Rude Tells- whats urs?




I do rude tells when I play villains. I got told I was the most horrible person one person had the misfortune to communicate with once. I RP openly.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I got told "I hope you die and all your kids get cancer" from a mouthy anoying leach when I asked him to quit the team or wait outside when he went afk rather than going in each misison, going afk and then coming back in time to move to the next mission.



Ok, Firstly, awesome thread, had me lolling for real

Secondly, Sapphic Neko, *much applause* brilliant

Anyway, I've had numerous of this sort of thing, depending on my mood at the time, I'll either just ignore or have some fun annoying them back, but always politely.

Often my response to my favourite "Farm!" is

"farm [fahrm] –noun
1. a tract of land, usually with a house, barn, silo, etc., on which crops and often livestock are raised for livelihood.
2. land or water devoted to the raising of animals, fish, plants, etc.: a pig farm; an oyster farm; a tree farm. "

And so on and so forth, usually gets replied to with a healthy "HUH??"

The worst tells I've ever had was the whole debacle where I was accused of being a racist due to my new scrapper being called White Racer. She was dressed in a white cossie and had super speed, hence the name. One nutball decided it was offensive and I was obviously some sort of white supremacist KKK nazi type, threatened to petition me and have me banned. I was so gutted by the conversation I deleted her at level 27 because of it Looking back I wish I'd just ignored them.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



I used to get plentiful rude tells, usually in badly-spelled or sometimes impossible to read txt-msg code just for politely declining invitations to join a team. Even if I amended my search comment to 'Do not ask me to farm, fill, or bridge unless you have 100,000,000 influence, payable in advance.' people still asked if I wanted to perform one of those three activities. When I directed their attention to my comment, I was met with a readily ignored stream of expletives and scorn. I find it odd that I am in the wrong, for their lack of reading aptitude. They could have saved themselves ten minutes of fury. Ah well.

Then the Dev's introduced the multiple /hide options, and I routinely hide from /search. It's been a blissfully peaceful few months.

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This has happened to me too on more than one occasion, I dont reply to the original tells when they ask so I dont end up with the agro.

They cant be bothered to read my search comment, I cant be bothered to reply simple as.



I've lost track of how many times I get /tells on one particular character on my second account, and every time I get one, it makes me shake my head in wonder.

The search comment reads: "Dual-boxing. This character will NOT answer tells."

I have not once replied to a single team invite tell to that character. Unfortunately (for this thread), neither have I had any rude comments.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



The only really rude conversation and tells i've had was during a Rikti invasion on Villain side.
Was making certain I had the badges on my main villain and voila an invasion in Port oakes. So I run there with my mm.
Then its standard procedure: announcing that im forming a team to take out Rikti invaders. I get several replies and invites away.
Now the Rude Teller gets invited, then he quits when I say ok assemble at one place. I ask why he quit and he says the Rikti will be too many and calls me something not nice. I give him a standard reply on why people amass in large numbers for the rikti invasion.
Then i see a rather surprising message in broadcast "Myname Stop spamming me"
I ask when did i spam you.
he replies "All unwanted tells are spam"

Well i have lived a sheltered life it seems. First really rude convo i had and I had just gotten my 15 vet badge at the time. Sadly I dont have the logs meh so it was out of my memory.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Oooh, i think i was in the zone then. I recogize that broadcast , i remember mocking that statement in a pricate channel.



but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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Any farming requests i get get this reply and then the person is promptly ignored. Farming tells i find rude.

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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Any farming requests i get get this reply and then the person is promptly ignored. Farming tells i find rude.

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But if they asking in a nice way, then you are the one being rude. They may well want to put their 2 inf in here and say the rudest tell they have recieved has been a NO.

I mean jeez all you ever hear about is it being rude to blind invite, so people send tells of varying degree but they have not blinded. I answer all tells politely. If someone has taken the time to send a tell it is polite to return a civil tell. If I then recieve a rude reply I just ignore them. It hasnt hurt me it hasnt distracted me from my game, and it most certainly wont stop me from playing.



Think the worst I've had was "Join" not a question more a demand - that one got an equally curt NO back.

That and the stupidly high number of ones that seem to think the only thing people do with lvl 50s is to farm - you'ld think that the description No Inf Farms would give them a clue, even worse when its immediately followed by a blind invite - the only thing that does is to earn them a /ignore and until 3 months ago only one person who would be familiar to many from a couple of years ago made it to my ignore list.
I have no problem with people farming but I do with those that are too ignorant to read search descriptions.

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I always send tells to people but since I started using search way back in I4, I have been unable to see peoples full search comments. I am limited to seeing a couple of short words. Anything over about 5 characters I cannot see. Maybe other people have the same problem.



Hovering over the text should show the whole comment. Not saying it does, just that it should.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Indeed it does. Well it is true you do learn something new everyday. However there is a theory that learning something new forces something old out.

