shoo

And then 2 minutes later in local chat I see:
[Local]Innocent Bystander: no
[Local]Total Stranger: y
[Local]Innocent Bystander: cause i dnt

I assume they were getting similar tells to me

[/ QUOTE ]

They were! I know, 'cause I remember that guy too! I think I just explained to him that he really should have thought about that BEFORE cladding himself in head-to-toe, all-in-one spandex.... no-one's gonna wait THAT long, sweetie... before running away quick smart.

Other than that... not sure if this qualifies as 'rude' exactly, but it certainly got my back up:

Unknown Person: hey u wanna team?
Me: Sorry, I'm on a mission map at the moment
Unknown Person: Wat mish u doing?
Me: Frostfire
Unknown Person: I'll help invit me
(I think about it - I'm halfway through the map by now but I suppose if they want to tag along - better explain my circumstances first though...)
Me: Okay then, but I've only really got time to complete this mission - I've got to log off in about 15 mins. Is that okay?
Unknown Person: Yea invit me
(I invite Unknown Person to team)
Unknown Person: Are u comin then
Me: What? Where to?
Unknown Person: Steel Canyon 2 do my mish
Me: I thought you wanted to join this Frostfire mission?
Unknown Person: Do my mish in Steel Canyon first
Me: Steel Canyon is MILES away, and I'm halfway through this one now!
Unknown Person: me and my mate r in Steel Canyon we need team 4 my mish now
Me: I'm sorry, but I'm not quitting this one now, I've only got 10 more mins to finish it
Unknown Person: do my mish now and i do urs tomorow
(I quit the team and resume my mission)
Unknown Person: Why u quit?
(I put Unknown Person on /ignore)

...Okay, I know it was cowardly, but I was afraid I might be rude in return otherwise



EDIT: YEEEEEEES, 2000 posts Thats a landmark

[/ QUOTE ]

Pfff.. N00b.

[/ QUOTE ]

The kind of noob that plays for over 2 years?

[/ QUOTE ]
Hardcore n00bs hang on to their status however long they've played.



EDIT: YEEEEEEES, 2000 posts Thats a landmark

[/ QUOTE ]

Pfff.. N00b.

[/ QUOTE ]

The kind of noob that plays for over 2 years?

[/ QUOTE ]
Hardcore n00bs hang on to their status however long they've played.

[/ QUOTE ]

You called?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



(At Atlas Train station, many, many moons ago):
"You're a bit of a M.I.L.F aren't you!"

>.< ... didn't have the heart to tell the poor soul.

Either that, or the first time I entered Warburg and was persistantly targetted for a 1v1 ganking by a solo player. When I politely asked if they were enjoying themselves and what they got out of permanently disrupting my mission, they called me a CULT!, (at least I think thats what it was). The Incident has always puzzled me because I didn't have any followers with me at the time.[/i]



Mate, I know you mean it as a joke, but that's a really crass thing to say, and if I wasn't one of the nice people who wanted to be friends, I'd wish you got that stalker, so you can have the 'pleasure' of knowing what it's like.

Sometimes the nicest people on the Internet can turn into real jerks by not actually thinking what they're typing...

[/ QUOTE ]

You're right... On thinking about it, I guess it COULD be taken wrongly. Enforcer (or anyone else who've experienced this), if I said anything that upset you, you have my sincerest apologies.

Trust the wise Ravenswing, I WAS joking.

EDIT: In fact, I've decided to remove my post, as it WAS crass. Sorry again folks.

[/ QUOTE ]

No offence taken mate, I read it in the spirit in which you wrote it and found it funny



(At Atlas Train station, many, many moons ago):
"You're a bit of a M.I.L.F aren't you!"

>.< ... didn't have the heart to tell the poor soul.

Either that, or the first time I entered Warburg and was persistantly targetted for a 1v1 ganking by a solo player. When I politely asked if they were enjoying themselves and what they got out of permanently disrupting my mission, they called me a CULT!, (at least I think thats what it was). The Incident has always puzzled me because I didn't have any followers with me at the time.[/i]

[/ QUOTE ]

The Cult of Mumsie. Actually that has a ring to it



All hail Mumsie! I'm in.



