Rude Tells- whats urs?




I agree that is rude. They are not the tells or blinds that I am defending.




Yeah this one guy on Defiant server sent me a BLIND invite and to which I joined anyway but as I got to him he quit team. Upon looking at his global it read <name deleted by GR: name and shame is not allowed>

I 1 starred him incase he was on a team of mine in future so I can make sure I look after all the nicer people first.

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The fact I have left this thread open is not an invitation to use it to name other players. Given the nature of the thread, any naming done in this thread will be automatically considered a "name and shame" and dealt with as such.



Even the ones that have set the status to please send a tell??

If i have spent time sending a message then a reply is not to much to ask for. Blinds a plenty

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One thing to consider is that, especially in the middle of a huge fight, it is quite easy to miss a Tell. I would much prefer somebody sent a second Tell after 5 minutes than a blind invite, which I always ignore.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



It is always the one sending invites in the wrong??? Why is that?

How about people that think they have a blind scroll up and check their chat log before clicking no just too make sure?



It is always the one sending invites in the wrong??? Why is that?

How about people that think they have a blind scroll up and check their chat log before clicking no just too make sure?

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It's still a blind. You are inviting without knowing if they do want to join. I agree people should answer a tell, but have been known to miss one. Try a second tell, and if no reply, take the hint.



But my point is the people that have pls send a tell in their search comment. So if they dont respond to a tell they are being incredibly rude - ruder than recieving blinds in my book as people go to the trouble to send a tell as requested and they just think I am so great I am not responding to that all.



Can we stop with the blind tells and that discussion. Dont think this was the original posters meaning.
As i thought it was about funny stories of them rude tells. So could we please drop this blind invite stuff?
Bring on the stories...

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



can't remember what ppl wrote to me, don't get that many rude tells
but when I get a really rude tell I answer "god bless /ignore" ^^



Thanks god i made another fun hero, villain side sucks when it comes to replying. Only a few social villains. :P

Never really got a rude tell, got kicked from the team though because i said something snappy and the leader was [censored] off.

Guess i was a bit impatient but he had no big reason to kick me. Both were prolly in a bad mood.

Years ago though... on hero side.



I canĀ“t remember when i last got a rude tell or anything like that, seriously where are all these people i want to have some stories aswell



yup, never got a rude tell myself either.

If I get a tell and I'm not interested in teaming I usually respond, "no thanks I'm good right now but good luck" which normally gets an 'ok, you too'.

Though I have had a tactical tell in PvP before. A tell saying, "Behind you" came up, I stopped to reply "huh?" at which point the stalker that sent it AS'd me...can't believe I fell for it and personally found it quite clever.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



If you don't want blind invites why don't you use the new "not accepting invites" option under "hide"? It's what I do.

In my experence there are more rude people not replying to tells then there are sending blind invites.

Be nice - Reply - even if it's a "no thnks"



Though I have had a tactical tell in PvP before. A tell saying, "Behind you" came up, I stopped to reply "huh?" at which point the stalker that sent it AS'd me...can't believe I fell for it and personally found it quite clever.

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Now THAT'S funny!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Though I have had a tactical tell in PvP before. A tell saying, "Behind you" came up, I stopped to reply "huh?" at which point the stalker that sent it AS'd me...can't believe I fell for it and personally found it quite clever.

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Now THAT'S funny!

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This happened a while ago, and utterly baffles me, still. Not so much rude as... peculiar. I think the thing that confuses me is the sheer amount of time this person wasted on /tells to me.

I was on my main, whose search comment reads "No blinds, fills, farms or PLs. Send a tell, and give details please!"

Now, this was before all the new hide options, which I have taken advantage of - thank you NC! - and my memory may have things slightly wrong.