I have experience of that as I went on this day trip to learn about wine tasting and at the end of it I couldn't drive



but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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Any farming requests i get get this reply and then the person is promptly ignored. Farming tells i find rude.

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But if they write something like "Excuse me, I was wondering if you'd like to join me to help farm some Inf/Prestige/Badges?", then just saying "no" is really not very polite - they've made a perfectly polite request, so there's no reason why you shouldn't make a polite reply.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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Any farming requests i get get this reply and then the person is promptly ignored. Farming tells i find rude.

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Sorry to say thid Snow but you find anything rude nowadays hehe



but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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That may have been me, sorry - my corrupter had been getting spammed by a farmer trying to form a team, who seemed to think that setting your flag to LFT means that it overrides your 'no farmers' comment...



Not really sure if this belongs here.... But aside from all the blind invites/stupid farm requests another thing I find rude is not answering to tells asking to join the team. Yes, I do understand that you may be in the thick of the battle and no, I dont care if you just reply with a blunt no but not answering is just rude. Even if you're fighting you could answer after that or reply "1 sec" or "no" while fighting, neither of those take more than a few seconds to type.

Nowadays I just run a bind to ask anyone around my level for team if they're showing on /search. Got too bored to type the same sentence 5 or more times and getting only 1 or 2 responses.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Not really sure if this belongs here.... But aside from all the blind invites/stupid farm requests another thing I find rude is not answering to tells asking to join the team. Yes, I do understand that you may be in the thick of the battle and no, I dont care if you just reply with a blunt no but not answering is just rude. Even if you're fighting you could answer after that or reply "1 sec" or "no" while fighting, neither of those take more than a few seconds to type.

Nowadays I just run a bind to ask anyone around my level for team if they're showing on /search. Got too bored to type the same sentence 5 or more times and getting only 1 or 2 responses.

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I get this all the time. I asked 5 people yesterday if they wanted to team with me, NONE of them replied.

Is everyone just rude or somewhat?



Not really sure if this belongs here.... But aside from all the blind invites/stupid farm requests another thing I find rude is not answering to tells asking to join the team. Yes, I do understand that you may be in the thick of the battle and no, I dont care if you just reply with a blunt no but not answering is just rude. Even if you're fighting you could answer after that or reply "1 sec" or "no" while fighting, neither of those take more than a few seconds to type.

Nowadays I just run a bind to ask anyone around my level for team if they're showing on /search. Got too bored to type the same sentence 5 or more times and getting only 1 or 2 responses.

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I know someone that when they get that they always send a tell saying "Push backspace to reply"



Not really sure if this belongs here.... But aside from all the blind invites/stupid farm requests another thing I find rude is not answering to tells asking to join the team. Yes, I do understand that you may be in the thick of the battle and no, I dont care if you just reply with a blunt no but not answering is just rude. Even if you're fighting you could answer after that or reply "1 sec" or "no" while fighting, neither of those take more than a few seconds to type.

Nowadays I just run a bind to ask anyone around my level for team if they're showing on /search. Got too bored to type the same sentence 5 or more times and getting only 1 or 2 responses.

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I know someone that when they get that they always send a tell saying "Push backspace to reply"

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But does it work?



but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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Any farming requests i get get this reply and then the person is promptly ignored. Farming tells i find rude.

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I don't recall mentioning I was forming a farming team. I was doing the Respec TF, and mentioned that in the tell.

but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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That may have been me, sorry - my corrupter had been getting spammed by a farmer trying to form a team, who seemed to think that setting your flag to LFT means that it overrides your 'no farmers' comment...

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Apology accepted if it was you.



Not really sure if this belongs here.... But aside from all the blind invites/stupid farm requests another thing I find rude is not answering to tells asking to join the team. Yes, I do understand that you may be in the thick of the battle and no, I dont care if you just reply with a blunt no but not answering is just rude. Even if you're fighting you could answer after that or reply "1 sec" or "no" while fighting, neither of those take more than a few seconds to type.

Nowadays I just run a bind to ask anyone around my level for team if they're showing on /search. Got too bored to type the same sentence 5 or more times and getting only 1 or 2 responses.

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This is VERY annoying since you dont know whether to send another tell (because they missed it during battle) or to send a blind invite (if theyr on a trial account and cant reply).
Also its hard to keep track of the people youv sent tells to when you try to set a team up, some people might think its rude if you send multiple tells within a short space of time but honestly we'r just looking to set up a team and forgot we asked you

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Hmm... can't really bring many overly rude tells up. And tho i do get i kinda provoke up sometimes...

Like on monday in Warhammer, guy named Jarlaxle was following me saying "Town of Berhassa?" over and over and trying to invite me. So which point i tire of him and say, "Yes, this is the Town of Berhassa, it shows clearly on the map, but you might be as inept at reading the user interface as you are with coming up with an original name."
Then he called me a B*tch... ME? but but...