Personally I've had some bizzare tells from potenial con artists, one the other day was kinda amusing and went something like this:

Tell, hi r u interested in doing some farming?
Reply, sorry I'm busy with my sg at the moment
Tell, I will pay u 100m inf if go farming with me
Reply, sorry I'd like to help, but I just don't have the time right now.
Tell, will anyone in yr sg help?
Reply, I notice you have an sg, won't they help?
Tell, no, tell u wot make it 200m, I used to work 4 one of those internet sites that sells inf, so I have billions
Reply, If you're so rich why do you want to go farming?
Tell, I dont have any inf on this toon, THATS WHY! do u have 10-20m on you?
Reply, I do why?
Tell, I NEED SOME INF ON THIS TOON NOW! all my inf is on my main toon.
Reply, Look I'm not doubting you, however I wouldn't just hand 20m over, I'd be quite happy to hold some inf for you if you relog as your main toon and then give it back to you.

5 minutes silence

Tell, FUNKY WINKER or something like that.

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)

GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook




Tell, no, tell u wot make it 200m, I used to work 4 one of those internet sites that sells inf, so I have billions

[/ QUOTE ]

sounds like an excellent case for /petition

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant




Tell, no, tell u wot make it 200m, I used to work 4 one of those internet sites that sells inf, so I have billions

[/ QUOTE ]

sounds like an excellent case for /petition

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh sliding slightly off topic from the OP but in the same area as this ^ ...was not too long ago when myself, some sg buddies, Dusty and Tsumi were on an LGTF when lo and behold, after months of blissfully quiet emails, got a tell from a toon very stupidly calling himself Ga Gora (oh you know where this is going ) doing the usual sales spin of RL money for inf .... I truly despise these methods and feel sorry for those who get suckered into the scam.
As i previously posted I like to see myself as an optimist when it comes to people but it saddens me that people still try and lure the more gullible of us into these cons, all I can say is thank god for /ignore

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



me: you must be bugged, best log out and wait 15 mins before logging back on. Happens sometimes.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Your insp tray is clogged. Hold down Alt - now try pressing F1, F2, F3, F4, and so on..."

(I have no idea if Alt-F4 works ingame, actually. I might try this and find out.)

I start grumpy 90% of the time because I spell "you" with three letters.



Ive had loads, coz i probably deserved them...1 thing does spring to mind tho, i was doing frostie once, with 2 other people and one of them was sending someone else...well shall we say...naughty tells...and accidentally put it out on team chat....i laughed....he left

Most likely seen playing Abigail in Black or Abigail in White




What the heck is this supposed to mean?? Are they asking me to define the word, asking for one or asking if I want to join one...


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



Not realy rude, but very funny one.

I was on Deep and hanging out at Atlas not sure what i am in Mood to do. Then i see an new Member of our Sg inside the Sewers. Thought, okay make them the run more easy and got to Sewers.
Inside People waited for all to come and the Leader said

" Hey Deep get lost, thats an Sewer run, you dont have to be here. "

Very nice one, i tiold him, he must be new to this Game because Sewers are open for all.
Seems some members of the Team then told him what i am planing to do and he said nothing more.
Some Minutes later all where lvl 7 wthout any Probs and had lota fun.
Love my Empathy

I learned to tell People what i plan to do so they know



I used to get plentiful rude tells, usually in badly-spelled or sometimes impossible to read txt-msg code just for politely declining invitations to join a team. Even if I amended my search comment to 'Do not ask me to farm, fill, or bridge unless you have 100,000,000 influence, payable in advance.' people still asked if I wanted to perform one of those three activities. When I directed their attention to my comment, I was met with a readily ignored stream of expletives and scorn. I find it odd that I am in the wrong, for their lack of reading aptitude. They could have saved themselves ten minutes of fury. Ah well.

Then the Dev's introduced the multiple /hide options, and I routinely hide from /search. It's been a blissfully peaceful few months.

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When I saw this topic I was about to post my own experience, but it turns out I'm not a beautiful unique snowflake then.

One of my alts is for RP only despite being level 50 and I'd get annoyed from the number of requests simply put as 'farm' without even a question mark. Different tacks in my search comment, no difference, I eventually settled with a 'Not interested, thanks'.

Even so the tells still came, so to one of them I said 'As my search comment says' and got an immediate 'retard, idiot ur search says [censored], learn how to writte u illiterate [censored]'.


Which yes, was amusing considering.