What's Your Dumbest Moment?




Well I just spent a few minutes clicking on the door to the building next to Icon in Steel wondering why it was saying 'You cannot enter'.

Felt a bit stupid after when I realised it was next door...

Anyone else done some stupid stuff and have the guts to own up?!



I'm pretty sure I can just do a search on my posting history for this one. Vodka for lunch doesn't make for good foruming kiddies.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Changing my nuke bind from a simple warning the team that I was about to nuke, to an actual bind that executed the power as well as warned. I nuked pretty much the center of the "debt room" in a sewers mission map, and entire roomfull of behemoths came over to party. Learned from this: memorise your binds XD

And also spent about 800k influence attempting to rid my toon of a weird symbol that appeared on her chest....I even reported a bug after about an hour of despair. Then someone in Icon informed me it was my SG emblem O:-)

(new player, still no excuse...)

Defiant EU
Quaver: Kinetics/Sonic Defender
Semiquaver: Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor



Best one I can remember was ghosting through the mobs to the TV reactor once we had the key while my team were mopping up the mobs along the way with a few AFK's thrown in for good measure. Little did I know at the time that clicking on the door to the entrance was the signal for the Freaks to start attacking the reactor. We just entered the 'shield' room only to be met by a bright white flash and mission failed! Oops!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Have had quite a few but a couple stick in my mind...

1) S4 tournament.... running in ahead of the scrapper/tanker (as a controller) only to get minced inside 5 seconds....I was sober for this one.

2) Getting incredibly smashed just before an S4 match, and then proceeding to spend about 3 minutes (or it felt that way) brawling the opposing controller.... They did the same back to me. Our pets though were focusing on not a lot else... Still cant remember who won that fight though



Oh... i have so many blonde moments in this game, and out of it ><



Several instances of Furylocking in the ITF.



Swimming through IP on auto whilst I checked something about the TF I was on on my other monitor.....only to swim right into Lusca when I wasn't looking

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Tried to use Lusca as a launchpad when superjumping through IP. Needless to say I didn't even reach her head, she just swatted me out of the sky the way you'd swat a mosquito...



Best one I can remember was ghosting through the mobs to the TV reactor once we had the key while my team were mopping up the mobs along the way with a few AFK's thrown in for good measure. Little did I know at the time that clicking on the door to the entrance was the signal for the Freaks to start attacking the reactor. We just entered the 'shield' room only to be met by a bright white flash and mission failed! Oops!

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Yay! I'm not the only one who did this! Although it was the Sky Raiders in my case.



I remember playing in Defiant when I read somebody from an Union chat channel asking for help against a Kronos that had just spawned, I typed I'd change to a Union toon I wanted to earn that badge with, and when I was ready and flying through FF requesting them to invite me, they said 'sorry, already defeated'.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts: http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/13494



Don't know about my dumbest, but my most persistant stupidity comes from my habit of double-clicking an attack to select my next target so that it fires off as soon as I run into range. Great for my many Scrappers...

Not so great when I'm playing a Blaster

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Started Positron taskforce. After 3-4 mishes we wondered why we had so many teamwipes. Checked my rep... Invincible. Not a good rep for that occasion.

Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)

Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU



Started Positron taskforce. After 3-4 mishes we wondered why we had so many teamwipes. Checked my rep... Invincible. Not a good rep for that occasion.

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Something similar happened to me on the ITF, the leader crashed and so I became leader, I was set to invincilbe and forgot about it. Well, put it this way, 'lag hill' became even more of an uphill struggle!

My other dumpest thing has happened more recently - I hit the Self Destruct power instead of rest!

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



I was on a mission with a team, when the team were discussing the plan. I couldn't resist and...



Making a DM/DA scrapper in i3 because some one on the forums said they were rare and "a bit more of a challenge" than the claws/regen I was playing......

Oh and dropping a bonfire on lag hill in itf because I was tired (honest) and though that was the icon for flashfire.....



Mine was a two-stage Brain Fart:

STEP 1: Decide to solo the Frostfire mission. With a Level 10 Blaster.

STEP 2: March boldly into the room where he and all his cronies were, Leroy Jenkins-stylee, and launch my opening attack on The Man Himself. Oh yeah, a nice AoE Fire Blast should do the trick...!

It all ended rather swiftly from that point on...



Has to be during an old-style Hami-raid. I was playing my first scrapper then, and had to pee. So, while the perimiter guard were jobbing a GM that had wandered close, I left my char on follow and auto-fired Headsplitter. I came back to find my char had pushed the GM towards several of his gigantic chums...



I'unno. Pulling the power cord to my PC?



Oh... i have so many blonde moments in this game, and out of it ><

[/ QUOTE ]

You'd better be a natural blonde Missy, or I'm suing you for ruining the reputation our hair colour. Of course, if you are blonde however....*slap*....STOP MAKING THEM THINK WE'RE SO.....SO.....BLONDE!

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



My dumbest moment took place in the auction house.

Inadvertantly bid 10 times the market price for 8 (o yes) recharge reduction recipes which wiped out all the available cash I had.

Whilst cursing this moment of stupidity, I then realized that I had bought the incorrect level recipes and had to sell the useless, overpriced back for a fraction of what I paid.

I can laugh about it now. Just



Umm... 3-slotted brawl on my first alt, a tanker called 'The Stalinizer'...

..it's still lvl 30-something!
To my defence, I'd owned the game for 10 minutes and really, really knew absolutely nothing about it. I was lvl 28 before I realized there was something called DO's and SO's. Back then I was what's know as a "casual player" (e.g. my lotro alts are still lvl 1-20 after 2 years)

I think we've all done the inevitable and tried out the useless, stupid powers. Personally I make it a point taking "the wrong" powers, since nerfs seem to make'em useful sooner or later, It's also rather fun to have powers most people have never seen (because they're so useless)

Instead of selling something on the BM I've sometimes looked up the latest prices, and ended up bidding on what I was supposed to sell. Luckily most things are so overprices I can usually redraw my bid before I get it.

Oh, and how many keep forgetting that temp rez power? Swallowed loads of wakies instead of clicking that one!



Accidently powerleveling my very first blaster on the US...
Regreted it ever since, I missed out on so much!