I can't remember exactly what I was doing, but it was probably badgehunting in PI (damned Illusionist decoys!), but the conversation went something like this (and took about 10 minutes - bear in mind that I'm bimbling around blatting things while this is going on):

AnIlliterate: Fill 4 me, plz
Shadowe: As the search comment says, I don't fill.
AI: It'll only take 2 mins
Shad: I appreciate that, but, like I said, I don't fill. It's a personal choice.
AI: ur silly to not fill if ur not on a team
Shad: While it may seem silly to you, it's my choice about how to play the game, and, as my search comment says, I don't fill.
AI: Come on, u don't have to do nething, just accept invite
Shad: I won't accept the invite, even if you send it.
AI: Why not?
Shad: Because I don't fill, and in that 2 minutes I could be doing something productive for my character, like a mission of my own.
AI: But ur not in a mish
Shad: I know, right now I'm not. Right now I'm busy doing something else, but that decision might change.
AI: So why not fill?
Shad: Because I don't want to risk missing a *real* team invite.
AI: It won't take that long.
Shad: Although it would only be for a couple of minutes, that's 2 minutes in which *you* are dictating how I play the game. It's my choice. Please accept it.
AI: u don't have to *do* anything!
Shad: I am aware of the process and how it works. I'm sorry, I will not fill.
AI: Yeah, whatever.

Nothing particularly striking in there... until I add in the knowledge that my wife was online, doing even less than I was, and she will fill.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



The most annoying one, although not a tell, was when I was running a team as my Bane Spider. Actually, there were two, but this one was the 'rude' one;
I had been leading the team for msot of the time, think the old leader quit. We were doing a pseudo-bank mission, y'know the ones you get where theres no timer? Well, this one guy kept asking me to invite his mate. We had used up all the lk space, and his mate was lvl 10, while we were at 24-5 or something. He kept asking, normally while knee-deep in cops, etc. In the end he went onto this long rant about how I was 'A n**, g**' and multiple other insults. At which point I lost my cool and barbequed him But it really got my goat.

The other one was not so much a tell, more the team being msotly dense XD a couple of peeps would not lackey up, and kept running straight into huge mobs, then wondered why we wiped. They are the ones solely responsible for turning my Medic Spider into a really nasty, grumpy Bane Spider sergeant

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



but I did get one very emphatic NO!!!!

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Any farming requests i get get this reply and then the person is promptly ignored. Farming tells i find rude.

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But if they write something like "Excuse me, I was wondering if you'd like to join me to help farm some Inf/Prestige/Badges?", then just saying "no" is really not very polite - they've made a perfectly polite request, so there's no reason why you shouldn't make a polite reply.

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This is true, and if i do get asked in a polite way i will usually be polite repling, but i dont think ive had a poilite farming tell. And im very anti farming as it does get right up my nose.

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



"No blinds, fills, farms or PLs. Send a tell, and give details please!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Just out of curiosity, I know what a blind is, have figured out farming and PLing, but what is filling?



Sorry to say thid Snow but you find anything rude nowadays hehe

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I wouldnt say i'm that bad

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



"No blinds, fills, farms or PLs. Send a tell, and give details please!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Just out of curiosity, I know what a blind is, have figured out farming and PLing, but what is filling?

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Filling is when you join someones team to increase the numbers. You don't go to the mission or enter it, the Farmer runs around the mish stealthed to generate all the spawns (Spawns don't "appear" in a mission until someone gets close and are then generated based on the # people in the team and the difficultly set by the mish owner). Once they've done that they kick you and solo the lot. More enemies means more Inf and Drops.

Personally I tend to be looking for a legitimate PuG team so I don't fill either since in the time you're filling you could miss a PuG looking for a member.



"No blinds, fills, farms or PLs. Send a tell, and give details please!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Just out of curiosity, I know what a blind is, have figured out farming and PLing, but what is filling?

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Filling is the process by which someone gets additional members on their team who are not going to take part in the mission, Superspeeds (typically) around, spawns all the mobs on their map at full team size, then boots everyone from the team and solos the map.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Thanks guys, sounds like a waste of time TBH.



Thanks guys, sounds like a waste of time TBH.

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Wooot, how right you are.