There's been a fair share of stupid tells or so tho. Here's an example:
Random person: Can i jion ur taem plz?
me: Sorry on a TF.
Random person: Wat 1?
me: ITF
RP: can i jion pls????
me: we've started.
RP: cmon i wanna join!!!!!111
me: uh yea... hang on i'll send an invite.
RP: koooool!!11

(10 mins pass)

RP: invite?
me: oh i sent one, didn't you get it?
RP: nope.
me: you must be bugged, best log out and wait 15 mins before logging back on. Happens sometimes.

(here i take the opportunity to actually see what level he is... lvl 26 blaster, great)
(12 mins pass, yes i timed him )

RP: bak, invite?
me: you didn't stay off for 15 mins, you're totally bugged now, better stay off for 30 mins to be sure!
RP: f**k this f**king gme!!!!111

never heard from him again... perhaps i was mean, but hey, couldn't help myself. But people like that kinda tick me off... alot.

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Oooh, Sapphic you're such a bad girl! Funny, but oh so bad!

I don;t think i've ever received a really nasty tell, in fact I'm generally very nice in myt ells, thanking people for replys etc and always saying what levels we're fighting and what sort of bad guys when asking if they'd like to join us.

ooh, wait, i do have one. When i was on union, not long after the DXP event cos my Nrg/Dev blaster was still on union I joined a team with a Fire/Ice Tanker as lead. he was apt to drop ice patch (the teensy tiny one ice melee gets) then use burn and after a few mobs he suddenly lets out into team chat 'please stop using KB powers and pushing the bad guys off my ice patch'. I kinda replied that it was rather difficult, especially as just about the worst attack for it, energy torrent is a really good AoE attack. i stopped using torrent but he again asked me to stop using KB attacks. I very nicely said that as an energy blaster I can;t really stop and he asked me to not use any powers at all. I started speaking in tells to some of the other team members who dared me to use energy torrent on the next mob. So i did, and he kicked me from the team!!!! I received a rather foul mouthed tell from said tanker that turned the air blue and continued in broadcast to the whole of IP. The other members of his team made their excuses and joined up with me!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Oooh... that reminds me of a respec trial a while back (way back). I was on my claws scrapper Karin Katklaws, was mostly us Iron Monkeys but we got some randoms to fill up. One who joined was some Martial Arts scrapper. We were all around 50 at the time i think.
I was using Shockwave and Energy Torrent a fair amount and the more i used em the more [censored] off the MA scrapper got. I could literalyl feel his entire avatar fuming with hatred towards me. Then the dam bursts and he starts calling laying down the law why i shouldn't be using knockbacks and such and that it was bad for the tank etc etc. Rest of the team pretty much told him down and he got so [censored]. But didn't leave the team cause we were going at a pretty high pace with no deaths (aside Big Rab).

Kinda funny tho, what i was doing was bad for the team, but apparently team was still too good not to leave. When we were done he left without a word just immideatly the reward window poped up he quit.

Whats also funny is that my knockbacks didn't really affect him much at all being MA, but he was [censored] for the tanks sake... who was perfectly fine with my knockbacks



There have been quite a lot of them, to be honest - my tendency to stay in character pretty much all the time (particularly on Igor Blimey and Cyborg Seadog) has been known to drive people into rages on team talk - I've lost count of the times that Igor's been told to [censored] by people who don't want none of that fancy roleplaying a'goin on.

There's also the farmers who won't take 'I don't farm' as an answer - the last one was 'how do you expect to get to level 50 without farming?', then a stream of abuse when I said I wasn't in a hurry.

What I really find rude is the people who get a team together to do one thing and then start doing something else completely different - like the other day when my defender was recruited into a team to do the Citadel TF, then once the team was all assembled we were suddenly doing Croatoa ghost missions instead.

Something else I've noticed recently with my high level characters - Power Levelers forming teams of level 50s. I'll get a message to join a team, I'll say OK, join the team alongside some other level 50s, only to find that the team leader is a low level character who's demanding SK. The first time it happened I assumed he was someone's friend, but it's happened a few times now... anyway, I consider that rather rude.



I was using Shockwave and Energy Torrent a fair amount and the more i used em the more [censored] off the MA scrapper got.

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Particularly odd from an MA scrapper, because, well, Crane Kick. It's a good attack but it's a prime suspect for "knockback, follow, knockback, follow, knockback, follow, oh - here's the next group of mobs. Hi, guys!"

In particular it has a bad habit of working on bosses, which both lets you KB someone further before they die and KB them off somewhere that's awkward to drop after them - so you switch target, and an angry boss turns up unexpectedly thirty seconds later.

That said, to be fair, Energy Torrent is an odd one because it's a cone. Normally if an energy blaster (or an MA scrapper with Crane Kick) knocks back someone, it's because they've set their teeth into the mob and will be killing them shortly. A cone doesn't have that characteristic.