Rude Tells- whats urs?




Not really rude, but funny more.

Was playing my Elec/shield brute some (she's level 6 atm). And i joined some random team and as soon as i joined i see a message in team chat one guy going "I'm a 36 month vet, you all should follow my commands noobs!". I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, decided to play along seeing where this would lead.

So we enter mission, and he starts issuing orders like some army general. "x and y, run in and take aggro, z heal" and so on, telling people what to do. I was trying hard not to laugh (we did not have a healer, it was 5 brutes and a dominator), so they charged in, x and y died instantly (oh i forgot the level span in the team was 1-4 and we were fighting level 6's, the diff was set up to highest i think). The 36month vet screaming at the dominator he needs to res and heal, and he goes... dude i have no heals nor a res. he gets kicked from team.

Then he [censored] at me for standing in the back watching (i was level 2 at the time and would not stand a lick of a chance against 6's) and then he goes down, i'm only one alive, so i run out, say in team chat "If anyone wanna play for fun and not with a e-bay general, they can send me a tell". 20 secs later, the other four in the team joined me and we were rocking a couple of missions with no defeats much fun!



This thread is so cuddly.
My all time favorite of rude tells is.

Some farmer: need farm team?
Me: Need to learn how to read?
Some farmer: want o lear how i can kick as if answer me in this mode?!
It gave me a headache trying to translate.

Also got that one about me being antisocial for saying no.
I would have given... It an answer to why I said no but sadly... I was ignored. Tried for ages to get the message through to the person via sgchat and other channels. And actually managed to do that... The person told me to shut up.
And the reason I said no was a mix of it being a farmer and me not having time at that moment.

Is not really a rude tell more like how the guy acted. Told him several times no both in tells and local that I did not want to join his team. He never answered all he did was trying to blind invite.
And yes indeed he blind invited me a few more times.